In the early morning, before the sun rose, Uchiha Yan got up from the bed early. He quickly changed into a black tights with the Uchiha family's unique family emblem embroidered on it. Then, he carefully sorted out his ninja bag, which was filled with various weapons and tools - shuriken, kunai, detonating talismans, etc. Each one was carefully selected by his father, Uchiha Xin, specifically for his daily practice.

After everything was ready, Uchiha Yan sat quietly by the bed, waiting for something.

After a while, there was a slight sound of opening the door upstairs.

He immediately stood up and walked towards the stairs with a firm and light step.

When he walked downstairs, a fully armed figure dressed in standard little ninja clothes appeared in front of him.

That was Uchiha Yan himself!

He wore a red turban, a gray cloak, and a black belt around his waist with various ninja tools hanging on it.

His eyes were focused and resolute, revealing a maturity and confidence that was inconsistent with his age.

At this moment, he seemed to have transformed into a real ninja, ready to take on any challenge at any time.

"Good morning, Yan."Mother Meiko greeted cheerfully.

‘Good morning, mother’

‘Go have breakfast’

""Okay." Uchiha Yan replied,"Father, have you eaten?

"Well, I've already eaten, take your time, I'll tell you something." Uchiha Yan walked to the dining table, sat down slowly, then slowly picked up the chopsticks, picked up a piece of bread and put it into his mouth, chewing slowly.

‘Yan, are you going to the Ninja School? Uchiha Shin suddenly asked, with a hint of concern in his eyes.

Hearing this, Yan's hand, which was originally picking up food, shook violently, and the food in the chopsticks instantly fell back into the bowl. He slowly stopped all movements, slowly raised his head, and his sharp eyes like a hawk were directly cast at Uchiha Shin, and asked with a hint of doubt in his tone:"Why do you ask this suddenly? Has anyone asked you the same question?"

Uchiha Shin nodded silently, and at the same time frowned tightly, and answered with a worried face:"The clan leader did ask me the same question yesterday. I guess this should be the news from the Hokage."

Yan's face suddenly became a little ugly, as if he was extremely resistant and disgusted with the mention of this matter.

He quickly put down the cutlery in his hand and leaned back, but his eyes were still fixed on Uchiha Xin.

He responded decisively and without hesitation:"Humph, I'm not interested in going to that boring place!

Every day it's like a group of childish kids playing house games, and being forced to believe in and accept those illusory, so-called"will of fire".

This is simply a pure waste of time!

Only extremely stupid people would be willing to be deceived and run to that kind of hell place!

" When he said the last sentence, Yan's voice unconsciously rose a few decibels, and his words were full of disdain and contempt.

Uchiha Xin listened to Yan's words, a helpless smile appeared on his face, and he echoed:"Yeah, only fools would go there.……"He knew that Yan's opinion of the ninja school has always been very negative.

Uchiha Yan knew that those people in the upper echelons would win over the geniuses of the Uchiha clan if they could, and suppress those who could not be won over. He, who did not accept the education of the will of fire, was the focus of observation by the upper echelons.

His father was just a small captain, and the upper echelons put pressure on Uchiha Fugaku, who was also a wavering party. You can imagine the pressure on his father.

But he didn't have time to play along with those upper echelons. He couldn't rely entirely on the sign-in system. He had to seize every opportunity to become stronger, only then would he have a future.

‘"Father, don't you understand yet? In the past few years, we have suffered ruthless suppression from the top.

Countless brave tribesmen have died on the battlefield, and some have disappeared inexplicably.

Not only that, the villagers in the village are also full of hostility towards us.

All these things are inseparable from those guys in the top!

" Uchiha Xin said in a low voice, with anger in his tone.

Uchiha Xin's mouth corners slightly raised, revealing a bitter smile:"Yan, you have been a smart kid since you were a child.

I never thought that you could see so clearly.

" There was a flash of admiration in his eyes, but more of it was worry.

‘Yan, you already have your own ideas, your father will support you’

" I will explain to the clan leader about not going to school."

Uchiha Yan was moved. He knew that his father was not good at speaking, but his brief words at this moment were full of deep love and support for him.

‘Yan looked at his father, his eyes flashing with sincere gratitude. His slightly trembling voice revealed his deep respect for his father.

His father stood there quietly, his face showing determination and kindness. His eyes were full of trust and encouragement for Yan, as if telling Yan:"Child, don't worry." A warm current surged in Yan's heart. He knew that it was because of his father's support that he could get to where he is today.

At this moment, Yan and his father's eyes met. No more words were needed. The tacit understanding and deep feelings between them had been conveyed. Yan knew that his father's support was his driving force and his strong backing.

He secretly made up his mind that he must work hard, live up to his father's expectations, and repay his father's kindness with his achievements. At this moment, Yan's gratitude to his father surged into his heart like a tide, and he said silently in his heart:"Father, thank you."

After breakfast,

Uchiha Yan was ready to go out for training.

"System, what is the use of gold coins?" Uchiha Yan looked at the 100 gold coins in the system.

【You can purchase items you have signed in or upgrade them】

"Really?" Looking at the panel, Uchiha Yan closed the panel after seeing that it would cost 1 million yuan to buy another Venom.

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