The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 370 369 [Poetry and Love]

Lin Huiyin's main identity is an architect, and he is one of the founders of the study of ancient Chinese architecture. But her talent name has little to do with her identity as an architect. She is a writer, proficient in prose, novels, scripts and literary translation. She is also a poet, one of the poets of the Crescent School.

Lin Huiyin's representative poem "You Are April Day in the World" has not yet been created at this time. This poem was written by her after her son was born.

At this moment, Lin Huiyin held a pencil and stood under the tree with a half-smile. Liang Sicheng took out his camera and took a picture of Zhou Hexuan and others. In fact, this camera was used to take pictures of ancient buildings.

Ba Jin took advantage of the trend, completely disregarding his image, and lay leisurely on the stone steps with his eyes closed.

While Zhou Hexuan was thinking hard, Ma Jue looked up at the clouds in the sky, and looked down at Zhou Hexuan from time to time, with a moving smile on his face.

Zhou Hexuan scratched his head, not knowing what poems to copy, but Ma Jue's actions suddenly gave him inspiration.

Zhou Hexuan picked up a small stone, and everyone surrounded him, only to see him writing on the mud——

"Far and Near"


see me later

I'll see the cloud later.

I think,

When you look at me far away,

You are very close when you look at the clouds.

"Wow, this is a love poem, it's really well written!" Yao Weiwei was already in a nympho, looking at Zhou Hexuan with bright eyes.

Chen Ziya said: "Tasting carefully, this poem seems to be not simple, and it is not just an expression of love."

Ba Jin commented: "This poem seems to be talking about human nature. People are always alienated and guarded against each other. Instead, people have a primitive intimacy with nature. It implies the desire of human nature to return to nature."

"It's also talking about distance and gains and losses." Lin Huiyin was quite touched, and she thought of Xu Zhimo who was far away in Shanghai.

Liang Sicheng smiled unnaturally, feeling that this poem fully described his relationship with Lin Huiyin and Xu Zhimo. Some people are far away, but the distance between hearts is very close; some people are very close, but the distance between hearts is very far.

Ma Jue blushed suddenly, because she was looking at Yun and Zhou Hexuan just now, and this poem was obviously written by her.

Could it be that Mr. Zhou likes me, but it's hard to say it?

Ma Jue couldn't help thinking wildly, secretly looked at Zhou Hexuan shyly and timidly, his heart was pounding.

While Ma Jue was peeking at Zhou Hexuan, the boy named Chen Dong was also staring at Ma Jue. He feels that this poem expresses his inner voice: The person he likes is close at hand, but seems to be far away in the sky, elusive and out of reach. The clouds in the sky are thousands of miles away, but they have merged with the person he likes and have entered his heart.

The same poem, in the eyes of different people, has a completely different interpretation.

Liang Sicheng, Lin Huiyin, Ma Jue, and Chen Dong's understanding of poetry is all related to love. This is a kind of emotional refraction, and "Far and Near" is like a mirror, reflecting their thoughts hidden in their hearts.

Ba Jin has no lover yet. He analyzes this poem completely from a philosophical point of view, exploring the essence of life and human nature. In the verses of "Far and Near", the relationship between human beings is distorted and inverted, people are alienated due to the barrier of the soul, and people and nature become closer.

In Ba Jin's view, "Far and Near" is full of loneliness and desolation, which embodies the contradictions of human nature.

"The more you read this poem, the more interesting it becomes." Ba Jin laughed.

Ba Jin also knows how to write poetry. At the age of 18, he published a new poem "The Cry of the Abused" in Shanghai's "Current Affairs News". From September 18th to the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, he wrote many Anti-Japanese War poems, all of which had relatively large themes and were not entangled in personal emotions.

The poem Ba Jin wrote on September 18 was like this: "I said this is the last time I cry, and crying is a very shameful thing. We have shed enough tears! This is a target for people." I've had enough of life..."

When the Anti-Japanese War broke out, Ba Jin's poem had become like this: "We have no more tears to shed for you, only the full amount of red blood can wash away our regret and shame; we have no right to insult the glory of the dead, only we are still alive." have to endure even greater misery and hardship..."

For Ba Jin, both poetry and novels are tools for carrying thoughts. He seems to disdain writing poems of love and depression.

Several students quickly copied the poems, but Ma Jue didn't copy them. She had already memorized the content of the poems, and she didn't speak much after that, only occasionally sneaking a few glances at Zhou Hexuan.

Chen Dong asked: "Mr. Zhou, I read a poem "I Love This Land" not long ago. The last two sentences are very wonderful. Do you know this poem?"

"Because I love this land deeply?" Zhou Hexuan asked with a smile.

"That's right, that's the one," Chen Dong said, "Many students in our class can recite it, but it's a pity that 'Night Breeze' doesn't have other works. Do you know this poet named 'Night Breeze'?"

Zhou Hexuan didn't want to lie, so he said ambiguously, "It's considered acquaintance."

"Who is he?" Several other students asked quickly.

"He doesn't want to reveal his identity, so I can't say either." Zhou Hexuan said.

"That's such a pity." Chen Dong regretted.

Ba Jin hadn't read "I Love This Land", so he asked, "Which poem are you talking about?"

The students immediately recited the poem, and Ba Jin clapped his hands and praised: "It's really well written, and it can be called a masterpiece among patriotic poems!"

Lin Huiyin did not participate in the discussion and continued to inspect the ancient buildings of Biyun Temple. Liang Sicheng followed behind her. They didn't speak a word, but they had a tacit understanding. They knew each other like the left hand and the right hand.

As the sun gradually set to the west, everyone went down the mountain together.

Gorgeous fire clouds ignited in the sky, coating the mountains with a layer of gold, and people's faces were also layered with gold.

"What's wrong with you, Ma Jue? You haven't spoken all the time." Zhao Fang asked curiously.

"No, I'm just a little tired." Ma Jue said in a flustered tone, holding a newly written poem in her hand, hesitating whether to send it out.

Zhou Hexuan didn't think about that at all, he reminded, "Soak your feet in hot water after you get home, your body will feel much better."

Ma Jue looked down at the road and replied softly, "Yes, I will."

Walking all the way down the mountain, when everyone parted, Ma Jue suddenly slipped a piece of paper into Zhou Hexuan's hand, then suddenly became active, ran away bouncing and waved: "Goodbye, Mr. Zhou, both of you." Goodbye, Mr. Li and Ms. Sun!"

Zhou Hexuan felt that something was wrong, and waited until he got into the city to get on a rickshaw before taking out the note. On it was a poem:


He is a ray of light,

Shine light into my dark dreams.

He is a cloud,

Sprinkle rain and dew in my barren heart.

He is a gust of wind,

Mess with my hair and sorrows and joys.

He is a fountain,

wash my...

What the hell?

Zhou Hexuan looked at this hastily written love poem, and there was a little panic in the graceful handwriting. But the meaning is expressed clearly and implicitly, which is obviously showing love to Zhou Hexuan, and using "he" instead of "you" to cover up, so as not to feel embarrassed after being rejected.

Are all the girls in the Republic of China so passionate?

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