Shanghai, an apartment.

Xiao Hong held the "Fei Gong" magazine that had just been delivered by the newspaper worker. She went upstairs while reading. She opened the door and shouted: "Honglin, Mr. Zhou has a new article. In addition to the serialization of "Black Soil", there is also an article criticizing surrender. Sent!”

"Well, I'll see when I get back." Xiao Jun packed up neatly, holding his hat and getting ready to go out.

Xiao Hong's expression suddenly changed: "It's so early in the morning, where are you going?"

Xiao Jun smiled and said: "Go find Chen Juan."

Chen Juan is Xiao Jun's new love. The two are crazy in love, and Xiao Jun never hides this relationship. Many people in the circle already know about it.

Xiao Hong was so angry that her body was shaking, and she gritted her teeth and said, "Chen Juan has a husband, what exactly do you want to do?"

"So what if she has a husband? As long as we love each other, that's all. Love is free." Xiao Jun put on his hat and pushed out the door, ignoring the angry Xiao Hong.

Xiao Hong held the magazine in her hand and sat there in a daze for a moment. Then she went out angrily and went straight to Lu Xun's apartment.

"Yingying is here, take a seat." Xu Guangping greeted seemingly enthusiastically, then turned around and ran to the kitchen to do housework, not even bothering to pour Xiao Hong a glass of water.

Xu Guangping had enough reasons to be unhappy, because Xiao Hong came to Lu Xun every day. This situation has been going on for more than half a year. If it were a small-minded woman, she would probably pick up a broom and kick Xiao Hong out of the house.

"Cough cough cough!"

Accompanied by a cough, Lu Xun came to the front hall and said to Xiao Hong, "Are we arguing again?"

Xiao Hong said angrily: "I can't live my life anymore, I want to break up with him."

"Then let's divide it." Lu Xun also had a headache.

Xiao Jun and Xiao Hong are both Lu Xun's proud disciples, and they are also the most famous rising stars in the literary world today.

If Xiao Hong came to ask for literature advice every day, Lu Xun would be quite happy, but she always came to complain about relationship problems, which made Lu Xun very annoyed in the long run.

"Cough cough cough!"

Lu Xun suddenly covered his mouth and coughed so hard that his hands were filled with blood.

Xiao Hong quickly helped Lu Xun soothe his back and asked worriedly: "Sir, are you okay?"

"It's okay, it's the same old habit," Lu Xun wiped the blood with a handkerchief uncomfortably and asked, "Did you write a new article today?"

"No, but Mr. Zhou has a new article." Xiao Hong took out this issue of "Fei Gong".

"Fei Gong" magazine resumed publication at the end of last year. In order to avoid interference from the Japanese, the headquarters was moved directly to Wuhan.

Lu Xun flipped through the catalog of the magazine and found two articles by Zhou Hexuan. One was the third part of the serial novel "Black Earth" and the other was titled "The War and Exploration of the Japanese Issue".

Xiao Hong first read novels, while Lu Xun first read review articles, in which Zhou Hexuan wrote:

"Since the '128 Incident', gentlemen in China have begun to discuss the issue of war and peace. The peace advocates believe that: Japan's national power is strong, while China's national power is weak; Japanese people are energetic, but Chinese people are ignorant; Japan's power is unified If China and Japan go to war, China will definitely lose. Therefore, gentlemen of the peace faction believe that war with Japan should be avoided and China should strive for peace. This is the way for China to survive."

"The gentlemen of the Peace Party have worked hard for this, running around and shouting, claiming that I am the only one who is sober when everyone else is drunk. The leaders of the Peace Party are headed by Wang Zhaoming in the political world and Hu Shizhi in the academic world. The two gentlemen Wang and Hu can be called the best in China. A handsome man has outstanding knowledge and far-sightedness, and his concerns should be thought-provoking."

"However, Mr. Wang and Hu seem to have misunderstood the key to war and peace. China has no choice between war and peace. Everything depends on Japan. China's main militants are not war elements eager to fight. Why do they want to main war? ?All because Japan chose a war of aggression."

"In the past ten years, the mainstream international thinking has been disarmament and peace, but Japan has gone the opposite direction. Since Emperor Hirohito succeeded to the throne, he immediately began to control Japan's education and ideological circles. The idea of ​​militarist aggression is rooted in the blood of Japanese people. Even primary school students undergo regular military training.”

"The world economic crisis broke out in 1929, and Japan's national economy was severely hit. From then on, it began a crazy military expansion and war preparation plan. Because the Japanese government was unable to restore economic prosperity, it could only divert the people's attention and pass the crisis onto the Chinese."

"Let's look at a set of data -"

"In 1929, Japan's annual military investment accounted for only 10% of the total national budget, and by 1935 it accounted for 30%; in 1929, Japan could only produce 10 tanks per year, but by 1935 it could produce 300 tanks per year. ; In 1929, Japan's standing force was only 100,000, which increased to 400,000 by 1935. From 1929 to 1935, Japan's rifle production increased 6 times, machine gun production increased 3 times, and artillery production increased 6 times, aircraft production increased 2 times..."

"If this momentum continues, Japan's standing troops are likely to reach 500,000 next year, and military investment is likely to account for 50% or even 60% of the country's total budget. No matter how strong Japan's national strength is, it will not be able to maintain such horrific military expenditures for a long time. Expenditure. What’s more, Japan is in the midst of an economic crisis and their finances have long since dried up.”

"Even if Japanese officials are peace lovers, they can't prevent the outbreak of war. If there is no war, the whole of Japan will be in chaos, because their country and people have no money. If they want to have money, they can only expand externally. , they can only come to China to rob."

"This is like a robber who ate up all the food at home and spent all the money at home to buy knives and guns. This robber is powerful and armored, but his neighbor is weak. What will the robber's choice be? ?Of course it’s a house invasion and robbery. If we don’t rob, the robber will be hungry, and the robber’s knife and gun will be rusty!”

"Our Lord and the gentlemen, what kind of peace do they pray for? They want to give some food to the robbers, and then say, let's not fight, so as not to hurt the peace of the neighbors. But the little food sent out is only Enough to fill the robber's stomach for one or two meals, it will only make the robber stronger. The robber who is supposed to come will still come!"

"I also hope for peace, but is it possible?"

"The key to peace does not lie in China. China has no right to choose. The key to peace does not lie in Japan. Japan has no choice. From the day Japan began to expand its arms and prepare for war, they embarked on the path of no return for external expansion. Japan has no choice. If they look back, there is a cliff behind them, and asking Japan to stop its aggression is tantamount to asking the Japanese to commit suicide."

"Gentlemen of the peace faction, Mr. Wang Zhaoming, and Mr. Hu Shizhi, as well as the supporters of these two gentlemen. It's dawn, wake up, stop talking in your sleep with your eyes closed. No matter how beautiful the dream is, it's just a dream. You're dreaming. Don't wait for the robbers to break into the house. You are still lying on the bed and being killed in your dream."

"The war between China and Japan will come about next year. Because of the financial resources of the Japanese government, if it wants to maintain the current speed of military expansion and war preparations, it can only support it until next year. If Japan does not invade China next year, Japan's economy will collapse the year after that. .”

"I just hope that the Chinese people will put aside the war and war, have a clear mind, and think about how to resist."

Lu Xun read the article seriously, held back his cough, and said to himself: "Is there going to be a war next year?"

Xiao Hong sat next to Lu Xun and finished reading the article. She said in disbelief: "Maybe Mr. Zhou guessed wrong."

"If the data in the article are true, then they can't be wrong." Lu Xun sat weakly on the sofa.

In fact, those who really pay attention to Japan and have analytical skills will definitely be able to calculate the approximate date of the war. For example, Chiang Kai-shek predicted the exact time of the war as early as two years ago because he was able to obtain a lot of relevant intelligence.

At the second level, we have no access to Japanese military expenditure data, but we can predict that Japan will expand abroad in the next few years based on Japanese newspapers, Japanese policies, and the direction of Japanese public opinion.

This article by Zhou Hexuan only exposed the beautiful illusions of the Chinese people and took off the fig leaf called luck.

This article did not criticize anyone, but used cold figures to throw them at the Lord He faction, letting Wang Zhaoming, Hu Shi and their followers take a closer look.

For most Chinese people who have no way of knowing the specific situation in Japan, this article is like a thunder that exploded in the dead sky. Including Song Zheyuan and his generals, they were shocked when they saw Zhou Hexuan's article. They wanted to accept it but couldn't believe it.

Will Japan really call next year?

Major newspapers and magazines across the country frantically analyzed and discussed Zhou Hexuan's articles, and patriotic students also used the summer vacation to once again launch an anti-Japanese propaganda campaign.

Zhou Hexuan returned to China this time and wrote two articles. The first article stirred up the situation in North China, and the latter article directly caused a sensation across the country.

Even Western diplomats stationed in China sent Zhou Hexuan's articles back to their countries for their military and diplomatic personnel to study carefully.

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