Shanghai Trust Company Building.

Zhou Hexuan took off his top hat, and as soon as he walked in, a salesman in a suit and leather shoes came to receive him: "Sir, what business do you need to handle? Our Shanghai Trust Company..."

"No need," Zhou Hexuan said with a smile, "I've made an appointment with your general manager, Zhang Naiqi."

The clerk immediately said flatteringly: "So it's Manager Zhang's friend, please come in! Manager Zhang is on the fifth floor. He said that if any friends come to visit, go directly to the meeting room on the fifth floor to find him."

China's trust industry began in 1921, when more than a dozen trust companies sprung up at once, and their main business was to help customers speculate on stock exchanges. As a result, in the winter of that year, China broke out with a "letter craze", and more than 100 exchanges closed down, leaving only 6 of them, and only 2 of more than 10 trust companies.

To put it bluntly, the stock market is not regulated, and the financial industry has been played into a robbery industry. In just half a year, the Chinese stock market has directly collapsed.

Shanghai Trust Company is a new company established four years ago, and its general manager is Zhang Naiqi, one of the "seven gentlemen who saved the country". This gentleman is not only a businessman, but also a famous economist, political activist and collector. The semi-monthly "New Review" he founded once strongly supported the Northern Expedition, but was banned for criticizing the Nationalist Party.

Zhou Hexuan was taken to the conference room on the fifth floor, and as soon as he opened the door, he saw many celebrities, including Mrs. Sun, He Xiangning, Shen Junru, Zhang Naiqi, Zou Taofen, Li Gongpu, Wang Zaoshi, Sha Qianli...

In addition to these progressives, there were representatives of more than 60 anti-Japanese and national salvation groups from 18 provinces across the country. The entire conference room was full, and many people even sat on small benches that were moved temporarily.

When the door of the conference room was closed, Mrs. Sun suddenly applauded: "Everyone warmly welcomes Mr. Zhou!"

"Crack clap clap!"

There was a burst of thunderous applause, and the representatives near the door stood up and shook hands with Zhou Hexuan.

"Mr. Zhou, please sit here!" Zhang Naiqi, as the host, personally took Zhou Hexuan to a seat near the front.

As soon as Zhou Hexuan sat down, the person next to him shook hands and said, "Mr. Zhou, I am Bai Yunti."

"Mr. Bai, hello." Zhou Hexuan said with a smile.

Laughing all the time, Zhou Hexuan was already yelling "my grass" in his heart, today's meeting is really a gathering of ghosts and monsters.

Bai Yunti was the commander-in-chief of the revolutionary army in Inner Mongolia during the Northern Expedition. He actively helped Chang Kaishen to clean up the party in Inner Mongolia. He belonged to that kind of notorious reactionary. This person was just appointed last year as a member of the Standing Committee of the Central Political Conference of the Nationalist Party and a member of the Mongolian Local Self-Commission. Why did he also come to attend the Anti-Japanese Conference?

Zhou Hexuan really didn't know about this, because in history, Bai Yunti finally retreated to Taiwan with Chiang Kai-shek, and even served as a "National Policy Advisor of the Presidential Palace" in Taiwan. This kind of person actually came to participate in progressive activities?

However, Hu Hanmin, who sat in the front, attended the meeting, Zhou Hexuan still felt that it was reasonable. Because although Hu Hanmin actively opposed the Communist Party, he also opposed Lao Jiang. The new government was established in Guangzhou two years ago, and the reason was that Lao Jiang convulsed and put Hu Hanmin under house arrest.

One after another, more than a dozen people entered the meeting room, and Mrs. Sun finally announced the official start of the meeting.

The meeting first introduced the members present. Zhou Hexuan's identity is "internationally famous scholar, expert on international issues, internationally renowned writer, famous educator and philanthropist, and president of the China Branch of the International Anti-Fascist League". This long series of titles immediately won the applause of the audience, and the voice was even louder than when Hu Hanmin was introduced.

Zhou Hexuan was not complacent, but listened carefully to other people's introductions.

There are everyone sitting in the meeting room at the moment, military and political circles, business circles, financial circles, academia, media circles, charity circles, education circles... Really people from all walks of life. There were also representatives from the Nationalist Party, the Communist Party, democratic parties, non-governmental organizations, local warlords, and the anti-Japanese armed forces behind enemy lines... people from all parties gathered.

Among these people are sworn enemies in the political circles, as well as personal grudges, and they can get their brains out when they see each other.

But now, everyone is sitting together, for the common goal of resisting Japan and saving the nation, letting go of hatred and discussing major issues together!

Zhou Hexuan was very touched and pleased, and even wanted to cry. The "Tianyu Statement" issued by Japan a few days ago has touched the most sensitive nerves of the Chinese people, causing many people to give up their last chances. Everyone is eager to unite and fight against Japan.

What partisan disputes, what personal grievances, all stand aside in the face of national justice!

To a certain extent, Japan's invasion of China really condensed the soul of the nation and slowly united China, which was in a state of disunity. Just like the "March of the Volunteers" sang: "When the Chinese nation is in the most dangerous time, everyone is forced to make a final roar. Get up, get up, get up! We are united as one, braving the enemy's artillery fire..."

As the initiator of the meeting, Mrs. Sun first delivered a speech: "Friends, comrades, and compatriots! Since the late Qing Dynasty, Japanese imperialism has occupied Taiwan, Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, and Rehe, and now it is slowing down. Slowly occupying Chahar and Inner Mongolia, one-fifth of China's territory has changed color. Their next step is to occupy North China, Northwest China, East China, Central China, and South China...and then occupy the whole of China and Asia! We can't bear it anymore, we It has been endured for nearly a hundred years... In this situation, I propose to establish the "China National Armed Self-Defense Committee", we must unite as one, unite all forces that can be united, drive out Japanese pirates, and rebuild China!"

"Expel the Japanese pirates and rebuild China!"

There was no applause, but the audience shouted slogans together.

Next came the speeches of the representatives of various parties and groups. Zhou Hexuan was arranged to take office eighth. He said: "Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the country. Although Zhou is a scholar, he can't kill the enemy and serve the country on the front line, but he also wants to do his best for the country. Here, on behalf of the 'International Anti-Fascist League China Branch', I agree with Mrs. Sun's Anti-Japanese War Program and agree to join the 'China National Armed Self-Defense Committee'. I promise that the 'International Anti-Fascist League China Branch' will Do my best to actively promote the anti-Japanese ideology and call on the whole people to resist the aggression. Secondly, I am personally willing to donate 5,000 bottles of sulfa drugs to support the anti-Japanese armed forces in the northeast. Other armed forces that are willing to resist the Japanese, as long as they fight with the Japanese with real knives and guns, For an anti-Japanese team of 10,000 people, I will donate 100,000 oceans. For an anti-Japanese team of one million people, I will donate 10 million oceans! Do what you say!”

"Good!" Many people cheered loudly.

Whether it is money or medicine, they are all real things.

Other representatives have said so much, nothing more than active publicity, calling for donations, etc. Zhou Hexuan's promise of real money can easily be respected and recognized by everyone.

The meeting was held for two full days, and the delegates unanimously adopted the "Basic Program of the Chinese People's War Against Japan" and initiated the establishment of the "Preparatory Meeting of the Chinese National Armed Self-Defense Committee". Zhou Hexuan was elected as a standing committee member of the preparatory meeting, responsible for assisting in the preparatory work, and it will take time to formally establish it.

Due to the rush of time and the fact that the KMT secret agents kept a close eye on it, the planned official preparatory meeting was temporarily cancelled. Representatives of major groups across the country left Shanghai in a hurry, leaving only a dozen standing committee members of the preparatory meeting to continue the secret meeting.

For the next half month, Zhou Hexuan gave lectures, wrote, listened to plays, and watched movies during the day, and went to meetings quietly at night. His small life was extremely exciting and fulfilling.

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