After a dance, Kong Lingyi and Zhang Manyi got along very well and actually became best friends who talked about everything. This made Mr. Zhang Mouzhi overjoyed.

The next morning, Zhang Mouzhi encouraged his youngest daughter to make a phone call and asked her to ask the eldest daughter of the Kong family to go shopping. He also hired two strong men to carry the bags.

If we can use this to gain access to the Kong family, then the Zhang family's business will be much easier, at least the import and export trade will be able to flow smoothly.

Zhou Hexuan ignored his father-in-law's petty thoughts and set off with two bodyguards, Sun Yongzhen and Zhu Guozhen, to the alfalfa garden outside Zhongshan Gate - where Ding Ling's whole family was under house arrest.

Perhaps Zhou Hexuan's memory was wrong, or perhaps the historical data he had read before were wrong. The alfalfa garden was not Xu Enzeng's property, but belonged to Fu Huanguang, a landscaping expert.

Three years ago, when Ding Ling was arrested by the secret agents, she was imprisoned in an ancient house in Mingwalang. She had no freedom at all and was often scolded by the secret service guards. Fei Xia suggested using gentle means to induce Ding Ling to surrender. Xu Enzeng did as he was told. Not only did he change Ding Ling to a better place, but he also brought Ding Ling's family with him.

Three years later, Ding Ling was still under house arrest in the Alfalfa Garden, and all of Xu Enzeng's temptations were ineffective.

The Alfalfa Garden is extremely tightly guarded because Chiang Kai-shek and Soong Meiling sometimes come to play, and the place is often used to receive high-ranking officials and celebrities at home and abroad.

Zhou Hexuan waited at the door for a long time before he was finally allowed in. After walking only a short distance, Zhou Hexuan felt relaxed and happy, and he wished he could buy this place as his own garden.

Strictly speaking, the entire park is a greening experimental center, designed and built by Fu Huanguang, a garden expert. There are a total of 12 French-style bungalows with complete living facilities. A large number of holly, ligustrum, phoenix bamboo and wild roses are planted on the outside. Plants are used to isolate the garden from the outside world. After entering, you will find that there is another world.

As for the interior of the park, exotic flowers and plants from all over the world are planted, and the fragrance is so fragrant that it can be seen as a painting.

Only the No. 7 bungalow where Ding Ling's family lives is isolated by cement pillars and barbed wire. These forced defense facilities have severely damaged the overall beauty of the garden.

Halfway through, the owner of the garden, Fu Huanguang, came over with his wife, shook hands warmly and said, "Mr. Zhou, I'm sorry to hear you come from afar, I'm Fu Huanguang!"

"Hello, Mr. Fu, I've taken the liberty to visit you, and I'd like to invite Haihan." Zhou Hexuan said with a smile.

Speaking of Fu Huanguang may be unfamiliar, but everyone is familiar with Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum. Fu Huanguang is the main designer, builder and maintainer of Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum. In the past few years, there were frequent floods in the Yangtze River Basin. Fu Huanguang suggested that the Nanjing government plant trees and use vegetation to reduce the harm of floods. Unfortunately, this plan could not be implemented at all.

During the Republic of China, there were all kinds of outstanding talents, but many of them mastered dragon-slaying skills. For example, a greening expert like Fu Huanguang has no use. His only role is to green Sun Yat-sen's mausoleum.

By the way, Fu Huanguang is very senior in the political arena of the Republic of China. He was the acting director of the Department of Industry of Suiyuan Province more than ten years ago. After the Nanjing government was established, he had the opportunity to serve as a central government official, but he gave up his official position and went to Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum to plant trees.

It was very easy for Fu Huanguang to become an official. He knew only a lot more domestic big shots than Zhou Hexuan. Chang Kaishen and Song Meiling were both frequent visitors to his family.

Fu Huanguang took Zhou Hexuan to Building No. 7, pointed inside and said, "Ms. Ding Ling lives here."

There were also two guards guarding the barbed wire fence outside Building 7. They were chatting and laughing with Fu Huanguang before letting them in.

In the garden of the small foreign-style building, Xu Enzeng, Fei Xia and Feng Da were chatting, while Ding Ling was holding her daughter and basking in the sun, accompanied by her and her late husband Hu Yepin's son.

After Hu Yepin's death, Ding Ling and Feng Da became revolutionary partners. Unfortunately, Feng Da had already become a traitor. Ding Ling had to live with the traitor. During her house arrest, she gave birth to a daughter for the traitor.

"Mr. Zhou!" Ding Ling saw Zhou Hexuan, with a happy smile on her face.

In the past three years, those who came to visit Ding Ling were all traitors, always trying to persuade her to recognize the current situation and become a hero. In particular, Yao Pengzi was the most cunning. Seeing that Ding Ling's life was difficult, he lent her money to survive, and at the same time encouraged her to write articles to earn royalties, hoping to publish Ding Ling's articles in the Kuomintang newspaper.

Zhou Hexuan is the first old friend to visit without a special purpose.

Xu Enzeng and Fei Xia also stood up and said enthusiastically: "Mr. Zhou, please take a seat!"

When Zhou Hexuan sat down, the first thing Ding Ling said was: "Mr. Zhou, can you lend me some money?"

"Okay." Zhou Hexuan took out all the money on his body, and also searched all the money of Sun Yongzhen and Zhu Guozhen.

Ding Ling had no income for three years and had to support two children and her mother. Ding Ling's life was extremely difficult. Originally, the agents wanted to provide her with meals every day, but Ding Ling refused. She paid for herself and asked Fu Huanguang to send someone to buy ingredients to fill her stomach.

The newspapers that Ding Ling can read every day are old newspapers that Fu Huanguang has read. She smiled and said: "Congratulations to Mr. Zhou for winning the Nobel Prize in Literature."

"I don't mind mentioning it in vain," Zhou Hexuan asked, "How are you living here?"

"It's okay, I'm used to it," Ding Ling said nonchalantly. "The articles I write every day are checked, and not a single one is left. They are all taken away by the secret agents."

Xu Enzeng laughed beside him and said: "We still take good care of Ms. Ding Ling. We were afraid that she would be too lonely, so we specially brought her mother and son here."

"Her mother and son were kept under house arrest as hostages so she could be lured to surrender, right?" Zhou Hexuan sarcastically said.

"Haha, Mr. Zhou was joking." Xu Enzeng was not angry and laughed it off.

Zhou Hexuan took out his cigarette box, distributed one to the men, lit one and said: "Chief Xu, the Leftist League has been disbanded. Shouldn't Ms. Ding Ling be released as well?"

"I have no say in this." Xu Enzeng shook his head.

In fact, Xu Enzeng also wanted to release her, but Ding Ling could not be induced to surrender even if she refused to give in. Chinese and American newspapers also condemned her wildly. Especially last year, American leftist newspapers frantically published Ding Ling's articles, almost portraying Ding Ling as "the first female freedom fighter in the Far East."

Speaking of which, Zhou Hexuan also played a role in it. He was entrusted by the Left Federation to help contact many American neutral media. As for the left-wing media in the United States, Mrs. Sun has contacted the Left-wing Alliance, and historically they have built up a huge momentum.

Ding Ling could not be killed or released, and Xu Enzeng was scolded by the newspapers all day long for this.

As long as Lao Jiang nodded, Xu En could not wait to send Ding Ling away in person. He was offering sacrifices to a living Bodhisattva.

"I will be responsible for communication with Chairman Chiang." Zhou Hexuan said with a relaxed smile, this matter is easy to handle.

Since the League of Leftists has been disbanded, there is no need to keep Ding Ling under house arrest, especially since public opinion in the United States is very fierce, and Chang Kaishen is also inclined to release Ding Ling.

Historically, it has always been a mystery how Ding Ling escaped from house arrest. In the fall, she would leave Nanjing and go straight to Yan'an. What Zhou Hexuan did was just advance the time by two or three months.

But at this moment, when Ding Ling heard Zhou Hexuan say this, she suddenly ignited the hope of regaining her freedom. She had even been numb living here before.

Xu Enzeng was also very happy, hoping that Zhou Hexuan would convince Chiang Kai-shek soon so that he could throw away this hot potato.

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