The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 756 755 [The world is as black as crows]

As the president of the International Olympic Committee, Baye Tural is very tired.

It can be said that nothing has gone smoothly for Baye Tular since it became associated with the Olympics.

When Tural was just an ordinary member of the Olympic Committee, he encountered arguments from the French. At that time, the First World War was ending, and French radicals actually made a noise to allow only the victorious countries to participate in the competition. Tural, with the support of the King of Belgium, withstood tremendous pressure, successfully hosted the Olympic Games in less than a year of preparation time.

Although this incident made Tural famous, he was very embarrassed to receive less than half of the votes in the general election of the Olympic Committee. The elected candidate was Coubertin, who was preparing to retire. Coubertin really didn't want to do this tiring job and insisted on holding a second round of elections. Only then did Toural finally become the chairman of the Olympic Committee.

Then Tural became depressed again. The first Olympic Games he hosted went into chaos, and the Netherlands, as the organizer, actually wanted to give up.

After repeated publicity campaigns, the Dutch government still refused to qualify. In the end, it was the Dutch people who raised money to host the Olympics. And the Dutch government also stipulates that no competitions shall be held on Sundays out of respect for religious traditions. On Sunday, God needs to rest.

This Berlin Olympics is also nonsense. All kinds of bad things happened in the middle. Even the chairman of the German Olympic Committee was dismissed by Hitler. This chairman of the German Olympic Committee was a major contributor to Germany's successful bid to host the Olympics. Unfortunately, he was the first He is a Jew, but he cannot pass the political examination.

Tural had to rush to Berlin in person and negotiate with Hitler repeatedly to finally ensure that the Berlin Olympics could be held as scheduled.

However, Tural's hard days have just begun. From the first day of the competition, the Olympic Committee will receive countless complaints: black whistle, black whistle, or special black whistle!

When receiving letters of complaint every day, Tural has only one way to deal with them, and that is to ignore them all. Did you accept this appeal, or did you accept that appeal? If everyone seriously examines and changes the judgment, then one-third of the winners of this Olympic Games will be disqualified.

There are even more troublesome ones, such as canceling the gold medal of a certain German equestrian competition and making the second place the champion and the third place the runner-up. But what if the third person also files a complaint? People think they should win the championship because there is something wrong with the judges who give the scores. Should we rematch?

The black whistle that Chinese boxers encountered was just one of countless black whistles in this Olympics.

The host nation, Germany, got off to a bad start, causing referees from other countries to follow suit. Anyway, this project was cheated by Germany. Let’s find another project to cheat other countries. I am not the only one who blows the whistle and cheats, so I have no psychological burden.

The 1936 Berlin Olympics was definitely the most serious Olympic Games ever. Not only Germany blows black whistles, but also the United Kingdom, the United States, France, Italy... any country with more referees does not blow black whistles.

As a result, this Olympic Games gave birth to the first Chinese Olympic final referee.

The details are like this. There are too many black whistles in the basketball game. You whistle and I whistle too. It’s so black that the game can’t proceed normally. So when we reached the semi-finals, everyone sat together and tallied up the results, and finally someone suggested: Let the coach of the Chinese basketball team be the referee. Anyway, the Chinese team has been eliminated long ago, and they should not blow the whistle.

The idea was so genius that it was immediately recognized by the four semi-finalist countries.

What's fair, open, just, what's higher, farther, faster, it's all bullshit, this Olympics is darker, darker, and still darker!

Therefore, Tural, the president of the International Olympic Committee, is very tired. The game has been played like this. Unless everything is overthrown and restarted, no country is willing to compete fairly. Who can cheat and play it seriously?

I thought I would just keep going like this, but Tural had given up on pursuing fairness, and who knew Zhou Hexuan suddenly appeared.

You are such a good Nobel Prize winner in literature. You don’t stay at home and write novels. Why don’t you come to Germany to watch the Olympics? I just watched it, but I actually wrote an article to criticize it. This makes the International Olympic Committee lose face!

The influence of the Nobel Prize winner is too great. Not only was one article widely reprinted, but it also involved the Spanish Civil War, and even rose to the level of anti-fascism and anti-racial discrimination. This made Tural have to take care of it even if he didn't want to. .

Now it is not just a few decades later that countless countries are rushing to host the Olympic Games. For the last two consecutive Olympic Games, the governments of the host countries did not want to play with it, and they had to be coaxed and persuaded by the International Olympic Committee to successfully hold them.

If the negative comments in Zhou Hexuan's article are not dealt with, the reputation of the entire Olympic Games will be ruined. Who else will be willing to host the next one?

"Vote!" Tural said with a headache.

At this time, the International Olympic Committee did not establish a competition arbitration agency. In other words, there is not even a department to handle competition disputes, and Tural can only temporarily find more than a dozen committee members to discuss and vote.

The voting results were announced soon, and they were unanimous - against the appeal!

The committee members are not idiots. Once the Chinese appeal is successful, other countries that have been cheated will not jump up? In particular, the German committee members were firmly opposed to the appeal, because Germany blew the most whistles this time.

When Tural saw the voting results, he felt bad. He was going crazy.

Holding back his anger and calming down, Tural gritted his teeth and said: "The verdict of that boxing match must be changed. This is an order!"

The American committee member retorted on the spot: "You are a dictatorship and a Nazi!"

The German committee member immediately became unhappy: "The Nazis have offended you! Can you speak?"

Tural took off his hat and threw it on the table: "I will resign if the sentence is not changed. I can no longer be the chairman!"

Everyone looked at each other in shock, and then started to vote again, and this time it barely passed - they were really afraid that Tural would give up his choice.

At noon that day, the competition announced the results of the appeal against the Chinese boxing team: Jin Guidi was ruled the winner, Sirimton was disqualified from the competition, and Sirimton was permanently banned from participating in the Olympics.

All Chinese athletes cheered. Only Zhou Hexuan and the boxing team were not happy because Jin Guidi's nose was broken and it would be difficult to win the next game.

Other athletes who had been whistled were furious and formed a group to petition, blocking the Olympic Committee officials in the room and not daring to come out.

Tural is a cunning guy. After announcing the results of the appeal, he ran away and flew directly back to his country house in Belgium. The athletes dug three feet under the ground and couldn't find him.

This incident had a profound impact on the history of the Olympic Games, leading to the establishment of the International Olympic Committee's Interim Arbitration Institution half a century in advance. Later generations of scholars who study the Olympic Games cannot avoid Zhou Hexuan's name. It is because of one of his articles that the detailed process of appeals and handling of Olympic events was born.

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