The power of role models is endless.

In this world, all the fanatical star-chasing fans can go all out for their idols, which is crazy and unreasonable, let alone Nibel?

You must know that Su Pingnan's weight in this playboy's heart is almost equal to that of God!

Naturally, Nibel's current tone, movements, and demeanor are completely imitating Su Pingnan's words and deeds.

But who is Su Pingnan?

In another time and space, the man had been fighting for his whole life, and his high position and weight in this time and space made him feel so coercive that almost no one could match him.

There is a kind of majesty and ruthlessness in the man that others cannot imitate. So Nibel didn't learn the same thing, so that in Gadi's eyes, he was more like an aggressive lunatic!

But this is enough. After all, those five lives died in front of Gadi, and this bloody scene was enough to make him obey.

But it is indeed too difficult for an ordinary person to kill someone. Even so, Gadi was still very hesitant.

Nibel continued to speak ferociously,"Since I was kidnapped last time and almost died on that island, I understand that sometimes you have to fight! If you don't fight, you will die!"

He shook his disabled 507 right hand at Gadi,"At that time, I held the boss's legs and cried, saying that I was disabled and would be a waste in my life. Guess what the boss said?"

Gadi shook his head blankly, but he had already made a decision in his heart.

"When this matter is over, you must tell the old man to keep Nibel away from that Su Pingnan. No matter how rich and powerful the other party is, you must not get involved with him! After all, the Huang family is the only one in the family, and this person is definitely not a kind person!"

"He slapped me! Nibel

, who didn't know what his brother-in-law was thinking, actually lit up when he said he was beaten,"I will always remember what he said!" In ancient times, there were one-eyed generals and emperors with broken arms. The man stood upright, and it was so embarrassing for him to cry after just a few fingers!"

"From then on, I spent the highest price to get a prosthetic finger. I practiced shooting every day, and I never stopped even though I was bleeding. I just wanted to let the boss praise me!"

Nibel's inner violence and the sequelae of his first murder completely burst out. He pointed his gun at Gadi,"Either you listen to me, or I will beat you to death, you coward!""(ajdh)

Looking at the dark muzzle of the gun, Gadi finally nodded.

"Judging from the tableware, there should be three people, a family."

Nibel casually handed a fruit knife from the kitchen to Gadi, and then pointed to a corner of the living room,"That should be the blind spot."

Nibel knew that he and Gadi were both rookies, so he didn't engage in any unpredictable tactics at all."When the time comes, I will attract the attention of the male master, and you try to kill him with one knife."

"Remember to stab here, and when you finally draw the knife, draw it sideways to cut off the trachea."

He pointed to his neck

"Several killing gods in Jinxiu told me that there are only two places where ordinary people want to kill with one knife. There are important organs in the lower back, but I am afraid that your hands will not be able to penetrate, so the throat is the best choice."


Jadi nodded with difficulty. His hand holding the fruit knife was completely soaked with sweat. But even though he was so nervous, he couldn't help but asked curiously,"I remember Jinxiu Group is just a consortium spanning multiple industries. Why are there so many desperadoes inside?"

"Because the boss has always believed that violence can protect his own interests."

Nibel gave the answer.

Neither of them spoke anymore, and the room became quiet. Only the fire and smoke outside the window and the screams from time to time told them that this was not a dream........(If you want to read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Let’s first turn our attention back to Kimchi Country.

As hundreds of people bowed and saluted, Su Pingnan stepped into the elevator of the Golden Gate Tower. It was not until the elevator door closed that many new employees dared to stand up.

"Ernie, do you know who is here? What a powerful aura. He glanced at me just now, and now my legs are shaking. Feels like a lion looking at his food..."

Park Caiying from the business department spoke quietly to her boss, Che Suya, a professional manager who had just joined the company and was well-known in the workplace.

"I don’t know, he must be a high-level figure from Dingtao Guo."

Che Suya shook her head,"After the financial crisis, many companies had Lighthouse Capital involved, and we in Kinmen are certainly no exception."

"Boss, now you are the busiest celebrity in the company. You didn't even notify Ernie? The board of directors is really too much. Park

Caiying muttered with some dissatisfaction, her expression somewhat surprised.

No wonder.

After all, Cha Soya is a well-known presence in the business world of Kimchi Country, and is even known as the professional manager closest to God in Universe Country in the past ten years. People.

You must know that Che Suya is only twenty-six years old!

Age is only her first advantage. This girl's academic qualifications are even more terrifying. She is an out-and-out genius. Bachelor's degree in electrical engineering from the University of Michigan and master's degree in engineering from Stanford University Degree, Kellogg MBA...

Of course, this is only on paper. What really put Che Suya in the position of a professional manager like a god in the universe was the two mergers and acquisitions integration events she was responsible for.

The first incident happened when the girl joined BHC Company.

In Kimchi Country, a country with strict workplace barriers, Cha Suya successfully crossed the class with a brilliant plan. Then, the top-quality Korean beef chain plan, which she personally took charge of, made BHC one of the top catering industry giants within half a year.

The second thing is that after Che Suya switched jobs to CJ, she helped the company launch a drink called Dole.

From the taste to the publicity, planning and launch of this drink, Che Suya is completely in control. As for how successful it is?

Just three months after this drink was launched on the market, Dole's market share in Kimchi Country actually surpassed the two major cola companies and rose to the number one position in the market.

These results are enough to shock many people. But just when everyone thought that girls could rest on their laurels and enjoy life, the restless Che Suya chose to change jobs for the third time.

And the company she chose to work for this time was even more surprising.

Golden Gate Group!

An upstart chaebol who can never wash away his violent undertones!.

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