Chang Kaishen was a smart man. Zhou Hexuan had persuaded Zhang Xueliang to change his flag in the Northeast, and this time he seemed to have hope of persuading Zhang Xueliang to help the Central Army, which made him pay more attention to Zhou Hexuan. What's more, Zhou Hexuan is not only knowledgeable, but also enjoys a high reputation both at home and abroad. Such a great scholar is also worth wooing.

On the third day after Cai Yuanpei sent the calligraphy works, the editor of the publishing house affiliated to the Guangzhou Center for International Studies suddenly came to Shanghai to visit. The other party directly explained the purpose of coming, and wanted to republish Zhou Hexuan's "The Rise of Great Powers", and the new edition of the book would also include Chang Kaishen's preface, saying that it would be distributed internally by governments at all levels after printing.

This is awesome, government procurement. It is equivalent to the central government and the party headquarters of the National Party, helping to promote the book "The Rise of Great Powers".

At that time, important government officials at all levels, as well as senior party members of the Nationalist Party, will have a copy of "The Rise of a Great Power". Zhou Hexuan thinks it is interesting to think about it.

It's just that the publishing house made a request, hoping to delete some of the content of "Russia Chapter", and remove all the chapters that say good things about the Soviet Union. Zhou Hexuan didn't care about this, anyway, he was not a Soviet propagandist, so there was no need to make trouble with the Nanjing government.

Chang Kaishen wanted to write a preface for the new edition of "The Rise of the Great Powers". Naturally, it was impossible for him to write the article himself. Instead, he asked his secretary Chen Bulei to write it for him. Chen Bulei is Chang Kaishen's literary courage. In the early days of the Anti-Japanese War, Chang Kaishen made a famous declaration of the War of Resistance: "If the war breaks out, there will be no distinction between the north and the south, no distinction between the old and the young, no matter who you are, you will be able to defend the land." Responsibility for the War of Resistance", this passage was written by Chen Bulei.

The Nanjing government not only wants to reprint "The Rise of Great Powers", but even completely liberalizes the restrictions on "Goddess", "The Dog Official" and "The Dog Official Gaiden". The official caliber defines these three books as a criticism of the old-style warlords, and says that under the leadership of Commander-in-Chief Jiang and the guidance of Mr. Sun Yat-sen's Three People's Principles, China will definitely wipe out the bad government of Beiyang. The tragedy in "Goddess" It will not happen in China under the Kuomintang rule.

The major party-run bookstores of the Kuomintang have successively appeared books such as "Goddess", and the publications of the Kuomintang organs have also begun to have review articles on "Goddess" and "Dog Official". Anyone with a discerning eye can tell at a glance that Zhou Hexuan has been recognized and supported by the Nanjing government.

The funniest thing is that Chen Dezheng, who once angered Zhou Hexuan, actually wrote an article praising "The Rise of Great Powers", calling Zhou Hexuan "the first person in international history research", and even invited Zhou Hexuan to give a speech at the Shanghai Party Headquarters of the National Party.

Zhou Hexuan couldn't help but put down the Shanghai "Republic of China Daily". In this newspaper, Chen Dezheng had already praised him to the sky, and there was no trace of any conflict between the two.

"Sir, Mr. Luo Mingyou is asking to see you." The servant came in and reported.

Zhou Hexuan had never even heard of the name Luo Mingyou, so he thought for a while and ordered, "Please come in."

Not long after, Zhou Hexuan saw a young man wearing glasses come in and said in awkward Cantonese Mandarin: "Zou Xiansen, dogs, dogs!"

"My surname is Zhou, and I'm not raised by a dog." Zhou Hexuan couldn't laugh or cry, "You should just speak Cantonese."

Luo Mingyou looked a little embarrassed, and said in Cantonese: "I'm sorry, my accent is a bit problematic."

Zhou Hexuan smiled and said, "It's okay, please sit down. Can you introduce yourself?"

Luo Mingyou said: "My humble Luo Mingyou, from Panyu, Guangdong, general manager of North China Film Company."

"Oh, I know," Zhou Hexuan nodded and said, "Most of the movie theaters in Beiping and Tianjin are run by you."

Luo Mingyou is also a powerful person. He entered Peking University at the age of 18. He opened a movie theater in Peking in his second year of university and used his spare time as a manager. Now just 30 years old, his movie theaters have opened all over North China, Northwest China and Northeast China, and he has reached cooperation with theater companies in Shanghai and Guangzhou, becoming the largest movie theater trust in China today.

If you want to talk about the secret of Luo Mingyou's success, first of all, of course, you will be reincarnated. Otherwise, how can you have the money to open a movie theater while studying, and how can you have the money to buy more than 20 movie theaters in North China within two years?

Reincarnation is a technical job.

One used to be a Peking University student, and the other used to be the president of Peking University. After chatting about Peking University, the relationship between the two quickly drew closer.

Finally, Luo Mingyou expressed his intention: "Mr. Zhou, my North China Film Company is planning to join Minxin Film Company, Greater China Lily Film Company and Shanghai Film Company to form Hualian Film Production Company. Are you interested in becoming a shareholder? "

Zhou Hexuan asked in surprise, "How did you think of asking me to become a shareholder of the film company?"

"When you start a company, everyone gathers firewood and makes a lot of flames," Luo Mingyou said with a smile, "Mr. Prime Minister Yan Huiqing, former Minister of Justice Xu Shiying, former Minister of Finance Liu Enyuan, and some senior Nanjing government officials who cannot be named.”

Zhou Hexuan smiled and said: "Yes, your company has money and political backing, so the future is boundless."

Luo Mingyou said: "With only money and backing, a film company cannot be run well. I decided to introduce advanced western company management models and film equipment, and have Mr. Li Minwei (Gigi Lai's grandfather) and other big directors, Miss Ruan Lingyu and other great directors. Stars to join. I hope that Mr. Zhou can also join the company and be responsible for the artistic supervision of the film. If possible, I would like to ask Mr. Zhou to write the screenplay. I just came back from the United States two months ago. Your novel "Titanic" " is very exciting, various adaptations are popular in the United States, and you are the top master of storytelling."

Zhou Hexuan finally understood that Luo Mingyou wanted to ask him to be the literary director.

Filmmaking is not always decided by the director. In addition to the director-centered system, there are star-centered systems, photographer-centered systems, and screenwriter-centered systems.

When the film was just emerging, it belonged to the photographer-centered system, but at this time, the Chinese film industry was still stuck in the screenwriter-centered system.

Nowadays, when making movies in China, screenwriters have great rights and can dictate to directors and actors. Because in the hearts of filmmakers in the Republic of China, the story is the core of the film, and the film is used to tell stories. Directors and actors can be changed, but screenwriters cannot be changed casually.

The screenwriter even holds the final editing rights of the movie-this is a right that can only be enjoyed by the top directors of later generations.

Zhou Hexuan asked with a smile: "If I invest 100,000 yuan, how many company shares can I get?"

Luo Mingyou said: "Because there are too many shareholders, I only have the right to distribute 5% of the shares to you, and an investment of 100,000 yuan is just about right."

The investment of 100,000 yuan is really not much, because the soon-to-be-formed Lianhua Film Company owns dozens of movie theaters (already monopolizing the theater industry in northern China), and has also combined several large movie companies, with many advanced Film equipment and stars.

Zhou Hexuan said with a smile: "I agree to become a shareholder, and the story of the script is also ready-made, just adapt "Goddess"."

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