The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 470 469 [The ass is crooked, and the head is not working well]

During Zhou Hexuan's wandering at sea, several major events happened in succession in China.

First of all, Japanese military and political officials in China decided to celebrate the emperor's birthday in Hongkou Park in Shanghai, and held the "Songhu War Victory Ceremony" by the way.

Chen Mingshu, who was the commander of the Songhu garrison at the time, was very indignant, so he found the "Assassination King" Wang Yaqiao, and the two planned an assassination operation to disrupt the celebration of the Japanese army.

Because the Japanese were very vigilant, no Chinese were allowed to participate in the "Congratulations to Victory Conference", so Wang Yaqiao invited the Koreans in exile in Shanghai to take charge. Wang Yaqiao approached An Changhao and provided 40,000 yuan of funds, and An Changhao approached Jin Jiu to implement it.

Jin Jiuxun came to Yin Bongji, who was proficient in Japanese, and Yin Bongji was mixed into the "Victory Celebration" of the Japanese army. This gentleman rushed to a few meters away from the rostrum, and dropped a bomb disguised as a kettle into the crowd of Japanese military and political officials.

Sadaji Kawabata, the executive chairman of the Japanese militia stationed in Shanghai, was killed on the spot, and Yoshinori Shirakawa, the commander-in-chief of the Japanese Shanghai Expeditionary Force (Army General), was hit by 204 pieces of shrapnel and died after nearly a month of rescue. Kenkichi Ueda, head of the Ninth Division of Japan, and Shigemitsu Aoi, the Japanese minister to China, both suffered a broken leg, and many other Japanese officers and soldiers were killed or injured.

Yin Bongji, who was in charge of the assassination, was arrested on the spot, and then the Japanese army retaliated wildly against the Koreans in the French Concession in Shanghai, and 17 people including An Changhao were arrested. Jin Jiu declared himself the mastermind through Reuters, and warned Japan not to kill innocent people indiscriminately, and finally managed to escape with the help of Chu Fucheng (the one who patted the table at the national crisis meeting).

The initiator of this assassination was Chen Mingshu, the chief planner was Wang Yaqiao, the contact person was An Changhao, and the specific planners and implementers were Jin Jiu and Yin Bongji. It can be called a successful international cooperation between China and North Korea.

The news of Shirakawa Yoshinori's death shocked both China and Japan. Because this guy was a minister of the army and actively advocated the conquest of China by force. He belongs to the ultra-radical faction of the Japanese military department. in large areas of the Northeast.

It can be said that the Kwantung Army was able to successfully occupy the Northeast, and Shirakawa Yoshinori's contribution was not only ranked first, but at least ranked in the top five.

This guy was assassinated and bombed to death in Shanghai. The whole Chinese people rejoiced, and many patriots spontaneously set off firecrackers to celebrate.

The Japanese emperor decreed that Shirakawa Yoshinori was posthumously made a baron, and wrote a poem to mourn: "The young girl mourns the day, when the war is stopped and peace is sought. The meritorious deeds are indestructible, and the long-term memories will be kept."

Chinese newspapers also wrote two poems for Bai Chuanyi: "Come in a warship, leave in a coffin."

Bai Chuanyi was the commander-in-chief of the Japanese army who invaded Shanghai. He was seriously injured by the bomb and rescued, and the Battle of Songhu could not be fought immediately. China and Japan quickly accelerated the pace of peace talks. Under the mediation of various powers, the two countries signed the "Songhu Armistice Agreement" on May 5.

The armistice agreement was signed very hastily, and both sides wanted to finish the matter as soon as possible. The performance of the Nanjing Nationalist Government once again showed weakness and deception.

When Zhou Hexuan had a secret meeting with Chang Kaishen in Luoyang, he had already analyzed the situation very clearly. He hoped that the central government would be tougher. Chang Kaishen also said that he would be tough, but in real negotiations, he ignored everything for the sake of peace.

The "Songhu Armistice Agreement" actually designated Shanghai as a "non-combat zone". While stipulating that the Japanese army must retreat, it also stipulated that the Chinese army should not be stationed in Shanghai, so as to win the favor of allies (great powers).

China's territory has been invaded for no reason, and Chinese troops are not allowed to station after the armistice. What kind of reason is this? Fortunately, this provision is only temporary.

Just to make a joke, although the warring parties in the Battle of Songhu are China and Japan, they have actually been reduced to supporting roles during the settlement period, and the real protagonists are the great powers of various countries.

The United Kingdom sent 10 warships and more than 6,000 troops to Shanghai. The United States concentrated all its warships in Asia in Shanghai, reaching as many as 17 ships. France also increased its troops in Shanghai to 3,000. Both China and Japan dare not fight again, for fear that if they act too tough, they will anger these European and American powers.

Britain, France and the United States are real fathers. It doesn't matter if two sons fight, but now they want to smash the family's things (interests in China), which is absolutely intolerable. Whoever dares to move will spank their ass.

In fact, both China and Japan have been intimidated by the European and American powers, and now the international trend is "appeasement". Even if China and Japan go to war in an all-out way, Britain, France and the United States will at most condemn a few words. Their warships are all intimidating, and it is impossible to really fire.

The difference is that Japan is really being intimidated. Although the real goal of the "January 28th Incident" was to divert attention, the Japanese military has never been short of lunatics. Many people clamored to seize the opportunity to invade China in an all-round way. The intimidation of the big powers actually curbed the expansion of the war.

China, on the other hand, is willing to be intimidated by the foreign powers. The more aggressive the foreign powers put up, the happier people like Chang Kaishen and Wang Zhaoming will be, because they really don't want to fight and dare not fight.

Although the Battle of Songhu was successfully resolved, Chang Kaishen's prestige fell rapidly, and all walks of life in the country clamored to take back the Northeast and establish a democratic constitution. On the one hand, in order to divert the public's attention, and on the other hand, in order to unify and consolidate military power, Chang Kaishen quickly announced the policy of "to fight against the outside world first, to secure the inside first". Regardless of the huge financial deficit of the central government, he gathered a large army and began to encircle the Red Zone.

Half a month after the "Songhu Armistice Agreement" was signed, Chang Kaishen appointed himself the "Commander-in-Chief of Bandit Suppression" and spent money and food to continue the civil war.

In fact, due to China's vast land and abundant resources, the economic development during the Republic of China was not slow. According to incomplete statistics, during the golden decade of 1927-1937, China's GDP growth probably reached 9%. If it has been developing peacefully, not to mention catching up with the Premier League and the United States, it is completely possible to catch up with Japan.

It is a pity that the dividends brought about by economic development have been exhausted in successive years of civil wars. The lives of ordinary citizens have not improved, and the country's military technology has also developed slowly. Until the time of Japan's full-scale invasion of China, the central government still owed a lot of debts, but the four big families made a lot of money.

Especially those consortiums from Jiangsu and Zhejiang, they regretted that they actually supported Chang Kaishen, the white-eyed wolf, in the Northern Expedition. Now that Chang Kaishen is the boss, not only did he not repay them, but he intensified the search. The four big families used various means to embezzle their interests.

When Zhou Hexuan learned of the content of the "Songhu Armistice Agreement" in Europe, he could only sigh. He told Chang Kaishen everything he had to say, and Chang Kaishen accepted advice humbly, but in the end nothing changed.

The head is a good thing, but the ass often rules the head.

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