On June 22, Peking University students suddenly telegraphed the whole country, announcing that they would restore the name of Peking University on their own.

The educational circles in the north and south were inexplicably surprised, but the government officials were surprisingly silent, and did not stand up to denounce this behavior of ignoring the government.

On June 23, Li Shizeng went south to Tianjin and stopped by Sanle Hall to visit Zhou Hexuan. The old man's face was haggard, his eyes were bloodshot, and he was in a very sluggish state.

Zhou Hexuan personally poured tea for him and asked, "Mr. Shi Zeng is going back to Nanjing?"

"Well," Li Shizeng nodded, and said, "Go to Nanjing to discuss the funding for the establishment of the Peking Research Institute."

Li Shi never mentioned the Peking University District and the Ninth National School, obviously admitting that his education reform had completely failed, and his energy in the future would probably be devoted to the Peking Research Institute.

No matter how many mistakes Li Shizeng made in the process of education reform, his character is still worthy of admiration.

Without Li Shizeng and Cai Yuanpei actively promoting the work-study program in France, China would have lost a large number of talented students studying in France, including several great founding figures of our party. It would have been even more difficult for New China to manufacture the atomic bomb if Li Shi had not established the Peking Research Institute and actively planned the establishment of the Institute of Atomic Research through his connections in the French academic circles.

Li Shizeng came to see Zhou Hexuan this time, also for business, he asked: "I may go to France at the end of the year, I wonder if Mingcheng is willing to go with me?"

"What are you going to France for?" Zhou Hexuan asked.

Li Shi once said: "I still have some contacts at the Institut Pasteur in France, and I plan to contact them for academic cooperation. The Institut Pasteur has made great achievements in the field of biology, which will be of great help to our upcoming Institute of Biology. As for the Institute of History, You need Mingcheng’s help, you have great influence in the French historical academic circle. I hope to persuade one or two French historical academic institutions, or some historical authoritative experts to cooperate and communicate.”

The Pasteur Institute is very powerful. It pioneered microbial physiology, discovered the rabies vaccine, invented the "pasteurization method", and made outstanding contributions to the research on the control of plague and yellow fever. Before Zhou Hexuan crossed over, there were 8 scientists in this research institution, who won the Nobel Prize in Medicine.

General de Gaulle once said: "There are three things in France that must not be touched, namely the French Academy, the Pasteur Institute and the Eiffel Tower."

The later generations of the Chinese Academy of Sciences can rank among the world's top level in the field of biological research, which is the foundation laid by the cooperation between the Peking Research Institute and the Pasteur Institute.

Strictly speaking, Li Shizeng's active efforts will have a huge impact on the future of Chinese academic circles, but little is known about it.

Zhou Hexuan thought carefully: "I will go to the United States in August, and I will leave at least in November. At that time, I will directly cross the Atlantic Ocean to Europe. Let's meet up in France."

"Then leave this matter to Mingcheng, goodbye!" Li Shizeng stood up and shook hands with Zhou Hexuan.

Zhou Hexuan asked: "Mr. Shi Zeng is leaving now?"

Li Shizeng smiled wryly: "For the 12:00 noon boat ticket, I have to rush to Nanjing to ask for money."

"I'll send you a car to see you off." Zhou Hexuan said with emotion.

Li Shizeng really wanted to do something, but unfortunately there were too many constraints. The biggest problem was that he couldn't get money.

Cai Yuanpei was much more tactful and witty, hugging Chang Kaishen's thigh. The two prepared to build a research institute together, but Cai Yuanpei's Academia Sinica was completed, but Li Shizeng's Peking Research Institute did not even have funding.

Zhou Hexuan personally sent Li Shizeng to the pier, and then returned shaking his head and sighing.

The situation in Beiping is too complicated, and all factions in the country are fighting each other. With Li Shizeng's innocent temperament, he plunged headlong into the big sauce tank of Peiping, and the difficulty of success can be imagined. It is extremely rare to be able to run the Peking Research Institute.

Zhou Hexuan saw off Li Shizeng at the pier, and Zhu Xiang the next day. This angry young man finally went to study in the United States, and he wondered if he would be able to successfully complete his studies.

The situation between the north and the south is also deteriorating. Feng Yuxiang and Chang Kaishen have already started fighting last month.

Feng Yuxiang appointed himself the commander-in-chief of the Northwest Road Power Party's National Salvation Army, and called on warlords from all over the country to fight against Chiang together. However, no one paid any attention to him at all. Even his own subordinates Han Fuju and Shi Yousan also jumped back, and openly played the banner to support the central government (Chang Kaishen).

This is exactly the same as the Jianggui war before, Chang Kaishen bribed the enemy's general to turn against him just after the war started.

Feng Yuxiang is also self-inflicted. The Northwest Army was developed on the basis of a regiment, and all the generals are Feng Yuxiang's old subordinates. He has a strong patriarchal style in running the army, and his subordinates have already become provincial chairman and provincial governor. Feng Yuxiang often scolds in public, just like teaching his son and grandson.

Sometimes Feng Yuxiang lost his temper, and even slapped him across the face, who could bear it?

In addition, the Northwest Army is very poor, and often cannot afford military pay. If Chang Kaishen handed over the banknote, someone would naturally be willing to be bribed, but Feng Yuxiang thought that all the generals under him were utterly loyal to him.

After Han Fuju and Shi Yousan rebelled against each other, Feng Yuxiang was immediately stunned, knowing that Chang Kaishen could not be defeated by himself alone. He sent several telegrams to Yan Xishan and Zhang Xueliang, but he did not get a definite answer.

In desperation, Feng Yuxiang had no choice but to go to Shanxi in person to discuss with Yan Xishan the major issue of anti-Chiang, and was willing to regard Yan Xishan as "the leading brother".

At this time Yan Xishan was still thinking about doing business, entertaining Feng Yuxiang with good wine and good food, but in fact he was under house arrest in disguise. He actually used this as a bargaining chip to start a long-distance negotiation with Chang Kaishen in an attempt to resolve the war peacefully and gain benefits from it.

When Chang Kaishen saw that Feng Yuxiang was under control, he immediately went to Peiping in person, and sent Wu Zhihui, Zhao Daiwen, and Kong Xiangxi to Taiyuan with their own letters, and invited Yan Xishan to Peking to discuss the aftermath of the Northwest Army.

On the seventh day after Li Shizeng left Tianjin, Chang Kaishen and Yan Xishan formally met in Peiping.

After bargaining, Chang Kaishen appointed Yan Xishan as the deputy commander-in-chief of the navy, army and air force, which was equivalent to the second position in China at this time. Yan Xishan was complacent about this, feeling that he had taken advantage of it, and promised to solve the problem of the Northwest Army.

Not only did Yan Xishan sell Feng Yuxiang, but he also didn't want to lose his reputation. He declared to the outside world that he was doing it for the peace of the country, and not for selling out friends for glory. He also telegraphed the whole country, hoping that Feng Yuxiang would understand and not blame him for this incident.

When Feng Yuxiang saw the telegram, he was probably so angry that he wanted to vomit blood.

Yan Xishan does a full set of plays, in order to show that he is dedicated to the public. He resigned due to illness, and called a meeting of his subordinates, saying that he would go abroad with Feng Yuxiang. He said in a very embarrassing way: "Sacrificing the previous agreement has been difficult since ancient times. However, it is beneficial to the country, and there is no breach of faith. Mountains are not rigid, and there is no need to fight for this." section."

How nice to say it, I am for the sake of the country, so I don't stick to small details and do things that are treacherous.

Although Feng Yuxiang was under house arrest, in order not to completely anger the generals of the Northwest Army, Yan Xishan allowed him to send telegrams to the outside world.

Feng Yuxiang is also a thousand-year-old fox, he eats and drinks quietly, but secretly orders his subordinates to join Chang Kaishen, expressing that the Northwest Army is willing to accept the central government's reorganization, and asks Chang Kaishen for a large amount of military pay by the way.

Chang Kaishen saw that the uniforms of the Northwest Army were soft, and thought that all the plans to defeat had been realized, so he decided to hold a second dispatch meeting, targeting Yan Xishan, who had just returned the brothers.

Yan Xishan capsized in the gutter, feeling that the deal was a big loss, so he turned around and joined forces with Feng Yuxiang. Feng Yuxiang had exactly this intention, and the two hit it off immediately, and finally put aside their past suspicions and cooperated against Chiang Kai-shek.

Now it's Chang Kaishen's turn to have a headache. If he accepts it as soon as it is good, he can successfully deal with the Northwest Army, but now he can't do without fighting.

These gang leaders are full of bad things, and never consider national interests.

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