The Rise of the Writers of the Republic of China

Chapter 766 765 [The Chinese can do it too]

Lu Shaofei, the editor-in-chief of "Times Comics", was a member of the Taishan Beidou in the comics industry of the Republic of China. He was hailed as the "Bole in the Chinese comics industry" at the time, and was also hailed as the "originator of modern Chinese comics" by later generations.

This man was a patriotic painter who had participated in the Northern Expedition and served in the Painting and Calligraphy Section of the Propaganda Department of the General Political Department.

After the September 18th and January 28th Incidents, Lu Shaofei began to paint patriotic and satirical cartoons. Just six months ago, he drew cartoons that satirized the Nanjing government's knee-jerk diplomacy toward Japan, which caused Time Comics to suspend publication for four months.

This is such a gentleman. Historically, because of China's defeat in the Olympic Games, he drew a painting called "The Fashion of Eggs", using a big duck egg to satirize Yang Xiuqiong for not having harvested the eggs.

And now?

The 29th issue of "Time Comics" magazine published Lu Shaofei's new work "Mermaid Tribe". On the screen, Yang Xiuqiong and her three female teammates, wearing laurel crowns on their heads and Olympic gold medals on their chests, were playing in the blue waves. Everyone's legs turned into mermaid tails. Ji Zhengliang, who had won two gold medals in swimming, simply held up his radiant trident and rode the waves towards the background of the five Olympic rings.

The latest issue of "Liangyou Pictorial" also puts the four female team members as cover characters, and also has a big cover title - The Four Female Swimming Players in the World.

Lu Xun was already extremely ill at this time. Not only was he physically weak, but he was also extremely irritable.

In recent years, it has become difficult to publish Lu Xun's essays, even if he changes his waistcoat and uses a new pen name. He could only write some reminiscence prose, bury it in a pile of old papers, do academic research, and prepare to write his first novel.

In Lu Xun's original words: "I can write about intellectuals... I want to start from the decline of a big family of scholars and continue writing until now. The weight is not small... It can break the past precedent." , that is, you can narrate and discuss at the same time, and speak freely."

This novel has entered the conception stage, and even the narrative structure, character arrangement, and expression methods have been thought out. Unfortunately, it could not be written in the end because Lu Xun's life has come to an end.

September 1st.

Since the supplement "Free Talk" of "Shenbao" has been sealed, Lu Xun's article can only be published in another supplement "Spring and Autumn". The author's signature is exactly "Lu Xun", and the title of this article is "Chinese People" It’s also possible”:

"Recently, my cough has become severe again. I feel no energy when I get up in the morning. I have run out of tea at home, and it is even harder to pick up my pen. Brother Guangping (Lu Xun's wife) went out to buy tea. When he came back, he came back empty-handed. He told me: 'The tea shop will be closed for half a day.' The boss and The shop assistants went to the streets to greet the athletes and even put down their business.”

"I am well aware of the performance of the Chinese athletes in Berlin. There are endless articles praising them every day. Today, the city is filled with the sound of firecrackers and the excitement seems to be celebrating the New Year. It is difficult for me to say anything sarcastic at this time, and I don't want to give it to you. Pour some cold water on me."

"I want to say that the Chinese can do it too."

"This kind of ability has nothing to do with the vast land, rich resources, or long history. It is probably the struggle of the athletes themselves. Foreign masters will not give away the gold medal just because you have a vast land, rich resources, and long history. Now that the gold medal has been taken by China, you can imagine Very hard.”

"I heard that many black whistles were blown against China in Berlin. This is because others have the power to blow the whistle. Some people are angry, some are sad, and feel that China has been treated unfairly. I don't think we need to think too much about this. Westerners The whistle cannot come out of nowhere, and it is possible for the Chinese to blow the whistle one day, but the process will be difficult."

"There is a North Korean named Son Ki-jeong. He also won the gold medal, and all the honors went to Japan. The Chinese people inevitably have sad thoughts about this, and are afraid that one day in the future, the Chinese will have to compete as Japanese. "

"In sports competitions, Westerners hold whistles; in war competitions, Asians hold whistles. If China wants to win, it will probably be very difficult, but I also want to say that the Chinese can do it too..."

As Lu Xun said in this article, the Chinese winning gold medals in the Olympic Games inevitably reminds people of the impending Sino-Japanese war.

Chinese athletes can fight hard and defeat many foreign athletes on the field, why can't they win in the war of resistance? This represents a hope.

The government of the Republic of China did not have a specialized sports department, but there were sports institutions in various fields of the party, government and military. Stimulated by the Olympic results this time, the whole country began to pay attention to sports, and many students participated in physical exercises whenever they had free time. And those athletes who returned from the Olympics, even if they didn't win any awards, were still invited by various organizations to give speeches.

In fact, because the Chinese are slandered as the "sick man of East Asia", the Chinese people have always attached great importance to sports, but now the atmosphere is even higher.

Let’s take our Mr. Qian Weichang as an example. Not only did he switch to physics after scoring 5 points (100 points) in the physics test, he also participated in sports events with a thin body.

When Qian Weichang was admitted to Tsinghua University, he was only 1.49 meters tall. He was the first student in the history of Tsinghua University who did not meet the height standard. However, he joined the Tsinghua cross-country team through training and was also the main force of the Tsinghua football team. He even won the third place in the hurdles in the National College Student Competition with a time of 13.4 seconds.

China has never lacked miracles or heroes. Among its 40 million compatriots, countless people are working silently for the country.

From Shanghai to Nanjing, Olympic athletes have gained unprecedented popularity. Chiang Kai-shek specially awarded the Qingyun Medal to the athletes. Of course, it is not the first-class medal that Zhou Hexuan received, but the fifth to ninth-class medals awarded as appropriate based on performance. For example, boxers and football players who came in fourth were awarded the Ninth Class Qingyun Medal, and all contestants were awarded an Olympic medal.

At this time, the situation in North China worsened. After Japan provoked the autonomy of the five provinces in North China, it set its sights on Shandong. In other words, the Japanese have been keeping an eye on Shandong, threatening and intimidating them every year, and now they are threatening to send troops.

Newspapers across the country are paying attention to North China, and even southerners can feel the tense atmosphere of an impending storm.

Since the Second Plenary Session of the Fifth Central Committee of the Kuomintang Party, Chang Kaishen relented and said that the Red Army should lay down its arms and peacefully integrate, the CCP also expressed goodwill during the Olympics, expressing its willingness to give up the title of Red Army and join forces with Chiang Kai-shek to fight against Japan. Just after the Olympic Games, the Chinese Communist Party officially issued a letter to the Kuomintang Party, calling for an end to the civil war, a unified fight against Japan, the realization of the second cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, and the formation of a nation-wide anti-Japanese united front.

Patriots were all overjoyed and asked the Nanjing government to cooperate with the Communist Party as soon as possible. They also cited the example of the Chinese football team reaching the semi-finals, believing that as long as they united sincerely, they would be able to defeat Japan.

In early September, the CCP issued an internal directive titled "Instructions on Forcing Chiang to Resist Japan." This undoubtedly laid the foundation for a perfect solution to the Xi'an Incident in the future. It can only be said that the vision of the sages was really accurate and far-reaching.

As for our Mr. Zhou, he quietly returned to Chongqing and began to make some preparations for the war of resistance in the coming year.

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