Obviously, the Outer God who is said to love to stir up trouble everywhere, in addition to leaving behind the "Mysterious Lord Seven Chapter Secret Scripture", also left other backup plans in this world - even, maybe the other party still has an incarnation left in this world!   When Fang Yuan thought of this, he felt a headache. Saving the world under the nose of an indescribable Outer God... He is not a legendary investigator like Yu Yi!   Fortunately, he is different from the poor guy who was eventually killed by a group of Outer Gods. He really has a reliable backstage!   Although Yog-Sothoth does not manage things much and does not stir up trouble, He takes better care of His followers than His offspring.

- For example, Abigail, who became a human-shaped Silver Spoon in a certain world line of Type-Moon, is treated more like a daughter than those two shameful sons! As for Fang Yuan, although the one who had contact with him was not Yog-Sothoth himself, but his incarnation in the form of the Gate of Truth, from his current experience, this big boss's support for him was indeed not low, and he could be regarded as a very reliable boss.

Okay, I'm getting off topic.

The current situation is that Fang Yuan knows that Sanzu River and Hong, who have undergone abnormal changes, want to make a big news in Tokyo City. Although Fang Yuan can stop it at any time, he can't find the other party's real body, let alone what the other party has, and there is no way to completely eliminate the trouble.

At this time, he really regretted it. If he had known that there was a chance before, he would have killed this guy first. As a result, it has become his biggest worry now-it won't be long before the invasion of the other world. If he doesn't get rid of this guy before then, his world-saving action this time may fail!   "This is a lesson. If you meet this kind of villain in the future, don't think about playing chess games. Killing him cleanly is the best choice..." Fang Yuan warned himself and notified his miko with his mind.

… [My miko, stop the Night Parade of One Hundred Demons in the Tokyo metropolitan area, then find Sanzu River Kazuhiro and kill him! ] A vague and vast sound of heaven and earth came into her consciousness. Kneeling in front of the shrine and meditating and praying, Jianshan Mei opened his eyes and grasped the naginata at his feet.

“I will obey your order!” The next moment, her figure disappeared with a “swish”.

… "We have found evil spirit type C, vengeful spirits, hundreds of them, heavy machine guns ready!" … "We have found evil spirit type B, codenamed 'Train', number 7, concentrate firepower to attack, don't let them disrupt the formation!" … "We have found evil spirit type B, codenamed 'Sickle Weasel', number 13, no, 15, all teams pay attention to defense!" … "Spiritual water has no effect on them, what's going on?" … "Request support, request support!" … "No, no, I don't want to die!" … "Mom, save me quickly..." … When Jianshan Mei emerged from the earth escape, he saw such a messy scene.

Team after team of special forces of the Ministry of Defense equipped with weapons against evil spirits took helicopters to the scene of the "One Hundred Demons Night Parade" and started the battle with the evil spirits with the most professional combat qualities, and then they were besieged by evil spirits that were more brutal than one, and they were completely lost in a short period of time.

——Although there are weapons and equipment that can produce effects on spirits, it is still too powerless for ordinary people without spiritual power to fight against supernatural evil spirits.

In the final analysis, this is because the development level of human technology at this stage is too low. At present, we can only combine mystical means to create equipment such as rune bullets and spiritual water grenades. It is okay to deal with small monsters such as vengeful spirits and zombies. Once they face evil spirits such as "trains" and "kama weasels" that are either huge or have special abilities, they still have little power to fight back.

Not to mention, these evil spirits are special species that have been strengthened with indescribable auras by Sanzu River and Hong. They are much more resistant to the existing means of killing spirits by the Japanese military than in the past.

As a result, these special forces, which were regarded by the Japanese government as important trump cards against supernatural disasters, only supported this battlefield for no more than 10 minutes before they were almost completely destroyed.

At the moment when the last soldier was about to be killed by the evil spirit, Jianshan Ming took action - Light, endless light, extremely bright and dazzling light, burst out from the seemingly petite human figure, ignoring the obstruction of many buildings, and illuminating the entire battlefield with an all-pervasive momentum.

The light purified the filth, wiped out the evil spirits, and eliminated the shadows. In a flash, this street that was ravaged by the evil spirits like a battlefield returned to peace, leaving only a few dying wounded lying on the ground groaning, and the sound of the fire that had not yet been extinguished.

However, Jianshan Ming did not care about the life and death of the wounded on the ground. Since becoming a living god, her emotions have become more and more indifferent. Apart from her devout belief in the Lord of God, she no longer pays too much attention to the affairs of other people in the outside world.

For her now, completing the task assigned by Fang Yuan is much more important than saving the lives of a few strangers.

"Isn't he here..." Using the divine light as a medium, he scanned and sensed the surrounding area within several thousand meters, but did not find any trace of Sanzu River and Hong. Jianshan Mei shook his head in disappointment.

The next moment, her figure disappeared again, and a few seconds later, dozens of blocks away, another round of light like the sun rose, destroying a group of evil spirits.

This night is still long! ')403'\u003eChapter 402: Jianshan Mei's regret, expectation of Sanzu River

"Is that... the 'midnight sun' that was just reported a few days ago?" After seeing off Tsuchimiya Kagura, Jianshan Huangquan, who rushed to the scene of the Night Parade of One Hundred Demons, saw Jianshan Mei sweeping away evil spirits with a large range of divine light in the car.

This familiar scene is almost the same as the similar incident that affected most of Tokyo a few days ago-except that the impact range is much smaller than the last time.

"... In other words, we exorcists don't need to appear!" Sakuraba Ikki, who rushed to the scene with Jianshan Huangquan, also saw the scene outside, so he shrugged and said so.

The incident that happened a few days ago naturally attracted the attention of the Supernatural Disaster Countermeasures Office. The unprecedented spiritual power fluctuations almost immediately attracted the attention of all relevant departments.

However, after sending people to investigate the scene, they found that except for a few traces of lava burning outside an abandoned warehouse, there was no other damage.

What shocked all the insiders was that within a radius of hundreds of kilometers around that place, all the heavy spiritual lands polluted by filthy spiritual energy and the hidden evil spirits were completely cleared.

There is no doubt that this is inseparable from the brilliance mentioned in the eyewitness report "like the sun rising at midnight", which should be the masterpiece of an absurdly powerful person (or god?)

Therefore, after seeing this kind of brilliance again, many people, including Iwata Koji, agreed that this place had been taken over by the unknown strong man, and they, the small characters who were in the way, should not jump out to grab the spotlight... "No! We are a member of the Supernatural Countermeasures Room. How can we hand over the task of exterminating evil spirits to an outsider whose identity we don't even know!" However, our Miss Isayama Yomi disagreed with this opinion and insisted on fulfilling her duties as an official exorcist.

"But..." "No buts! Let's go to the next battlefield!" Sakuraba Ikki wanted to dissuade him, but under the oppressive eyes of Isayama Yomi, he finally had to retreat sadly.

... After releasing the divine brilliance three times in a row and wiping out three groups of evil spirits numbering in the hundreds, Isayama Mei took a breath and did not continue to act, but waited for the recovery of the divine power in his body.

"If I had known I wouldn't have used that level of ultimate move last time... but now I can't even if I want to!" A few days ago, Jianshan Mei had rashly used his ultimate move to deal with Sanzuhe and Hong, and he felt quite regretful about it.

Although "gathering the power of a hundred miles of earth veins and adding it to the body, and turning the divine energy into light to sweep the universe" sounds very awesome, in fact, this ultimate move has a lot of side effects.

After all, earth veins are not something that can be moved easily. Even though Jianshan Mei had only integrated the earth veins with himself from a conceptual level to control the energy of hundreds of miles of mountains and rivers, and did not really move the earth veins, this approach still put a huge pressure on the spiritual veins flowing in the earth.

If such a move is used again in a short period of time, it is very likely that the earth veins will be damaged or even turbulent.

You know, Japan is located in the Pacific seismic belt, and the earth's crust itself is not very stable. If the earth veins that constitute the foundation of the earth's crust change too much, a major earthquake that is enough to be recorded in history is inevitable.

——As for how big this earthquake that will go down in history is… just refer to the Great Kanto Earthquake!   Although Jianshan Mei’s character has become much more indifferent than before because of her promotion to a living god, she has not yet reached the level of being able to personally create another Great Kanto Earthquake.

Therefore, when facing the multiple Hundred Demons Night Parade throughout the Tokyo metropolitan area, she can only eliminate them one by one like this, instead of using a big move that illuminates all directions to clear the field at one time like last time—if she really did that, the evil spirits might really be killed by her, but the ground veins that were disturbed again might rebel, and the final result might be more serious than being killed by the evil spirits!   Well, Jianshan Mei didn’t know that there was another plan behind the multiple Hundred Demons Night Parade designed by Sanzu River and Hong. If she knew that these Hundred Demons Night Parade in different areas of Tokyo were actually just the prelude to a terrible ritual, she probably wouldn’t care about the endurance of the ground veins, but would risk causing a super earthquake and directly launch a big move.

...  "As expected, you really showed up!"  When the sun-like divine light illuminated the night sky, Sanzuhe Hehong showed an evil smile on his face.

Just as he planned, when the Hundred Demons with his aura appeared on the streets and wreaked havoc, the living god finally couldn't sit still!   However, when he saw that the other party swept the scene of the Hundred Demons Night Parade one by one, instead of directly destroying all the evil spirits at once, Sanzuhe Hehong knew that the other party's power did not seem to be as strong as he imagined.

"Well, I didn't use the power of hundreds of miles of earth veins directly like last time...Is it impossible, or do you think it's unnecessary? Well, no matter which case, it doesn't make any difference - in fact, my ritual was successful the moment the evil spirits started the massacre. As for how long they can wreak havoc, it's just the difference in the size of the final ritual effect, but the destruction of this city is already destined!" Yes, just like the land refining array that Fang Yuan had come into contact with in the Fullmetal Alchemy World, when enough blood flowed from several key nodes of the array diagram and soaked the earth, the foundation of the ritual was completed.

The same is true for the city sacrifice ceremony of Sanzu River and Hong.

In the initial stage when the Night Parade of One Hundred Demons just occurred, before the official response personnel arrived, the death, killing, blood and fear caused by the evil spirits' wanton massacre and destruction, these necessary "materials" for the ritual have been collected.

How long these evil spirits can continue to wreak havoc will only affect how long the indescribable god who is summoned to enjoy the sacrifice can exist in the final stage of the ritual.

Moreover, even if all the evil spirits are destroyed, their "death" will also become part of the ritual, which will accelerate the completion of the ritual.

Sanzuhe and Hong really want to see what kind of expression will appear on the face of that damned Jianshan Mei when she sees that he worked hard to save the city, but finally finds that he destroyed the city with his own hands?   "I am looking forward to it..."')404'\u003eChapter 403 Ritual, battle, time has come! (Update 2)

"Hmph! When Sanzuhe and Hong launch the ritual, he finds that the ritual he arranged has no effect at all. What kind of expression will he have at that time? I am looking forward to it!" The person who said this was Fang Yuan, who was in the form of Yang Shen incarnation, overlooking the chaos in Tokyo from a high altitude.

Although he made many mistakes that villains often make in dealing with Sanzuhe and Hong, for some so-called layout calculations, he did not directly eliminate the enemy, but gave the other party a chance to come back, which eventually brought greater trouble.

But he also knows the principle of mending the fold after the sheep have been lost.

Especially after discovering that the other party had actually arranged a large-scale sacrificial ceremony in the Tokyo metropolitan area, Fang Yuan naturally would not pretend not to see it.

Although Fang Yuan did not know the most fundamental content of Sanzu River and Hong's sacrificial ceremony, he could more or less guess the extreme of the activation of this ceremony based on what he had seen so far.

Once the murderous aura, evil spirit, hostility, and resentment caused by the rampage of evil spirits appeared, they would spread to a wider area along with the actions of the evil spirits, just like ink drops in clear water. Once they appeared, they would smudge a large area of ​​pure spiritual power and artificially create a "polluted area".

And these "polluted areas", even if they were expelled and purified by Jianshan Ming who came from behind with the great magic power of the present god, under the surface purity, there was still a trace of stubborn and difficult to eradicate "imprint".

——This is the result of high concentrations of resentment, killing, blood, death, fear and other negative forces condensing in one area, and infecting the concept level of rules from the level of Yuanqi energy.

The real reason why Sanzuhe and Hong launched the sacrificial ceremony was precisely these "imprints" that were difficult to detect and even more difficult to eradicate.

"If I had experienced the previous world, it would be really difficult to deal with such things at the conceptual information level, but this is not difficult for me now!" The most critical knowledge that Fang Yuan learned in the Magic Index of Certain Magical Cannon world was the ability to control and interfere with things such as concepts, information, and existence.

The sacrificial ceremony that Sanzuhe and Hong are currently using is a magical power that cannot be detected or cracked by the native exorcists and even the gods in the Soul Eater World, but for Fang Yuan, if he wants to destroy this ceremony, he only needs to think about it.

—— [Ether] that has been integrated into the spiritual sea of ​​the planet and has become the core of the planet's spirit can not only mobilize the power of the earth veins of this planet, but can also easily rewrite the law framework of the entire planet like a real "god".

For Him, a mere imprint at the conceptual information level does not even require the strength of a breath, and can be solved by just fine-tuning the regional laws.

The [Ether], which has been upgraded from "it" to "Him", is always connected with Fang Yuan's spiritual consciousness, and is essentially equivalent to Fang Yuan's half body.

In this way, for Fang Yuan, if he wants to mobilize the power of the planetary spirit to erase the "marks" of these rituals, doesn't it only take a thought?   ...  Fang Yuan is waiting, waiting for the moment when Sanzuhe and Hong start the ritual; Sanzuhe and Hong are also waiting, waiting for the moment when Jianshan Mei eliminates the last wave of evil spirits of the Night Parade of One Hundred Demons.

However, some people will not wait like this - for human exorcists such as Jianshan Huangquan, eliminating evil spirits is their only mission.

In fact, they have almost no extra thoughts to think about miscellaneous things. The unprecedented number of evil spirits that cannot be killed, the high-intensity and high-intensity fierce battles, make every exorcist devote all their energy to the battle, and dare not be distracted for a moment.

Needless to say, the consequences of distraction can be seen from those poor exorcists who fall into the hands of evil spirits from time to time.

Even with the help of Isayama Mei, she was only one person after all. Facing more than ten scenes of the Night Parade of One Hundred Demons throughout the Tokyo metropolitan area, she could not eliminate them all at once.

And in places that she could not take care of, the exorcists could only take over. The Ministry of Defense did send two special forces equipped with anti-spiritual weapons, but all of them, like their predecessors, were defeated by more powerful evil spirits and were soon annihilated.

"Ran Guren·Roaring Wave!" With the assistance of the Lion King spirit beast, another huge evil spirit was eliminated. Isayama Yomi wiped the sweat-soaked hair on his face and sighed with some relief: "Fortunately, Kagura-chan went back. If she had participated in this kind of battlefield, I would not be able to protect her!" Just when the girl was distracted by another girl, a "Kamaweasel" flashed out from the shadow beside her and launched a fatal attack.

"Huangquan, be careful!" At this critical moment, a flame composed of spiritual power turned into a hemispherical shield, protecting Jianshan Huangquan's body, blocking the sudden attack, and burning the evil spirit who fell into the trap.

"Izuna-kun..." Jianshan Huangquan turned around and saw that the person who saved her was her fiancé Izuna Noriyuki.

He originally used Guanhu as his main means of exorcism, but he lost all Guanhu familiars in an accident not long ago (the result of memory tampering).

But this spiritual disaster broke out too suddenly. Without more preparation, Izuna Noriyuki had to use his seldom used magic, but surprisingly, the effect was good. His results on the battlefield were second only to Jianshan Huangquan who had a spiritual weapon sword.

"Be careful. I have only seen this level of spiritual disaster in ancient historical books. Each time, it was a huge disaster with heavy casualties. We'd better take care of each other!" Iitsuka Noriyuki nodded to Isayama Yomi and said so.

"Yes, thank you..." Isayama Yomi didn't know how to get along with this man who was engaged to her. At this time, she could only take out the attitude towards boys in school and nodded in thanks very stiffly.

However, on the battlefield, there were too few opportunities to chat like this. Before the two could say anything else, another group of evil spirits appeared in everyone's sight.

"Ran Honglian, let's go!" Isayama Yomi waved his long sword, spiritual power burst out, and summoned his spirit beast to kill forward.

"Nammosavadatha Nedibiyaka, savamuqibiyaka, savata, jiraza, tsanna, maharusana, qian, kahu kahu, savaweijinnan, hum, taraza, hanman!"  The Sanskrit chanting sounded like thunderous roar, and Fan Gangjizhi performed the fire world mantra of Acala, which symbolizes the wrath of Acala, like a fire wizard, urging the fire of breaking demons to burn all filth.

...  The fierce battle continued, and people fell from time to time, and at the same time, more fresh troops rushed to every spiritual disaster site from all directions.

"Hehe, kill, kill, whether it's the evil spirits killing people or people killing evil spirits, it's all to contribute to the completion of the ritual, come on, let the killing, let the war be more fierce!" Standing on the roof of the skyscraper, Sanzuhe Kazuhiro opened his hands, as if embracing the sky, and shouted loudly with a fanatical face.

When a sun-like brilliance flashed across the sky again, he sensed that the last special evil spirit he had summoned was finally killed.

"Time is up!" The corner of the white-haired young evil spirit's mouth curled up.

...  "Time is up!" Fang Yuan, who had been waiting for a long time, said the same thing.

')405'\u003eChapter 404 This chapter number is very suitable for delivering lunch

In the eyes of Jianshan Huangquan and others, the city at this moment changed in the blink of an eye.

Traces like blood stains emerged from the surface of the streets and buildings, starting from various spiritual disaster battlefields, and expanded outward crazily.

And only in the sky can you see that these blood-red marks are connecting and extending with each other, and a magnificent "altar" filled with distortion, madness, and chaos is about to be completed.

"No! What is this?!" The exorcists discovered the changes around them at the first time, and were very alert and quickly moved away from these blood-red marks that didn't look like good things.

A few exorcists, not knowing whether it was because of injury or exhaustion, moved a little slower, and were accidentally rubbed by these spreading red marks. In an instant, the whole person was like a melting candle, and the flesh and bones melted into a pool of blood mud, blending into the blood-red marks extending underground, making the blood light it emitted brighter.

"!" All the onlookers watched this scene in horror.

Some people turned around and fled immediately, while others were fearless and directly launched a counterattack against these blood-red marks.

But no matter it is the rune warheads that are a combination of modern technology and ancient mystery, or the various magical powers passed down from ancient times, when they come into contact with these bloody marks, regardless of whether the attacker has touched it or not, some kind of power will follow the invisible channel and directly descend upon the attacker, and in the end he will still not be able to escape the fate of being turned into blood mud.

Among them is Isayama Yomi's fiancé Noriyuki Iizuna, an exorcist who once mastered some forbidden knowledge. I don't know whether it was to show his bravery in front of his fiancée, or because of some kind of cosmic will. As soon as the bloody mark appeared, he launched an attack with the ultimate Fudo Myoou Fire World Curse.

The result is naturally not difficult to guess. He turned into a pool of indistinguishable mud of flesh and blood directly in front of Isayama Yomi, blending into the blood stains on the ground that grew and spread like a living thing, becoming another insignificant person on the battlefield. victim.

——It seems that even if Fang Yuan had previously erased all the influence of the "Xuanjun Seven Chapters Secret Sutra" from this world by way of existential sacrifice, Iizuna Noriyuki, as the holder, would still be unable to avoid death. The fate at the hands of the unspeakable.

"Iizuna!!!" Ikki Sakuraba, who also saw this scene, cried out sadly, but could only watch the tragedy happen.

He wanted to step forward to avenge his good friend, but he was grabbed by Isayama Huangquan and turned around to escape! "Don't pull me! I want to avenge Iizuna!" Sakuraba Ichiki, who was almost dragged away, struggled to go back and continue fighting, but he lost in strength to Isayama Yomi, who didn't look like he had much muscle. .

"Calm down! Iizuna-kun is dead, do you want to take your own life in it?! This is no longer an enemy that we humans can deal with!" Although I saw it with my own eyes, it should theoretically become a problem in the future. Her husband died in front of her, but apart from a moment of shock and a touch of sadness, Isayama Yomi didn't have the urge to lose his mind too much. Instead, he immediately judged that this time it was no longer their fault. These human exorcists were at a level where they could intervene, so they withdrew from the battlefield very decisively.

From this point of view, Isayama Yomi, who is only 17 years old, is indeed a born warrior. At least, his decisiveness in the face of life and death in battle is something that few can match.

What happened here in Isayama Yomi is just an insignificant outline of more than a dozen battlefields in the entire city of Tokyo. In fact, the same thing happened to a greater or lesser extent in every place where blood marks broke out.

However, some people, like Isayama Huangquan, rationally judged the gap between the enemy and ourselves and retreated wisely. Others did not see the facts clearly, or simply did not fear life and death, and died one by one in the kind of death that could transform people. In the terrifying power of blood mud.

As for the others, after seeing the tragic end of those brave men, they naturally knew that this place had become a place of death, and each and every one of them ran away and hated themselves for missing a few legs.

... "No!" When Isayama Mei found out about the change, she instinctively launched an attack, but in the next moment, she knew that she had been tricked! Unlike those human exorcists who will be killed by just indirect contact, although he is still trapped in the mortal body, Isayama Mei, who has become a human god, has enough power to stop this invisible erasure. force.

However, her condition at this time was not that good.

The power of obliteration contained in those blood-colored marks did not just explode for a moment, but was a continuous force that always entangled Isayama, even making it impossible for her to retreat.

And to make matters worse, at the moment the sacrificial ceremony was launched, the connection between the authority of the earth in Isayama Mei's body and the earth itself had been isolated.

Without the power of the earth and mountains as a backing, the divine power in her body is really used up. Once the divine power is exhausted, her end may not be any better than those of human exorcists.

... "Hmph, hehe, hehe, hahahahaha!!!" Kazuhiro Santsukawa, who was about to complete the great "feat", let out the classic three-part villain laugh: "That's it, that's it! Struggling and wailing Come on, despair! The real destruction is about to come!" However, just as he was laughing wildly and waiting for the final stage of the ceremony to be completed, a voice came from the sky: "I got you!" In the next moment, the invisible power became tangible. The runes were intertwined into countless golden chains that penetrated from the void, instantly binding Santuhe and Hongzheng.

"What?!" Just now, they were admiring the killing feast brought about by the sacrificial ceremony, and even saw the human god being forced into a desperate situation, and in an instant he became a prisoner. This huge contrast made Santuhe and Hong There was no reaction for a while.

"It's not in vain that I waited so long and let my witch use her body as bait to finally catch you!" Golden light spots emerged from the void, gradually gathered in mid-air, and finally condensed into a luminous human shape. , Fang Yuan, who appeared as the incarnation of the Yang God, appeared in front of Santuhe and Hong.

"You, are you the mastermind behind Isayama Mei?" Santoga Kazuhiro looked at the human form exuding divine light in front of him, enduring the pain caused by the light containing divine power shining on himself, with a look of disgust on his face. , and said with a trace of pleasure.

"Unfortunately, you showed up too late. The ritual has been completed and the sacrifice has begun. You can't stop it! No, even you have become part of the sacrifice. Be destroyed along with this city!"  "No, it's you who don't understand!"  As he said this, Fang Yuan snapped his fingers——')406'\u003eChapter 405 Nyarlathotep's little "greeting"

At the moment when the sacrifice ceremony was launched, Fang Yuan finally used the power flow of the ritual itself to find Sanzuhe Hehong, who was hidden by the power of the shadow, and captured him at lightning speed.

Snap——Accompanied by Fang Yuan's snap of his fingers, the power from the planet itself seemed to fluctuate slightly for a moment. For those surviving humans and exorcists, they could not detect anything at all.

But for beings like Jianshan Mei and Sanzuhe Hehong, whose life level has far surpassed that of humans, the changes in the concept of laws are as obvious as searchlights in the dark night.

From this moment on, within the Tokyo metropolitan area, all extraordinary powers that are not recognized by Fang Yuan's will will not be effective.

Therefore, the bloody marks that had spread to most of the Tokyo metropolitan area and devoured hundreds of thousands of lives were visible to the naked eye. The unstoppable swallowing momentum suddenly stopped, and then it flickered twice like a light bulb with poor contact, and then dimmed and extinguished.

——Although these bloody marks that devoured lives did not disappear immediately, they also lost the ability to instantly turn people into blood mud.

Jianshan Mei seized this opportunity and suddenly exploded the last part of her divine power, breaking free from the entanglement of the obliterating power and leaving the battlefield far away. She needed time to reconnect the authority in her body with the earth's spiritual veins.

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