The Rise of the Third Reich

Chapter 81 Codename

In mid-May 1919, after Hersmann handed over the task of joining and controlling the National Socialist Workers' Movement to Rosenberg, the head of the political section of the Military Intelligence Department, he brought his secretary Paulus and the general manager of the Economic Promotion Company with him. Ettel went to Budapest.

Because a large amount of grain from Soviet Russia has arrived in Germany and is being transferred to Budapest. Now that the Hungarians have food, weapons, and good enough military advisers, it is just a matter of determination to continue the fight. Hersman personally went to Hungary to cheer up Kuhn Bella and also to observe the Hungarians' war readiness.

If the Hungarians could defeat the Czech and Romanian armies attacking them, they would regain Slovakia and Transylvania. Then Germany has reason to continue to maintain a relatively large army! The size of the army also directly determines their say in future German internal affairs. This is very beneficial to the Juncker Group, which will cooperate with the Nazi Party or other nationalist parties in the future.

"Major General, how is the situation?" Hersman was at the Budapest Central Railway Station. As soon as Hessman saw Major General Vorbeck who came to greet him, he immediately asked about the situation on the front line.

Vorbeck and Hersman got into the car together and headed to the Seniche Thermal Baths - a large spa palace built in 1913. The "Special Technical School" and the "Hungarian International Advisory Group" are now stationed there.

"It went well enough," said Vorbeck, lighting up his pipe. "Since May, we have been at war with the Czech Republic and Romania. The major cities in Slovakia and Transylvania were occupied before the end of April. However, It's nothing. We sent dozens of guerrilla detachments to Transylvania and Slovakia and opened up a large number of guerrilla bases. At the same time, we also destroyed railways and bridges, which made the enemy who relied on heavy weapons very difficult. Vulnerable. In early May, they were joined by French and Serbian armies, who first met at Debrecen (in the eastern part of the Hungarian plain, near Transylvania) and then crossed the Tisza River (in the middle of the Hungarian plain). , currently heading towards Budapest.”

"They won't capture Budapest, right?" Hersman was a little worried. The Hungarian Bolshevik Party was not resilient and could hardly withstand the loss of Budapest.

"You have to ask your father," Vorbeck smiled. "Old Otto is the general counsel of the Budapest City Defense Command... You know, he was bombed in the trenches throughout the world war. How to defend him? Better than me."

Hersmann's father, Otto von Hersmann, also retired from the Army in March. He originally wanted to return to Rasburg, East Prussia, to farm, but Ludwig von Hersmann found him a very good job - serving as a military adviser to the Hungarian Soviet Republic.

Because Vorbeck was so famous, he could only use the pseudonym "Colonel Baker", and it was not convenient for him to serve as the head of the international military advisory group. Therefore, the old Hersman, who had the rank of colonel, served as the commander of the German Army, and fought on the front line for several years, became the most valued military advisor by the Hungarians. It is also the elder Hersman who now serves as the head of the International Military Advisory Group.

"My father?" What appeared in Hersman's mind was the image of a man in his fifties with a pale face, high cheekbones, sunken cheeks, and a permanently frowning brow. This is Hirschmann's father, Otto von Hirschmann. The long and hard frontline life and the mental torture caused by the defeat made him very thin, as if he had a serious illness.

"He is a person who takes everything too seriously, and he especially likes to curse. He will always say things he doesn't like." In Hersman's memory, his father is such a person. "He will build the Capitol Building in accordance with the rules." Those Hungarians who ask others to build trenches will be tortured.”

"Hahaha..." Vorbeck laughed heartily, "Old Otto has always been like this. He was like this when he was at Gross Hillifeld. He was always the most serious one. And I have a more careless temper. , you know, you can’t take fighting with Africans too seriously, otherwise you’ll get pissed off.”

"What about the Hungarians? How are they?"

"It's great! They're all great guys,"

Vorbeck said: "The people sent to the special technical school are sergeants and sergeants who have participated in the world war for more than three years, and many of them have also served as scouts. With a little training, they can master the essence of guerrilla warfare. In fact, guerrilla warfare is not difficult. To sum it up in one sentence: Preserve yourself and contain the enemy. Our purpose in launching guerrilla warfare in Slovakia, Transylvania and west of the Tisza River is not to decisively fight the enemy, but to contain them. The enemy will use a large number of troops to attack Budapest, and the supplies and ammunition will be insufficient due to our guerrilla warfare. In this way, the Hungarians can achieve a decisive victory! "

Although the elder Hersman was the head of the International Military Advisory Group, the Hungarian Red Army's combat plan was drawn up by Vorbeck. The tactics adopted were to lure the enemy deep into the city, carry out guerrilla destruction and defend the fortified city, and finally use the "light field corps" to steal the retreat of the Allied forces in an effort to fight a war of annihilation.

The so-called "light field corps" is also a very interesting concept, which was also proposed by Volbeck based on the experience of mobile warfare in Africa. This "light corps" does not need to be equipped with a large number of heavy artillery, nor does it need to carry too many supplies and ammunition, nor does it need to rely on good roads or railways for supplies. Therefore, it can march at a faster speed and can carry out short-term rapid mobile operations without logistical support.

Such troops are not suitable for fighting a world war on the plains of Western Europe, but they are enough to deal with Czechoslovakia and Romania on the plains of Hungary and in the Carpathian Mountains.

Thinking of this, Hessman sighed. As long as the Hungarians have enough food and ammunition, and there is a strong city of Budapest to defend, and there are a large number of guerrillas active in Transylvania and Slovakia, plus one or more lightweight field corps, imperialism will not be able to easily bully the Hungarian people!

"Liar! Liar! American President Woodrow Wilson is the most shameless and clever liar in the world! He claims to love peace, but he has involved his country in three bloody wars!

One is the world war against our German nation, one is the war against Soviet Russia - just after he called on all foreign troops to withdraw from Russia! Another is to attack our allies, the Hungarians, and he wants the Hungarians to cede 70% of their territory to Serbia, Czech Republic and Romania..."

When Hersman arrived in Budapest, his political group leader Dr. Rosenberg had already arrived in Munich. He was listening to a speech by a 30-year-old veteran with a side part and a toothbrush-like mustache, and a somewhat thin figure, in a square in front of the University of Munich.

Standing side by side with him was the principal of the Stasi Technical School, "Doctor-Miss" Schlagmuller.

"College student, he is a 'corporal', does he look like an eloquent worker activist?" Miss Doctor pointed to the veteran who was giving a speech and whispered to Rosenberg beside him.

"College Student" was Rosenberg's code name in the Stasi. The veteran known as "Corporal" was also a member of the Stasi. He was not a formal agent, but a cooperative informant. He was not originally a member of the Stasi system, but a temporary scout of the Political Department of the General Staff, responsible for investigating the "Spartacus Thought" tendencies among the captured German soldiers in the Lechfeld camp. Because of his outstanding performance, he was recommended to the Stasi by the Political Department after the work was completed.

He is currently receiving training as a "disguised politician" at the Stasi branch temporarily set up on the campus of the University of Munich. After the training is completed, "Corporal" and his companions will infiltrate various workers' parties.


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