Zhang Taiyan's body, covered with a five-color flag, lay quietly in the mourning hall.

Zhou Hexuan led his family members to burn incense and bow, walked up to Tang Guoli and said, "Mr. Tang, please express my condolences."

Tang Guoli looked sad and replied: "Let Mingcheng worry about it."

"If you need any more help, just ask Mr. Tang." Zhou Hexuan said.

Tang Guoli said: "My late husband has only two unfulfilled wishes. One is to be buried in Nanping Mountain, West Lake, Hangzhou, and he would like to be with Zhang Cangshui; the other is to drive out the Japanese pirates and rebuild our great China. If Mingcheng wants to help, then fight against the Japanese." Bar."

Zhou Hexuan said seriously: "I sincerely follow Mr.'s teachings."

Zhang Cangshui is Zhang Huangyan, a hero who fought against the Qing Dynasty in the late Ming Dynasty. Zhang Taiyan left his last words and said that he would be buried next to Zhang Cangshui's tomb, which had already expressed his will.

There are pens, inks, paper and inkstones on the side of the mourning hall. Zhou Hexuan walked over and picked up the brush and wrote an elegiac couplet: The famous people admire Beihai, and the legend of Zheng Gongxiang is unforgettable;

Zhou Hexuan was good at writing historical academic articles, but his poetry skills were not good, so he simply copied this elegiac couplet written decades later.

"The famous people look up to Beihai, and the classics passed down will never forget the hometown of Zheng Gong." These two sentences compare Zhang Taiyan to the famous scholar Zheng Xuan and praise Zhang Taiyan's academic influence in the Republic of China.

"The legacy is entrusted to Nanping, and the pursuit of the country is not as good as Zhang Ge's study." These two sentences compare Zhang Taiyan to Zhang Cangshui, the anti-Qing hero, and praise Zhang Taiyan's patriotic passion.

Tang Guoli saw the elegiac couplet and said happily: "Mingcheng is sincere."

Qian Xuantong pulled Zhou Hexuan into the garden and whispered: "Mingcheng, we want to apply for a state funeral for our teacher, and we ask Mingcheng for help."

"How can I help?" Zhou Hexuan asked.

"Just sign the application form." Qian Xuantong took out a piece of paper.

Zhou Hexuan looked at it and saw that it had the signatures of Feng Yuxiang, Zhang Ji, Ju Zheng and others. He shook his head and said: "It is easy to apply for a state funeral, but it is difficult to be buried."

Historically, Zhang Taiyan was the sixth celebrity to be given a "state funeral" in the Republic of China, and the Nanjing government also pretended to issue a "state funeral order." But the 30,000 yuan for the state funeral was nowhere to be seen until the Japanese invaders arrived in Suzhou. Zhang Taiyan's body lay like this for more than a year, and in the end he could only be hastily buried in his own garden.

He was also a Japanese military assistant who built a tombstone of wood for Zhang Taiyan and stopped the Japanese army from digging graves and stealing treasures.

It was not until the founding of New China that under the personal intervention of Duke Zhou, Zhang Taiyan's coffin was finally moved to the edge of the West Lake to be with Zhang Cangshui in accordance with Zhang Taiyan's last wish.

The Nationalist Government in Nanjing went too far on this point. Those who were given a "state funeral" did not even have a tombstone. Isn't this a slap in the face?

There are two reasons why this happened: first, Zhang Taiyan cursed Chang Kaishen before his death, and the chairman was very unhappy; second, after Zhang Taiyan's death, his body was covered with the five-color flag instead of the blue sky and white sun flag.

Zhou Hexuan sighed, wrote his name on the state funeral application, and said, "It's better to bury him as soon as possible. Don't wait for a state funeral."

Qian Xuantong shook his head and said: "Teacher's lifetime contribution deserves a state funeral!"

Zhou Hexuan said nothing more and left silently with his wife and children.

Back at the hotel, Zhou Hexuan began to write articles, one criticizing Song Zheyuan and the other criticizing Hu Shi.

The hotel is a traditional inn, with guest rooms upstairs and a restaurant downstairs.

In the evening, the family sat at two tables.

Zhou Hexuan looked at the table full of food and had no appetite. He felt panicked, both because of the current situation and what happened to Zhang Taiyan.

Suddenly, the sad and plaintive sound of the erhu came, making people cry.

When Zhou Hexuan heard this familiar tune, he raised his head in surprise and looked around the store.

I saw a middle-aged couple sitting not far from the door. The woman is in ragged clothes and holds a small bamboo pole in her hand; the man is blind, wearing a long gown and carrying a pipa, sitting on a bench playing the erhu.

Two springs reflect the moon!

The sound of the music is like crying and complaining, which makes people feel heartbroken.

A diner got impatient and slammed the table: "What the hell are you talking about? You're crying in mourning!"

The blind man immediately stopped and said, "If the guest doesn't like it, then change it to a more majestic one."

"Change quickly, change quickly!" the diners shouted repeatedly.

The blind man handed the erhu to the woman, took off the pipa from his back, and sang passionately: "Get up, people who don't want to be slaves! Build our new Great Wall with our flesh and blood! The Chinese nation has arrived at its most dangerous time. Everyone was forced to let out one last roar..."

Zhou Hexuan was stunned when he heard this. The blind man actually played the pipa to sound like a classical guitar, and by tapping the panel with his hands, he created a band effect by himself.

It turns out that blind man A Bing can not only play the erhu.


After singing "March of the Volunteers", the audience cheered.

The woman immediately stood up and held a bamboo basket to ask for the reward. The diners who were cheering just now were all focused on eating, and only two of them threw out a few coins.

Zhou Hexuan put a 1-yuan French coin into the bamboo basket and said, "I want to listen to the song from before."

"Thank you, sir!"

The woman bowed repeatedly, returned to the blind man and whispered: "The guest gave me a dollar."

The blind man immediately picked up the erhu and started playing smoothly. No one said anything this time. Zhou Hexuan spent money to compose songs. Anyone who dared to object would be provoking trouble.

The sound of the song is as desolate as water in the introduction and first phrase, making people sad and sad. When it reaches the second phrase, it suddenly breaks the calmness and becomes slightly more passionate, as if it is expressing infinite emotion. Until the third phrase, the melody is hard yet soft, like strong bamboo in the wind or cold plum in the snow.

Bitterness, pain, sadness, pride, tenacity...all kinds of emotions are expressed in the sound of music.

Listening to the music, Zhou Hexuan seemed to see the Chinese nation standing firm despite suffering.

Why didn't I feel this way when I listened to "Er Quan Ying Yue" in my previous life?

When the music ended, Zhou Hexuan walked over, put a 10-yuan French coin into the woman's bamboo basket, and asked, "What's the name of the music?"

The blind man replied: ""Huizhou Two Springs"."

Zhou Hexuan said: "I think "Er Quan Ying Yue" is more appropriate."

The blind man thought for a moment, and a smile suddenly appeared on his weather-beaten face: "What a good name."

"What's your name?" Zhou Hexuan asked again.

The blind man said: "Everyone calls me A Bing."

Zhou Hexuan said: "I want to hire you to sing songs for a long time, for 1 yuan a day, are you willing?"

The blind man's hands trembled slightly: "As long as you have something to eat."

"Okay, you go ahead." Zhou Hexuan said.

The blind man replaced the erhu with the pipa and said with a smile: "Then let me play a piece of "The Heroic Resistance of the Nineteenth Route Army". I made it up myself. Please listen to me."

The sound of tinkling pipa resounded through the wine shop, and a loud song came from the blind man's throat: "This is Shanghai, China! Pluck a few of them, foreign hozens. You come to rob, and he comes to share... The guests, on the contrary, Bully the master. Shoot the people, but don't take their lives. The power is seized from the palm of his hand. He does not talk about justice, but calls for civilization... On the Huangpu River, the 19th Route Army, with swords lined up, kills the enemy to show off his heroism. Invading the enemy invaders, trembling with fear. Swordsman The light is shining, there is no way to escape, the head falls to the ground, like cutting a melon and a vine... The whole country vows to support us. Patriots and compatriots, work together as one. We will drive the enemies out of the country!"

"Well done!" the diners clapped and shouted.

The blind man also knows that if the whole country works together, the enemy will be driven out of the country.

Why can't our gentlemen see it?

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