Inside the Hokage building, the atmosphere in the spacious and bright conference room was extremely serious, and a comprehensive meeting was going on intensely.

All the jonin of Konoha Village, the patriarchs of many families, and the legendary three ninjas - Jiraiya, Tsunade and Orochimaru, and even the other three elders of the previous Hokage Sarutobi Hiruzen were all present.

Uchiha En sat quietly beside Uchiha Fugaku, staring at the many Konoha members gathered together, and couldn't help but feel a sense of emotion in his heart. Such a luxurious lineup is rare. Everyone here is the backbone of Konoha Village, protecting the village.

"Is everyone here?"Minato Namikaze sat on the Hokage's desk and said solemnly,"I believe everyone has learned about the content of this meeting through their own channels."

" In the area surrounding the Land of Fire, we discovered that there was a large-scale mobilization of personnel at the borders of the Hidden Cloud Village, the Hidden Rock Village, the Hidden Sand Village, and the Hidden Mist Village." Minato's voice was filled with worry."According to the intelligence analysis of the village, there is a possibility that they will start a war again."

At this time, a senior ninja suddenly raised his hand and asked a key question:"Fourth Hokage, why did the other villages act so suddenly this time? Is there any reason for this?"

Namikaze Minato's expression became a little complicated, and he hesitated for a moment.


The head of the Shimura clan spoke at this time."It should be related to something that happened recently. Not long ago, Uchiha Yan from our village eliminated a large number of outsiders from other villages in the village. This action may be regarded as a provocation or threat by other villages. Perhaps this is the fuse that triggered the current tension."

The conference room suddenly fell into silence, and everyone's eyes were focused on Uchiha Yan. He felt the gazes from all around, but he did not shrink or escape. Instead, he straightened his body and met everyone's gazes with a firm look.

The Shimura clan began to make trouble. Some people with vision knew that this had nothing to do with Uchiha Yan, and they were just using this incident as an excuse to start a war. However, most people were kept in the dark, and they did not know the truth of the matter.

""Uchiha Yan, how are you going to apologize for this?" Someone shouted.

Uchiha Yan looked at everyone with an innocent face. He really couldn't understand why he needed to apologize.

"Oh, why do you want to apologize? This time a large number of spies appeared in the village, and they organized and planned to kill me. Fortunately, I am strong enough to survive. If we don't eradicate them, there will be a lot of support from other villages, and a steady stream of spies will pour into Konoha. We must take action and not let the enemy take advantage of the opportunity!" Uchiha Yan said righteously.

However, his explanation was not recognized by everyone, but aroused more doubts.

"Uchiha Yan, stop making excuses! This incident was caused by you!"

"Yes, you are arrogant all the time, and now you refuse to admit your mistakes when something happens!"

Faced with the accusations of everyone, Uchiha Yan felt helpless. He knew that these people had been instigated by the Shimura clan, and no matter how he explained, he could not change their views.

At this moment, Uchiha Yan thought to himself: This sudden crisis is much more serious than he originally imagined! If it cannot be properly handled, the rift between the Uchiha clan and Konoha, which was barely repaired with great difficulty, will be broken again.

"Everyone, please keep quiet!

I don't think Uchiha En can be blamed entirely for this incident.

In fact, I, the Hokage, should have been responsible for the large-scale attack by spies.

Because of the Uchiha auction, a large number of people entered and exited Konoha Village, making the investigation work extremely difficult.

Because of this, the ninjas from the enemy village were able to sneak into the village smoothly.

Uchiha En successfully eliminated these spies, making the village safer.


"However, the series of consequences that followed were what I didn't want to see. However, there were so many spies in the village. We must be more strict in examining outsiders in the future."

Namikaze Minato was determined to take the responsibility for this matter alone. He really didn't want to see the relationship between the Uchiha clan and Konoha deteriorate again. In the years he was in power, he didn't realize the danger of the Uchiha clan. On the contrary, he saw many Uchiha clan members who were cold on the outside but warm on the inside.

"This time, I, as the Hokage, failed to do my duty. I'm sorry, everyone." Namikaze Minato stood up and bowed deeply to everyone with a heavy face.

"this……"The people present suddenly fell silent, with expressions of astonishment and bewilderment on their faces.

"Fourth Hokage, you absolutely cannot do that! You don't need to apologize to us."Someone said hurriedly, and others echoed,"Over the years, the development of Konoha Village has been obvious to all, and we have all seen your leadership and dedication. This incident cannot be entirely blamed on you!"

Everyone hurriedly stepped forward to dissuade Minato Namikaze. They knew that this young Hokage had made Konoha Village so prosperous in just a few years, and he really made an indelible contribution. They were full of admiration for him and never wanted to see him blame himself for a mistake.

When everyone calmed down a little, someone suddenly realized that it seemed that everything started from the auction of the Uchiha family. Recalling the amazing changes in Konoha Village recently, it seemed that all kinds of opportunities and challenges had come one after another since then.

The complaints and doubts just now gradually disappeared.

Minato Namikaze looked at the people in front of him quietly, and he breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that the relationship between the Uchiha clan and Konoha must not be broken again. As long as everyone united and worked together, Konoha Village would be able to overcome any difficulties and usher in a better tomorrow.

"The Uchiha clan will naturally take on the responsibility this time! If we really have to go to war with the ninjas from the hostile village, then I will personally lead the Uchiha clan to step forward, take the lead on the battlefield, and kill all enemies who dare to invade our territory!" Uchiha Yan stood up and spoke righteously.

Their Uchiha clan is the founder of Konoha. This is not only the unshirkable mission of the Uchiha clan, but also a face-saving project that they must maintain.

At this moment, Hyuga Hiashi suddenly stated:"The Hyuga clan is willing to join hands with the Uchiha clan to jointly resist foreign invasion!" His voice was sonorous and powerful, full of firmness and determination.

Uchiha Yan turned his head and looked at Hyuga Hiashi, and when their eyes met, he seemed to read those two heavy words from Hyuga Hiashi's mouth.——"At this moment, a warm current surged in his heart, and he was full of confidence in the future battles. Because he knew that with such a solid and reliable ally by their side, no matter how powerful the enemy was, they could move forward bravely and be invincible.

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