The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 570 569 [Anti-Japanese War Program]

In fact, there is no need for Zhou Hexuan to remind, the consistent policy of the Nanjing government is to "use the barbarians to control the barbarians."

After the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued the "Tianyu Statement", the Nanjing side immediately sent diplomats to actively contact the ministers of various countries stationed in China, hoping to obtain greater support from the international community.

The envoys of various countries in China quickly conveyed the opinions of their governments, willing to provide a certain amount of assistance to China. But this kind of assistance requires reciprocation, and China must exchange corresponding benefits, especially Britain and France, which seem to be the most stingy.

On the contrary, the United States has been quite generous. Anyway, American agricultural products are seriously unsalable, so it doesn't matter if they are shipped over to support China.

Don't think that the Yankee is a good guy, and Britain and France are big bad guys. The reason for this situation is that Britain and France have already obtained enough markets in China, and the United States must show some sincerity to make friends with the Chinese government if it wants to catch up from behind.

Just like the "Wheat Cotton Loan Contract" signed last year and the "China-US Aviation Secret Agreement", they are all goodwill released by American capitalists, and they want to exchange for a larger Chinese market. It was said to be a secret agreement, but in fact it was exposed by the media not long after it was signed. The "Tianyu statement" issued by Japan was largely aimed at the United States.

Fundamentally speaking, however, China's life and death have nothing to do with Yankees. After Japan issued the "Tianyu Statement", the US Secretary of State actually said: "Whether at present or in the future, what we are more interested in is not China's independence, but the freedom of action of the United States in the Pacific Ocean."

The Yankees have no morals. While supporting China in exchange for a bigger market, they frantically sold strategic materials to Japan to help Japan invade China more smoothly.

Until the outbreak of the all-out war of resistance, American loans and supplies continued to flow into Japan. At that time, the ratio of Japan’s purchases of materials from the United States to all Japan’s imports of military supplies was: 90% scrap steel, 45% lead, 90% copper, 65% petroleum and petroleum products, and 70% machine tools for aircraft and tanks.

In other words, at least half of the planes, tanks, and artillery shells used by Japan to invade China were produced by materials sold by the United States.

In the middle of World War II, former U.S. Secretary of State Stimson (who pursued interventionism and advocated aiding China) pointed out with great dissatisfaction: "Japan's aggression has been strongly supported by our country. This kind of aggression is not only supported, but our aid is so effective and so important. If aid is cut off, this aggression can be checked and stopped."

Zhou Hexuan's article was published along with the "Fei Gong" magazine, which immediately aroused great repercussions from all walks of life, at least the content of "establishing a united front of the whole nation" was recognized by many.

Not only recognition, the Communist Party and progressives have even begun to take practical action.

The "China National Armed Self-Defense Committee", which was secretly planned by the Communist Party and initiated by Mrs. Sun, He Xiangning, Zhang Naiqi and other progressives, has entered the formal preparation stage. Organizations such as the All-China Federation of Trade Unions and the China Anti-Imperialist and Anti-Fascist League responded one after another. Even Zhou Hexuan's China branch of the International Anti-Fascist League received invitations.

Tianjin, Sanle Hall.

Cui Huifu brought an express letter and said, "Sir, it's from Shanghai."

Zhou Hexuan immediately opened it and read it, and the content turned out to be "Basic Program of the Chinese People's War Against Japan".

This "Outline" reviewed the fall of the Northeast, emphasized that the Chinese nation had reached a critical moment, and the people of the whole country, regardless of class or ethnicity, should unite to resist Japanese aggression, and put forward China's detailed anti-Japanese program. Roughly put forward the following points: first, the general mobilization of the entire navy, army and air force to fight against Japan; second, the general mobilization of the entire people; third, the general armed forces of the entire people; Overseas Chinese, and all those who sympathize with China to collect donations; Sixth, unite with all enemies of Japanese imperialism.

Some of these formulations are very correct, such as trying to solve the anti-Japanese military expenditure, uniting with all Japanese enemies, and so on. But some of the formulations are empty words, such as carrying out the general armed forces of all the people, demanding that the Kuomintang immediately open the national arsenal, and distribute various weapons to the People’s Volunteers. Obviously, this will not be approved by the Nanjing government.

However, Zhou Hexuan especially likes some content, that is, once China and Japan go to war, all Japanese imperialist property in China will be confiscated immediately, and all Japanese debts will be stopped. It even listed detailed data. The total amount of Japanese investment in China has exceeded 4 billion silver dollars, and the confiscation of this money is enough to support China's resistance to Japan for a period of time.

The last two sentences of this document are "Long live the anti-Japanese sacred war of the Chinese nation" and "Long live the liberation of the Greater China nation".

In addition to the war program against Japan, the letter also invited Zhou Hexuan to go to Shanghai to participate in the preparation of the "Chinese National Armed Self-Defense Committee" on behalf of the "International Anti-Fascist League China Branch", and hoped that Zhou Hexuan could be included in the "Basic Program of the Chinese People's War Against Japan" Sign on.

Zhou Hexuan looked at the time when the war program against Japan was written, and it turned out to be April 20, 1934.

In other words, this thing was completed on the day of the "Second Tianyu Statement". It is very likely that the Communist Party had already started writing the "First Tianyu Statement" as soon as it was published, and it took less than three days from the start of writing to the completion of the draft.

The speed of the Communist Party is really fast, and the timing is too good!

Zhou Hexuan immediately signed the war plan against Japan, handed it to Cui Huifu and said, "Send it back to Shanghai immediately, and let Yu Peichen order a ticket to Shanghai for me by the way. I want to go there in person."

"Okay." Cui Huifu said.

In the name of Mrs. Sun, the Communist Party has sent the "Basic Program of the Chinese People's War Against Japan" to the whole country, and some people even secretly brought it to the occupied areas in Northeast China.

In just a few days, as many as 1,780 people signed the program. In addition to Zhou Hexuan, He Xiangning, Hu Hanmin, Ma Xiangbo, Zhang Renzhuo, Li Da, Ye Xiasheng, Li Du, Yang Jingyu, Weng Zhaoyuan, etc., as well as many progressives, big capitalists and overseas Chinese leaders, also signed in favor of it.

Immediately afterwards, the Communist Party directly published this program in the newspaper, calling on all the people to support it, and more than 100,000 people successively publicly signed in favor of it.

Seeing the huge momentum, the Nanjing National Government immediately panicked and ordered all major newspapers not to publish the "Anti-Japanese War Program", but it couldn't stop Youyou's mouth at all.

In early May, Zhou Hexuan went south to Shanghai to participate in the preparatory meeting of the "China National Armed Self-Defense Committee".

Accompanying her was Yu Peichen, the eldest sister who bought an extra train ticket on her own initiative, and said that she would personally assist Zhou Hexuan in his work at any time.

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