Eight Hundred Warriors

Regarding this number, many old people at that time swear that this number is definitely not an exaggeration, and it has even shrunk a lot.

The keyboard warriors on the later forums scoffed at this!

"Hundreds of people carrying knives? The police didn't care about the rush? No camera? ancient blow..."

This is the main argument of these people.

People who have not experienced that wild era can never imagine how bloody the Xia people are! How fierce!

We should all be grateful to Xia Guo now.

Leaving aside other aspects, in terms of public security and social environment, with a population of more than one billion reaching this level, it can be said to be second to none in the world.

He Feixiang's fingers are flying on the keyboard~.

He is already twenty-six years old this year and is a moderator of the Tianya Chat section, and the post he is currently responsible for is making a big fuss.

The biggest point of difference between the pros and cons is the different understanding of that wild era caused by differences in age.

But this time, He Feixiang put aside his role as a moderator and decided to start the fight in person. For no other reason than that he was an eyewitness to the battle of 800 warriors, and he could even be responsible for saying that he Witnessed it all.

Let's go back to the summer of 1998.

He Feixiang's father, He Jianshe, is the owner of a noodle restaurant in Shencheng.

Lao He is an out-and-out Wucheng native. Whether it is his unchangeable accent or his characteristic thin and short stature, he is exactly the same as those guys who sell health care products.

It has been fifteen or sixteen years since I came to Shencheng. It can be said that except for the fact that the local accent is hard to change, the construction in other places is no different from that of Shencheng people.

But whenever He Feixiang, who was born in Shencheng, mentioned that he was from the three northern provinces, he would always be scolded by his father. In Lao He's eyes, he will always be from Wucheng, so his son must also be from Wucheng no matter what his accent is or what his living habits are.

He Feixiang, who is only in his teens, does not understand why Wucheng, a place where he goes back to worship his ancestors every year, has such great cohesion. But he could feel the enthusiasm of his uncles from Wucheng.

Since last year, almost 80% of the business of my family's relatively small fast food restaurant has been taken care of by my father's Wucheng fellow. From breakfasts to parties to birthday celebrations and private drinks, these people are here to take care of business.

A person's financial ability can be seen from the way he eats.

At first, most of these Wucheng people came for fast food such as noodles and rice bowls, but as time went by, the wine they drank became more and more expensive, and the dishes they ordered became more and more abundant.

Of course, the restaurant run by He Feixiang's family also began to make more and more money.

He once secretly learned from the chat between his father and mother what kind of health products these people were selling and making a lot of money. At that time, his father complained that his mother would not let him make a fortune with his fellow villagers, so he could only earn hard-earned money full of oil fumes.. The mother thinks that this kind of money is too fast and can cause trouble easily.

But things soon confirmed my mother's fears.

He Feixiang still remembers that day vividly.

This was the first time he saw so many people from Wucheng. His restaurant, which was large enough, was full of people. The first floor, the second floor, and even the restaurant next door were all from Wucheng.

There were many faces he was familiar with.

However, the uncles and uncles who used to smile and joke when they saw him and occasionally give him some pocket money no longer had any smiles today. Everyone's face was extremely serious, and they all had an aura that was unfamiliar to He Feixiang. murderous look.

This is how He Feixiang will define the aura exuded by these people when he grows up and understands the various aspects of society.

The atmosphere in the restaurant was so quiet that He Feixiang was a little suffocated.

He was always naughty and mischievous, so he just stayed in the kitchen and wrote the homework that disgusted him the most. At the same time, he could only quietly observe everything outside.

And my father was not dissatisfied at all because these people didn't order. Instead, he became more and more attentive in pouring tea for everyone. Even because there were so many people and the pace was so fast, his clothes were soaked with sweat from his fat face.

This is not the focus of He Feixiang.

For an old man who pushed himself to study every day, at this age he still couldn't understand the bitterness behind his father's busy laughter. Now all his attention was on the hands of those unsmiling men hanging down under the table.

0 flowers requested, 0 dollars.

The men who filled up his restaurant all played with a cold knife in their hands.

He Feixiang knows this kind of knife.

The razors used by barbers in the past did not have a sharp tip, but the blade was terrifyingly sharp. It can easily cut through the kind of cowhide that is a few centimeters away. Anyway, He Feixiang secretly played with it once, and his index finger was almost cut off.

The blood at that time made him tremble when he recalled it now.

And these uncles and uncles were obviously much better than the clumsy ones themselves. Many bored men were playing with knives while cutting the legs of their own dining tables into various weird shapes.

This once again proves He Feixiang's knowledge of the razor's sharpness.

Every time I waved my hand gently, I couldn’t even tell how much effort was used, and the sawdust fell like snowflakes.

"What is this for!"

The frightened Xiao He Feixiang also fought and made trouble in school, but he never thought that someone would actually use this kind of thing to fight.

Because even though he was young, he also knew that it would kill people!

"It's almost time."

The Taibao Brother, the most respected person in Wucheng, stood up and put out the cigarette butt, then threw a thick stack of hundred-yuan bills to He Feixiang's father,"Brothers' hands are itchy when they hold knives, so this is compensation.."

He Feixiang looked at his fatherHe desperately refused the generous enough compensation, but in the end he accepted it with a smile in his arms under the sharp eyes of the other party.

Then he saw those people getting up collectively, and everyone walked out with fearless faces and cold eyes flashing.

This day changed the fate of many people.

Including He Feixiang.

He didn't regret following him quietly.

Because the roaring fire ax and the flashing light of the razor told this little guy what the real world was, and it also shattered his lifelong ideal of holding a sword and a white horse.

From that day on, He Feixiang studied hard and made progress every day, and he despised the fight scenes in the Young and Dangerous movies in Hong Kong for the rest of his life..

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