The result of this is naturally that the combat effectiveness of the starter group has been greatly improved. In the past, it was difficult to defeat a stage four gastrula, but now it may be possible to kill a stage four gastrula as easily as chopping melons and vegetables. Killing is inherently powerful, and even directly touches the threshold of the starter's "domain". He can fight with stage five gastrula by himself.

Therefore, after the Self-Defense Forces were completely annihilated, the civilian police corps that came in as substitutes actually fought well, dragging the gastrea legion into the gap of the giant stone monument, and did not let any gastral animal escape. Go into town.

However, it is very ironic that even if no gastrea breaks through the defense line, the interior of Tokyo District is already in chaos.

Those stupid people who follow wind and rain and are prone to panic and riots are already deeply disturbed by many events in recent times. After hearing that the Self-Defense Forces were completely wiped out, it was like the last straw that broke the camel's back. The citizens fell into desperate hysteria - most people did not believe that the ragtag police could stop the wolf-like gastrea animals, and the hell of "mass extinction" was right in front of them.

For a time, riots, riots, robbery, murder, rape, escape... Under the pressure of the coming doomsday, all the ugly sides of human nature were vividly displayed in this city.

What's more, some mobs that had completely fallen into madness began to attack confidential government facilities, including the residence of Shengtianzi, as if they wanted to go crazy one last time before death.

Under this situation, even if the Holy Emperor wanted to take people to the underground shelter to take refuge, he couldn't do it - the order of the entire city had completely collapsed, or in other words, even the people who were supposed to maintain order had joined the riots. , the orders of the Holy Emperor could not reach beyond her mansion.

"...We can't go on like this!" Facing the chaotic crowd that seemed to destroy the city before the gastrea outside the city, the Holy Emperor could no longer sit still.

This is her city! She couldn't watch it be destroyed like this! Although she was very incompetent in the past, with nothing but a pretty face and a seemingly noble bloodline. She could only be a vase puppet, at the mercy of her powerful ministers, and could not even protect the people she wanted to protect... But, She is different now! The young head of state, who pushed open the door of the Holy Emperor's residence and put on her hunting clothes again, looked at the rioting crowd surrounding the residence and walked out alone.

"Lord Holy Emperor! What are you doing?!" The shouts of the maids and guards came from behind, but the Holy Emperor seemed not to hear them. He did not hesitate, did not look back, and did not pause. He strode forward. go.

"Look! It's the Holy Emperor! It's her incompetence that brought us to this end!" "Bah! What kind of Holy Emperor! Just a [beep--] vase! What else is there besides that face?!" " That’s right! We don’t need such an incompetent leader!” The rioting crowd immediately became more commotion when they saw the figure of the Holy Emperor. When the words came out of his mouth, the Holy Emperor felt deeply ashamed and felt a sense of grievance and anger.

Do they really not know what they are doing? ! Although the battle outside the city has not ended yet, and the gastrea have not rushed into the city, these citizens have lost their minds and started rioting. Don't they know that doing so will only make the city collapse faster? ! The Holy Emperor was deeply disappointed with these so-called "subjects" of his, and after the disappointment, there was irrepressible anger - "Give me...quiet!!!" With an unprecedented serious expression, the girl let out an unprecedented The terrifying roar, accompanied by the extremely terrifying momentum, instantly spread to the entire rioting crowd, oppressing the entire crowd so that no one could make a sound.

At this moment, the majesty exuded by the Holy Emperor was unparalleled! ')477'\u003eChapter 476: The Fallen City \u0026 The Unparalleled Holy Emperor

A few minutes ago - "Did you see it? This is the sin of this city itself. It was they who destroyed themselves, not the so-called gastrea, not even you 'cursed children'!" In the sky, hidden Fang Yuan and Qian Shou Xia Shi, who had lost their bodies, were looking at the chaos that seemed to suddenly erupt in the city below.

In fact, it was not just the two of them who were watching. With the help of the resonance between the fields, Fang Yuan also conveyed everything that happened in Tokyo to the eyes of all the "Valkyries", letting them see these things that had happened in the past in various ways. How did the ordinary people who bullied them kill themselves before the danger really arrived?

"It's really unbelievable... The gastrea animals are obviously blocked outside the city. They are actually not in danger at all. Why did they suddenly fall into a riot?" Although he has a high IQ, Senju Natsuyo is only a human being after all. Children do not have a deep understanding of how stupid humans can be when they exist in groups.

"Human beings are such stupid creatures! A single person, or a small group, can indeed be a wise man with a high IQ and a long-term vision. But once the number of people in the group increases to the level of thousands or tens of thousands, the collective Stupidity overwhelms personal wisdom... Well, you can read some works on psychology and sociology in the future, and you will understand after reading this!" Fang Yuan said.

However, at this moment, a scene happened in front of Shengtianzi's residence, which attracted the attention of Fang Yuan and others.

"Eh? What is the Holy Emperor going to do?" Let's turn our attention back to the bottom - "..." "..." "..." Although the Qi of the Holy Emperor is more like a superpower than an aura. Under the suppression of the scene, the rioting crowd fell into silence for a moment, but these already immersed in hysterical madness, after a brief period of shock and silence, rekindled a more powerful flame.

Pairs of eyes flashing with depression and hatred looked at each other and communicated purely with their eyes. Everyone read an emotion from the people around them - that is anger, hatred, indescribable irritability and Madness.

All these emotions gathered together, condensing a common and crazy will - to resist, destroy, and kill! Resist the authority of the government, destroy the order in front of them, and kill everything they hate! "Go to hell!!!" This will even broke through the pressure of the Holy Emperor's aura, prompting some people whose nerves had been stretched to the extreme to break free from the shackles of the last trace of reason and face the Holy Emperor in front of them. The emperor takes action! And where there is the first, there will naturally be the second, and even the third, the fourth...the countless ones. In an instant, the crowd that had been quiet for a moment broke out into a more terrifying and fierce wave of riots, and the crowd rushed towards the Holy Land like a tide. In the Emperor's Mansion, the petite figure swarmed in front of them.

"..." When the Holy Emperor saw this scene, he couldn't help but close his eyes, as if he didn't dare to face the crazy people: "Sure enough, isn't it that easy..." In front of the Holy Emperor who seemed to be waiting for death, those people The rioting and crazy crowd, all with ferocious faces and blood-red eyes, rushed towards the Holy Emperor, and were about to crush her completely and tear her to pieces—— At this moment, the first rioter was attacking The moment his hand was about to touch her body, Sheng Tianzi opened his eyes: "I was indeed wrong in the past. Sometimes, pure violence is the only way to solve problems!" The young head of state finally gave up her last trace of innocence. .

boom--! ! ! With a huge shocking sound, the crowd rushing towards the Holy Emperor exploded instantly. Dozens or hundreds of rioters who rushed to the front were directly lifted away by the irresistible force. After flying more than ten meters in the air, they were knocked over. How many people do you know.

However, the huge crowd made it impossible to dodge and stop. The unlucky ones who fell to the ground had no time to stand up again before they were overwhelmed by the crowd coming from behind - a tragic stampede happened. At this moment, at least a dozen people were trampled to varying degrees and injured to death.

However, this is only the beginning.

The Holy Emperor, who had abandoned all worries, no longer held back, and took the initiative to immerse himself in the fighting state, letting his subconscious fighting instinct control his body instead. Every move was an extraordinary power that exceeded the limits of human power.

The rioting crowd that came like a tidal wave rushed in front of the Holy Emperor, but they seemed to have hit a hard rock and collapsed at the touch. One after another, the crowd was thrown away by the delicate-looking girl in various unimaginable ways. All fell and suffered broken muscles and fractures, as well as various injuries.

This scene was even more violent than the last time when the Holy Emperor defeated a self-defense force with one enemy against a thousand. The rioting crowd of several thousand people was just like mowing grass under the hands of just one person. knock down.

Just over twenty minutes later, there was no one left standing in the entire rioting crowd. Except for a few of the thousands of people who regained consciousness and ran away when the situation was bad, most of them were dead or injured.

Most of the injured suffered traumatic injuries such as broken bones in their limbs. They were lying on the ground holding their wounds and wailing.

The other group was not very lucky. After being injured by the Holy Emperor and falling to the ground, they encountered a collective stampede from the "friendly forces" at the rear. Naturally, they died as a result - this was also the cause of death for most of the deceased.

Of course, there are also a very few who are really unlucky. They are thrown away by the Holy Emperor and then hit the various sharp weapons held by the "friendly troops", and they just hit the vital part... Then it really can't be done It’s the Holy Emperor’s fault.

"...Sigh——" After finishing his work, Sheng Tianzi looked at the place wailing, his expression was gloomy, and his eyes were full of disappointment and exhaustion from the bottom of his heart.

Things have developed like this, which is really not what she expected... However, as the Holy Emperor, the girl still kept her responsibilities in mind. After sighing for a few seconds, she immediately gathered her mood and raised her legs towards the source of the rioting crowd. Step in the direction.

"Holy, Lord Holy Emperor, where are you going?" Behind him, those attendants who had been frightened by the exaggerated and unrealistic "Holy Emperor Wushuang" could not recover for a long time. They saw that their master seemed to be leaving. , couldn't help but asked in confusion.

"..." The Holy Son of Heaven paused slightly, turned her head, and her long silver hair fell from her forehead, covering her expression, but her voice came out: "Go and end the chaos in this city!" After the words fell, without waiting for a response, the Holy Son of Heaven, who had decided to use force to restore order, clenched his fists and rushed towards the place where the smoke was coming out of the city.

... Chishou Natsuyo: "Lord 'God', is this also within your expectations?" Fang Yuan: "... No, this Holy Son of Heaven really surprised me... No, it's a surprise! I didn't expect that this saintly vase would have such a decisive side!" Today is still the second update...')478'\u003eChapter 477 The defense line was broken \u0026 the moral level of the cursed children

The Holy Son of Heaven cleaned up the chaos caused by the riot in the city. Although she was only one person, her extraordinary power that was not possessed by humans allowed her to quell the chaos in a place with extremely high efficiency - often she only needed a few minutes to knock down the rioting crowd in an entire block.

Moreover, as she traveled in wider and wider areas, she calmed down more and more chaos, and naturally attracted many followers during this period. Some of them were officials who were supposed to maintain order but had to be dragged into the riots under the chaos of the people, such as policemen; others were conquered by the force and personal charm (or beautiful appearance) of the Holy Son of Heaven, and voluntarily followed her to maintain order.

Of course, these so-called "followers" could not catch up with the speed of the Holy Son of Heaven at all. They could only wait "slowly" for a long time after the Holy Son of Heaven suppressed the chaos on the ground before they could rush to the scene to clean up the mess.

Well, the main thing was to clean up the wounded who were lying on the ground and rolling and wailing, and to give the most basic bandage treatment to those who were seriously injured, so as not to die on the spot.

Although everything looked very immature, the means of action were very rough, and the subsequent hidden dangers and troubles were not small, but with the unremitting efforts of the Holy Son of Heaven, the chaos in the Tokyo area was actually suppressed bit by bit, and it would take another day or two to completely calm down.

However, it seems that God is unwilling to give her another one or two days! Just when the Holy Son of Heaven suddenly broke out and gradually swept away the chaos in the Tokyo District with unparalleled momentum, the gastrula army, which had been fighting with the police team for a long time in the battlefield of the outer area, launched a new round of offensive again.

——A much stronger offensive than the previous battle! In the battle of the past day, those weak stage one and stage two gastrula animals have been consumed as cannon fodder on the battlefield. Now, those who are on the battlefield and attacking the human defense line are basically powerful individuals of stage three and stage four, and the most important thing is that their number is still not reduced! In order to completely destroy the Tokyo District, as a special gastrula animal with wisdom and the ability to command a legion, Aldebaran summoned almost half of the gastrula animals in Japan this time, and even more summoned gastrula animals are coming from farther away.

Think about it, Japan used to have a population of more than 100 million, but after several wars with gastrula, the population was reduced to less than one-third. Where did the remaining population go, excluding those who died on the spot? It's very simple, they all became gastrula! Therefore, with an extremely sufficient supply of soldiers, Aldebaran is not worried about the shortage of troops on the gastrula side. After one batch is finished, another batch can be summoned - this is also their biggest advantage over the human camp.

For the human side, the individuals who can become combat forces are really one less if they die. If too many die, they can't be replenished in the short term.

- It takes at least more than ten years for a person to grow up smoothly and grow to the point where he can go to the battlefield, not including the necessary education, living, training and other costs during this period.

Even if you want to create a large number of initiators as combat forces, it will take at least seven or eight years from conception to birth to being able to go to the battlefield.

Therefore, for gastrula, there is only one best tactic to deal with humans - that is the human (monster) sea tactic! In fact, if the Initiators on the human side had not been strengthened by Fang Yuan before, their combat power would have soared several levels. With the troops currently gathered by Aldebaran, they would have been able to break through all the defense lines and rush into the city to kill people.

However, even if they were strengthened by Fang Yuan, even if their combat power was greatly increased, as soldiers fighting on the front line, those Initiators would also be tired!   So, after a day and night of fighting, several Initiators on the defense line made some small mistakes when they shouldn't have made mistakes, which directly led to them and their partners The promoters were killed by high-level protogastric animals (of course, the Initiator Loli was rescued by Fang Yuan at the last moment).

In addition, there are also a very small number of promoters and initiators with tense relations. They hinder each other in battles, or even harm each other (a certain self-confessed murderer and initiator really set a bad example), and kill their partners intentionally or unintentionally. Some initiators even carry out their actions with the idea of ​​dying together with their promoters... Such situations that could not be worse occurred one after another, directly triggering a chain reaction, which instantly caused a gap in the entire defense line.

Although such a gap only existed in the entire battlefield for a short period of time and was quickly filled by subsequent warriors, even during the previous gap period, seven or eight gastrea animals still passed through. Breaking the defense line and rushing into the inner city - now, the situation that the citizens had been panicking about before really happened! ... "Lord 'God', are we really not doing anything?" Seeing the accident on the battlefield below, Qianju Natsuki subconsciously became worried - years of brainwashing and education have made her, a highly intelligent girl, also It is inevitable to instinctively think from a human perspective.

"You want to save them?" Fang Yuan asked playfully.

"..." Qian Shou Xia Shi opened his mouth and hesitated for a long time before saying: "I don't know... Although logically speaking, I do have reason to hate them. I should just stand in the sky and watch them die. But... when I think of many, many people who will die in the future, I can't help it..." "..." Fang Yuan didn't speak, just sighed, and then reached out to touch the girl's little head.

——Sure enough, these children are still too kind in nature! Although there are some who were raised crookedly like Hiroko Kohina, and there are also a very few ruthless ones who can kill their partner promoters, but among the group of "cursed children", the vast majority are like Senju Natsuo who instinctively A good kid who thinks about others.

Regarding this point, Fang Yuan did not rely on his own subjective judgment, but naturally learned from their scattered thoughts when constructing a thinking matrix by resonating with the field of countless "cursed children".

——Among all the "Valkyries" who share his vision, almost 99% of them, just like Chiju Natsuki, subconsciously feel intolerable towards the disaster that is about to happen in Tokyo, and few of them take revenge. Pleasurable.

')479'\u003eChapter 478 Judgment Day

"...You will eventually choose to let it be destroyed, right?" After being silent for a long time, Qian Shou Xia Shi said this as if he had read through Fang Yuan's thoughts.

"Yes, on the first day I came to this city, I had already made the decision that this city has no value in existing - in fact, I feel that there is no need for human civilization in this world to exist. !” Fang Yuan knew what the so-called gasterozoa in this world were.

As the saying goes, there is nothing new under the sun. In the world of Resident Evil, there is a group of death-seeking fanatics who tirelessly pursue more powerful biological weapons and create biological crises again and again.

In this world, those scientists who did not consider the consequences also stepped into this road of no return and used the accidentally discovered gasterozoa virus on humans for human experiments, leading to the emergence of gasterozoa. and loss of control.

Moreover, after causing this huge disaster that nearly destroyed human civilization, the humans of this world did not reflect on themselves at all. Instead, they rejected the Initiates, a group that could be called life-saving straw, and put their own fears away for no reason. Vent your hatred on innocent children.

Perhaps in the entire human community, there are some truly pure and kind people, people who really lend a helping hand to the "cursed children", but such people are really too few, even less than one percent of the entire human race. , one in a thousand, or even one in ten thousand! Such human beings should be destroyed! "But what should we do about those kind people who have never bullied us?" Qian Shou Xia Shi raised his head and looked at Fang Yuan's expressionless face, as if he were a ruthless god. He asked with some worry and some uneasiness. road.

"Don't worry, they will be fine, because I will give the truly good, righteous, and saints the rewards they deserve!" Fang Yuan said this and closed his eyes.

The next moment, invisible fluctuations spread outward from him, spreading to infinite distances in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, one after another identical fluctuations came from the city below, from the battlefield outside the city, from other cities in Japan, and even all human settlements in other continents and other countries, echoing and trembling with the fluctuations on Fang Yuan's body. .

Asia, Europe, North and South America, Oceania, Africa... If someone can visually see the source of this wave from outer space, they can find that on the entire surface of the earth, almost everywhere there are still humans, there are one or more or less sources of fluctuations.

In Fang Yuan's consciousness, his sensory tentacles were extending, extending, and extending with unprecedented resonance, until they encompassed the entire planet.

In the end, an extremely vast but ethereal force field covered the entire surface of the earth. As the sole core of this force field, Fang Yuan seemed to have become the real "god" of this world, an omniscient, omniscient force. The feeling of omnipotence and omnipotence came over him.

At this moment, he can not only control the matter and energy on the earth, not only can he bring in the souls of the dead and give them new life, he can even directly connect his consciousness to the consciousness of all living things, read, instill, and distort at will. The memory and personality of the other party, whether the other party is a human, a cursed child, or even a monster-like gastrea! However, Fang Yuan did not exercise his power wantonly, but simply swept through the consciousness of all mankind, identifying and marking a part of it - a very small part - and then, the next moment, an incomparably huge, A voice like a divine word resounded in the minds of everyone in the world - [Judgment Day is here! ] ... "This is..." Satomi Rentaro, who was fighting hard outside the city, suddenly heard this loud voice that seemed to come from the horizon. The language was not any language he knew, but he could somehow understand it. The meaning behind those words.

"Judgment Day...what do you mean?" He raised his head and looked at Yanzhu, who was also shocked and confused, and then turned to look at the gastrea animals that suddenly became motionless. He had an unpleasant premonition in his heart - something, Something terrible is about to happen! ... "Judgment Day... Are there really gods in this world?" Sumire Muroto, who was hiding in the basement of the hospital, listened to the voice that sounded directly from her head, and raised her head with complicated eyes, as if she could see through the layers of cement. floor and see the sky outside.

"If it is really a god, does that mean that the end of us humans has finally come..." Recalling what happened outside during this period, Sumire Muroto felt sad and desperate at the same time, but also vaguely felt that it was so decadent. With the fallen human civilization, it’s no wonder that gods will impose divine punishment... In the city, the Holy Emperor said: "Judgment Day? This is..." After receiving the news that the defense line had been lost and gastrea animals had broken into the city, the girl Knowing that something was wrong, the head of state immediately gave up the action of continuing to suppress the chaos, and quickly reached the edge of the city with his maneuvering speed beyond ordinary people, just in time to block the invasion route of the gastrea.

However, before she could show off the unparalleled extraordinary combat power of the Holy Emperor, the divine voice fell from the sky, and the gastrea in front of her seemed to be frozen, froze in place.

She didn't understand what happened, but the next moment she understood what the so-called "Judgment Day" meant.

boom--! Boom——! Boom——! On the edge of the city, huge stone monuments suddenly broke and collapsed one after another. The black holmium alloy that made up the stone monument itself seemed to have been eroded by countless years in an instant, becoming gray and dim, and losing its unique special electromagnetic force field.

In fact, this scene does not only happen in Tokyo, but in all surviving human settlements around the world. Every country and every city, without exception, has lost the greatest guarantee for their survival.

——After all, Fang Yuan’s declaration of trial was issued to the whole world! ..."This is..." The Holy Emperor looked at this scene in horror and was stunned for a long time before he realized what this so-called "Judgment Day" meant.

"Is it really the gods who want to exterminate us humans..." "Hiss~~roar~!!!" The roar of gastrea came from behind. The Holy Emperor turned around, but he no longer had any thoughts of taking action. .

'That's it, let's do it. If you die here, it will be considered worthy...' The Holy Emperor, who closed his eyes and waited for death, waited for a long time, but did not wait for the expected attack. When he opened his eyes, he found the original thing in front of him. The intestinal animal had bypassed her at some point and headed behind her.

"Why let me go..." The second update is completed. There are about one to two chapters left in this volume and it will be over.

')480'\u003eChapter 479 Those who do good will live, those who do evil will be condemned

In fact, Sheng Tianzi was not the only one who was let go - "Finally... has this day come..." In a simple house in the outer area, an old man with gray hair on crutches looked at Looking at the gastrea animal that was gradually approaching in front of him, he sighed, but gave up the movement of escape and resistance.

The old man is none other than the kind person who appeared in the original plot and sheltered a group of "cursed children" in the outer area.

He is old, his legs and feet are not flexible, and he has no fighting ability. Instead of running away in a panic, it is better to just quietly wait for the last moment of his fate - at least he can die with dignity, right? Of course, another reason why he could face death so calmly was that the children he once protected had all left.

He recalled the group of girls who came to him some time ago. They should all be "cursed children", right? But unlike the children around him who could only live in the ruins and underground waterways and couldn't even afford inhibitors, he only saw the overflowing vitality and enthusiasm for life in that group of girls. Enthusiasm, in their eyes, is full of hope for the future! Therefore, when the other party proposed to take away all the "cursed children", the old man just hesitated for a while and agreed - a place where so many "cursed children" could be happy and recognized would be better than continuing to stay. He must be much stronger next to him! ‘Ah… I wonder how they are doing now? Are you fed and clothed? Did you go to school well? Will you be bullied? ...Sigh - it would be nice if I could see them one last time...' The old man had been waiting quietly for death for a long time, but when he opened his eyes, what he saw was the gastrea turning away.

Although the hideous monster's posture still looked extremely terrifying, that posture clearly showed its attitude - it was not interested in the old man! "Judgment Day... It turns out, is this really the judgment of the gods on mankind!" Thinking of the sacred voice that seemed to come from his heart just now, and then thinking about the fact that he was spared by the gastrea, the old man felt a little bit Mingwu: "So, it's not a 'cursed child', but a 'child favored by the gods'!" ... Oops -! With one slash of his sword, he killed a gastrea animal that was at least stage three, and Tendo Kisara, who had been missing for a long time, reappeared.

She ignored the survivor who ran away without even saying thank you, but looked at the gastral animal carcass in front of her with a puzzled face.

"Just now, this gastrea could obviously attack me, but it seemed like it couldn't see me at all. It was killed by me without any resistance at all..." The girl's heart was full of suspicion, remembering that she had just poured it into her body. The voice in her mind, she thought thoughtfully: "It's not that I'm invisible, but that these primitive animals didn't regard me as a target... Could it be that this is really some kind of god that is judging humans? These primitive animals Are intestinal animals the 'Great Flood' that wipes out fallen people?" Tendo Kisara, who had never believed in God, could not help but feel a sense of awe in his heart at this time.

... Experiences similar to those of the old man and Tendomu happened more than once in the city.

Although the gasterozoans that rushed into the city seemed to be killing indiscriminately, in fact, every time they killed, they intentionally or unintentionally avoided many individuals, leaving behind many individuals who could not escape. "survivors".

——All those who have taken the initiative to help the "cursed children", have deep sympathy for the situation of the "cursed children", have never done any bullying, and have true kindness in their hearts... Such None of the humans or gasterozoans harmed them.

On the contrary, those who have committed serious evil deeds, those who like to bully "cursed children", those who have watched bullying incidents indifferently and remained indifferent, and those who participated in this riot with hatred and hatred in their hearts. Arrogant, ungrateful... Those selected to be killed by the gasterozoans are all such things. These are the people who are "unworthy of being saved" according to Fang Yuan's standards.

For example, a former guard captain of the Holy Emperor was defeated by the Holy Emperor during a previous house arrest incident and lost his guard job.

This standard villain, who has an arrogant, arrogant, narrow-minded and bitter nature, but is very incompetent himself, can be said to be a radical among radicals. He is full of malice towards the "cursed children" group, and has even been cursed by shooting them. The children are happy.

In the eyes of today's gasterozoans, such a person is simply the most delicious of delicacies, and one can "smell" the "good smell" of sin from him ten miles away.

——When the previous declaration of Judgment Day resounded throughout the world, Fang Yuan had already inserted a recognition program into the consciousness of all gasterozoans, except for those "righteous people" and "good people" selected by Fang Yuan , "Saints" exclude hunting targets, and will also give priority to those who are "serious sinners" according to Fang Yuan's standards to hunt, kill, and devour.

Therefore, Howaki Takuto and the people around him were unlucky - they were obviously far away from the main battlefield on the edge of the city, but why was there more than one gastrea coming straight towards them? ! Seeing his friends around him being brutally dismembered into pieces in front of him, this incompetent villain who once had great glory and fantasized about one day being able to be beautiful, powerful, and powerful, trembled with his hand holding the gun, pointing at the terrifying monster that was gradually approaching in front of him. , he pulled the trigger repeatedly in vain, but nothing happened - the bullets in the gun had long been exhausted in the previous random shooting, and the current Howaki Takuto couldn't even shoot himself! "This kind of monster, this kind of monster, can't win! Why! Why!! Why!!! Why should I encounter such a thing!!! Things should not develop like this! I should obviously win the Holy Emperor I should have become the one person who is worth more than ten thousand people. I am... right! This must be a dream! Otherwise, such a ridiculous thing would not happen! Haha! That's right, this is a dream, this is a dream, it doesn't matter..." Click - A big mouthful of blood, and the crazy chatter finally disappeared.

Having completed its top priority hunting goal, the gastrea turned and left the bloody slaughterhouse. Only one thought emerged in its simple consciousness - what on earth was the noisy hairless monkey talking about just now? ')481'\u003eChapter 480 The fog outside the world \u0026 the message sent to "self"

Three days and nights filled with blood and fire passed, and the judgment from "God" finally ended.

There is no longer an intact city on the earth. There are burning flames and beacon smoke everywhere. Wandering in the ruins, apart from the survivors with bewildered faces, there are only an almost endless number of gastrea. .

The survivors watched in horror as the huge, ferocious-looking monsters walked past them. Although they did not know why they could survive such a mass extinction, they more or less had some understanding. This must be related to Relevant to previous trial declarations.

In other words, in the eyes of "god", are they the kind of people who can survive... Such thoughts flashed through the hearts of all survivors.

And at the next moment, the facts that happened in front of them let them know that this was the will of "God"! ——The gastrea animals that are all over the world and have completed their missions roared up to the sky at almost the same time. Then, their huge bodies mixed with the characteristics of various animals, under some invisible force, It was shattered inch by inch, turned into smoke and dust, and dissipated in the long wind.

Whether it was stage one, stage two, stage three, stage four, or the most terrifying stage five, the "Zodiac", all gastrula were not spared, and all of them collapsed under the "will of God" - this is Disintegration occurs at the atomic level, and even the molecular-level regeneration capabilities of stage five gastrula cannot regenerate under such circumstances.

Billions of gastrea fell apart at the same time. Apart from Fang Yuan who executed it himself, only the "Valkyries" who shared his vision could witness the spectacular scene.

For a time, the entire earth's surface was covered by the pitch-black smoke emitted by the body's decomposition, which did not dissipate for a long time.

However, at a level that is invisible to the human eye, what this planet appears at this time is a completely different appearance - that is light, endless light! Endless starlight, counted in thousands, tens of thousands, billions, and billions, flies out from the remains of every gastrea.

These starlights are very dim at the beginning, with layers of dark red filthy blood wrapped around the surface. If someone has psychic vision, they can even see and hear extremely miserable wails and deep-seated resentment. meaning.

These wails and evil thoughts are eroding towards the core of Starlight's essence all the time, trying to pull them together into the bloody abyss of eternal destruction.

Fortunately, at this time, the omnipresent invisible power came into play - washed away by the power of the will to purify and redeem, the billions of stars that were originally entangled with lamentation and resentment gradually washed away all acquired impurities and dirt, and returned. The innate origin is pure, in the purest form of light, starting from every corner of the world, passing through thousands of miles of obstacles, and finally converging in Fang Yuan's hands, turning into a radiant sphere that is like a substance.

"This is...?" Qianju Xiashi, who had been watching everything, saw the light sphere in Fang Yuan's hand that exuded endless brilliance. He probably guessed its truth, but he was not sure.

"Yes, this is the remaining human soul in the gasterozoans! Although it is seriously polluted and fragmented, and personality and consciousness no longer exist, its most fundamental soul origin is still retained."

Fang Yuan nodded and answered in the affirmative.

Unlike those ordinary people who are killed, they are dead when they die. If Fang Yuan does not take action, their souls will naturally disintegrate, dissolve into the most basic spiritual essence, and integrate into the spiritual cycle of the planet—— There is neither a previous life nor an afterlife, everything is destroyed after death.

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