Nothing in this world can be taken at face value.

Tonight, hundreds of college students will never forget that what they saw was actually a show for the big shots.

A show dedicated to struggle, and the justice and passion of these proud men have become the perfect point for the poisonous snake of Jinxiu Group to take advantage of.

Let’s first describe this show from the students’ perspective.

A show that lasts less than a minute, but costs a person his life-long disability.

Half a year later, Xia Guo suddenly emerged. An article on a college student forum on the Internet suddenly became popular.

In fact, it is not appropriate to describe it in an article. It's just a reply to a very hot topic. But it happened that this post had more than 800 views, and countless bystanders or listeners who had heard about this tragedy also participated.

Such a large number of people also led to the fact that the popularity of this reply was higher than that of the original poster's question.

The original poster who asked the question was just reminiscing about college life. He asked a good question

"What is the most memorable thing about your college career?"

The replies are all kinds of things.

Love, friendship, fighting, demerits, and even abortion and suicide by cutting one's wrists. The most popular answer is this one

"I saw the world"

"It was 190pm on June 18th. At that time, a few of my best friends from the dormitory and I planned to go to the computer game arcade to play Red Alert all night long as usual. In fact, it had been a normal day up until now."

Obviously the memory of the college student who replied to this post is very amazing. He even described in detail the scenery of the street at that time and the playfulness of some male and female friends.

Many seniors who had graduated and left school after seeing the reply couldn't help but understand. Smile.

They all experienced the same innocent and beautiful time

"At that time, the cigarettes we smoked were the Zhongnan white butts that cost 3.5 yuan. It was strange at that time. Every time no matter how many people smoked in our dormitory, the lighters were always missing."

"I was very addicted to cigarettes, so I started asking passers-by for help. However, after asking three or four buddies who were hooking up with my girlfriend to no avail, I was very observant and looked at a guy squatting at the door of the Internet cafe. middle-aged man"

"The reason I fell in love with him was because he was special and I was particularly impressed with him. Later experiences proved my unique vision."

The owner of the post described what he saw very seriously,"On his feet are the most outdated Jiefang sneakers in Double Star yellow that not many people wear anymore, and the top is obviously a foreign shoe that I just bought for five yuan at the wholesale market. Rubbish T-shirt, and what’s more, he actually wore a mask that didn’t suit the weather."

"By the way, he was also wearing a peaked cap, which was very tightly covered, and his hands were also wearing white gauze gloves. Even so, I am very sure that I can remember the look in his eyes and will never forget it."

The poster expressed his mood at that time with a series of exclamation points,"This man's eyes were very narrow and long, and he looked behind me with an expression like a vulture discovering its prey. Forgive me for not using words to describe the feeling I saw at that time, but I swear I have never seen such a scarlet and fierce look in my life."

"At that time, I even couldn't help but hold my breath. I didn't even dare to say the words"to make friends with him"."

"He is a very contradictory person. He is dressed like a farmer from the lowest level who comes to work in the city, but his expression is like a hunter who has seen through life and death in the world."

"Brother, let me borrow a lighter…"

"Those of you who saw the post cannot understand the courage I mustered up by saying these words, but my true psychology at that time was the courage I mustered up after struggling for a long time!"

When the post came here, many commentators hated the poster whose online name was Dajuan. They felt that this person was so ignorant that he had committed countless crimes. (Read Baoshuang novels, Just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

If many people had not been unable to do anything on the Internet, they would probably have been beaten into pig heads in reality. As the poster, Dajuan shamelessly continued to describe what he thought was shameless The specific process of not grinding

"Then the man glanced at me, shook his finger from me, calmly made an (adag) wait gesture, and then started to accelerate and sprint in my direction."

"At that time, I was so scared that I was stunned. The momentum of this man's running gave me the most realistic experience of the idiom of charging into battle for the first time in my life."

Dajuan is still writing the post frantically.

"My eyes followed the man's voice, and I vaguely felt that that guy was a cheetah, full of the beauty of speed."

"After the two of us passed each other, I determined that the cheetah's target was a middle-aged man with a big belly five meters behind me. I didn't even see clearly what movements he made, but I saw that middle-aged man fell to the ground in pain, clutching his stomach."

"The next movement of the cheetah made me understand what the rabbit rises and the falcon falls."

"When the cheetah punched the middle-aged man in the abdomen, he did not stop running. Instead, he looked back and hit the middle-aged man's neck with a very fierce hand knife. Then he bent his left arm and hit the middle-aged man with a full body. The 180-pound fat man flew up in the air"

"Everyone was frightened by this sudden violence.

Then, when no one reacted, the cheetah took out the long knife from his waist and slashed at the unconscious middle-aged fat man's right hand."

"Believe me, when the bloody violence appears in front of you, it will definitely be different from watching a movie. The nausea will be much stronger. And I was definitely not the only one who vomited immediately."

Dajuan continued his description as if the water was overwhelming the golden mountain.

"But I promise, even if I was vomiting, my eyes would never leave that man who looked like a cheetah."

"No, now he has suddenly changed from a cheetah to a loach. I only saw him holding the street guardrail with one hand like a gymnast, soaring into the air, and then quickly disappeared into the vast sea of ​​people. Only then did the middle-aged man’s screams reach my ears."

"By the way, he returned the last thing. Before he disappeared, he threw something to me."

"It was a beautiful parabola, and the coolest thing I did in my life was to catch that thing firmly with one hand while I was vomiting."

Dajuan finally attached a photo to show off,"A lighter that costs 50 cents and is the cheapest. But it’s also a souvenir that I’ll keep for the rest of my life."

This is what a bystander saw at that time. This proud man never imagined that as an ordinary person, what he saw was a show carefully arranged by a poisonous snake to detonate a bomb of media public opinion!

Next Here, let us turn our attention to Jinxiu’s perspective and take a look at the real truth of this show!

(Third update, thank you. I didn’t draw the big picture this time! You guys are so awesome, I’m crying. Moved to tears)

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