Inside the Hokage Building, all the clan leaders and jonin gathered together.

"Everyone, I think you have heard about the Uchiha clan's auction. There will be a lot of wealthy businessmen, ninjas and even daimyo coming."

"Konoha needs to do a good job of protection."

Why did Minato Namikaze push this so hard? The main reason was that Konoha didn't have enough funds to develop Konoha. He had too many ideas, but no money.

So he saw great prospects for the auction house created by the Uchiha clan. If it succeeds, it will not only boost the Uchiha area, but also Konoha's economy because of the large number of people coming. If

Konoha's economy is high, he can collect more taxes, and the Uchiha clan will become a major taxpayer. If the Uchiha ninjas are not enough, they can issue tasks to Konoha. And the auction will give Konoha a 5% profit on the transaction price of the auction items.

"Uchiha will take 20% profit from the transaction price of each item."What? It's too expensive, then go out and trade on your own and see if they will kill you or take your treasures.

Use the thousand-year reputation of Uchiha to guarantee fair trade.

As time goes by, wealthy businessmen, daimyo, and ninjas from all over the ninja world are rushing to Konoha.

Raikage Building

Samui is reporting that during this period of time, Uchiha ninjas have been in contact with daimyo in the Land of Lightning. The wealthy businessmen gave the Fourth Raikage Ai

"Lord Raikage, the daimyo and some wealthy businessmen want us to send someone to escort them to Konoha."

"Lord Raikage, this is what we got from those wealthy merchants." A ninja took out a brochure.

Ai took the brochure and looked at the contents.

"Sackcloth, call the elders to a meeting."

Samui was a little curious about what was inside

""Take a look." Ai handed the brochure to Samui, who opened it. When he saw something inside

""Sir, I want to go," Samui said excitedly.

The senior leaders of the Raikage building soon arrived.

Everyone looked at the Raikage, wondering what was going on. Was the Iwagakure attacking?

Without saying anything, the Fourth Raikage distributed the brochure to everyone.

After seeing it, everyone was excited.

The Fourth Raikage, Ai, saw that everyone had finished reading it.

"What do you think?"

"Lord Raikage, what if this is Konoha's trick?"?

"It shouldn't be possible. It's written on it that it's the reputation of the Uchiha clan for a thousand years. I don't think the Uchiha clan would joke about this."

"I think it's true. The Uchiha clan attaches great importance to reputation."

"The question now is, should we go?"

"We just finished fighting Konoha."

"Send someone, Samui will lead the team." Meetings were being held in various places in the Ninja World. More and more people were heading to Konoha. Uchiha En and Uchiha Fugaku stood on the top floor of the hotel. Looking at the dense crowd of Konoha Village, they looked at each other with smiles in their eyes. An Anbu appeared,"Chief Fugaku, Master En and Master Hokage invite you." Then he followed the Anbu and rushed to the Hokage Building. At this time, the Hokage Building

"Mr. Hokage, there are too many people entering Konoha, and there may not be enough accommodation.

"Hokage-sama, the Daimyo of the Land of Lightning has arrived in Konoha,"

"Hokage-sama, the daimyo of the Land of Sand has arrived in Konoha, the fourth Kazekage, Rosa, and Chiyo are also here"

"Hokage-sama, the Anbu and the Guards are short of manpower."


As reports were submitted one after another, Minato Namikaze became more and more surprised. Although he had expected a large number of people, the actual situation was far beyond his imagination.

At this time, Uchiha En and Uchiha Fugaku arrived. Before they stepped into the door of the conference room, they heard the continuous reports.

"Yan, you are here." Namikaze Minato's voice was slightly tired.

Uchiha Yan hesitated for a moment and then said:"Hokage, do you need to call an emergency meeting and ask the heads of each clan to come to assist?" Namikaze

Minato nodded slightly, indicating his agreement:"Well, immediately notify the heads of each clan to come. In addition, Kakashi, you go and invite the Sandaime and the members of the Elders to come."

"As you command!" Kakashi took the order and left.

Not long after, the Hokage building was crowded with people, and the clan leaders of various tribes came one after another.

After everyone sat down, Namikaze Minato said:"I believe you all understand the current difficulties facing Konoha Village."

He paused and continued,"The number of people coming to Konoha is huge, and the Anbu and the guards are already exhausted and seriously short of manpower. At the same time, housing resources are extremely tight and cannot meet the needs of everyone. Therefore, at this moment, it is urgent for everyone to mobilize the power of their respective families to overcome the difficulties together."


All ethnic groups have contributed houses and people, but it is still not enough

"The villagers' homes should also be rented out! In this way, the villagers will have more choices. They can live in shelters or live with people they know."Uchiha Yan said thoughtfully.

"But will the villagers agree to rent out their houses?" Namikaze Minato expressed doubts about this. He was really not sure whether the villagers would accept this proposal. Uchiha

Yan smiled and answered confidently:"We can let the villagers charge a certain fee for providing these services! For example, rent out each room separately, so that a family can accommodate seven or eight people. Then raise the price three to five times appropriately, I think the villagers will definitely be very happy to do so."

"The next issue is food. Let the villagers provide meals. It doesn't matter if the price is a little expensive. The restaurants in Konoha probably can't supply so many people."

Hearing this, Namikaze Minato's eyes suddenly lit up, as if he saw the dawn of a solution to the problem.

Then, Uchiha Yan continued to add:"Next, we have to plan each area first, and then go to the villagers in the corresponding area to negotiate. It is best to separate ordinary people and ninjas and manage them separately. For areas where ninjas are located, vigilance must be strengthened; and in places where ordinary people live, the number of guards can be appropriately reduced. In this way, the problem of accommodation can be easily solved."

"The Sandaime received the Sandaime from the Iwagakure Village"

"The Sand Village is handed over to Master Utatane Koharu and Master Mitomon En."

"The Hidden Cloud Village will be handed over to Danzo-sama."

After hearing the arrangement made by Uchiha Yan, the three of them nodded in agreement, but only Danzo remained gloomy and silent.

" Lord Danzo……" Uchiha En called out softly, but when he saw that Danzo was still silent, he suddenly slammed the table and shouted loudly:"Danzo-sama!"

This roar made everyone present look sideways, and saw that Uchiha En had already opened the Mangekyō Sharingan at this time, and stared at Danzo with angry eyes. Danzo, on the other hand, tightly grasped the crutches in his hand, with a flash of resentment in his eyes - damn Uchiha!

Sarutobi Hiruzen on the side noticed Danzo's abnormal behavior, so he shouted:"Danzo……" When Danzo heard the voice of his old friend and looked into his eyes, he finally said slowly:"I know."

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