Joffre Road, inside the coffee shop.

A young man wearing a white top hat took out a paper bag and said, "Boss Tang, all the news you want is inside, please check it."

Tang Jishan opened the paper bag, which contained more than 20 pages of materials. From how Ruan Lingyu was adopted by He Aying, to how she entered an aristocratic school, to how she fell in love with the young master of the Zhang family, and how she joined a film company to become an actor, the collection is extremely detailed and has everything that one expects to find.

"Mr. Liu is worthy of being a detective," Tang Jishan took out a check and said, "This is the final payment."

The young man put away the check and said, "If Boss Tang has no other orders, then I will take my leave first."

Tang Jishan picked up the coffee and took a sip: "Goodbye!"

After the young man left the coffee shop, Tang Jishan carefully checked the information, and her eyes quickly settled on the page where Zhang Damin was sent to prison.

"It's Zhou Hexuan's fault, things are a little difficult." Tang Jishan muttered to herself.

Although the information obtained by the detectives only said that Zhang Damin was imprisoned by a few hooligans, Tang Jishan could easily guess who was behind the scenes. Ruan Lingyu was standing next to Zhou Hexuan in the group photo published in the newspaper in the popular "Xu Zhimo Monk Incident".

Is it worth it to offend an internationally renowned scholar for the sake of an actor?

Tang Jishan had no intention of possessing Ruan Lingyu anymore, he was just angry, feeling that he was being played like a monkey. Originally thought that if Lianhua Films banned Ruan Lingyu, Ruan Lingyu would obediently come to make amends, but now thinking about it, she is a fool.

Ruan Lingyu climbed to Gao Zhi'er long ago!

If I can't get it, I will destroy it and ruin that stinky bitch—this is Tang Jishan's way of thinking. As the business grows bigger and bigger, Tang Jishan is no longer the original Tang Jishan, he is the well-known "Emperor of Chinese Tea".

The problem is, now that Zhou Hexuan appears, Tang Jishan is a little hesitant about it.

Sitting in the coffee shop, Tang Jishan smoked two cigarettes in a row, and he finally made up his mind: only smear Ruan Lingyu, not get Zhou Hexuan involved, there is room for maneuver in everything.

Moreover, Tang Jishan only needs to use money for this kind of thing, and will not come forward in person. Even if Ruan Lingyu was ruined, it was hard to doubt that Tang Jishan was playing tricks, and he was happy to stand behind and watch the show.


Money is easy to do. It took only two days for Ruan Lingyu's ex-boyfriend Zhang Damin to be released from prison.

At the gate of the prison, Zhang Damin was wearing shabby clothes, staring blankly at the sparse pedestrians on the side of the road, not knowing what to do. Although he has been in prison for more than two years, but fortunately he quit his opium addiction, thinking about whether he should go to his brother or go to Ruan Lingyu for a soft meal.

"Hello, Mr. Zhang." A gangster suddenly appeared in front of Zhang Damin.

Zhang Damin asked suspiciously, "Who are you?"

The gangster took out a paper bag, smiled and said, "Never mind who I am, someone asked me to give these things to you."

When Zhang Damin took the paper bag, the gangster disappeared automatically. He opened the bag curiously, and there was a passbook of 100 yuan and a long letter inside. The letter stated that Ruan Lingyu had clinged to a certain important person and colluded with the Youth Gang to frame Zhang Damin and put him in prison. If Zhang Damin wants revenge, he can go to lawyer Zhao from a certain law firm.

"Stinky bastard, you really hurt me!" Zhang Damin was furious after reading the letter.

Zhang Damin quickly called a rickshaw, and went straight to the law firm without even taking care of the meal. But on the way, he suddenly woke up. It was obvious that someone wanted to kill Ruan Lingyu and use him as a weapon.

Although Young Master Zhang is an asshole, he is not a fool, he immediately told the coachman to turn around and go to Xiafei Road.

How can there be no fun in a lawsuit?

Even if Ruan Lingyu's reputation is ruined, Zhang Damin will not get any benefit, so he might as well take the opportunity to blackmail a sum of money.

Zhang Damin came to Ruan Lingyu's rented apartment and knocked on the door for a long time, but no one answered. He immediately ran downstairs to a nearby teahouse, and he saw Ruan Lingyu's mother playing cards.

"Bang! Nine..." He Aying looked at Zhang Damin in astonishment, and yelled like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, "Why did you come out?"

Zhang Damin sneered and said, "Auntie, I didn't expect it to be me, did you? You mother and daughter have caused me so much suffering."

He Aying asked in surprise, "What exactly do you want to do?"

"What are you doing?" Zhang Damin said with a chuckle, "I'm not doing anything, I just want to get back what belongs to me."

He Aying finally got rid of this bastard, not wanting to provoke him again, she quickly said: "I don't know you, you go away!"

"You want to drive me away? Haha, that's a good idea!" Zhang Damin said with a ferocious expression, "One price, 30,000 oceans, let's settle it."

He Aying suddenly exploded: "30,000? You might as well grab it."

"Really not?" Zhang Damin asked.

"Not even death!" He Aying put money more important than life.

"Very good, very good, you forced me!" Zhang Damin turned around and left after speaking.

"What a disaster!"

He Aying was no longer in the mood to play poker, and hurried to the Zhou mansion to find her daughter.


Zhou Mansion.

Ruan Lingyu looked at Zhou Hexuan who was packing the boxes, and asked reluctantly, "Teacher, are you leaving Shanghai again?"

"Well, I'll leave tomorrow." Zhou Hexuan responded.

Ruan Lingyu hesitated to speak, she bit her lip with silver teeth, clenched her hands into fists and loosened them again. Suddenly, she plucked up the courage to rush up, hugged Zhou Hexuan's waist from behind and said, "Teacher, I...I like you!"

A wry smile appeared on Zhou Hexuan's face: "Why are you doing this? I have many women."

"I know," Ruan Lingyu pressed her cheek against Zhou Hexuan's back, her tone was determined and crazy, "You have many women, and I'm not one more. Anyway, I'm following you. If you don't agree, I'll just...I'll go jump the Huangpu River!"

Ruan Lingyu doesn't know how to seduce men, she can only express her love in her own way, and she does what she says. Zhou Hexuan was the first man she really liked. He was excellent in every aspect, and the most important thing was that he had enough respect for women.

Yes, respect for women - although Zhou Hexuan has a lot of women in his family.

Ruan Lingyu is not a progressive young woman, she only asks for a man who can take care of herself and be her reliance for the rest of her life. Even if this man is not in Shanghai or by her side for a long time, she can at least have a "home" and a hope for the future.

It is best to have a child, then her life will be perfect.

This request is very simple, but for female stars in the Republic of China, it is actually a luxury. They look down on ordinary men, and those who are rich, powerful and talented look down on them, and they basically end up being teased and then abandoned.

Ruan Lingyu saw this very clearly, she was not confused, she didn't want Zhou Hexuan to slip away from her eyes.

On the other hand, Zhou Hexuan felt a terrible headache, regretted that he was a bitch at the beginning, and actually took the initiative to help Ruan Lingyu, and now he couldn't get rid of it even if he wanted to. He knew Ruan Lingyu's character very well. Although this girl doesn't talk much, she never tells lies. She can really do things like jumping the Huangpu River.

After a moment of silence, Zhou Hexuan said helplessly, "From now on, you can live here. I will put you there when I find a suitable place."

"Well, I can live anywhere." Ruan Lingyu laughed suddenly, she had already got the promise she wanted.

"Boom boom boom!"

Yu Peichen's voice came from outside the door: "Mr. Zhou, there is Ms. He Aying outside who said she wanted to see Miss Ruan."

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