In the evening, Yangtze Hotel, dance hall.

Song Meiling walked in dignifiedly, her body covered with jade ornaments, followed by sisters Kong Lingyi and Kong Lingwei on the left and right.

Kong Lingyi is wearing a Western floral skirt with long flowing hair, fashionable and beautiful. The only flaw is that her face is too long and narrow, which is only suitable for shoulder-length hair. If you keep your hair short or pull it up, your horse face will be exposed.

Kong Lingwei, on the other hand, is in a suit and leather shoes, with a handsome slicked back hair. Apart from her short stature, there is no fault in her body - of course, this is to evaluate her as a man.

"Hello Mrs. Song!"

"Hello, Mrs. Jiang!"

"Good evening, madam!"

Guests at the scene came to greet her one after another, and they roughly classified Soong Meiling into these three types of names.

Song Meiling behaved generously and gracefully, showing her grace and bearing. Coupled with her extraordinary status, her charm fascinated many men.

Kong Lingyi followed her example and looked like a little lady, which fascinated young people with illusions.

Only Kong Lingwei seemed very impatient and followed Soong Meiling without saying a word. If she hadn't been forced to attend the dance by her aunt, she would have gone home to watch "The Legend of Shushan Swordsman".

However, Kong Lingwei soon discovered something interesting, staring at the female guest and wandering around.

Kong Lingwei had no taboo on playing with women, whether they were female students or other people's concubines. As long as she liked them, she would try to do it - well, that was Kong Lingwei after the age of 20. 17-year-old Kong Lingwei is not that bold yet. She is even worried about her gender at this time.

Suddenly, Kong Lingwei took a fancy to a young lady, and she said to Soong Meiling: "Auntie, I want to walk around by myself."

"Go ahead, remember to maintain etiquette when communicating with others." Song Meiling warned.

Kong Lingwei was like a bird escaping from its cage, happily killing the target. She is a woman, and she often makes other women lose their guard, and the initial communication always goes very smoothly. In addition, gender confusion also brings other advantages. Even if the husband of the other party finds out, few men feel that they are being cheated.

Some men even approve of their wives dating Kong Lingwei. They have no real losses and can use this opportunity to climb up the ranks of the Confucius family.

Song Meiling chatted with the guests for a while, and then took Kong Lingyi straight to the circle of foreign envoys. There were various handshakes, hand kisses and hugs, and she quickly became active in chatting with those foreign envoys.

Suddenly there was a noise at the door, but it was Zhou Hexuan who came with his wife and sister-in-law, and the guests came to congratulate him one after another.

"Let's go there too." U.S. Ambassador to China Johnson said while holding a wine glass.

All of a sudden, all the envoys stationed in China from various countries walked towards Zhou Hexuan, instantly taking away Song Meiling's limelight.

Only Bogmolov, the Soviet ambassador to China, was more reserved. Vodka was prepared for tonight's dance, and the Soviet envoy was concentrating on dealing with alcohol.

Song Meiling had her own way of communicating. She walked over with the envoys and said with a smile: "Mr. Zhou, let me introduce to you. This is the American Ambassador Johnson."

"Hello, Sir Jason." Zhou Hexuan shook hands and greeted.

"Zhou, we meet again!" Jason directly gave Zhou Hexuan a warm hug.

Song Meiling added: "This is the German Ambassador Toddman."

Toddman was more serious and said with a watery face: "Hello, Mr. Zhou."

"Hello." Although Zhou Hexuan met Tao Deman for the first time, he had heard of him before when he was studying history.

At the beginning of the all-out war between China and Japan, Todman actually wanted to stop it and induce the Nanjing government to compromise with Japan. The mediation content he proposed was extremely harsh, such as allowing Inner Mongolia to implement autonomy, establishing a demilitarized zone in North China, letting Japan control the Shanghai Public Settlement, and China stopping its anti-Japanese policy. Known in history as the "Taudman Mediation Incident."

Song Meiling soon became the focus of communication again. No matter which envoy Zhou Hexuan was talking to, she would always insert a few words in the middle, and she would always show a charming smile.

When Soong Meiling introduced Japanese Ambassador Wakasugi Kaname, Zhou Hexuan couldn't help but think of his former ambassador Ariyoshiaki.

From the "128th Incident" to the present, Yoshiaki, as a Japanese diplomat, has participated in all Japan's invasion of China. But he himself is opposed to rapid military expansion, especially the splitting of North China, and wants to solve China's problems through political and diplomatic channels.

This was a very rare rationalist among Japanese officials in the 1930s, and he was one of the people who escaped Japan's two officer coups.

Because Yoshiaki was extremely uncooperative with the Japanese military's aggressive actions, the Japanese military even secretly contacted Wang Yaqiao and asked Wang Yaqiao to send someone to assassinate Yoshiaki, and then put the blame on Chiang Kai-shek and Song Zheyuan, thereby creating an excuse for Japan to invade North China.

This matter sounds like child's play. The Japanese military wanted to assassinate its ambassador in order to further invade North China. The killer contacted was Wang Yaqiao, who was known for his patriotism, but the targets chosen to take the blame were Chang Kaishen, who did not resist, and the anti-Japanese hero Song Zheyuan.

What’s even more funny is yet to come. Wang Yaqiao took the assassination funds given by the Japanese, but instead of attacking Yujiming, he went to Shanghai to kill a Japanese soldier. Wang Yaqiao did this to create a conflict between the Nanjing government and Japan in order to coordinate Chen Jitang's launch of the Guangdong and Guangxi Incident.

From the beginning to the end, Yoshiaki was an unlucky guy. Both China and Japan disliked him. He had been dismissed from his post and returned to his country a few months ago. After Japan's defeat, Yoshiaki jumped out to increase his sense of presence and wrote confessions all day long condemning Japan for launching a war of aggression against China.

The current Japanese ambassador, Kaname Wakasugi, is a complete militarist. He showed great humility, nodded and shook hands and said: "Mr. Zhou, His Majesty the Emperor has mentioned your articles many times and hopes to invite you to Tokyo for academic exchanges."

"I'm afraid of death and don't dare to go to Tokyo." Zhou Hexuan laughed and pointed at the bullet marks on his face.

Ruoshan suddenly made an unexpected move and bowed at 90 degrees to Zhou Hexuan: "Mr. Zhou, I am very sorry about the assassination. It was a private act of the international students and had nothing to do with the Japanese government. On behalf of the Japanese people, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Mr. Zhou. Sincerely apologize!”

"Don't dare, don't dare," Zhou Hexuan laughed loudly, "I think the invasion of Northeast China was also a private act of the Kwantung Army and had nothing to do with the Japanese government."

Ruoshan was going to be ridiculed to the point of being speechless, but he was not angry either. Instead, he quietly retreated to the side and went to drink and chat with the Soviet ambassador.

Song Meiling smiled and said nothing. Verbal exchanges were too common at dances. She was still very satisfied with Zhou Hexuan's performance.

Zhang Manyi and Kong Lingyi looked at Zhou Hexuan with admiration. They were at the age where they admired heroes, and Zhou Hexuan's few words just now were enough to make him a hero.

Zhou Hexuan came here to antagonize people tonight. After antagonizing the Japanese ambassador, he was ready to open fire on the French ambassador.

The French ambassador Wei Liide is a veteran diplomat who does not talk about politics at all, but invites Zhou Hexuan to talk about literature and history. Now Napoleon, now the French Revolution, now the Enlightenment, praising France's contribution to the world.

"Speaking of French thinkers, the one I admire most is Montesquieu." Zhou Hexuan said with a smile.

Wei Lid nodded and said: "Montesquieu is indeed the glory of France. He made the spirit of law deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and even gave birth to the American political system."

U.S. Ambassador Johnson was obviously unhappy and interjected: "Americans only know Franklin."

Wei Lid smiled and said: "Then Americans should read more books."

Before Jason could regain his composure, Zhou Hexuan echoed: "I also think Montesquieu was great. To be able to give birth to such a sage, the French people should respect the law very much, right?"

"Of course, France respects the law and the rule of law." Wei Liide nodded.

Zhou Hexuan used his words to start his argument: "I remember that during the Guangxu period of the Qing Dynasty, China and France signed the "Special Treaty on Renewal of Boundary Affairs", which delineated the border line between China and French Indo-China. Beyond this line East, and all the islands in the sea belong to China. Is that right?”

Wei Liide already knew what Zhou Hexuan wanted to say, and admitted with a dark face: "That's it."

Zhou Hexuan asked with a smile: "Then why is France going back on its word and saying that the nine small islands east of the line are owned by France?"

"Well, we won't talk about this today." Wei Lid couldn't reason with Zhou Hexuan because France was clearly breaking the treaty.

The two men were talking about the island dispute between China and France, which has been ongoing since three years ago. France has forcibly occupied nine Chinese islands within the eleven-dash line (later changed to the nine-dash line). It is a pity that although China was justified, it could only protest verbally and watched helplessly as France occupied the island.

Seeing the French ambassador's frustration, US Ambassador Johnson immediately laughed and said: "We in the United States have always been pragmatic and not so hypocritical."

Zhou Hexuan clinked glasses with Johnson and said, "I hope there won't be another silver crisis, and I hope the United States will stop selling strategic resources to Japan."

Jason shrugged awkwardly: "I don't have anything to say about this kind of thing."

"Then I'll go talk to the Belgian ambassador." Zhou Hexuan came over with a wine glass. His name tonight was Teddy.

When the Belgian Ambassador Baron Youmu saw Zhou Hexuan coming, he walked away with a cup in his hands. He had already given up on his words.

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