On January 12, 1935, the "China Silver Committee", a temporary organization of the British cabinet, held its third meeting in London.

The meeting analyzed the situation in China and believed that it is technically feasible for China to abandon the existing currency system, peg its currency to the pound, and adopt the pound exchange rate standard. The British government should provide China with a loan, which will be secured by China's silver reserves. China's cash must be sold, and the United States is the only buyer.

Well, whether it is the United Kingdom, the United States, or Chang Kaishen and Kong Xiangxi, they all want China to sell silver to the United States. Because China really has no money, it must use this to obtain funds and obtain the most basic foreign exchange reserves to prevent the collapse of the newly issued currency.

It is impossible for the UK to buy Chinese silver on its own, because the international silver price is too high, and the UK will lose as much as it buys.

At the same time, in order to stabilize China's financial market. Britain will then sell some silver to China to increase China's silver reserves and make Britain a huge profit - the money for China's purchase of silver will be provided in the form of British loans, guaranteed by China's customs tariffs.

This kind of three-party transaction seems nonsense. The one who benefits the most is the United Kingdom. By the way, it can initially bind China's currency reform to the pound.

Different from historical development, this time the United Kingdom did not propose a joint solution by Britain, Japan, France and the United States. Instead, it directly sent economic experts to visit China.

On February 5, Song Ziwen had returned to China and was urgently summoned by Chiang Kai-shek. Minister of Finance Kong Xiangxi was also present.

Chang Kaishen looked very sad because he was threatened by the British. British economic experts vaguely revealed that British banks in China will provide loans to support China's large enterprises and local banks to tide over difficulties. This completely disrupted the rhythm of Chang Kaishen and Kong Xiangxi's harvest of private capital.

"Ziwen, take a look at this." Chang Kaishen threw out a document.

The document is more than ten pages long. At the beginning, China sells silver to the United States, and then the United Kingdom provides silver and loans, and helps China complete currency reform. There are many additional conditions later, which can be summarized as four points: First, use Chinese tariffs as guarantee to obtain British loans. In order to ensure the return of the loan, China must retain the management of the customs by the British General Taxation Department. The General Taxation Department should Sufficient power, including recruiting foreign staff; second, controlling the use of loans and limiting them to currency reform purposes; third, reorganizing the central bank and hiring British consultants; fourth, reforming the budget.

"This plan is very good." Song Ziwen smiled, but he was surprised in his heart. He was extremely surprised by Zhou Hexuan's diplomatic ability.

"What a good thing!" Chang Kaishen pointed to the first item of the additional clause and said angrily, "Retain the management of the customs by the British General Taxation Department. The General Taxation Department should have sufficient powers, including recruiting foreign staff! The British What do you want to do, treat the Republic of China as the Manchu Qing Dynasty? And you want to continue to control China's customs!"

Negotiations for China to take back customs were protracted, and it was not until two years ago that China actually took back its tariff autonomy. Although the General Taxation Department of Customs is still retained, and the director is still a British person, and the number of foreign senior customs staff is ten times that of Chinese senior staff, it is undeniable that the Nanjing government already has a say in the matter of tariffs.

Zhou Hexuan never expected that the British would be so greedy and wanted to take the opportunity to regain control of China's customs.

Alas, this is the helplessness of diplomats. Although they can promote the historical process, they cannot make the decision in key places. Chang Kaishen has his own calculations, and the British are not smart. Both sides are trying to obtain maximum benefits.

Song Ziwen said: "In terms of tariffs, we definitely cannot agree to the British. It is not easy for us to have independent tariffs."

Kong Xiangxi said happily: "The British are daydreaming."

Chang Kaishen said worriedly: "British economic experts revealed to me that they want to lend money to large Chinese companies and local banks. This disrupts our plans. How do you think we should respond?"

"The British won't do this. At most they can just show off." Kong Xiangxi shook his head.

Song Ziwen said: "We can release the news that the British want to seize the opportunity to seize China's tariffs, so that the British will have nothing to calculate."

Chang Kaishen thought: "Don't act rashly for the time being. After arousing public resentment, it will not be conducive to relying on the UK to close the deal. We should speed up our actions. We must fully control the Bank of China within this month. The next step is the Bank of Guangdong. On the British side, temporarily Let’s talk first, they will definitely fight with Japan and the United States.”

Again, Zhou Hexuan underestimated the greed of the British and actually wanted to take the opportunity to dominate China's customs. Chang Kaishen is a nationalist. He is extremely sensitive in this regard and will never agree to the blackmail plan proposed by the British.

China's silver crisis, which could have been resolved half a year in advance, is expected to be delayed for another two or three months because of the greed of the British. This time it has nothing to do with Chiang Kai-shek, it is purely because the British are too arrogant and really mistake the Republic of China for the Manchu Qing Dynasty.

The progress of Sino-British negotiations has slowed down, and the speed of Sino-Japanese negotiations has also slowed down. Only Chiang Kai-shek's plan to harvest private capital is accelerating.

Zhou Hexuan had already gone to the United States at this time and was communicating with left-wing writers there. After he received Song Ziwen's overseas telegram, he was so angry that he threw the cup: "The British guy with a wet brain is bullying people too much!"

Meng Xiaodong picked up the broken cup and said comfortingly: "Don't be angry. What can ordinary people do about such a major national matter?"

Zhou Hexuan couldn't help but swear: "I showed the British the way. This kind of thing is obviously beneficial to the British, but they actually think the benefits are not enough and want to take advantage of the Chinese customs! What is this called? This is called greedy! British This guy’s arrogance and arrogance will never change in a few hundred fucking years. He really thinks that the whole world is their backyard!”

Meng Xiaodong chuckled: "You look like a child when you are angry."

Zhou Hexuan managed to calm down and said depressedly: "No matter what I do in the future, I will no longer engage in diplomacy. It is really thankless. Now think about it, it is really not easy for diplomats like Gu Weijun and Yan Huiqing. If it were me, I would have been driven crazy." ”

"You have tried your best. Just have a clear conscience." Meng Xiaodong comforted her softly.

Zhou Hexuan murmured to himself: "No matter what, we still let Britain enter the situation, and it should be two or three months earlier than in history."

"What two or three months in advance?" Meng Xiaodong asked.

"Nothing," Zhou Hexuan smiled and changed the subject, "Let's go to Hollywood to visit Vivian and the others filming."

Meng Xiaodong said happily: "Okay, Mr. Chaplin also said that he would treat me to dinner."

Zhou Hexuan looked at the sky outside the window. It was covered with clouds and it was about to rain. He really doesn't want to get involved in international diplomacy anymore. He's tired. Domestic bosses are causing trouble, and foreign bosses are greedy. He can't do anything if he's caught in the middle.

As for the arrogant British, just eat shit. When the United States comes to pick the fruits, they won't even be able to cry.

A bunch of short-sighted trash!

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