The Rise of the Third Reich

Chapter 45 Cooperation between Revolution and ***

The Austro-Hungarian Empire was about to collapse, and even the Germans in the empire were planning for "national self-determination." And Hungarians have also understood that their beloved Hungarian motherland will face a cruel fate. Woodrow Johnson's Fourteen Points for Peace were by no means intended to liberate Hungary, but to dismember it. It is absolutely impossible for Hungary to achieve the goals of the 1848 revolution, and it is absolutely impossible for Hungary to achieve the independent and unified Greater Hungary that Ludwig Kossuth fought for. What the Allies planned to impose on the Hungarians was a much smaller country, only about 25% to 30% of the territory of Greater Hungary. In addition, millions or even tens of millions of Hungarians will become foreign "minorities". This is unacceptable to any patriotic Hungarian.

So after the "minorities" within the Austro-Hungarian Empire began to declare autonomy or independence one after another. It was October 30, 1918, the third day of the Czech Revolution. Budapest, the capital of Hungary, has also become a sea of ​​revolution! Hungarians wearing autumn roses on their chests poured into the streets like a tide, and then there was a mutiny by the Hungarian Defense Forces. That night, the demonstrations and mutinies turned into an armed uprising! The next day, Budapest fell to the rebels.

Although the leader of the Hungarian Social Democratic Party, Michael Karoli, is still trying to maintain a united Austro-Hungarian Federation - this is not stupidity, but true love! Any German officer who has done some research on the Austro-Hungarian Empire knows that the Hungarians love the Austro-Hungarian Empire more than the Germans. Because the Germans still have Greater Germany (the Anschluss), and the Hungarians can only have a Greater Hungary by forming an alliance with the Germans. Of course, some Hungarians have realized that they can no longer rely on Germany and must fight on their own.

On November 1, Hungary's revolutionary socialists (the predecessor of the Hungarian Bolshevik Party) organized a large-scale mass meeting and announced the unanimous demand of the working people in the country: to establish a republic immediately and sever all ties with the dynasty! At the same time, many Soviets of Workers’ and Soldiers’ Deputies have sprung up all over Hungary like mushrooms after rain. Of course, they cannot afford to offend their ancestors, and they will definitely make Hungary become as chaotic as Russia. For the Hungarian Bolsheviks, who had not yet been formally established, this was an opportunity that came a little too early!

And just as the Austro-Hungarian Empire was dying, the revolutionary storm was about to sweep across Central Europe. A train that looked like it was about to fall apart arrived at the railway station in Riga, a place that seemed to be insulated from revolution. Inside the train station, order is orderly. The platform was bustling with workers loading and unloading goods, passengers getting on and off the train, and people coming to pick up and drop off.

Herschmann's fiancée, Chloe, was waiting for someone on the platform with a dozen Stasi agents in plainclothes. When I saw the train stopped, I stretched my neck and looked around. Suddenly she seemed to see the passenger she was waiting for and shouted.

"Mrs. Kollontai, Mrs. Kollontai! I'm here!"

It turns out that what she is going to welcome today is Mrs. Kollontai, the Soviet-Russian emissary who has come all the way from Moscow. After Hersmann sent the news to Moscow via telegram that Hindenburg agreed to send arms to Budapest and requested to continue to maintain contact with the Bolsheviks. Lenin immediately asked Mrs. Kollontai and representatives of the Hungarian Bolsheviks to board the fastest train and secretly go to Riga, the capital of the United Baltic Principalities. In this era of violent changes, various possibilities exist, so Comrade Lenin Nor would any option be ruled out, including maintaining relations with the Germans secretly despite apparent rifts.

"Comrade Kollontai, someone is calling you." Following Kollontai down from the train was Comrade Ren Fuchen of the "Chinese Red Army" carrying a large leather box (his fate was different from that in history, because the Red Army got more weapons, he did not die in the Soviet-Russian Civil War in 1918, and he also met Hersman before and after the October Revolution), he had sharp ears and was a tall man, who discovered Chloe. "It's Ms. Heinsberg. She came to pick us up at the train station."

Also getting off the train with Ren Fuchen was a young white man in his early twenties. He was tall and strong, with a big face, a pair of bright eyes and a hooked nose that made him look a little cunning. He looked in the direction of Ren Fuchen's finger, and then frowned.

"There are a lot of plainclothes agents out there!"

"Nagy, that's a Stasi soldier." Mrs. Kollontai turned her head and said in Hungarian to the man with the aquiline nose. "These people are the Baltic Cheka!"

"Not the secret police serving the Baltic bourgeoisie and landowners?" A Hungarian named Nagy shrugged. "What is the difference between them and the secret police of the Emperor of Austria-Hungary?"

"Of course it's different!" Mrs. Kollontai said, "If you are captured by Karl I's secret police, you will get political F treatment, serve your sentence in a prison with good environment, eat better than outside, and don't have to work. , there will be many lawyers and famous people working for you, and you will be released soon. If you fall into the hands of the Stasi, you will be beaten mercilessly for three days and three nights, and then you will not be able to sleep. Either betray the revolution or be shot!"

"Oh my god, Comrade Kollontai, is everything you said true?"

"Of course it's true!" Kollontai said, "This is how our organization in Baltica was destroyed by them!"

In fact, the destruction of various Soviets in the United Baltic Principalities was the result of the joint efforts of the SS and the Stasi, and it was the SS that played the main role. Compared with the Defense Force, the Stasi was, after all, an organization that had just opened its doors, and most of its personnel had either just completed training or were currently undergoing training. Moreover, the training they received had little to do with secret service work - the Stasi still had a long way to go before becoming truly powerful.

However, in the early days of its establishment, the Stasi had already shown enough ferocity!

While the two were talking in Hungarian, Chloe had already walked over with several Stasi agents.

"Alexandra, it's so nice to see you."

"Chloe, me too."

Kollontai and Chloe hugged and kissed each other affectionately, as if they were best friends. Then Kollontai pointed to the two people behind him and said: "This is Vasily, whom you knew when you were in Petrograd. This is Nagy Imre, he is a Hungarian and the representative of Comrade Bela." "

"Comrade Imre, nice to meet you." Chloe stepped forward and shook Nagy's hand, greeting him in unfamiliar Hungarian. The other person replied in fluent German, "I'm very happy too, ma'am."

"Where's Ludwig? I thought he would come to the train station?" Kollontai asked Chloe, "Isn't he not in Riga?"

Chloe said: "He is in Riga because a big event happened, so he is giving a speech in the square outside the train station. We can see him when we go out."

On the square outside the station, a rally was being held at the moment. People were holding black cross flags on a white background - this is the flag of the United Baltic Principality - and they were also wearing field gray German Army uniforms, but they were obviously not German soldiers. The uniforms There were no collar insignia or military ranks on them, and most of them were elderly people and teenagers.

However, they still formed a quite neat formation in the square, as if they were an army being reviewed. Outside these neat teams, there were people wearing ordinary people's clothes, mostly Latvians living in Riga, looking at the organized Germans in fear and confusion.

The policy of relocating Latvians was implemented somewhat slowly because of a reluctance to take too drastic measures. In the past few months, less than 150,000 Latvians have been properly resettled in northern Lithuania, and they have all received more land than before - in the original Courland and Livland, most Latvians were relatively poor.

But not a single citizen living in Riga was driven away. According to the census of the Courland Autonomous Government, there are currently more than 400,000 Latvians in the Courland Autonomous State! In addition, there are many difficult-to-prove German and Latvian hybrids who will be recognized as Germans.

Opposite the train station waiting building, on a temporary high wooden platform, Hessmann, fully dressed in military uniform, was delivering a speech to tens of thousands of Baltics - the skills he learned in the Russian Revolution could finally be used in the Baltics. !

“…Today, I would like to take this opportunity to address you because our nation has reached a critical moment in its survival.

At 10 o'clock this morning, a great German country, the Austro-Hungarian Empire, gave up the struggle, gave up the hope of survival, and surrendered unconditionally to the enemies determined to destroy it! Half a month ago, the Emperor of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Karl I, who wanted to end the war and achieve peace, had issued a statement accepting the "Fourteen Points of Peace Conditions" proposed by US President Woodrow Johnson. It is this American president who, since January this year, has been harping on to assure the whole of Europe that he will bring a just peace, as long as we Germans accept his "Fourteen Points for Peace".

Karl I accepted, thereby destroying the Millennium Habsburg dynasty and the great Austro-Hungarian Empire. But what about a just peace? where is it? What about Woodrow Johnson's guarantee? Where is it?

Facts have proved that Woodrow Johnson and his country have no credibility! Their guarantees are worthless! It is a complete lie to deceive our German nation! Don't say that Americans can't convince Britain and France! Everyone knows that Americans are the saviors of British and French imperialism, and Britain and France cannot lose the United States at all. More than a year ago we came close to winning the war and achieving true justice, unity and lasting prosperity in Europe. If there were not millions of Americans armed to the teeth coming from across the Atlantic to support, a great Europe with the German nation at its core would have emerged!

Today's unconditional surrender of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the United States' repeated refusal to negotiate with the German Empire on the basis of the "Fourteen Points of Peace" can only illustrate the fact that the United States is here to destroy Germany and Europe, not to help us. …

Baltic German compatriots, what should we do in the face of this shameless, ferocious enemy who wants to destroy us? "


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