"My Lord, what are you doing..." The head maid who was responsible for taking care of all the daily affairs for the Holy Emperor was very surprised when she saw this scene - she had served the Holy Emperor for many years, but she had never seen him dressed like this! Facing the guards and maids with surprised expressions, the Holy Emperor, who had always been gentle to his attendants, was uncharacteristically nodding coldly at this time, and then walked out without saying a word. Judging from her movements, it seemed that she was about to leave the mansion.

"My Lord, where are you going? Assistant Tiantong has already ordered that the city has been a little unstable in recent days, so it is better for the Holy Emperor not to go out." The maids did not dare to speak, but the guards who were responsible for "protecting" the Holy Emperor nearby did not have such concerns. They immediately stepped forward to stop the Holy Emperor, seemingly bowing respectfully to ask and dissuade him.

"Get out of the way!" If it was the previous Saint Emperor, he would have sighed and walked back, but this time it was completely different. Saint Emperor seemed to be a different person and scolded without hesitation.

"This... please don't make it difficult for us, Saint Emperor..." The guard was a little embarrassed, but still insisted on blocking the Saint Emperor.

"What if I must ask you to get out of the way?" The silver-haired girl head narrowed her eyes slightly, exuding a fierce aura that she had never had before, making the maids and guards around her feel overwhelmed - such a Saint Emperor, they had never seen before! At this moment, a somewhat pretentious voice sounded from the other side of the corridor: "Lord Sheng Tianzi, is there anything you need us to do? You are a daughter of gold, there is no need to go out in person, just let us do it for you!" As the voice approached, a young man with a standard villain hairstyle came. Although he looked good, the frivolous and lewd aura between his eyebrows could not be concealed.

The visitor was the captain of Sheng Tianzi's guard team, Bao Xie Zhuo Ren, who was the useless villain in the original book who wanted to get Sheng Tianzi into bed and use it to rise to prominence.

The reason why Sheng Tianzi was placed under house arrest this time was that this guy colluded with Tian Tong Ju Zhi Cheng, colluding with both inside and outside, so that Sheng Tianzi could be completely controlled.

"Captain Bao Xie Zhuoren..." Seeing the lustful eyes of the captain of the guard, whom he always hated, and the malice and possessiveness he could vaguely feel from him, the Holy Emperor frowned and suddenly lost interest in talking to him.

"Forget it, I, the Holy Emperor, have failed miserably. I don't even have a person I can really trust around me..." Hearing the sigh of the Holy Emperor, Bao Xie Zhuoren twitched his face in embarrassment and said with a dry laugh: "My Lord, what are you talking about? All of us in the guard team are the most loyal to you..." But before he could say any more nonsense, the Holy Emperor took action.

Boom! With a loud bang, the figure of the Holy Emperor suddenly disappeared from everyone's sight. The next moment, all the guards, including Bao Xie Zhuoren, only felt that they were hit hard, and then their eyes went black and they lost consciousness.

Only the maids watching could barely see that at this moment, the figure of the Holy Son of Heaven suddenly split into countless afterimages, and appeared beside each guard at a speed that the human eye could not react to, and then used the delicate little fist to hit each of them hard.

"... Gulu!" Seeing the Holy Son of Heaven standing in the field again, with guards lying on the ground at his feet, the maids couldn't help swallowing their saliva, and were terrified.

Is this... really the Holy Son of Heaven? !   At this time, the young head of state no longer cared to understand the opinions of the maids, but looked at her hands in a daze, and then looked at the guards lying on the ground, a little unbelievable-did she really do this?   Although she had prepared to take action before opening the door, and knew that her current strength had far exceeded that of ordinary humans, she never expected that when she really took action, she seemed to have become a different person.

At the moment when the Holy Emperor wanted to knock down the guards in front of her, she suddenly felt that a lot of knowledge about how to fight suddenly emerged in her consciousness.

No, not only her consciousness, but even her body, her hands and feet, and her muscle memory, all instinctively knew how to fight.

When to advance, when to retreat, when to dodge, when to attack, and even how to punch to fully exert her strength, and how to restrain her strength so as not to kill someone with one punch... All kinds of experience in using strength that seemed to have been tempered thousands of times were added to her body in an instant, making her a fighting powerhouse comparable to the top starters in the IP ranking.

It was because of this that she could easily knock down the guards who blocked her in front of her at this moment, without making various mistakes because she could not control the sudden increase in strength.

——This is actually a little benefit that Fang Yuan deliberately added when he was transforming the soul of the Holy Emperor into material.

After all, this vase head of state who has lived in the palace for a long time has no combat experience at all. She suddenly got extraordinary power and didn't know how to use it - just like when she was in the room before, she had to be careful even when she put on her clothes, for fear of using too much force. If it gets too big, it will tear the clothes.

Therefore, Fang Yuan directly loaded a set of subconscious combat algorithms on her body, which can directly take over her main consciousness when she has a desire to fight or is suddenly attacked, just like those DND magicians who like to put them on themselves during close combat. Melee Mastery], [Advanced Weapon Mastery] and other magics instantly transformed her into a combat master, perfectly unleashing her power far beyond that of ordinary mortals.

Feeling that after experiencing a battle, the power in his body gradually became more tamed, the Holy Emperor had a vague feeling.

It seems that the changes that have taken place in her body are not just as simple as her strength becoming stronger and her defense becoming stronger. There are also many undiscovered changes waiting for her to discover in the future.

')468'\u003eChapter 467: Longevity! Your Majesty has rebelled! ! !

After solving the convoy headed by Baowei Zhuoren, and also discovering the power he truly possessed, the subsequent actions of the Holy Emperor naturally became very simple - just fight all the way out.

All the members of the escort team and the military personnel sent by Tendo Kikunojo who met along the way had no power to fight back when facing the Holy Emperor who was several times stronger than the average starter.

And when the Holy Emperor walked out of the seemingly huge and empty mansion, but in fact it was so dull that it made people breathless, before she could take a breath of free air, she was already surrounded by hundreds of soldiers.

And standing at the front of all the soldiers was the person Shengtianzi wanted to find - Tendo Kiku no Cheng.

As early as when Sheng Tianzi knocked down the first batch of guards, the surveillance personnel arranged by Tendo Kikunochori had already sounded the alarm, and in the short few minutes when she beat her from the bedroom to the door, Tendo who was already nearby Kikunoshi Cheng had already reacted and led an army completely loyal to him to surround the place.

"Holy Emperor, I didn't expect that your willful behavior would reach this point! You must know that you are the ruler of Tokyo District, and every move you make represents this country! Now we still have His Excellency Qi Wu Xuanzong of Osaka District. As a guest in Tokyo District, your behavior is really rude!" Facing the Holy Emperor who broke the cage and broke out, Tendo Kikunochei did not feel the slightest shame of imprisoning the lord as a minister, but looked righteous. He sternly reprimanded the Holy Emperor for his willful behavior, as if he was not facing the supreme head of state of the country, but just a junior who had to listen to his scolding.

However, this time, the Holy Emperor would not retreat as obediently as in the past.

"Assistant to Tendo Kiku no Cheng!" Rarely, the Holy Emperor did not give an honorific title to his assistant, but called him by his name and official position: "No need to say these high-sounding words! You should know why I did what I did. ! I know how deep your hatred for gastrea is, but this is not the reason for you to extend this hatred to all the "cursed children"! Moreover, it is not the reason for you to attack them now! There is no longer the danger of turning into a gastrea, and you are no longer a 'cursed child'. Why can't you let go of your hatred for them?" For the first time in his life, the Holy Emperor boldly looked at the woman in front of him. The respected old man spoke in an equal tone and expressed his feelings.

She really hoped that Tendo Kikunochei could put down those overly paranoid hatreds, treat the "cursed children" as her own people, and protect and govern them without discrimination.

In the past, people had reason to hate these "cursed children" because they were at risk of turning into gastrea.

But now, everything has changed, hasn't it? The gastruzoan virus no longer exists in the Initiator's body, and the risk of losing control has disappeared. These "cursed children" have no reason to be hated, so why can't they be accepted? This is the most sincere idea of ​​the Holy Emperor. Unfortunately, such an idea is also too naive, and it is impossible to impress the pure old politician in front of him.

"Although I don't know where the Holy Emperor got this power from, and where did he know this information, I still have to say that you are really too naive! The authenticity of the information has yet to be verified. It is not enough as a basis for the country to change its policies.

However, I don’t have time to argue with you today. For the sake of the dignity of this country, I would like to ask you, Holy Emperor, to stay in the mansion and wait peacefully for our ministers to investigate everything! "Facing the cross-examination of the Holy Emperor, Tendo Kikunochori had no intention of arguing with the opponent. Instead, he used such perfunctory words to let the Holy Emperor continue to return to the mansion and be a vase.

"...Sure enough, words can no longer make sense..." Seeing the old man's seemingly calm but unquestionably domineering performance, the Holy Emperor finally gave up, knowing that words could no longer have any effect.

Then she turned her attention to the troops behind the old man and found that these soldiers who were supposed to be loyal to her showed no sign of wavering after meeting her as the nominal head of state. This also let her know that there was indeed no such thing here. Any of her supporters.

On the contrary, these soldiers who were supposed to be guarding her and protecting the city have completely become the minions of the powerful minister Tendo Kikunochori, standing on the opposite side of her! ‘Do you want to take action? Are you going to take action against my people, my army? ’ The girl closed her eyes and questioned herself in her heart. If she wanted to solve the current predicament, she could not continue to stay in the palace as a useless vase.

But if you want to leave here, you must face these armies... 'Sure enough, I actually have no choice...' Sheng Tianzi opened her eyes, a sharp light flashed in her eyes, she had already made her own decision Decide.

‘Fight! 'Bang——! Huge force was transmitted from the slender legs to the ground, shaking the hard marble floor tiles into cracked fragments.

Facing an army numbering at least a thousand, the Holy Emperor showed no fear and took the initiative to charge.

Her inexplicable fighting instinct told her that these thousands of fully armed and elite-looking soldiers in front of her were just weak opponents that she could defeat completely in a short time.

There is only one "enemy" that she really cares about, and that is the old man in front of her who has always shielded her from wind and rain, but has also been firmly in control of everything about her - Tendo Kikunojo! "This time, I won't listen to you again!" As soon as the words fell, the Holy Emperor, who had decided to break with the subject he valued most, had already arrived in front of Tendo Kikunojo, and his delicate fist was about to hit the opponent.

bass--! The old man, who was over seventy years old, faced the sudden attack, but he drew his sword like a young man without showing any fear.

clang--! ! ! The sharp blade and the white and slender jade hands collided in mid-air, but they made a crisp sound like metal collision.

boom--! Even though Tendo Kikunojo's swordsmanship has reached the highest level of Tendo-style swordsmanship, and he can kill stage four gastrea animals with an aging mortal body, his swordsmanship alone is even higher than that of Tendo Kisara in the past.

But too much power came from the blade. The old man, who was only mortal, tried his best, but could only remove a small half of the power. The remaining half of the power still knocked him away and threw him backwards. He fell into the middle of a group of soldiers and brought down a large crowd.

"Catch her, but don't hurt her!" Tendo Kikunojo, who was knocked away, didn't even bother to stand up. He gave this order while his body was still lying on the ground.

——Even though he is a powerful minister who holds great power, and has the courage to imprison his lord for committing crimes, Tendo Kikinochei is still unwilling to kill the Holy Emperor, and requires the soldiers to do so without harming him. Capture her alive without the opponent's conditions.

However, after hearing this order, the soldiers who were ordered to surround the Holy Emperor had one MMP in their hearts: don't do any harm? Is this a gross joke? ! In front of me, this unparalleled general Ji in the crowd, it’s not certain who will hurt whom! Well, I'm a little tired today, so let's do the second update first...')469'\u003eChapter 468 The Black Avenger appears!

Bang——! Ten minutes later, when the last Self-Defense Forces soldier who dared to attack the Holy Emperor was beaten to the ground with his bare hands by the weak-looking girl, the Head of State, the only one still standing at the scene, besides the Holy Emperor himself, was Tendo Kikunochori. .

"...Holy Emperor, you have indeed won today!" Looking at the cracked samurai sword in his hand, the old man did not resist in vain, but simply threw the remaining sword to the ground.

However, although he admitted defeat in action, he still had no intention of surrendering in his words: "But, Holy Emperor, do you think that you can rule this country with invincible force? Even if you defeated me today, I have defeated these armies, but I cannot make everyone obey your orders. Taking action against the 'cursed children' and the Initiators is not my will alone, but the will and desire of all the citizens of this country. ! You can't stop it with your own power!" "No, it won't be like this! I believe that my citizens are essentially good people, and they are just misled by the propaganda led by the hate faction. As long as I make the changes that have happened to the initiates known to the public and implement the "New Gastrea Law" smoothly, the people will definitely change!" Although he has used violence to show his resistance, Saint However, the emperor did not give up the idea of ​​​​persuading Tendo Kikunochei with words.

In fact, she showed her power with violence that she disliked the most, just to put herself on the same level as Tendo Kikunochori and talk to him.

——It’s funny to say that in the past, although she was regarded as the Holy Emperor and Tendo Kikunochori was only his assistant in name, in fact, the other of the two seemed like a real ruler, and she was just the one who was clumsily learning how to rule. Just a kid in power.

But now, the situation is completely different. The Holy Emperor, who has been suppressed and restrained for many years, decided to make his own voice in his own way! "Hmph! Stupid! Naive!" Even though he was in the position of a defeated general, Tendo Kikunochori rebuked the Holy Emperor mercilessly in a condescending manner as usual: "What do you think hatred is? Is it a child’s play? Do you think those bugs just don’t have the risk of out-of-control mutation, and those ‘snatched generations’ will so easily let go of their hatred of their loved ones being killed by gastrea?” As a mature politician? , even excluding his own hatred and prejudice against the "cursed child", Tendo Kikunojo also knows how unreasonable it is to change the concept of the entire society with just a bill and a piece of news that is not known to be true or false. Realistic things! "What's more, the key now is not the issue of whether the Initiators are rejected by the people, but that they have suddenly lost their control and have become a hidden danger to the country's stable rule, which must be eliminated! As a country, you Don’t you, the ruler of the world, even understand this?” The words of Tendo Kikunoshi were full of hatred for steel. He always thought that although he had great power, he had always spared no effort to teach the Holy Emperor everything about governing the country. , about political knowledge, but I didn’t expect that the other party couldn’t even see such a simple point.

As he said, the key to the problem now is no longer whether society will continue to exclude "cursed children", but whether these "beasts" who have lost the chains of virus inhibitors will be affected by the past. The experience of being discriminated against and bullied launched a revenge on the entire society! Don't say "they are all still children". In fact, it is precisely because these starters are little girls no more than ten years old that it frightens adult politicians like Tendo Kikunochei - in the world of children There are not too many trade-offs of interests and tolerance and compromise. Whether it is happiness, anger, good or evil, it is more direct and pure than adults.

Think about those naughty children. Even ordinary children, once they become naughty, the damage caused can make adults sad to death.

And if it were replaced by these super girls who have extraordinary powers that surpass the military, and each of them has a dark and tragic past, once they decide not to be good girls anymore, how much damage will be caused? Yes, IISO provides brainwashing education for these starters, but this kind of brainwashing is not unscientific mind control. It is impossible to guarantee that every starter will continue to live without regrets despite being ostracized by the entire society. Fight for humanity.

The reason why they did not make any movement in the past was that on the one hand they were still young and children's lack of autonomy made them instinctively rely on their own promoters. On the other hand, it was also because of the threat of virus erosion rate that they had to be injected regularly. Inhibitors, they have no choice but to become starters and fight obediently for mankind.

But now the situation is completely different. Under someone's operation, the initiates have taken off all external shackles! In fact, it is not that Shengtianzi is not clear about these things. On the contrary, under the political education of Tendo Kiku no Cheng, she sees this very clearly, but she does not agree with the way people like Tendo Kiku no Cheng deal with things.

"Qing Tiantong, we can't attack innocent people because of something that hasn't happened yet..." She wanted to continue to persuade the old man in front of her.

But at this moment, a voice that was familiar to both people present came from the distance: "Forget it! It's useless to talk to this old guy!" He turned around and saw a man in black. A girl with black hair and a long knife in her hand walked over.

"Miss Tendo Kisara?" Sheng Tianzi was a little surprised to see her here.

"Ah, it's Lord Seitenko!" Tendo Kisara first nodded to Seitenko in a friendly manner and said hello, then turned his head and looked at Tendo Kikunojo on the other side, his face suddenly became extremely cold.

"It seems that my previous feeling was indeed correct. Something did happen here... But I didn't expect that it was you, an old guy, who led the troops to besiege the Holy Emperor? Sure enough, no matter how you pretend to be a loyal minister, it can't change that you are actually a The truth about careerists!" Not long ago, Tendo Kisara sensed some subtle changes taking place in the entire world.

That feeling was very familiar to her. It was exactly the feeling she had when she communicated with a great being through her spirit.

However, unlike the last quick "glancing", this time, Tendou Kisara, who had roughly controlled the unwarranted power in his body, could sense more clearly that there was something extremely huge between heaven and earth. A field, and behind that field is some kind of extremely huge power, and a great will that controls this power.

More importantly, from her communication with this field, she could vaguely feel the existence of "nodes" between heaven and earth, and the one closest to her was right next to her.

Seeing Aihara Enju staying with Satomi Rentaro and playing with each other, Tendo Kisara naturally knew what this "node" meant.

However, what surprised her even more was that a new node also appeared in the direction of Shengtianzi's mansion. Moreover, this "node" was very active in the field, and it seemed to be... fighting? ')470'\u003eChapter 469: Swordsman's Showdown

Tendo Kisara, who felt something in his heart, just said something to Satomi Rentaro and the others, and then went out directly towards the residence of the Holy Emperor.

Relying on the partial power operation method she learned from the power in her body, the girl learned the power-generating technique similar to Qinggong without a teacher, which allowed her to cross more than a dozen blocks in just ten minutes, arrived at the scene, and saw the scene in front of her.

Is the Holy Emperor fighting with the Self-Defense Force? And the leader is the old guy Tendou Kikunosuke?   What's going on? Did Tendou Kikunosuke resist and want to usurp the throne?   Tendo Mu was a little confused, but what made her even more confused was the personal force of the Holy Emperor - this seemingly weak and fragile head of state, was so good at fighting? !   Looking at the army lying on the ground, not knowing whether it was dead or alive, Tendou Mu had some understanding of the abnormal force value of the Holy Emperor - could this be related to the power that restored her health? Or is it related to the changes in those "cursed children"?   But soon she didn't have the heart to think about these things, because the Holy Emperor had defeated the last Self-Defense Force soldier, leaving only Tendou Kikunosuke.

At this time, she had to speak out to show her presence - now seemed to be a great opportunity for her to complete her revenge! "Tendo Kikage... you rebellious girl, what do you want to do here?" Tendou Kikunojo looked at the girl with hatred in her eyes, knowing that the other party had bad intentions, but he had no intention of fearing and retreating, still maintaining his momentum as the head of the Tendou family, and refused to show any weakness.

Ka-Tendo Kikage saw Tendou Kikunojo's always arrogant appearance, and his heart was furious. He couldn't help but clenched the long sword in his hand, wishing to draw the sword and kill the other party immediately.

Taking a deep breath and trying to calm himself down, Tendo Kikugawa looked at the corpses all over the ground, then looked at Tendo Kikunojo who had even thrown away his sword, and said with a mocking expression: "What are you doing? Isn't it obvious? Of course, it's revenge on you and the Tendo family!" "... Humph! You only dare to challenge me at this time?" Tendo Kikunojo saw the expression of his unfilial granddaughter, and naturally knew that his situation was not very good - the Self-Defense Force he brought had been wiped out, and he had lost all the guards around him. The samurai sword he personally relied on to protect himself and kill the enemy had been abandoned because it was scrapped. For his enemies, this is simply the best time for revenge! Unfortunately, the person in front of him who is his granddaughter by blood is his enemy, and a sworn enemy! "Well, there's nothing we can do about it!" Tian Tong Mu Geng said helplessly, "After all, you are the powerful head of the Tian Tong family, the assistant officer of the Holy Emperor, and you are always surrounded by countless minions and hawks. Even if I want to take revenge, it is impossible for me to kill all the people who stand in my way and finally kill you..." The girl who regarded her own family as an enemy sighed, and then suddenly her tone turned cold: "But who told you to be unlucky? Now you are alone, and I am alone too, so let us two use our own swords to resolve all grievances!" As she said this, the girl changed her tone and said sarcastically, "But it seems that your sword can no longer be used. Although this is a bit unfair, you should also consider my difficulties, and don't say that I am despicable!" Tian Tong Mu Geng said as he paced forward, his right hand already holding the hilt of the sword, ready to draw the sword and slash out the empty "sword energy" that can kill both humans and ghosts at any time.

"Miss Tendo Kisara, that... Although I know you have some conflicts with Lord Tendo, there is no need to do so at this time..." The Holy Emperor looked at Tendo Kisara, who was full of murderous intent, and knew that she was not joking, and subconsciously wanted to dissuade the two sides from fighting.

-To be honest, although the Holy Emperor used naked violence to express her willingness to resist Tendo Kikunojo this time, she never thought of killing anyone.

In fact, even the thousands of Self-Defense Force soldiers lying on the ground were all alive. After entering the combat state, she was very accurate in her actions. Every one of them was guaranteed not to kill, and completely made the other party lose their combat effectiveness and consciousness.

But the two in front of her... She was not very clear about the will of Tendo Kikunojo, but Tendo Kisara obviously wanted to do it for real.

"Lord Sheng Tianzi, this is a matter between the two of us. It is my revenge on the Tendou family. Please don't interfere!" The girl who turned into a ghost of revenge said so, not giving the Sheng Tianzi any face at all - in the matter of revenge, no one's face is useful! "But..." Sheng Tianzi wanted to say something else, but was stopped by Tendou Kikunosuke: "No need to persuade, this rebellious girl is right, this is our Tendou family's business, you'd better not interfere!" Although he no longer had a knife in his hand and was completely at a disadvantage compared to the armed Tendou Kikunosuke, as the head of the Tendou family and the person with the highest swordsmanship in the family (except Tendou Kikunosuke), the old man was not afraid at all.

Bending over to pick up the waste knife that he had just discarded, Tendou Kikunosuke looked at the cracks on the blade, which looked like it could break into pieces at any time.

The old man sighed softly with some nostalgia. This knife has been with him for many years. He never expected that it would come to the end today... maybe it would also be the end of him... However, the next moment he put away all his emotions and returned to his usual calmness, or indifference.

Holding the hilt of the broken sword with both hands, the old man over seventy years old took the starting stance of the Tiantong style swordsmanship. His aura was like a mountain rock, hard, heavy, but stubborn and hard to move, just like the reflection of his own will - he was also a great master and swordsman who had practiced swordsmanship to the level of "intention" and could integrate his will into swordsmanship.

"Rebellious girl, I will teach you a lesson today. Even if there is only a broken sword in your hand, if the person holding the sword is a real swordsman, the power of his sword will not decrease at all!"  Swish--  Tendo Mugen slid his feet, lowered his center of gravity, and took the stance of drawing the sword and slashing. He was also ready to go. His aura was like a cold blade, sharp, cold, and everything was cut. With a strong breath of killing, he confronted the old man in front of him, and they were on par.

"This..." The Holy Emperor looked at the two people who were already on the verge of a fight, and wanted to stop them, but felt that he really had no position to stop them - as the two of them said, this was the family affair of the Tendou family, and it was also Tendou Mugen's personal revenge. Even if she was the Holy Emperor, she could not stop the will of the two.

Swish - A leaf came from nowhere, blown by the breeze, and floated between the two rare swordsmen in the world.

The next moment, the knife flashed! ')471'\u003eChapter 470 The Death of Tendou Kikunosuke

Swish -! Unexpectedly, Tendou Kikunosuke, who only had a broken sword in his hand that could break at any time, actually blocked her first sword-drawing slash.

As a Tendou Kikunosuke who has been immersed in the Tendou style swordsmanship for decades and has practiced his swordsmanship to the point where there is almost no room for improvement, in terms of the pure sword realm, it can be said that he is even higher than the past Tendou Mugen.

Although he did not master the art of drawing swords to the point of being able to cut people in the air like his rebellious granddaughter, the results of decades of practice in pure sword fighting were not for show.

When he faced the invisible and intangible "invisible sword energy" of Tendo Mugen, he seemed to have foreseen it and had blocked the direction of the sword energy early on. At the moment of contact, he used an extremely clever way of unloading force to block the invisible sword energy like a tangible sword.

The price he paid was that the broken sword in his hand burst into several cracks again, and it was only half a step away from completely falling apart.

But no matter what, he successfully blocked it!   According to the old man's understanding of Tendo Mugen, because she had always refused to transplant an artificial kidney, her body was in a state of deficiency all year round. For a slash like this, which was the pinnacle of swordsmanship, she could only swing this sword in a short period of time, and it was even difficult for her to move afterwards.

Although this was a void slash that had barely surpassed the limits of human power and entered the realm of the extraordinary, with one slash, no matter it was a person or an object, gold or iron, or a protostomium, it could be cut in half, and few people could compete.

But if someone could really withstand this blow, victory would be in their hands!   The old man thought so, and did so. After taking the opponent's sword-drawing slash, Tendou Kikunojo immediately stepped forward, slanting his long sword downward, accumulating strength to drag the sword, as if to give the unfilial granddaughter in front of him the final blow.

——Although the broken sword was broken, with his superb swordsmanship, it was still enough to kill the last flesh and blood body!   However, something unexpected happened. Tendou Kiku, who should have lost the strength to fight again, seemed to have no consumption at all, and swung his sword to meet the blade of Tendou Kikunojo.

Clang——!   Kacha——bang——!   The two swords collided, and the crisp sound of the sword blades colliding only lasted for a moment, followed by a shattering sound that made Tendou Kikunojo's heart sink.

The next moment, the old man felt his hand was empty, and then, a sharp pain came from his right shoulder.

Turning his head, he saw that it was his right hand holding the knife, which was neatly cut off from his right shoulder.

The blood in the artery immediately gushed out, splashing half of his body red, and also splashing on the face of Tendou Mugen, adding three points of coldness to the revengeful sword ghost Shuraji.

"Ugh!" Despite the pain of a broken arm, Tendou Kikunosuke used amazing willpower to endure the pain without crying out, but only leaked a muffled groan in his throat.

However, the weakness caused by the massive loss of blood was unavoidable, and the old man was over seventy years old, so his legs softened and he knelt down in front of Tendou Mugen, as if he was surrendering to the winner.

"You... are very good!" Knowing that he had lost, the head of the Tendou family still maintained his composure and admitted his defeat straightforwardly.

The old man felt dizzy and knew that he had lost too much blood. With his old body, he would not live long after being seriously injured. So he used his still intact left hand to straighten his clothes and used his last strength to sit upright.

"Come on, be my kaishaku and complete your revenge!" Facing his grandfather who wanted to die, Tendo Mugen's eyes became very complicated for a moment, as if he was missing and reminiscing, but after a moment, he returned to his coldness.

"There is no rush. Now that I am the winner and you are the loser, then you should fulfill the obligations of the loser and tell me the truth about that year! Why did my father and mother die? It involves this matter Who are they? Tell me all!" "...Do you really want to pursue all this? Do you know that if the truth of that year is revealed, everything in the Tendo family will cease to exist! I beg you, take my life, complete your revenge, and everything will end here!" Perhaps it is because people are good at words when they are about to die, Tendo Kikunojo changed his former ruthless and indifferent attitude, and even Just take on the identity of his grandfather and pray to Tendo Kisara to end all grudges with his life.

However, Tendou Mizara obviously couldn't accept this kind of thing.

"No, I must know the truth! I want to know why my parents died that year, and I want to know who my enemies are, and I will never let anyone go!" "...That's a pity, what am I? I won't even tell you! The survival of the Tendo family is above all else, and I won't let you destroy it!" After saying that, Tendo Kikunouchi resolutely picked up a broken sword fragment from the ground with his left hand without waiting for him to react. , slashed his neck, and a large amount of blood immediately poured out from the wound. After more than ten seconds, the old man lowered his head and lost his last breath.

Looking at Tendo Kikunojo who committed suicide, Tendo Muzara had complicated eyes and was speechless for a long time.

She actually had a chance to prevent the other party from committing suicide just now, but perhaps it was Tendo Kikinochei's final attitude that made her hesitate. She didn't have time to take action, and in the end she could only watch as the clues she was about to obtain were lost with the old man's life. disappeared together.

"Alas -" With a long sigh, Tendou Mugen sheathed the sword, turned around and left directly, never looking at the corpse that was sitting on its knees with its head bowed and had not lost its demeanor until death.

"Tendou Qing..." The Holy Emperor watched the life-and-death duel between the Tendo family's ancestors and grandsons. Looking at the defeated and dead Tendo Kikinochei, he felt both grief and great confusion in his heart.

The senior and mentor who had always protected her from wind and rain, but who had also been firmly in control of her, and who was also an important support for her to rule the country, died just like that! He didn't die on his bed, or in a battle with gastrea animals, but after all the bodyguards around him were knocked down by him, he died at the hands of his own granddaughter who was seeking revenge... This deeply touched the Holy Emperor. It felt like she had become an accomplice in killing the other party. If she had not resisted so fiercely and had not knocked down all the soldiers around the old man, maybe things would have had a different outcome? However, there were no ifs, everything had already happened. Tendo Kikunochori, who was regarded by everyone including herself as the pillar of Tokyo, died here... What should she do in the future? The Holy Emperor was deeply confused.

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