The Taoist priest was keenly aware that there seemed to be something extra in the air, but because all his magical powers were restricted and could not be released, he could only detect so much. What was the specific thing in the air? There is no way to understand it in depth.

However, from Fang Yuan's actions, he probably guessed something. This should be the ultimate move that Fang Yuan said could solve the devil's problem at once.

Therefore, the Taoist priest put aside the faint worries in his heart and followed Fang Yuan to continue walking towards the giant tree in the center of the ruins of the city.

——After not seeing each other for a long time, this fellow Daoist Fang and Mr. Fang’s methods are becoming more and more incomprehensible, but at this time, this unpredictable attitude does make people even more confused. rest assured.

It seems that he took the risk of not being able to please both sides this time to invite this big boss to come out, and he did the right thing! …… On the other side, there is a certain space passage between the demon world and the main world. The American superpowers who took great risks to enter behind the door did not encounter too many demons as their captain expected.

——After all, although the number of demons in the demon world is almost endless, it will take time to return to the previous demon density after killing all the demons in an area.

However, such good news did not make the members of this team feel at ease, because after entering the demon world, they also immediately learned a piece of news that could not be worse - the weapon they relied on to maintain their combat power. The superpower is almost completely disabled! Although out of caution, everyone in the team carries some light firearms in case of emergency, but to be honest, except for a few auxiliary personnel like the glasses girl who have no direct attack capabilities, the other team members basically have no Taking the few guns and ammunition seriously, not only are the guns carried not very powerful, but the ammunition base is also very small.

This firepower is almost useless except for self-defense in emergencies and suicide when forced.

Therefore, just a few stray demons encountered at the entrance of the passage actually caused the American team, which was in panic because of the loss of superpowers, to lose three members! ——One person was seriously injured and two people died on the spot. The seriously injured person would not be able to survive for long if he did not receive treatment quickly.

Such a tragic result immediately caused the entire team's already plummeting morale to drop to freezing point again.

However, to make matters worse, just after they passed through the space passage, the space-time portal that was originally forcibly opened by Fang Yuan was re-closed due to the self-correction power of the space - they now have no way to go back! "We... are doomed!" The girl with glasses, who had survived the previous brief encounter, said this with a woman's small pistol with only three bullets left in her hand, her tone full of despair.

')536'\u003eChapter 535 The Demon of Swords

Fang Yuan didn't know that the space channel he opened had unintentionally tricked a group of Americans with supernatural powers. Of course, even if he knew about it, he wouldn't care - they are all Americans anyway, and if they die, they will die, so he won't care. What's up! What really needed to cheer him up was the powerful demon sitting in front of him under the Demon Tree.

Although this demon generally looks humanoid, its size and height are more than ten times that of humans. But what really impresses people about it are the sharp blades protruding from each joint on its body. It looks like a humanoid murder weapon made of countless swords. It is extremely sharp and extremely dangerous! "Human... it's been a long time!" When Fang Yuan and the Taoist priest appeared in front of this demon, the demon, who looked like a boss just by looking at it, did not take action immediately, and even said such a sentence.

Although the devil's words in the air were completely different from human language, under the influence of its spiritual power, Fang Yuan and the Taoist priest were able to understand the meaning of the devil's words without any hindrance.

"Long time no see...Have you seen other humans before?" Fang Yuan was a little surprised by the reaction of this demon, so he did not take action immediately, but asked tentatively, with the same mental fluctuations in his words, which made all the audience Regardless of whether you understand his language or not, you can understand what he means.

He was indeed very curious about what had happened in this demon world in the past. If he could get some information from the other party's mouth, it would be better than spending more time on archaeological research in the future.

"Meet... maybe it can't be called a meeting. There are traces of humans in my memory, but I have never really seen a human until you came in front of me!" This demon seemed to be a talkative type, and actually Really answered Fang Yuan's question.

"..." Fang Yuan raised his eyebrows, becoming curious about the origin of this demon.

He wanted to continue the conversation, but the Taoist priest behind him carefully pulled his sleeve, making Fang Yuan realize that now was not the time to continue talking about this.

"You know why we are here!" Fang Yuan's eyes flashed with lightning, which was a sign before he took action.

The Taoist priest also drew out the magic sword behind him at the right time and poured the pure magic power into his body. A pure white sword light flashed on the blade - this is the only way he can use magic power so far. way to release it outside the body.

"Of course I know that you, just like those heroes and demon hunters in the past, want to defeat me and defeat the demons that invaded your world! But no matter how many times you come to me, under the absolute power, there is only one The ending - that is death!" The devil said in a calm tone, as if he was very accustomed to being challenged by the brave.

"Very good, then we have reached a consensus!" Fang Yuan nodded, and in the next moment, lightning flashed, and an explosion as violent as a nuclear explosion erupted on the seat under the demon's butt - just before one person and one demon While they were talking to each other, Fang Yuan had quietly refined the demon's huge chair into an N2 bomb. He could use this non-radiation nuclear bomb as a starting point! "F*ck!" The Taoist priest standing behind Fang Yuan, protected by his A.T. force field, looked at the dazzling flash in front of him that was almost blinding. He couldn't help but exclaimed, and quickly closed his eyes, not even caring to inhale carefully. There was a big mouthful of choking poisonous air.

【Did it get done? 】 Taoist priests habitually set up a Flag to add a buff to the devil on the opposite side.

"Roar——!!!" Sure enough, as soon as the Taoist priest finished asking the question, a painful roar came from the center of the explosion.

The Taoist priest carefully opened his eyes, and with a somewhat dazed vision, he saw the tall and ferocious figure still standing upright in the sea of ​​​​fire on the opposite side. He couldn't help but sigh: [...The big boss is really not that easy to die! "...Stop talking nonsense here! This guy is more durable than I thought. Be careful and don't get affected by our battle!" Fang Yuan said to the Taoist priest who was completely useless. As he spoke, the brilliance of high-energy particles shone in his hand, and a dazzling flash of light that was no less inferior to the previous non-nuclear nuclear explosion flashed out of his hand, instantly engulfing the demon's figure.

——Fang Yuan doesn’t want to have a head-on battle with an opponent of this size for 300 rounds. The best way to fight is to kill the opponent before he has time to resist! However, when the flash of the high-energy particle cannon passed - "Roar -!!!" There was another loud roar, and the demon who was still standing made a voice of pain mixed with satisfaction: "Very good, human, you deserve my full strength. Take action! !" As he finished speaking, Fang Yuan suddenly discovered that the demon's figure, which was more than ten times the height of an ordinary person, had disappeared, and was replaced by a blue sword flashing from behind Fang Yuan. It slashed out diagonally, as if to cut him and the Taoist priest in two! Bang! Although the A.T. force field that was triggered by the reaction was broken through several layers, it still blocked the sword light at the last moment. However, before Fang Yuan could find the demon's hidden figure, another red sword light appeared in front of him. The trend of falling to the ground hit Fang Yuan in front.

The devil's sword with scorching heat hit the A.T. force field with a roar, breaking through several layers of defense in an instant. Before Fang Yuan could react to it, the azure blue sword disappeared in a flash. The light suddenly appeared again, jumped out of the void, and struck out almost close to Fang Yuan's A.T. force field.

Two rays of sword light, one blue and one red, flashed alternately in the void, attacking Fang Yuan without stopping, suppressing him to the point where he was unable to counterattack for a while! [This... this demon looks so domineering, and when he really fights, he actually fights in such a vulgar way? ! 】 Taoist priests who have lost the ability to unleash their supernatural powers are completely unable to intervene in this kind of battle. They can only peacefully remain under the protection of Fang Yuan and just be a salty fish watching the party who can only shout 666.

However, when he saw that this previously domineering demon actually hid its body and used stealth and sneak attacks, he couldn't help but complain.

Once again, he used the multi-layer thickened A.T. force field to withstand a combination of red and blue sword attacks. Fang Yuan said thoughtfully: "...No, I probably figured it out. This demon is not hiding its true body. It's up, but...this is its true nature!" [What do you mean? ] The Taoist priest was puzzled.

"The body of this demon is not the tall human figure we saw before, but these two swords! If my guess is correct, they should be the demon swords-Dante, and the Yama Sword!" 2 More completed')537'\u003eChapter 536 Memetic Virus, Fruit of God, Demon completed (two in one)

[I know the Yama Sword, but the Demon Sword Dante... what is that? Isn't Dante's weapon the Sword of Rebellion? ] Taoist priests who have never played Devil May Cry 5 naturally asked this question.

"...To put it simply, after the Sword of Rebellion was shattered by the demonized Vergil, Dante stabbed himself with the broken sword, stimulating the demonic power in his body, and then left Sparta behind. Another weapon - the Spartan Sword - was fused and finally reforged into this demonic sword that symbolizes Dante himself. "

Fang Yuan explained to the Taoist priest while guarding against the demon's elusive sword attack.

However, before the Taoist priest could continue to ask how the rebellious sword was shattered by Virgil, the voice of the devil came from the air: "I didn't expect that after so many years, there are still people who can remember this story... Dante, Virgil, I haven't heard anyone mention these names for a long time..."  "Why, do you miss the names of your past masters?"  As Fang Yuan spoke, he made a decisive move. At the moment when the red sword light attacked, he created a sealed space around it, trying to capture it.

——The reason why the blue sword light was not chosen was because it was an attack launched by the Yama Sword, and the Yama Sword itself had the ability to cut off space, and the sealed cage formed by this space distortion could not seal it.

However, Fang Yuan still underestimated the pre-battle reaction of this demon who was suspected to be a sword spirit. At the moment when the space distortion was about to be completed and the magic sword Dante was about to be captured, the azure sword light suddenly emerged from the void and cut the cage formed by the space distortion, saving the red sword light.

"Tsk!" Fang Yuan was a little annoyed. This demon was too slippery and its ability was indeed a bit tricky. It seemed that he had to use his trump card! "Taoist, don't you want to know how I can solve these demon problems? Now, watch carefully!" Fang Yuan still kept the A.T. force field to protect his body, while reaching out to take something out of the void.

[Yu, Cosmic Cube? ! ] The Taoist's mind was full of astonishment, but the next moment he denied his own words: [No, it's not the Cosmic Cube... But, this...] Yes, what appeared in Fang Yuan's hand was a cube with a side length of about ten centimeters and a blue-white glow all over. At first glance, it did look very similar to the Cosmic Cube in the Marvel movie.

When the Taoist saw this thing for the first time, he immediately thought of this, but after he saw the true appearance of the cube, he realized that he had guessed wrong.

Under the blue-white light, this cube not only has edges in the three directions of length, width and height, but also has the fourth, fifth, sixth... and even more edge dimensions that are perpendicular to these three directions. It is presented in a three-dimensional space in some incredible form, changing all the time.

——This is a hyperdimensional cube!   "Well, I don't have a magical object like the Cosmic Cube, but this 'hyperdimensional gradient cube' does have something to do with space ability, and it can be regarded as my pinnacle work in space technology!" Fang Yuan held the cube in one hand and said with a hint of pride in his tone.

As he said, this cube is indeed the strongest space prop he created after integrating all the space-related technologies, magic, magic, superpowers and other different systems he had learned in the past, and integrating them in the previous world.

The constantly increasing and decreasing dimensional edges on its surface symbolize that the space-time dimension inside this cube is constantly expanding and multiplying, while also constantly collapsing and disappearing. A delicate dynamic balance is maintained between the increase and decrease, and it seems that it can be maintained forever.

It can be said that once someone falls into this endless and constantly changing space-time dimension, it is almost impossible to get out of it. It can be called a portable space maze and a sealed artifact! However, such a powerful space technology creation is just a container for Fang Yuan at this time. What he really wants to use is actually another thing in this endless space-time maze.

When the countless extra dimensions that are completely inconsistent with the common sense of space and perpendicular to the three coordinate axes of length, width, and height gradually curl up, a certain "thing" hidden in the depths of endless space-time gradually "floats" to the surface of space-time and appears in front of Fang Yuan and the Taoist priest.

It was a luminous sphere that was so bright that it was almost impossible to see it with the naked eye - no, it could not be called a sphere, but a star, a sun, a miniature universe! Like the previous hyperdimensional cube, this sphere itself did not only exist in three-dimensional space, but also extended its essence to the depths of space-time dimensions that ordinary people could not imagine or detect. It looked like a small sphere the size of a fist, but it contained an unknown amount of matter and energy. If its true mass and volume were fully expanded, it might even surpass the entire earth! Even though it now appeared in an extremely compressed form in the space dimension, there was still endless energy bursting out of it in the form of light and heat. Even though Fang Yuan had already isolated it from himself with an A.T. force field, he could still clearly feel the burning and restlessness in his hand, as if he was holding a star that was about to explode! [This is...] The Taoist priest looked at the spectacular scene in front of him, which seemed like a star falling into a person's hand, and was speechless for a moment.

"This is what I call the trump card, the 'Fruit of God'! It is also the key that can solve the problems of demons and even the entire demon world in one fell swoop!" As he said this, Fang Yuan stretched out his other empty hand, and dots of blue light gradually emerged in the void, and finally gathered into a ball in his hand.

The Taoist priest recognized it. This was something Fang Yuan had previously made and spread out using a large amount of red soul stones as raw materials. Could it be used here?   The sword demon on the other side seemed to sense a sense of crisis from Fang Yuan's actions. For a moment, the elusive sword attacks became more intensive, but under Fang Yuan's tight defense, there was no substantial breakthrough after all.

In fact, its premonition was not wrong. What Fang Yuan held in his hand was indeed a killer weapon that could kill it!   The blue light ball formed by countless light points in his left hand, I believe many people have guessed, is the blue light virus designed and manufactured by Fang Yuan in the EVA world, and it is the ultimate evolution version after countless generations of upgrades.

Under Fang Yuan's unremitting efforts and long research in another world, the virus that originally needed a certain degree of "contact" to be transmitted has completely surpassed the physical limitations and evolved from the initial genetic virus to the level of meme virus.

——No physical contact is required, no infectious medium is required, and even the barrier of spatial distance is ignored. This new virus has touched the level of rule concepts! As long as Fang Yuan, the controller and designer, makes targeted adjustments to it with a certain sample and engraves a certain "feature" in its core action rules, these meme viruses can spread to all individuals with the same "feature" in the same space-time continuum in a very short time.

What did Fang Yuan do before? That's right, he used the red soul stone extracted after the death of the demon as raw material to cultivate and modulate a meme virus for all biological individuals with the concept of "demon"! In the short time from the spread to now, all the demons in the entire demon world have been infected by this virus rooted in the concept of rules without knowing it, and have become alternative "sacrifices" for another ritual! What ritual? Well, if the shining sphere in Fang Yuan's other hand is the product of the combination of the essence of Adam and Lilith he obtained from the previous world... Do you understand? Originally, according to the rules of the EVA world, after the essence of these two apostles is combined, there will be a third impact that is enough to destroy all life on the surface. At the same time, in the death of countless lives, a true "God" who integrates life and wisdom will be born.

However, Fang Yuan, who had anticipated this, created the hyperdimensional cube in advance, using the endless space-time dimension as a barrier to completely seal the "fruit" that combines "life" and "wisdom" and symbolizes the "embryo of God", and at the same time infinitely delay the inevitable "Third Impact".

——In fact, the so-called "Human Instrumentality Plan" is just a "cuckoo occupying the magpie's nest" plan that desperate humans came up with after they found that they could not avoid the inevitable occurrence of the Third Impact. They hoped to allow humans to survive in another form by replacing the host of the Third Impact.

Of course, the plot of the EVA world has been messed up after Fang Yuan's intrusion, and the so-called "Human Instrumentality Plan" has long been crushed into the trash by Fang Yuan's big move to popularize the S2 mechanism among the people.

But it does not mean that this plan, which has lost its meaning in the original world, is completely worthless.

——For example, now! When Fang Yuan put the memetic virus containing the concept of "devil" into the "Fruit of God" that was about to explode, the interrupted third impact broke out again, but its operation mode was tampered with - the "Devil Completion Plan" that was very similar to the "Human Completion Plan" but completely different in some places was about to happen! This time, Fang Yuan was going to use this method to catch all the demons in the entire demon world! - And this naturally includes the one in front of him! "What is this...? Human, what are you doing?!" The devil's words sounded in the void, and the mental fluctuations mixed in the words were panic and fear that could not be concealed.

Out of the devil's instinct, it could feel the terrible power contained in the light ball, and it could also feel that something terrible was about to happen to itself, but it had no idea what it was and how to deal with it.

Therefore, at this moment, this demon, who originally regarded himself as a big boss, felt like retreating.

The sword lights that had been besieging the two disappeared instantly, and a broadsword with scales like a living creature and a samurai sword emerged from the void. The physical swords turned into two demonic forces that entangled with each other, and finally reappeared the huge humanoid demon at the beginning.

The demon's blade-like arm drew a cross in the void, and the space was cut open, and a space channel was opened in the void.

"Oh no, it's going to escape!" The Taoist exclaimed.

"Don't worry, it doesn't matter where it escapes to!" Fang Yuan didn't care about the demon's actions.

Now that "Devil Completion" has been activated, it is useless even if it escapes far away. As long as it is still in the space-time continuum of this universe and as long as it still has the meme virus in its body, its final destination is only one - that is, to merge with other demons into the "Fruit of God" and become the nutrients for its maturity! In fact, when the sword demon tried to step into the space channel, it felt that its demon soul, which was accumulated through endless years, watered with countless demon blood, and finally born under extremely rare coincidences, began to evaporate uncontrollably.

Its huge demon power inherited from its two masters long ago and accumulated and plundered in the long years that followed, also became extremely weak at the same time.

- He had a premonition that he was about to die!   "No, this is impossible!" The demon who regarded himself as the king of the demon world couldn't believe that such a thing would happen to him.

His great journey has just begun, and the invasion of the human world has just begun. He still needs to accumulate strength to find his missing master, and he also needs to... The Demon King's thoughts ended at this moment - his soul could no longer withstand the erosion from the inside out, and finally completely collapsed and merged into the "Fruit of God" that was close at hand.

However, it would not be the only victim. At this moment, the same thing happened to all the demons in the entire demon world and even to all the demons going to the main world through the space channel! Endless demon souls, calculated in billions, wrapped in the faint blue light, ignored the barrier of space distance, and gathered from all directions towards the center of the demon world and the "Fruit of God" in Fang Yuan's hand like a meteor shower.

No, in fact, after the "Demon Completion" was fully launched, Fang Yuan no longer dared to continue to hold this star-like energy condensate in his hand.

He didn't even dare to use his A.T. force field for defense - the energy bursting out of the "Fruit of God" at this moment had already exceeded the upper limit of his A.T. force field's energy defense.

Therefore, Fang Yuan unfolded the hyperdimensional cube that had lost its sealing function, surrounding himself and the Taoist priest, and turned it into an indestructible defense with endless space and dimensions, but he could also watch this extremely spectacular completion scene from close range.

——The sky, the earth, matter, energy, living things, non-living things, and even time and space itself, all fell apart in the extremely terrible energy explosion, and the entire demon world seemed to be destroyed.

The demon tree that caused a lot of noise in the main world had already been completely destroyed in the first wave of energy shocks and turned into ashes. The space channels leading to the main world also completely collapsed in the unstable space-time disturbance, not to mention the native creatures of the demon world, which had already ushered in the end of destruction in the first stage.

Corresponding to this incomparable spectacular destruction scene, a certain "existence" being nurtured in the fruit of God, which is like the sun, is getting closer and closer to maturity! Well, two chapters combined into one 4000+, this is the only chapter today.

')538'\u003eChapter 537 The Heartbeat of Spreading Truth \u0026 The Born "God"

"Oh my God, is this the end of the world?!" The violent turmoil that broke out in the entire demon world naturally could not miss the area where several American superpowers were located.

The team, which had already fallen into a weak state due to the loss of most of its superpowers, had several members killed and injured. Before they could find a way to return to the main world, this disaster that almost destroyed the entire demon world had already arrived in front of them.

In an instant, all the demons that were besieging them were dying, but this did not make the group feel any relief - because the whole world was dying together! The sky was burning! The earth was cracking! The space began to break piece by piece! Even time was no longer stable! The girl with glasses saw with her own eyes that the captain who had been leading her and others across countless battlefields was blown away by an invisible wind of time. It was as if this person had gone through dozens or hundreds of years in an instant, and he aged into a dying old man in an instant, and turned into a pile of weathered and dry bones in the next second.

But he was not the worst. Another teammate suddenly had a spatial turbulence where he was standing, and the whole person was cut into countless pieces by the suddenly torn space - however, this was not the most terrible thing. The most terrible thing was that he did not die immediately! Yes, the body of this unlucky guy was torn into countless pieces with the sudden spatial turbulence, and then reorganized in a disordered order in the next moment, turning into a deformed and chaotic terrifying life form again - his hands, feet, torso, and facial features were still there, but they were not where they should be.

The people around could only helplessly and horrifiedly watch the mass of squirming meat that was cruelly disassembled and then randomly assembled screaming and struggling for several minutes before it died completely.

Of course, the situation faced by others is not much better than that of these deceased people. There are energy explosions everywhere, ground collapse that may occur at any time, and space-time catastrophes that silently swallow up one or two people from time to time. ... Girls with glasses all feel that they, a support professional with no fighting ability, are really lucky to be alive until now! However, she knew that her luck was limited. If she didn't escape from here as soon as possible, she would end up with the same fate as her companions who died tragically.

However, when her last teammate died in the flames that suddenly erupted from the ground, she was helpless and knew that her death was finally coming! "...I don't want to die..." The girl, who had been incredibly lucky to live until now, shed tears. Facing the doomsday scene in front of her, she knelt on the ground and let out a last desperate cry.

Boom! At the last moment of her life, a dull drum sound came from the other side of the shattered world.

No, this is not the sound of drums, it is the sound of heartbeat! The girl knew this inexplicably because of the magical power contained in the sound waves.

Along with this enlightenment, there was endless knowledge and information, so large that it was almost spiritual pollution. It filled her entire mind instantly, and she even felt the pain of her body being torn apart by the energy tide and her fear of death. The despair was forgotten.

Ah, this is inevitable, after all, the knowledge that reveals the truth of the universe is so fascinating, it can even be said to be cursed! Even though the girl herself is not a person who loves learning and desires the truth, she still completely fell into it the moment she came into contact with this knowledge, and she was never willing to get out of it.

At the moment of death, she died with knowledge and truth in her heart. This may be the only luck for this young superpower... Bang!咚咚! The low heartbeat, ignoring the speed limit of sound propagation, spread throughout the demon world in an instant, even ignoring the barriers of layers of space and dimensions, and reached the ears of Fang Yuan and the Taoist priest without any hindrance.

"That...what?" Because under the protection of the hyperdimensional cube, Fang Yuan also deliberately filtered out the toxic components in the atmosphere, so the Taoist priest could finally speak without any scruples.

However, at this time, he had no intention of rejoicing that he finally no longer had to endure the unpleasant toxic atmosphere. Instead, he was shocked by the heartbeat sound coming from the miniature sun.

Although it is just the sound of a beating heart, to the ears of the Taoist priest, it is as if gods and Buddhas from outside the world are ringing morning bells and evening drums, giving people a heads-up, and making the Taoist priest fall into a state close to enlightenment at this moment. middle.

——The endless truths of the great truth surged into his heart at this moment, almost threatening to completely burst his brain and even his soul.

But in the next moment, three rays of clear light suddenly appeared in his soul that had become the Yang God, and the infinite knowledge that poured in disappeared completely in an instant, leaving only a trace of imperceptible traces in the heart of the Taoist priest, proving that The feeling he just felt was not an illusion.

"Big, big brother, are you kidding? Don't tell me that a stronger one will jump out of there later?!" When he came back to his senses, the Taoist priest was obviously a guy with a lot of imagination. The moment I heard this heartbeat, the plots of countless novels, anime and games flashed through my mind - this scene seems to be exactly the routine of the villain boss's comeback, resurrection and final transformation after surviving the catastrophe, right? Is this really no problem? ! To this, Fang Yuan replied confidently: "No problem! Who do you think I am? Would I make such an obvious stupid mistake?" Although he said so, Fang Yuan was actually also struck by the heartbeat. The accompanying "psychic attack" shocked him - he had not expected this before! Fortunately, Fang Yuan is not comparable to those dead American superpowers. His immortal soul is enough to afford the infusion of this knowledge. In addition, he still has the Gate of Truth suppressing it in his consciousness. , naturally there is no risk of bursting the head.

He doesn't even have to be like a Taoist priest who has to forget most of the knowledge and information he "heard" from the heartbeat in order to protect his consciousness. Instead, he can save and memorize it all, only to be slowly digested and absorbed in the future. .

But he knew that these knowledge and truths leaked from the heartbeat were just trivial unexpected gains in this ceremony. His real goal was finally fully matured after the heartbeat sounded.

Click——The little sun exuding endless energy in the sky finally converged its light, and a crack appeared on the surface of the smooth sphere.

The next moment, the ball of light that had grown to a diameter of dozens of meters exploded. In the midst of countless floating stars, a huge figure curled up like a baby appeared in front of Fang Yuan and the Taoist priest.

The huge human figure nearly a hundred meters tall stretched his body. From his gradually raised head, the Taoist priest saw a familiar face - it was exactly the same face as Fang Yuan next to him! ')539'\u003eChapter 538: The incarnation of a giant god, reshaping the world, incarnating all races, and inheriting civilization in his heart

"This, this is..." The Taoist priest looked at the giant, then turned to look at Fang Yuan, opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything.

However, at this time, Fang Yuan could no longer care about the Taoist priest's reaction. He only had one thought in his mind - sure enough, the plan was successful! Some people may wonder why the so-called "Fruit of God" that was cultivated and ripened by the essence of Adam and Lilith and the souls of countless demons gave birth to another giant version of Fang Yuan.

After all, shouldn't the core of this "Devil's Completion Plan", which is a modified version of the "Human Completion Plan", be demons? The one who is about to come out should be the demon king who ruled the entire demon world before, right? In fact, the reason is very simple - in addition to the demons in the entire demon world, those who participated in the completion of the process were also the memetic virus that eroded all the demons! As Fang Yuan’s pinnacle creation in virology, this memetic virus naturally contains his own will and soul. It can even be said to be an incarnation of Fang Yuan in the form of a meme! The person who really dominated the entire completion was not the demon who was the subject of the completion, but Fang Yuan himself! Those demons, including the Demon King, are at best just providing element templates and fuel for the soul origin for the entire completion! However, no matter how perfect Fang Yuan's plan was and how thorough his arrangements were, he was not sure whether his plan would succeed until everything settled.

Until now - When the giant Fang Yuan opened his eyes, the light of wisdom was projected in his eyes; at the same time, Fang Yuan's consciousness was also connected to another consciousness that was born from the same source, but was much more powerful. , Fang Yuancai finally confirmed that his plan was indeed successful.

The newly born giant Fang Yuan raised his hand and looked at his extremely huge body, then turned his head and looked at the world around him that was shattered by his birth.

Just with a thought, the ubiquitous violent energy in the entire remaining broken demon world instantly obeyed His will and became extremely obedient. The next moment, the energy was converted into matter, the matter stabilized the space, and the space ran time. The entire demon world instantly He recovered from the state of being on the verge of complete destruction and became one again.

Of course, if someone can see the entire demon world, they will know that although the demon world seems to be restored to one, it has not returned to its original appearance - neither in terms of size nor specific topography. The demon world that was reborn from the ashes seemed much smaller and drab than before.

After all, the previous destruction and catastrophe caused by the "Fruit of God" was too terrifying. Even though the whole process was not long, the demon world lost countless material energy and even the origin of the world during this period. It was a heavy loss and could be restored. The current appearance is the result of completing the completion of Fang Yuan's clone with great magical powers.

Boom—boom—! The giant nearly a hundred meters tall, no, it was the giant god Fang Yuan, standing on the ground that had re-condensed into one piece, and made two loud noises.

On the other side, Fang Yuan himself put away the hyperdimensional cube, allowing himself and the Taoist priest to return to normal time and space.

"This... Fang Yuan, is this all your plan?" At this time, the Taoist priest had also come to his senses. He looked at the god-like giant, then looked at Fang Yuan, and after a long time he suppressed his thoughts. Such a sentence.

After all, he was not an idiot and had a sharp mind. After seeing this scene, he naturally connected all of Fang Yuan's previous actions and understood the cause and effect of everything.

Although it is still unknown where the weird-looking blue light spot and the energy aggregate called the "Fruit of God" came from, Fang Yuan obviously used these two things to bring the entire demon world to the world. All living beings were involved in the conspiracy, and finally, using the lives and souls of endless demons as fuel, they refined such a powerful incarnation that could be called a god.

——In other words, now that the real deity has become the giant god Fang Yuan, the one standing next to him is the incarnation? The Taoist priest didn't know clearly, but to him, there was actually no difference between the two - anyway, he couldn't beat either of the two Fang Yuan.

"Yes, didn't I say that before I came here? I can solve this devil's problem."

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