"You, a girl, persuaded me to find a woman?"

Su Pingnan's calm expression had a hint of astonishment. And this change appeared on Su Pingnan, who always had a cold face, and it seemed a little weird.

"Yes, women."

Che Suya raised her head and spoke, not avoiding Su Pingnan's sharp gaze at all,"Whether it was the former Emperor Caesar or Lord Temujin who dominated the world, their way of relaxing was always women. A woman worthy enough for them. And sir, you even have more choices than they do in this world where money is paramount."

"They fell victim to changing times because they weren't crazy enough."

Su Pingnan expressed his views on the two protagonists in the movie,"And I don't know how. So I don't need a woman to relax myself"

"No, you need to. No matter how powerful your nerves are, they need rest."

The girl retorted without any concern about her female identity,"What's more, the world is becoming more and more bastards, and human morality is retreating steadily under the attack of capital. So I don't think this kind of thing will make you morally guilty."

This answer made Su Pingnan dumbfounded for a moment and then showed a smile. The girl in 08's smile keenly discovered the closeness of Su Pingnan, which made the bowing Che Suya reveal a sly smile like a fox who stole a chicken..

The smile was fleeting.

No wonder Su Pingnan had this reaction.

With the man's current status, few people dare to say such things directly to his face. Especially with Guo Guangyao and several others following him after taking control of one party outside. There are almost very few people close to him. The remaining Jinxiu senior executives are extremely reserved in front of Su Pingnan. Even Murong, who has always been unruly, is extremely respectful. The reactions of others in front of Su Pingnan can be imagined.

"The guy who said this to me last time was named Zhang Tong. I always thought he was a kid who wouldn’t grow up.

There were some memories in Su Pingnan's eyes. The man sighed,"But now that he has taken control of one party, he is also afraid of me. He even doesn't dare to take the initiative to see me because of performance issues." I don't think anyone will pay me this kind of attention again, but I never expected that such words would come out of a girl's mouth. It was very surprising. Su Pingnan , who lit the cigar, smiled at Che Suya,"You are very courageous, and you also dare to place a bet.""

Che Suya bowed.

The mysterious Mr. Su was not angry, which meant that she had made the right bet again. The reason the girl dared to bet was because she always had a very strange idea in her smart mind, that is, in this world , money and power have a life of their own.

When money reaches a large enough amount, this material life begins to awaken. The girl even thinks that the awakened money will have its own morality, that is, it will arouse the owner who cannot restrain it. Greed and ambition!

This is terrible. Money with vitality has become very difficult to control. No matter you are a tycoon, if you want to control the money and power in your hands without being influenced by it, you must violate the greed and enjoyment of human nature..

This is very difficult.

So even though Su Pingnan appeared to be unfathomable and elusive, the girl still discovered the fatigue hidden in him. So the girl who found the opportunity decisively placed a bet! Che Suya has enough about her appearance and talent She has confidence, and this man is the most worthy of her risking everything she has ever seen.

Sometimes business is life.

Therefore, Che Suya, who can be a leading professional manager, definitely does not lack courage and the courage to make a desperate move.

"Your plan is very well done."

Su Pingnan didn't notice the enthusiasm hidden in Che Suya's eyes, so the man changed the topic.

"The first question I need to know is how do you judge that Golden Gate Group is completely my private power? I think my financial department has made it complicated enough to control the equity of Golden Gate Group."

"The second question is how did you analyze my industrial landscape?"

Su Pingnan's face became grim as he asked,"You even know that all my business is connected by shipping. I need to hear the truth about these questions."

"Suppose your analytical modeling software does allow me to achieve complete control of the group, but I have never trusted computers. Especially the software that is completely controlled by you. Why should I trust you completely??"

"Even in your plan, do you think that controlling most of the voice on the Internet is the key to being undefeated in the future? What makes you think you can dictate to me, tell me!"

The tone of Su Pingnan's last sentence was almost like a question!

In Che Suya's eyes, Su Pingnan had changed.

The man no longer had the calmness as before, and no longer showed the slight intimacy. It seemed that at this moment, Su Pingnan had become An offended king of beasts, ready to choose someone to devour at any time!

Although Che Suya had already made a plan in her heart, her face still looked a little pale at this moment under the pressure of Su Pingnan.

The fifth person in the Jinjia Shipping Building The top executives of the Kinmen Group stood densely packed, including Guo Guangyao, Ding Qing and others.

Everyone looked at the elevator 820 leading to the top floor in silence. No one knew what Su Pingnan and Che Suya were communicating inside.. But the four-hour conversation is obviously extremely important. After all, it is very rare for this kind of situation to happen to Su Pingnan.

Although everyone knows that Su Pingnan and Che Suya are alone together, the strange thing is that any No one would think about the ambiguity between men and women. He was unsmiling and did not know how to enjoy it.

Even Guo Guangyao felt that his eldest brother's cold and powerful temperament was getting stronger day by day, and his feeling of respect for Su Pingnan became stronger and stronger.! In the entire Splendid Empire, Su Pingnan is a tireless and iron-blooded machine to these people!

Just when Guo Guangyao lit his seventh cigarette, the elevator door opened.

Che Suya's face was still a little pale He walked in front of Guo Guangyao, looked around at everyone, and then lowered his voice in Guo Guangyao's ear and said,"BOOS wants you to take me to do something, to kill someone."

Guo Guangyao narrowed his eyes.

"You are responsible for solving the previous matters, and then I will do it myself."

Che Suya's tone was trembling.

From the moment she walked off the top floor, the girl understood the fact.

She had fallen into hell!.

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