The world has always been hypocritical, full of lies and deception.

The things you see and hear are just the side that some people need, and often do not represent the truth of the matter.

Including the future Internet era, this essence has not changed.

Big data will only push things that interest you based on your preferences. And some truths that make you think deeply or shock you have already been covered up without a trace by the entertainment news and gossip news.

Then many truths will be forgotten by everyone, and finally disappear in the long river of time.

The Daily Economic Daily is one of the most authoritative and widely circulated newspapers and publications in Kimchi Country.

Because of its authority, ordinary people trust it very much.

And although the news of Ding Qing being taken away was posted on the front page, the newspaper reported it in a very understatement. So no one will know what happened behind the short piece of news on the front page of the newspaper. The only thing they had access to was the news that the executive chairman of Golden Gate Group was taken away by 20 on suspicion of illegal fund-raising.

It seems calm, and even because Golden Gate Group is not listed, it will not have much impact on the fluctuations of the capital market.

As for the real inside story?

That will be a secret they will never know. They will never know how thrilling this seemingly calm photo was at the time it was taken!

Let the timeline go back half an hour.

The photo of Ding Qing being arrested in the newspaper came from the camera of Xu Dachang, a daily economic reporter.

In that black Leica camera, there were hundreds of photos of Ding Qing being taken away. But why did you choose just this one photo to publish in the newspaper? Why were other photos deleted entirely? the reason is simple.

I can't and I don't dare.

No matter what the truth is, the media of Daily Economy simply does not have the confidence or ability to report it completely and truthfully. Even they can only use spring and autumn brushstrokes to sweep through the arrest scene.

But Xu Dachang will never forget the scene at that time.

When he got top-secret internal information and rushed to the scene, the scene was so tense that he almost suffocated.

He only saw hundreds of men in black suits completely surrounding the vehicles of the surveillance system. The chairman of the Kinmen Group, Li Zicheng, had a cold face that made Xu Dachang, who was thirty meters away, shiver in his heart.

"You have been charged with obstructing justice. If you don't get out of the way within three minutes, I don't mind inviting you back for tea together."

The status of inspectors in Kimchi Country is extremely special, which also gave the inspectors who came out to perform tasks enough confidence. Faced with the sense of oppression brought by Li Zicheng, Han Jundong, who led the team, did not show any fear at all. On the contrary, he He almost put his finger on Li Zicheng's nose and shouted harshly.

But his slightly trembling fingers still betrayed his fear.

"When two lions are fighting, the hyena that intervenes in the battlefield is usually killed."

Li Zicheng did not move away. Instead, he lowered his voice and spoke slowly in the other party's ear,"President can go with you, but I need to know the truth. This is good for everyone, we can prepare a response strategy, and you can not only gain our friendship, but also get a thank you gift that is enough to make you happy."

Li Zicheng, who has long been accustomed to the top social gameplay routines, understands that no matter how powerful the Kinmen Group is in broad daylight, today it must let the other party take people away.

This is a basic rule and a gameplay recognized in the circle.

Everyone is here It doesn't matter how you play within this rule, others will not interfere. But if there is a public arrest, then the Kinmen Group will face the full suppression of the state machine.

But there is only one reason why he still chooses to stop the other party.

To delay time.

Now monitor The person in charge of the Second Division, Park Tae-il, who was single-handedly supported by the Kinmen Group, is already on his way.

Only fools in this world will look at things only on the surface and not on the essence.

The Kinmen Group has always been generous, and because of the background The reason is that they are extra cautious in capital transactions and some large projects. Just one day ago, several officials of the Ministry of Commerce in charge of fund review accepted Golden Autumn gifts from Kinmen Group, and there was nothing unusual about it. Now they are suddenly investigating the issue of funds. , although the reasons given by the other party were impeccable, Li Zicheng did not believe a word of this rhetoric.

These guys came to take Ding Qing away. It is still unclear who is behind it.

But the top brass of the Kinmen Group know one thing That is to say, someone must be eyeing the Kinmen Group and want to take a bite out of it. These people are definitely very capable, otherwise they would never be able to use the Ministry of Commerce and the Supervision Division as soon as possible!

"Step aside! The inspector, who understood the background of the Kinmen Group, hesitated for a second, and then his face became determined again when he thought of the big shot who had thrown the joint investigation notice to him today,"What you are doing now is bribing state officials." If you don't get out of the way, I have the right to take you back for investigation based on what you just said."


Li Zicheng, who took the initiative to stretch out his hands, had a sneer on his face. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

However, several inspectors did not really take action, and the two sides were in a stalemate.

Li Zicheng was waiting for Park Tae-il. , and Han Dongjun is also waiting.

He is waiting for the result of the first confrontation between Kinmen Group and Boss Zheng of the Ministry of Commerce.

The position of inspector can be said to be extremely noble in the eyes of ordinary people in Kimchi Country, but among chaebols and In the eyes of big shots in the workplace, unless you can reach a director-level position, you will not be able to see this.

Han Dongjun is very aware of the dangers of this operation.

Now who in the entire supervision system does not know that Park 833 Tae-il, who took over Han Qiang-sik's position in the Second Division, is The role that the Kinmen Group favored, that guy even lived in the Paradise Club.

And what about me?


Tools should have the awareness of tools. No one who can be admitted to the Judicial University in Wanjun and then successfully enter the supervisory system is a fool.. He understood that from the moment he appeared in the Kinmen Group, the high-level struggle between the two parties really began.

Before the outcome was decided, the only thing he could do was to make everything comply with the rules but not offend anyone.

Time is running out. A second passed.

After all, Han Dongjun underestimated the cruelty of this struggle.

Just when he saw the vehicle led by Park Tae Il driving into his sight, the mobile phone on his waist suddenly rang.

"No matter what method is used, take Ding Qing away immediately."

The tone of Jin Zaizhong, the director of the First Division, showed a hint of anxiety on the phone,"I received news that Park Tae-il of the Second Division used the case ranking regulations, and he had already listed Ding Qing in the Second Division a few days ago. The suspect in the Seoul murder case, so you have to take action!"

With the hanging up of the phone, not only the invisible battle between Kinmen Group and Ms. Park began, but also the confrontation between the first and second offices of the behemoth General Office of Supervision was put on the table. The table.

The world is complicated.

Because there is a poisonous snake in the secret that is watching everything, and that is the Miki-gumi who is gathering strength recently!.

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