The Rise of the Third Reich

Chapter 87 This is how Belarus ended

After attending the retirement ceremony and farewell reception of Marshal Hindenburg, Hessmann took the car back to the Military Intelligence Station in Charlottenburg District. Captain Stockhausen was already waiting outside Hersmann's office. He was sent to Queen Olga as a military adjutant after Captain Shipple took over the Miuta troops.

"Karl, why are you here?" Hessman waved to the subordinate who followed him first, "Come in and sit down."

Karl Stockhausen entered the office and placed a wax-sealed envelope on Hersman's desk.

"Lieutenant Colonel, this is a personal letter from Her Majesty the Queen." Stockhausen said, "She plans to leave Tallinn for a visit to London in the near future."

"Oh, I know about this." Hessman said and began to open the envelope. Recently, the Soviet Red Army seems to have gathered in large numbers in Pskov, but has been slow to launch a decisive attack on Estonia. Tallinn is stepping up its preparations for war, and Queen Olga is even preparing to go to London in person to seek help. After Germany signed the Treaty of Versailles, the Allied Powers also became very warm towards the Russian Queen Olga, and seemed ready to recognize her. status.

Taking out the letter paper from the envelope, Hessmann read it ten lines at a time. His brows suddenly wrinkled. Stockhausen, standing opposite him, couldn't help but ask: "Lieutenant Colonel, what did Her Majesty the Queen's letter say?"

"The British want her to leave Tallinn and go to Crimea!" Hersman put down Olga's letter. "After this visit to London, she will go directly to the Black Sea on a British warship and not return to Tallinn. She wants Asking for my advice, I hope I can go to Tallinn.”

At the invitation of the Russian Empress, Hersmann and Chloe took a train together through West Prussia, East Prussia and Lithuania to the Baltics. West Prussia and neighboring Posen were about to be ceded to Poland. Many Germans living there were unwilling to let the Poles control their destiny and chose to migrate. Some of them chose to go east to the Kurland Autonomous State to find their future, so the train to Riga became extremely crowded after passing through West Prussia, and even the aisles outside the compartments were filled with German refugees. They looked a little depressed, but still in good order and very quiet.

Some propagandists claiming to be the Kurland German National Party, whose chairman is Baron Pierreburg, were distributing leaflets. Hessmann and Chloe also got two copies, leaflets with black typeface printed on them: Courland is our homeland, and every German can be allocated land free of charge!

Although the Allies temporarily let go of the Courland Autonomous State - which is now the Courland Autonomous State in the Russian Empire, and the Allies could not think of any reason to ban it, and doing so would be tantamount to helping Lenin - but with Baron Pierreburg, Courland's senior leaders, headed by Admiral Goltz, did not relax their vigilance. They are taking every opportunity to expand the German community in the Courland Autonomous State.

During the Paris Peace Conference, Baron Pilburg went to Warsaw several times to negotiate with Piłsudski and obtained permission from the other party to allow the Kurland German National Party to operate on Polish soil for a period of time in order to mobilize Poland. Germans from Germany, West Prussia and Galicia (formerly Austrian lands) went to Courland to make their home.

According to Stasi reports, in just six months from the end of 1918 to the end of June 1919, the number of Germans in the Courland Autonomous State increased by approximately 350,000, and the total population exceeded 1.35 million. It is estimated that by the end of 1919, the Courland Autonomous State will have 1.7 million Germans!

If Lenin finally fulfills his promise not to annex Estonia but to let the Germans get it. Then after the end of the Soviet-Russian Civil War, the number of Germans in the entire Baltic Republic will most likely exceed 2 million, thus becoming an overwhelming majority in terms of number.

And twenty years later, the German population in the entire Baltic may exceed 3 million!

"Ludwig, they want me to be the Cossack Queen!"

In a small dining room in the Tombea Palace, Hersman and Chloe sat at a table covered with white tablecloth and ate with the Russian Empress. The meal was generous, with soup, sturgeon, veal, cheese and fruit. These things were placed on gold-rimmed porcelain plates and delivered by some gentle-footed waiters. The Queen had no interest in the food and just drank heavily.

Her face also looked very bad. As for the reason, Hersman already knew that the Allied Powers began to consider how to dismember Russia after Germany signed the Treaty of Versailles!

A country that owned all the land of the pre-war Russian Empire, whether Soviet Russia or Belarus, was not allowed to exist.

Although the Allies have never made this position clear, they are telling Queen Olga with practical actions.

"They don't support me in taking back Petrograd and want me to leave here and let the United Baltic Principalities achieve autonomy... governed by Estonians, Latvians and you Germans yourselves!"

The Queen took another sip of wine, "They also want me to go to Sevaspotor to be the queen and rule the left bank of Ukraine, the lower Don River and the Transcaucasus... and they also want me to recognize that the right bank of Ukraine belongs to Poland and recognize the independence of Poland. , recognize that Poland, Lithuania, and Ukraine form a federal state!”

The Empress of Russia has now become the Cossack Queen!

Hersman thought: a Baltic United Principality, a Polish-Lithuanian-Ukrainian Federation, a Cossack Kingdom, maybe a Far Eastern Republic, and an Alash Republic - in Central Asia, mainly Kazakhs , a very large territory, covering almost the entire Russian Central Asia.

If these countries can really survive, the Russian Empire will really collapse, and the end will be even more miserable than that of defeated Germany. No wonder Her Majesty the Queen is in a very depressed mood.

"Your Majesty, what are you going to do?" Hersman really couldn't make any suggestions. The ruthlessness of Britain, France and the United States towards Russia has actually determined the fate of Belarus' destruction. Now God cannot save the queen.

Because the majority of Belarusians are Russian national chauvinists, the disintegration of the country is never what they want. What they want is to restore the Great Russian Empire, not to become Cossacks...

"What else can I do?" Queen Olga looked at Hessmann, "Ludwig, it seems I can no longer be the Queen of Russia!"

"You want to be the Cossack Queen?"

"I'm afraid I can't..." Olga slowly shook her head, "Russians! They are so proud, how could they watch their motherland split into pieces? My people, they will attack Moscow! Wait! When I arrive in Crimea, General Denikin will march on Moscow on my orders! At the same time, General Yudenich will launch a fierce attack on Petrograd! "

The Queen looked at Hessmann and said, "Lieutenant Colonel, can you ask the Courland Defense Force to cooperate with General Yudenich?"

Belarus is fighting for its life! Hessman took a breath. Britain, France and the United States had forced Belarus into a desperate situation this time. They wanted to use a suicide attack to fight Soviet Russia... In history, Belarus probably ended up like this, right?

"Okay, I'll try my best..."

Hessmann couldn't bear it and couldn't refuse the queen in person. We can only agree first, and then find ways to find excuses to let go. But what he didn't expect was that this excuse was already there when he answered Miuta (Stasi headquarters). It was brought by Major Halder, deputy chief of staff of the Courland Defense Forces.

"Good news! Great news!"

The bitter-faced Halder said to Hessmann in a jackpot tone: "Lieutenant Colonel, the British have expressed their willingness to recognize the Baltic Republic in the future, and also recognize that all Germans in Courland are Baltic citizens. Vote for President and Congress! We got it!"

"What?" Hessman was startled, how could such a good thing happen? Are the British people kind-hearted or are they just wrong in their thinking?

"What about the conditions?" Hessman asked, "We are not required to accept the constraints of the Treaty of Versailles, are we?"

"No, no such conditions were proposed." Halder said: "There are two main conditions: one is to exist as a 'Bolshevism epidemic prevention zone' to prevent the Bolsheviks from spreading westward to the Polish Federation and Germany. This requires us to It has a certain military strength; secondly, it does not support any Belarusian adventures. The Courland Defense Force cannot leave the land of the Baltic Republic and cannot provide military assistance to the White Guards in Estonia.”

This is asking the Germans in Courland to betray the Russian White Guards!


To explain, in history, Lloyd George's policy towards Soviet Russia was later strongly attacked by Churchill and Curzon, which eventually led to the collapse of the Liberal-Conservative cabinet, and the end of Lloyd George's political life.

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