The International Non-War Conference held in May 1932 was not an official international conference, and most of it was initiated and participated by civil anti-war activists.

Don't underestimate these peace lovers, each of them has huge influence, and their voice in the public opinion front even surpasses their respective governments.

Mrs. Sun was wearing a white waistcoat, and she said to Zhou Hexuan at the entrance of the venue, "Mr. Zhou, invite you first!"

Zhou Hexuan hurriedly said, "Ms. Song should invite you first."

Madam Sun didn't refuse anymore, and with a slight smile on her face, she stepped into the venue.

When the two entered the venue, there were already several people inside. Roman Roland came up to him, shook hands with Zhou Hexuan enthusiastically, and said, "Zhou, we meet again."

Zhou Hexuan said with a smile: "Let me introduce, the lady next to me is the wife of Mr. Sun, the founder of the Republic of China. Ms. Song, this is Mr. Romain Rolland, a great European writer."

"Hello, Ms. Song!"

"Mr. Roland, hello!"

After exchanging greetings, Romain Rolland introduced others to them: "Ms. Song, Mr. Zhou, this is Sir Marais, a British 'red nobleman', this is Mr. Gujiulie, a member of the Central Committee of the French Communist Party, and this is the "Chinese Mr. Yi Luosheng, the editor-in-chief of "Forum".

What Romain Rolland introduced were all well-known anti-pacifists in Europe and America.

Sir Marley belongs to the left wing of the British Labor Party, Gujiulie is the editor-in-chief of the French "Humanite", and Irason is a well-known anti-war reporter in the United States ("China Forum" is an American English-language magazine).

Under the introduction of Romain Rolland, everyone quickly became acquainted and talked about the current international situation in a low voice.

After about a few minutes, two more people came in suddenly, one was Remarque (German), the author of "All Quiet on the Western Front", and the other was Barbusse (French), the author of "Cannon Fire".

"All Quiet on the Western Front" is now popular all over the world, 6 printing machines and 10 binding machines, working overtime for this novel, sold like crazy in Europe, America, and Asia, setting off a wave of international anti-pacifism . It was even adapted into a movie by Hollywood in the United States and won the Oscar for Best Picture and Best Director.

In addition, there are American writer Theresa, German writer Louis Lang, the future founder of the British Left-wing Reading Union Gorenz and so on.

Anyway, none of the people who came to the conference were ordinary people, and all of them had huge social influence. Their professions included writers, poets, booksellers, journalists, artists, scientists, historians, politicians, and social activists.

When Einstein came to the venue, everyone immediately responded with warm applause—the only scientist in the audience.

Zhou Hexuan felt that he had come to the stronghold of the leftists. There were more than a dozen of the British Communist Party, the French Communist Party and the German Communist Party. Although Sir Marley and Gorenz belonged to the British Labor Party, they were also leftists, advocating social improvement and peace movements.

Especially Gorenz, who is not well-known at present, but will be very powerful in a few years. The left-wing reading alliance he founded set off a fanatical red study wave in the UK. By 1938, the number of members had reached nearly 60,000. They believe that capitalism is about to come to an end, and that the future development of the world, at worst, will be dominated by fascism, and at best, will be ruled by socialism.

This trend has a great influence on the future of British politics, and indirectly led to various social improvements in the UK after World War II, and the promulgation of numerous social welfare policies.

However, the funniest thing is that although Gorenz actively promotes leftist ideas in the UK, and he personally yearns for socialism extremely, he is an out-and-out big capitalist. He has more than 10 servants in his big house in London, and there are only three gardeners in a country house. He goes out in a custom-made luxury car that can lie down and sleep, eats at a high-end restaurant every day at noon, and has two-digit female secretaries, many of whom have developed into lovers.

According to Freud's psychological theory, Golenz chose the "superego" in his career and pursued the "id" in his private life.


It seems that there is no contradiction.

Before the meeting officially started, Gorenz quietly approached Zhou Hexuan and said, "Mr. Zhou, I hope to publish all your works in the UK as an agent."

"Of course, we can discuss the specific cooperation in private." Zhou Hexuan naturally would not reject this big British bookseller.

"That would be great!" Gorenz laughed happily.

Zhou Hexuan subconsciously felt that Gorenz's motives for promoting leftist ideas were impure. Now that the British publishing industry is depressed, people are desperate for capitalism, and then become interested in socialism and communism. As a bookseller, Gorenz may join the leftist camp just to make money.

Not only the United Kingdom, but the whole of Europe and the United States are beginning to reflect on the shortcomings of capitalism, thus giving birth to a large number of "communist fans".

At the same time, the ideas of "appeasement", "non-warism", and "isolationism" are also rampant. The best-selling books in the United States in the past two years are all anti-war literature. In the hearts of European and American people, war is exaggerated as an extremely terrifying thing, and it seems that the entire human race will perish due to war.

This anti-war trend of thought, which originated among the people, has influenced the governments of various countries from the bottom up. In order to gain popular votes, politicians have packaged themselves as pacifists and are actually promoting appeasement.

To put it bluntly, the First World War was fought so fiercely that everyone was scared and didn't want to have a second time.

Throughout the meeting, Zhou Hexuan and Mrs. Sun undoubtedly became the focus because they are Chinese. The Japanese army brazenly invaded and occupied Northeast China, and then attacked Shanghai. This is a war act that has attracted worldwide attention recently.

Romain Rolland was the first to speak on stage, followed by Einstein and Sir Marley, all of which revolved around the topic of "anti-war".

Mrs. Sun then spoke: "For Europeans, fascism is growing, and war is imminent. For Chinese, Japanese fascism has begun to rage, and war has actually broken out. The Chinese are resisting Japanese fascism. The forefront of resisting fascism. The Chinese nation has loved peace since ancient times, but Japanese fascism broke the beautiful tranquility. Under the iron heels of the Japanese, the Chinese people were displaced, and a large area of ​​Manchuria was lost... This is an ugly war, which is shameful Invasion. The Chinese people must stand up against fascism, just like the European people must stand up against fascism. Friends, our pursuit is the same, and we are all fighting for a better future for mankind. I hope that the Chinese people will no longer fight alone , I hope that anti-war people all over the world can unite. In Northeast China, it has become a hell on earth..."

Mrs. Sun was clearly prepared and listed many bad deeds of the Kwantung Army. For example, the Japanese army brutally suppressed the people in the Northeast and robbed the private property of the Chinese people for no reason; another example, the Japanese army captured and enslaved Chinese laborers to build military projects in order to defend the Soviet Union.

Especially those laborers were in dire conditions. The Kwantung Army forced them to do bridge building, road repairing, mining, logging, digging caves, and trench repairing by means of deception, forced recruitment, and arrest. The laborers eat spoiled and moldy coarse grains, and they are basically hungry every day, and they also limit their meal time. If they exceed the time limit, they will be robbed of their jobs, or even beaten and punished.

Most laborers work in single clothes in the winter, and can only use cement bags and sackcloth bags to keep out the cold. Countless people died of frostbite. In summer, they will suffer from mosquito bites again, and various epidemic diseases are rampant. Malaria and typhoid fever have claimed the lives of countless workers. However, the Japanese Kwantung Army never provided medical treatment. Laborers had to suffer when they were sick, and they had to work while sick.

After Mrs. Sun finished talking about the situation, there was a dead silence in the venue.

Romain Rolland closed his eyes and said in pain: "May God bless the Chinese, the devil will go to hell sooner or later."

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