The Rise of the Shen Family

Chapter 321 Dan Cheng

As time passed bit by bit, a faint fragrance quietly overflowed from the pill furnace, and soon filled the entire stone room.

At this time, in the furnace, a mass of emerald green medicinal liquid was churning continuously in the flame, and this fragrance emanated from the churning medicinal liquid.

Outside, Shen Ruiling's nose twitched a few times, so that the medicinal fragrance could be better introduced into his nasal cavity.

While savoring the medicinal fragrance, he sensed the drastic changes in the furnace with his divine sense, and found a suitable opportunity there.

Another quarter of an hour passed, and at this time the liquid medicine in the furnace had become as warm and flawless as jade.

I saw that Shen Ruiling hurriedly took out a spout of spiritual power to lift the lid of the furnace, and then poured in the second-order auxiliary herbs one after another.

With the input of each auxiliary elixir, the furnace began to make a crackling sound, and then the whole Dan furnace trembled violently.

After sensing this movement in the furnace, Shen Ruiling's face couldn't help showing a serious look, and he quickly injected a majestic spiritual power into the pill furnace, trying to control the violent shaking.

With the continuous injection of his spiritual power, the violent tremor gradually weakened, but there was no sign of stopping.

At this time, in the pill furnace, a mottled medicinal liquid was suspended in the ground fire, constantly churning, and impurities were constantly being quenched by the fiery flame.

And when this group of medicinal liquid is churning, it will emit strong spiritual power fluctuations. These strong spiritual power fluctuations are rampant in the pill furnace, so this makes the pill furnace shake.

Faced with this phenomenon, Shen Ruiling had no choice but to increase the infusion of spiritual power, so that the trembling of the pill furnace became milder.

After all, his pill furnace is a bit broken, and there are still a few cracks on the furnace body. If you let him tremble violently, there may really be the possibility of frying the furnace!


In this way, after Shen Ruiling spent half a column of incense in fear, the incense wafting out of the elixir became more and more intense, and soon the entire cave was filled with this unique medicinal fragrance.

After smelling the medicinal fragrance, Shen Ruiling's eyes flashed with joy, and then he probed into his consciousness again and began to examine it carefully.

At this time, the medicinal liquid in the furnace has been wrapped by Shen Ruiling's spiritual power,

A spherical liquid was formed, and the color was no longer as mottled as before, and it had turned into a uniform dark green liquid.

Shen Ruiling knew that there was only the last step of condensing pills left. It only needed to condense this group of medicinal liquid into medicinal pills, and this time pill concocting was done.

But Shen Ruiling didn't take it lightly because of this. Instead, a more solemn expression appeared on his face, and he began to operate cautiously.

I saw that he took a shot of spiritual power towards the bronze beast head, and then the ground fire at the fire's eye instantly rose, swallowing the entire pill furnace.

Immediately afterwards, his hands slowly retracted to his chest, and began to form a series of condensed pills, which controlled the liquid medicine in the furnace to quickly evaporate and condense.

Suddenly, the pill furnace suspended in the ground fire vibrated violently again, and riotous spiritual power was continuously ejected from the gap of the furnace cover, making the top of the furnace cover tinkle.

At this time, in the furnace, because the ingredients in the medicinal liquid reacted violently when it condensed, this group of medicinal liquid was not controlled by Shen Ruiling's spiritual power.

After realizing this change, Shen Ruiling hurriedly input a majestic spiritual power into the furnace again, hoping to suppress the riot.

However, when he just injected a spiritual power into the furnace, the trembling of the entire Dan furnace not only did not stop, but it became more and more intense, and it was on the verge of losing control!

Shen Ruiling seemed to have anticipated what was about to happen.

I saw that the majestic spiritual power in his body spurted out in an instant, directly wrapped the pill furnace, and then took the pill furnace away from the fire eye!

At the moment when the pill furnace left the fire eye, a dull loud noise was released from the pill furnace, and then a black smoke drifted out from the pill furnace.

Seeing the black smoke drifting out, Shen Ruiling couldn't help showing a wry smile on his face, obviously knowing that he had failed in alchemy this time.

Although he felt a little lost, Shen Ruiling didn't care, after all, this was a reasonable thing to do.

If he succeeded in refining this unfamiliar medicine pill for the first time, it would be an accident!

Looking at the residue in the furnace, Shen Ruiling began to reflect carefully and searched for the reason why the furnace was fried this time.

"Is it because the heat was too high when quenching the impurities?"

"Or was it too hasty when forming the pill?"


All the possible reasons crossed Shen Ruiling's mind, causing him to recall the entire process of alchemy.


In this way, after an unknown time, Shen Ruiling opened his eyes again and calmly looked at the fallen pill furnace.

I saw that he suddenly took out a burst of spiritual power, lifted the lid of the furnace directly, and then threw a water ball into the furnace to thoroughly clean the Dan furnace.

After the pill stove was cleaned, Shen Ruiling waved his hand and placed the pill stove on the fire eye again, then turned to look at the two remaining pieces of Yuanyang grass in the jade box.

At this moment, a hint of hesitation flashed in Shen Ruiling's eyes, as if he was hesitating whether to throw them into the pill furnace.

But soon, the hint of hesitation disappeared, replaced by a resolute look.

Although there are still two stages of nourishing the grass, and he still has two opportunities to refine, but Shen Ruiling regards this alchemy as the last chance in his heart!

With his resolute gaze, Shen Ruiling threw a small piece of nourishing grass into the pill furnace, and then smashed into a ground fire controlled by spiritual power to quench the impurities.

Everything was going on again in the same order as before. Shen Ruiling held his breath to control the changes in the pill furnace and made subtle adjustments based on the previous one.

With the input of auxiliary elixir, the broken pill furnace trembled again, but Shen Ruiling could clearly feel that the tremor seemed to be much lighter this time, not as violent as before!

After realizing this phenomenon, Shen Ruiling's face showed a look of joy, which was obviously a huge improvement compared to just now!

However, Shen Ruiling still didn't dare to be careless, carefully controlled the group of medicinal liquid, and began to prepare for the pill.

With the smell of the familiar medicine, Shen Ruiling's deep eyes shot a light, he knew that the time to condense the pill was coming!

As a ray of spiritual power was injected into the bronze beast head, the sealed ground fire rose again, turning into a raging fire dragon and swept out!

Here, in the face of the rising flames, Shen Ruiling's face was solemn, and his hands began to form a dharma seal on his chest.

As the pill condensed began, the floating pill furnace trembled slightly again, making a humming sound.

At this moment, the string in Shen Ruiling's heart was already stretched to the extreme. UU reading stared at the pill furnace without moving, and his consciousness constantly probed the scene inside the furnace.

After half a cup of tea, the movement in the furnace suddenly calmed down, as if everything was over.

After noticing this change, Shen Ruiling finally let out a sigh of relief and began to slowly withdraw his spiritual power. He looked at the pill furnace calmly, and could not see any emotional fluctuations.

It didn't take long for a faint medicinal fragrance to permeate from the pill furnace. After smelling the medicinal fragrance, the corners of Shen Ruiling's mouth rose slightly.

He knew that this time it was a success, and he quickly shot out a piece of spiritual power to lift the lid of the furnace to find out!

At the moment when the lid of the furnace was lifted, a strong aroma of medicine spurted out from the furnace and swept the entire stone chamber in an instant.

I saw that a palm made of spiritual power slowly stretched into the pill furnace under the control of Shen Ruiling.

After a few breaths, a dark green pill about the size of a longan was held in front of Shen Ruiling by the palm of his hand.

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