The common suffering made several teenagers have amazing cohesion. Following Jin Yandou's heart-wrenching words, Quan Minxiu roared like a wild beast and slashed with his sword.

However, it was obvious that he was not as calm as Jin Yandou. In panic, he slashed the back of his hand with the knife, causing blood to flow profusely.

Quan Minxiu habitually looked around with pleading eyes, and the only response was deathly silence.

Birds of a feather flock together.

Su Pingnan was unruly and cruel, and most of the senior officials around him were also cold-blooded. No one showed sympathy when they witnessed this situation.

Only Li Zicheng sighed and lowered his head.

The humiliation he had suffered reappeared in the young man's mind, and with a roar, Quan Minxiu imitated Jin Yandou's behavior just now, and slashed hard again.

Immediately afterwards, the crying Chen Liuli tremblingly picked up the knife and asked Jin Yandou seriously,"Ouni, can you really fulfill our wish?"

Jin Yandou glanced at the man, He nodded firmly,"Liu Li, let's change our way of living."

"I believe Ernie."

Chen Liuli cried and bowed to Su Pingnan, with a childish voice,"I will do a good job for you like Ernie, and I will not let you down."

The next movements of this girl who was not seen by everyone were smooth and smooth. The whole process seemed to have been repeated thousands of times, and the girl did not moan in pain.

Su Pingnan sat up straight, and he saw something else in this girl. A kind of talent. He never expected that several disabled teenagers would give him a huge surprise.

The man stopped the last girl, Zhong Youzhen, and nodded to Jin Yandou,"Do something for me first. thing."

Perhaps in Li Zicheng's view, Su Pingnan's indifference seemed unkind. But what he didn't know was that in another time and space, the experiences of these children would indeed be paid attention to again a few years later because of a nationally sensational movie.

Things Li Zicheng followed Li Zicheng's idea completely.

But what was the result?

The highest of those people only got one year in prison, but these children lived under everyone's strange eyes.

Jin Yan, the most tenacious and tenacious, suffered from depression. He jumped from a tall building, while Quan Minxiu committed suicide by lying on the train. Only Chen Liuli survived, but he became a madman and was used as a pastime tool by many children in Gwangju every day.

The world is so cruel.

Someone once commented After meeting Su Pingnan, this man had a kindness that was different from ordinary people.

Su Pingnan did not comment on this statement. But what he could not deny was that these children would become his most loyal subordinates among the second generation of Jinxiu people in the future.

And they were shining brightly.

The alarm clock rang on time.

The woman who had been in a light sleep jumped up and immediately raised her wrist to look at the time. She saw that the hour hand had just pointed in the direction of two o'clock. Han Shixian breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the time. An hour is more than enough time, no matter if there is a traffic jam or a detour.

This small meeting is too important.

After reading the foreign exchange market data from her assistant Xiao Jinfa on her mobile phone, the woman understood that this opportunity was the last one. The Korean won has fallen below The most critical defense point of 945 yuan has been reached, indicating that it is not far away from the time when those vultures and giant sharks take action.

In this situation, if there is not a large amount of US dollars entering the market, all it takes is a gentle push from these people, so terrifying The chain reaction will appear immediately.

Although time is tight, Han Shixian still put on a very delicate makeup, which made the woman's haggard face look much more energetic.

It's not that she is being pretentious, but Han Shixian knows those chaebols better than anyone else. Virtue. You are arrogant and arrogant in judging people by their appearance. If you go to a meeting unkempt, the other party will probably turn around and leave. Going out and getting in the car, Han Shixian looked at herself in the rearview mirror and clenched her fist,"I believe you can do it."

The journey went very smoothly for the first five minutes, and then at the second corner, an accident happened suddenly!

A girl, perhaps in a hurry, ran straight across the road. Han Shixian turned the steering wheel quickly with his hands and eyes, but the girl He actually chose the same direction as her.

The harsh sound of brakes and the girl's scream made Han Shixian freeze on the spot.

After the woman got out of the car, her heart immediately sank to the bottom.

The girl was lying on her back on the left front of the vehicle, her calves had something weird. She was bent, and she fainted, and it seemed that there was blood in her head.

Immediately, two more girls ran over. It seemed that they were classmates together. She was anxiously planning in sign language.

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Han Shixian was stunned. This discovery made her immediately understand that there was no hope of language communication, and she needed to spend more time to deal with this matter.

But now, time is everything to her!

"Can you hear me?"

Han Shixian took out her Kunbao from the car and put her ID card and wallet in the hands of a girl who looked like the boss among the three girls while making random gestures.

But the woman in panic didn't pay attention. The left hands of these girls are bandaged, which looks a bit weird.

"This is my identification and contact information, and the wallet contains enough money to go to the hospital. I have something urgent to leave now. I will go find you in two hours."

Knowing that her actions were very inhumane, Han Shixian's expression was extremely sincere,"I want to do something that can save many, many people."

"Isn't she human? Aren’t people with disabilities human beings?"

What surprised Han Shixian was that the girl could actually speak. Although her tone was a bit weird, the other person's question made her speechless. The girl with the weird tone expressed excitement,"Can life be measured in quantity?"

Han Shixian has never suffered so much in her life. She can't answer this question. The woman looked for help at the surrounding crowd.

But everyone's eyes were contemptuous. Obviously no one believed her words and no one was willing to reach out. Helping hand.

To the left of her sight, a black Mercedes-Benz business car parked quietly on the side of the road. The window was open, and a man was holding a wine glass and looking at her quietly.

Han Shixian will always remember this face.

Su Sir!

Su Pingnan was a little surprised under his seemingly calm expression.

He was surprised by Jin Yandou's terrible execution ability. Because this was not a situation he had specially arranged.

At that time, the man only said one sentence to Jin Yandou

"You said you can help with a lot of things, but I think a car can't reach its destination on time. What will you do?".

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