The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 503 502 [Fatty Qiu's confidant]

The living room was filled with smoke, and Churchill was sitting on the sofa with a big belly, smoking a cigar.

Guo Taiqi took the initiative to say, "I heard that Mr. Churchill just came back from Germany?"

"Yes, I went to investigate the current situation of Nazi Germany. The situation is worse than I imagined." Churchill shook the ashtray casually. He didn't even bother to look at the ashtray. On the coffee table.

Guo Taiqi has long remembered Zhou Hexuan's instructions, and said in his favour: "The expansion of fascist forces is indeed worrying. Germany and Italy in Europe, and Japan in Asia, we must be vigilant against these three countries."

"Oh, is that so?" Churchill became interested, "Mr. Guo also opposed the expansion of the Nazis?"

Guo Taiqi said: "Of course, Nazism is the common enemy of all mankind, and people of insight can see its harm to the world."

"Indeed." Churchill nodded.

Zhou Hexuan got up and went back to the study, took a copy of "The Chrysanthemum and the Sword", handed it to Churchill and said, "Mr. Churchill, this is my humble work, and some of the content is about the expansion of fascism."

Churchill took it and flipped through it: "Unfortunately, I don't understand Chinese."

"You can find someone to translate." Zhou Hexuan said with a smile.

Churchill casually put "The Chrysanthemum and the Knife" into his bag, and he didn't even bother to pull back the zipper of the briefcase, which shows how lazy this fat man is.

Churchill's grandfather was the Duke of England, and his grandfather was an American real estate developer. The family was rich and powerful, so that he developed the habit of being a young master since he was a child. Except for lighting cigars more diligently, he is unwilling to do any trivial things at all. He can't even squeeze toothpaste onto the toothbrush.

No, before he finished smoking a cigar, he shook the ash all over the coffee table.

Super lazy people like Churchill don't want to lose weight in this life. When he can sit, he never wants to stand, no matter how comfortable he is.

Perhaps Churchill's personality was largely inherited from his American mother. The daughter of the real estate developer was wild, forthright, self-willed, and informal. She went to dance with a big belly, and gave birth to Churchill when she returned home from the dance. She was pregnant for seven months—seriously premature.

Therefore, Churchill is also very willful, and can even be described as stubborn. In order to achieve his own goals, he doesn't care about other people's opinions at all.

He was originally in the Conservative Party, but because he opposed the Prime Minister's policy, he was disqualified from membership by the Conservative Party. During the First World War, he issued the general mobilization order of the navy without a cabinet order, and was excluded by the Liberal Party. After the war, the British people supported the Labor Party, and Churchill resolutely opposed the Labor Party's ideas, so he offended the Labor Party.

It can be said that Churchill at this time was a street rat in the British political arena, and he was disliked by any party.

Throughout Churchill's life, from when he entered the political arena to when he became prime minister, he always stood on the side of the minority. Perhaps it was in this way that he was able to turn the tide against the bombing of London in World War II when pessimism spread.

When one cigar was finished, Churchill immediately took out another. As if he had some obsessive-compulsive disorder, he subconsciously lit the cigar, held it between his fingers without smoking, and let it burn slowly, saying: "The Nazi Party has already occupied 230 seats in the Reichstag, overwhelmingly becoming the first party in Germany. Hitler will soon take full control of Germany, and I estimate that within five years, war will break out in Europe."

Zhou Hexuan asked with a smile: "Who do you think Germany's first target is?"

Churchill thought for a while and said, "It is very likely..."

"Wait," Zhou Hexuan interrupted, "Why don't we write the answer on paper."

Churchill was stunned for a moment, and said with a smile: "Interesting game."

Zhou Hexuan found a pen and paper, and he and Churchill each wrote out the answers. Guo Taiqi hurried over to take a look, and saw that both of them had written - Austria.

"Hahahahaha!" Churchill laughed.

Guo Taiqi flattered and said: "The two heroes see the same thing, and they can be called confidants."

Zhou Hexuan explained: "Actually, it's easy to guess. Both Germany and Austria are countries with the German nation as the main body. After the European War (World War I), Germany and Austria both had the intention of merging, but they were blocked by Britain, France, Italy and the three countries intervened to stop it. If Hitler wants to expand abroad, Austria is naturally the first choice, and he can completely annex Austria through political means without bloodshed."

Churchill added: "Now that Britain and France are pursuing appeasement, it is likely that they will not prevent the merger of Germany and Austria. The only obstacle is Italy. As long as Italy does not interfere, Hitler's annexation of Austria is a foregone conclusion."

Churchill felt very happy chatting with Zhou Hexuan. Now the whole of Europe is anti-war, and no one supports his idea of ​​expanding arms and preparing for war. Now a person suddenly popped up, whose thoughts coincided with his own so much, it was like finding a bosom friend in the vast crowd. Churchill asked excitedly: "Mr. Zhou, if Hitler successfully annexed Austria, what will be his next plan?"

Zhou Hexuan drew a simple map of Europe, circled Czechoslovakia and said: "The Sudeten region, where many German-speaking peoples live. Hitler can use the excuse of helping his compatriots to send troops to the Sudetenland region and then invade Czechoslovakia. The annexation of Austria can make Hitler Obtain rich human resources; and occupying Czechoslovakia can double Hitler's military power, because here are the second and third largest arsenals in Europe. Once Hitler completes the annexation of Austria and Czechoslovakia, he will have guns and dignitaries Someone has the confidence to challenge the whole of Europe."

Churchill's expression became serious: "Mr. Zhou, your prediction is likely to become a reality."

Guo Taiqi seemed to be listening to the Arabian Nights: "Would the British and French powers ignore Germany's unscrupulous expansion?"

Churchill sneered: "Those stupid politicians still hold extremely naive illusions in their hearts. Only when war really breaks out and burns to their own land, will they wake up. Mr. Zhou, go ahead."

Zhou Hexuan drew a few more circles on the map: "Next is Poland, then Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. As long as these four countries are controlled, Germany will have strategic maritime bases and food and iron ore supplies."

"It's interesting." Churchill looked at the map and circled it with a pen. "No matter how stupid the politicians of Britain and France are, they would not tolerate Hitler's wanton expansion. It is possible that when Germany attacks Poland or Denmark, Britain and France will The country is about to declare war on Germany."

Zhou Hexuan said with a smile: "Don't forget about Italy, both Italy and Germany belong to the fascist regime, and they are likely to form an alliance for military expansion."

"What about the Soviet Union?" Churchill asked.

Zhou Hexuan said: "If I were Stalin, I would choose to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, and laugh at the big capitalist countries fighting to the death. Even when Germany invaded Poland, I could share the spoils with Hitler and take the opportunity to occupy a large area of ​​Poland. Then quietly supported Germany's attack on Britain and France."

Churchill nodded and said: "Stalin is indeed this kind of person. When the war breaks out, the land of France will become a meat grinder again. The capitalist countries in Europe will suffer heavy casualties, and the Soviet Union may become the biggest winner."

Well, no matter how accurate Churchill's vision was, he would never have expected the Frenchman to surrender so quickly. He also thought that the tragedy of World War I would be repeated. The two warring parties fought desperately in France, and finally it was the turn of the Soviet Union to come out to take advantage of it.

Of course Zhou Hexuan would not say clearly that it would be better for Britain and France to suffer. What's more, even if Zhou Hexuan said it, Churchill would not believe it. Whoever believed it was crazy.

The two were discussing the future war enthusiastically, and the simple map was drawn in a mess, and it was finally collected by Guo Taiqi, who was playing soy sauce.

Seventy years later, when Guo Taiqi's descendants were sorting out old things, they found the map in the diary and happily took it out for auction. Zhou Hexuan's grandson bid 8 million US dollars, and took the map and diary as a treasure, and donated it when the "World Anti-Fascist Museum Alliance" was established.

Whenever tourists come to visit, the museum guide tells: "This diary is the relic of Mr. Guo Taiqi, the first chief representative of the United Nations and the permanent representative of the Security Council. In the diary, Mr. Guo recorded in detail Prime Minister Churchill and The first meeting of Mr. Zhou Hexuan, and he kept the map drawn by the two of them when they chatted carefully. From the circles and routes on the map, we can see that as early as 1932, Mr. Zhou and Churchill anticipated the outbreak of World War II. Very accurate calculations of German expansion..."

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