When the flame-like spiritual energy illuminated Riku's soul, the scene when Fang Yuan preached to Ivan also emerged in his consciousness.

As if replacing Ivan at that time, Riku could feel every thought in his heart - the awe and fear when he first saw the great existence, the surprise and yearning when he witnessed "magic", the entanglement and hesitation when he was granted the gift, the shock and joy after mastering the spiritual energy...  Even the reluctance and apology when he was ordered to die as bait before, the bloody courage and choice when facing death, and even the joy and excitement after returning to the shelter to see his daughter and relatives...  It can be said that at this moment, Riku almost became Ivan, and understood every thought and every thought of his during this period of time.

However, at the same time, he also knew that Ivan on the opposite side was the same as him, and also sensed his thoughts at this moment - self-blame, regret, sadness, anger, guilt, and the heavy suffocation brought by the fate of thousands of people on his shoulders.

The two people, with the help of the power of spiritual energy, were indistinguishable from each other at this moment, and deeply understood everything about each other from the bottom of their hearts.

Of course, although this feeling seemed long, it actually only lasted for a moment from the outside world.

When Riku's newly awakened psychic energy stabilized, this deep mental connection gradually faded, and finally fell back to the point where he could only vaguely sense the other party's vague emotions.

However, he also felt that as long as both parties agreed, they could deepen this mental connection again at any time, reaching the level of psychic communication and almost indistinguishable from each other.

"This is..."  Riku raised his head and saw Ivan in front of him with the same shocked look, and immediately understood that the other party did not expect this to happen.

"...It seems that this so-called "psychic energy" has more hidden secrets!"  A pure white flame ignited in the boy's hand, just like the flame in his soul, it was the initial form of psychic energy in his subconscious that best fit his own nature.

This kind of extraordinary power that has never been heard of seems to be not only a weapon like magic, but also a magical power that can directly affect people's minds... However, this is reasonable. After all, Riku has heard from Ivan, and he has personally experienced the scene of being granted psychic power by the great being from his perspective. This psychic power is originally a power discovered from consciousness and soul, and it is not surprising to have this ability to connect the mind.

But in this case, he has to think carefully about whether to continue to spread this power to the tribe members-it is very beautiful to say that everyone can understand each other, but even in the current situation where humans are on the verge of extinction, people still have their own privacy and are unwilling to share.

If everyone is really forced to communicate with each other, the already fragile human race may completely fall apart, spontaneously destroy, and eventually disappear from this world... Ivan on the other side didn't know what Riku was thinking, but through the remaining little bit of mental connection, he could still feel the other party's worry.

Although he was not as smart as Riku, the leader, his experience as an elder still allowed him to guess what the other party was worried about.

Ivan had a different opinion on this:  "Riku, you also felt it, right? This kind of... this kind of spiritual connection should require the common will of two people to be truly established. If there is no such will, it will probably be like what we are doing now, and we can only feel each other's superficial emotions. This level should still be within the acceptable range for everyone... Besides, this power was given by that adult, and it was also stated that I should pass this "psychic energy" to everyone. If we go against that person's will here..."   He didn't say the rest of the words, but Riku naturally understood what he meant.

This also made Riku react immediately. That's right, now is not a question of whether to continue to pass on this power. For humans who have been targeted by a powerful existence suspected to be a God, the option of "rejection" has never existed from the beginning.

Then the challenge facing the leader is how to minimize the harm and hidden dangers brought by this incident, and at the same time maximize the benefits brought by this power.

"...You are right! In this matter, we really have no choice of "doing it or not"..."  Riku sighed, agreed with Ivan's opinion, and then paused and said: "In this case, you will notify the others later, and let everyone come to the square to hold a meeting in the evening. I will let Koro convene the women and children... We must announce this matter, and at the same time, give this "psychic power" to everyone! If we can really make good use of this power, perhaps... victory will no longer be a falsehood!"  Ivan nodded solemnly and turned away.

Looking at Ivan's back as he left, feeling the excitement and enthusiasm faintly coming from his thoughts, Riku looked down at the pure white flame burning in his palm, and the firelight was reflected in his pupils, as if his eyes were also burning! …  "It's done!"  Fang Yuan, who was on a mountain more than a hundred kilometers away, was looking up at the starry sky through the thick clouds. He felt the thousands of light points of consciousness gradually appearing in his mind and knew that his plan was finally successful.

When the largest human settlement in the world completely accepted his gift and awakened their own spiritual powers, countless thoughts poured into his mind every moment.

These are the thoughts and thoughts of each of those thousands of human beings every minute, every second, their emotions, their thinking, their wisdom, their communication...Everyone seems to have added a new dimension to Fang Yuan. This perspective allows him to understand and think about the world from a different angle than before, and it provides an endless supply of nutrients for his recovering consciousness, which continues to recover and grow until it surpasses its previous peak... This is different from his original one. The method of connecting consciousness to all races and spirits in the new universe opened up in the soul seems to be no different, and the number and scale are much smaller. It seems to be a superfluous and meaningless thing.

However, the reality is exactly the opposite.

Because these human beings who have received spiritual energy were not created by him. Although their thoughts and deeds can be traced, there are always variables that are beyond Fang Yuan's expectations. This is comparable to what he has done in the soul universe he created. Compared with the supreme perspective called omniscience and omniscience, it is undoubtedly more real and meaningful.

——As I said before, if Fang Yuan wants to break through the barrier of his heart, what he needs is real time, real touching, and real accumulation, and these thousands of human beings in this world are exactly the "reality" he needs! ')552'\u003e551 The First Battle of the Human Race

Swish - Swish - In the wilderness that is still sprinkled with the ever-lasting black ash, three figures running at extremely high speeds passed by suddenly, almost the highest speed of ordinary cars on the earth, but surprisingly they did not make any sound. The noise was so loud that their footprints could barely be seen on the "snow" layer of spiritual skeletons passing by.

With this level of physical movement ability, is it possible that they are beastmen? No, there is no trace of animalization on their bodies. They have neither furry ears or tails, nor sharp claws and teeth.

They are just ordinary human beings.

Well, it seems that humans are not so "ordinary" at this time.

——After a period of training, humans who have acquired psychic powers have gradually learned how to use this power. The easiest one to use is to use psychic powers to strengthen their bodies, and finally use their power to And the speed is increased to a level comparable to that of an orc-like blood-bad individual.

The three people who are currently running at incredible speeds in the wilderness are just trying their best. Most of their powers are still reserved to guard against any unexpected events that may occur at any time.

Suddenly, the person running at the front made a gesture, and the three of them immediately stopped, found a shady stone wall to hide, and then quietly poked their heads out to look out.

——It was a piece of ruins that had been swept by a torrent of scorching energy, and there was no breath of living things in sight.

"...It's so miserable!" After seeing the scene in front of him, one of them couldn't help but make a sound.

This immediately led to reproachful looks from the other two people, and a merciless lesson in conscious communication: [Yalei, how many times have I told you, from now on, you will use conscious communication instead of speaking when you go out. If you make any noise casually, you will die! ] The one-armed man, Ywang, was the first to rebuke.

[Listen up, if you make this mistake again next time, you should leave the expedition team! Our current strength is not enough to be able to act unscrupulously outside! 】The leader, Riku, coldly issued the last warning during the communication of consciousness.

Yes, as he said, although human beings have gained the power of psychic energy and have mastered many methods of using psychic energy with the collective efforts of everyone, human beings at this time are still very weak and cannot be defeated just because they have a little bit. The power expands.

In fact, at Riku's request, humans became more careful when going out.

In the past, because they had no ability, they could only rely on their five senses and crude instruments to detect enemies. They could only communicate using voice and sign language. They had to rely on terrain and wind direction to hide themselves. Every action was troublesome.

But things are different now. With psychic powers, they can communicate without speaking. Their enhanced five senses can also detect abnormal movements from a long distance. Their own smell and the like can also be bound to the whole body with psychic powers. We need to consider the direction of the wind again.

Even if Riku thinks about it, if anyone can do in-depth research on optics, they can even consider developing some stealth skills, so that humans can be safer when going out.

Of course, when it comes time to fight, humans will no longer rely on the sacrifice of a few to save the majority as before. If the enemy is not too outrageous, neither will Riku and others at this time. There is no fear - human beings already have the strength to fight.

However, this time they set out not to find a fight, but to bring back their scattered human kin - after discovering that the power of psychic energy could partially replace the role of food, the originally relatively saturated settlement area , has been able to accommodate more people, and in order to enhance the power of mankind, Riku made the decision to go out to search and bring back more of his kind.

The destroyed scorched earth in front of him was originally another large settlement that Riku had heard about from a resident, so he took Ivan and Yalei and ran for three days to try to contact the people here, but the result was... [Search the surrounding area to see if there are any survivors! ] Riku looked at the scorched earth ruins in front of him, and a trace of sadness and anger flashed in his eyes, but then he suppressed it and calmly issued the most correct order.

[[Yes! ]] Ivan and Yalei nodded, still keeping silent, approaching the village ruins in front from two different directions.

Riku found a commanding height nearby, overlooking the overall situation, providing a full-angle view for the other two people - this is a use they found during their exploration of psychic energy during this period, cleverly using the common consciousness characteristics of psychic energy to allow networked people to have a common vision.

More than half an hour later, the two people's reply came from the consciousness connection - [I didn't find any survivors here.

】  【I don't have any here either...】  【...Then return to the team, we'll leave immediately! 】  Perhaps it was the power brought by psychic energy, Riku had a vague bad premonition, so he didn't plan to stay here for long. Since there was no gain, he simply evacuated directly...  However, sometimes bad luck can't be avoided-  When Riku and his three companions were evacuating along a valley rift, they suddenly found that a small group of beastmen were approaching this side on the other side of the canyon!   【——! 】  With the help of the sharp five senses that were better than the beastmen under the blessing of psychic energy, Riku and his companions were the first to discover the beastmen on the opposite side.

However, the terrain of this canyon determined that when one party discovered the other party, it would inevitably be discovered by the other party.

Sure enough, it was only a few seconds later, and the oncoming beastmen also discovered Riku and his party.

"Are they the monkeys?" "Yes, they are monkeys."

"Kill them?" "Kill them!" Just like that, after looking at each other, the small group of orcs decided the life and death of the three "hairless monkeys" in front of them without any care.

Then after a short discussion, the weakest orc in the team was sent out to do the dirty work of "collecting food".

——Although they are weak prey that will not run away even if they are hunted, it is also a hard job to deal with the bodies of these "monkeys" and at least cut off the edible parts! However, what he didn't know was that what they encountered this time was no longer the weak "food" that didn't even dare to resist in the past.

[There are five in total. Judging from the amount of elves in their bodies, there should be one blood-damaged individual and four ordinary individuals. When the weakest one approaches, the three of us will work together to kill it instantly, and then I will deal with the blood-damaged individual, and you can hold the remaining three. Can you do it? ] [Leave it to me! ] [Must complete the task! 】  During the communication of consciousness, Riku calmly arranged the tactics.

As the leader of the tribe and the strongest among the humans who mastered psychic power, he left the most difficult task to himself.

But he was still a little worried about his companions - they had mastered psychic power for too short a time, and their training and preparation were still not enough...   But people can't be prepared for everything in this world. Now in this kind of emergency, if they don't want to die, they must defeat, no, kill all the orcs here, not one can be left alive!   【Then, the battle begins! 】')553'\u003eChapter 552 The first victory of the human race?

Bang——!   In an instant, the three humans started together.

With a sharp sound of breaking through the air, the three people who increased their physical strength to the maximum, at a speed that ordinary orcs could not react to, instantly completed a perfect assassination - three indestructible light blades, pierced the body of the orc from the left, right, and back, and took his life in an instant.

"Roar--Damn it!!!" The blood-damaged individual on the other side was the first to find out that something was wrong, but because the distance was too far, even if he reacted, it was too late. The thinnest orc had been killed by three humans.

He did not hesitate and immediately activated his blood-damaged ability. His hair and eyes turned blood red. With a physical ability that exceeded the physical limit, he instantly appeared behind the three humans and tried to kill the three enemies disguised as "monkeys".

——After seeing the light blades in the hands of the three people, he no longer thought that these three would be the kind of weak "hairless monkeys". These must be assassins sent by the hostile race of the orcs, who were just deliberately disguised as weak humans!   "Die!" With a roar, the orc captain's claws fell like a storm. The strong wind brought by the claws alone was enough to scratch deep blood marks on ordinary flesh and blood bodies. If he really caught them, the fragile human body would definitely turn into a pool of meat paste!   However...   Dang--!   Ziz--! A pure white light turned into a spherical barrier, protecting the three people. The claw storm bombarded it, but it did not cause any harm to the three hateful "assassins" except for making bursts of piercing sounds.

The person standing in front of the bloody individual is of course Riku - not only does he have the fastest reaction speed, but he is also the only one among the three who has the ability to release a large energy shield with psychic energy. He wants to block the orc captain's attack. This blow can only be done by him.

[I'll block him, you guys act as planned! 】 While giving instructions to the other two people, facing the scarlet eyes of the beastman, Riku's eyes were ignited with flames, and his momentum did not fall behind at all.

【clear! 】 【be careful! 】 Ivan and Yare also agreed in their consciousness, and each pulled out the light blade from the orc's corpse, and rushed towards the other three orcs who reacted - they wanted to block these three orcs for Riku, and for him Leave a one-on-one duel battlefield! "Magic? No, no, there is no wave of elves... With this kind of reaction speed, you can't be those monkeys. Who are you?!" Seeing that even a single blow with all his strength could not break through this seemingly thin With the screen of light, the orc captain knew that he was facing a powerful enemy, so even in a bloody state that was extremely taxing on his body, he still tried to use language to get some information out of the opponent's mouth.

"Hmph! Who are we...guess?" Riku would not be so kind as to tell the other party that he is indeed a human being. Since the other party is distracted, let him continue to be distracted! The later the human condition can be exposed, the better! Then, without waiting for the orcs on the opposite side to react, he took the lead in launching an attack - the flames, pure white flames that were the same as the flames burning in his soul, burst out from Riku's hands and turned into a raging torrent. The fire snake nimbly attacked the body of the orc.

This flame converted from spiritual energy has a high temperature of thousands of degrees, and it also has properties similar to magic. This bloody orc felt the threat from it at the first time, and did not dare to take a shot easily. , so I had to retreat temporarily.

But he didn't take this kind of flame too seriously - although this strange-looking "magic" was powerful, it was too slow, and the flames couldn't catch up with his speed. As long as he could get around it, Behind this guy... Thinking like this, the orc captain relied on the physical ability beyond the physical limit brought by the blood damage to turn around in mid-air. He circled behind Riku with one ups and downs, taking advantage of the opponent to retreat due to the attack. He opened the gap in the shield and unleashed a fatal claw strike.

However, what greeted him was the thunderbolt from Riku's other hand, which struck his furry body at a speed so high that even the beastman's nerve reflexes could not react.

boom--! "Roar——!!!" The roar of thunder piercing the air, mixed with the orcs' painful roars, made the three ordinary orcs on the other side anxious - the situation of their captain seemed to be bad! However, even if they wanted to step forward to help, the two enemies in front of them tightly entangled them, making it impossible for them to free their hands and feet.

No, to be more precise, if they are not careful, they may be killed directly by these two strange "monkeys" with shining blades on their wrists! Yes, in the battle between two humans and three ordinary orcs, it was the humans who gradually gained the upper hand! Although Ivan and Yare's mastery of spiritual energy is not as good as that of Riku, who has outstanding qualifications, after using spiritual energy to strengthen their physical abilities, they have already surpassed ordinary orcs without blood-evil abilities.

In addition, they have indestructible psychic light blades and small psychic shields that can be released close to the body and can prevent ordinary attacks. In close hand-to-hand combat, compared with the orcs who rely entirely on their own minions, , occupying a considerable advantage.

Although Yiwang had lost his right hand, only his left hand could attack with a light blade, and Yalei did not have much fighting experience because he was too young. At the beginning, the two of them could only block the attacks of three orcs.

But when the two of them withstood the first wave of attacks from the orcs and stabilized their position, they felt more and more relaxed the more they fought - it turned out that the orcs who once looked so scary were just that much less powerful after losing their advantage in strength and speed. It’s the same thing! After breaking the inherent taboos and fears in their hearts, the two humans who gained extraordinary power finally transformed from "ordinary people" into "warriors" and truly possessed the mentality of a warrior.

As for the gap in combat skills and combat experience, it no longer seems so important when you are dominant in attack, defense, strength, and speed - not to mention that although these orcs who have been fighting for years are powerful in combat, To be honest, there are indeed no very sophisticated fighting skills. They rely more on the orcs' natural physique and fighting instincts.

In this way, after relying on the shield to take several attacks and learn several lessons, when the two of them adapted to the orcs' fighting style, they gradually overpowered each other and gained the upper hand in the battle.

——The first victory of the human species is right before our eyes! Third update completed')554'\u003eChapter 553 Victory...and Escape!

Although both battlefields seemed to be in good shape, with the smaller human side actually having the upper hand, it was obviously not going to be a matter of time before the winner was truly determined.

Needless to say, there are fewer people on Yiwang and Yalei's side than those on the opposite side. Although they can barely suppress the opponent with their physical advantages and the gap in weapons and armor, they want to really kill anyone. It's not that easy for an orc - after all, he still has too little combat experience.

The key to breaking this stalemate is the battle on Riku's side.

On Riku's side, although he used an unexpected blow to severely injure the orc squad leader at the beginning, for the orcs who have activated the blood-evil ability, the injury is not fatal, but will stimulate the blood in their blood. The beastly nature and murderous intent of a person, the more serious the injury, the more ferocious the murderous intent, and correspondingly, the combat power in the bloody state becomes more ferocious.

Fortunately, as the strongest person among the human species, Riku not only has an extremely strong accumulation of psychic energy due to his strong willpower, but also has mastered various abilities including psychic light blades, energy shields, With powerful psychic skills such as psychic flames and psychic lightning, coupled with the ultimate strengthening of the body, its strength is only stronger than that of the orcs who activate the blood-evil ability.

Uh-huh—— In the ultra-high-speed battle, Riku barely managed to avoid the claws of the orc squad leader with extremely small movements, and relied on his psychic shield to ignore the sharp wind blades carried by the claws, and then backhanded him. Just one hit.

Although the beastman on the opposite side also made evasive movements at the same time, he still could not completely avoid the spiritual light blade in Riku's hand that suddenly stretched another half a foot, adding a deep scar to his body again.

Moreover, it is very unfortunate that this knife happened to cut off a large blood vessel of the orc species. Even though the flesh and blood at the wound had been burned and carbonized by the high temperature of the psychic light blade, it still could not stop the blood in the blood vessel from flowing towards it. Spray outside.

——In particular, in order to ensure a body strength that exceeds physical limits, the blood in the body of an orc in the "blood bad" state is much faster than in the normal state. The same is true for blood pressure, small blood vessels and small wounds. You can also stop the bleeding by forcibly contracting the muscles, but if it is a wound like this, the high-speed flowing blood will make the orc's blood loss faster! "Damn it!" Feeling the dizziness caused by the rapid loss of blood, the orc captain knew that he could not hold on much longer, and the burden brought by activating the blood evil ability was getting heavier and heavier. If he continued, he might not be able to wait for him. If you kill the opponent, you will be killed by your own ability first! Thinking like this, the orc captain finally regained his composure from his previous rage and began to think about retreat - now it was obvious that he could no longer kill the opponent, so he must report this experience to the higher-ups. The assassin of an unknown race disguised as a "monkey" is really too tricky! However, Riku seemed to have guessed the orc's plan. The moment it showed that it wanted to retreat, he used another "magic" that he had never used before.

【Heavy pressure! 】 Convert spiritual energy into substantial pressure to create a high-gravity environment in a certain area. Riku's spiritual energy intensity can even create dozens of times more gravity within a certain range. This is especially true for orcs who tend to For an agile individual, this is undoubtedly a very fatal move.

Sure enough, just when the beastman wanted to retreat, the huge gravity that came out of thin air made him stagger unprepared and almost fell to the ground.

The huge pressure coming from every cell in the body made his already burdened internal organs burst into cramps. Blood immediately spurted out from the many wounds on his body, making his blood flow even further. drain.

But what was really fatal was that he, who had been relying on his super high movement speed to deal with Riku, was slowed down! And this is exactly what Riku wants! Although because this trick is immature, even he, the initiator, will be suppressed by super gravity, but what he does next does not require how fast he moves - See the same Suppressed by dozens of times of gravity and unable to move, he raised his hand with some difficulty. What ignited in his hand was a pure white flame with a temperature of at least several thousand degrees.

As a symbol of gas combustion, flames are far less affected by solids and liquids in a high-gravity environment, not to mention that the extraordinary flames in Riku's hands are transformed from spiritual energy, and are not affected by gravity.

Originally, this kind of hugely lethal flame could not really threaten the bloody individuals of the orcs because the activation speed could not keep up. But if it is the current situation where the movement speed of both sides is limited, the result will be completely different. ! "Damn it!" Seriously injured, his body was about to collapse, but he didn't dare to turn off his blood-evil ability. He forced himself to hold on to the hyper-gravity that made his body creak, and took steps to avoid the surging force coming from behind. Here comes the fiery serpent.

However, after being weakened layer by layer, he was undoubtedly too slow. The pure white fire snake rushed behind him in an instant, and then turned into a flame tornado, swallowing him in an instant.

The high temperature of thousands of degrees burned away the hair on the surface of the orc's body in a few seconds, burned through his skin and flesh, and used his flesh and blood tissue as fuel to continue burning deep into the body until it was completely burned. Into ashes! "Escape! Bring the information back!!!" These were the last words roared by the orc squad leader before his vocal cords were burned.

This also made the three ordinary orcs who had been trying to defeat the two "monkeys" wake up and realize that there was nothing they could do. They didn't even have time to mourn for their captain, so they immediately planned to retreat.

Ivan and Yare also immediately received Riku's order in their consciousness, knowing that they could not let these three orcs leave alive, otherwise they would definitely bring great disaster to their human race.

However, it was different from the previous situation. Ivan and his team wanted to stop these orcs from interfering with the battlefield on Liku's side. Moreover, these orcs were full of confidence in their captain. They wanted to kill these two strange "monkeys" and were not in a hurry to break through the blockade of the two. Therefore, even if Ivan and his team lost one person, they could still hold the orcs back.

But now the situation is reversed. The orcs want to retreat. Even if Ivan and Yalei have some advantages over ordinary orcs in various abilities, they are still far from being able to easily kill orcs alone.

In other words, if the orcs want to escape, they can only stop two at most, and the third one cannot be stopped at all.

The orcs are also very clear about this.

Therefore, when the orc captain gave the order at the last moment of his life, the three orcs just looked at each other and made a decision in an instant. The two slower orcs held the two humans, and the last one with the fastest speed turned around and left the battlefield, running away quickly.

——Whether they were escaping or continuing to fight, the three orcs knew that with the strong man who could kill the blood-damaged individual, it was almost impossible for the two who stayed on the battlefield to survive, but they still made such a decision without hesitation.

Bringing crucial information back to the tribe was more important than the lives of a few ordinary orc warriors!   In this era, not only were there heroes among humans who were willing to die for the tribe, but there were also respectable warriors among the orcs who could ignore life and death for the mission.

')555'\u003eChapter 554 Destroy the corpse and destroy the traces... The Mecha race appeared!

[Not good! ] [Can't let him escape! ] Ivan and Yalei saw this scene and became anxious immediately. Although they could suppress ordinary orcs in a one-on-one battle, they couldn't kill each other in a hurry, and were even entangled by the other side. They could only watch the orc run farther and farther.

[It doesn't matter, leave it to me! 】 Fortunately, Riku on the other side had already rushed over. He could kill blood-damaged individuals, so it was easy for him to deal with these ordinary orcs. He even simply released two psychic lightnings to paralyze the nerves of the two orcs, and Ivan and Yalei tacitly took action to deal with their opponents.

However, even so, when he dealt with the remaining two orcs, the escaping orc had already run thousands of meters and was about to run out of this canyon.

[You clean up the battlefield immediately, burn all the corpses, bloodstains, traces of battle, and smells with flames, and then wait for me at the next gathering point. I will chase this orc! ] After leaving such an order, Riku chased in the direction of the orc's escape without looking back.

He did not blame his two companions for failing to complete their tasks. After all, he also knew that with the combat power of Ivan and the others, it was impossible to leave all the orcs.

Therefore, as a commander, he could only solve this last trouble by himself.

Seeing the figure that was like a gust of wind gradually going away, Ivan and Yalei looked at each other, feeling a little ashamed, but then they immediately came to their senses and began to carry out the task assigned by Riku.

——To destroy the corpse, of course, psychic flames are still needed. Although Ivan and Yalei learned this skill from Riku, due to their talent and time, they are still far from being able to use it in battle, but if it is only used to burn corpses and traces of battle, it can still be done.

Not to mention the two people who are doing the aftermath work over there, Riku, in order to intercept the fleeing orc as soon as possible, he did not hesitate to use the psychic body strengthening ability to the extreme, and rushed forward at the speed of the orc blood bad individual, and caught up with the opponent in just a few minutes.

——These "few minutes" are still because the fleeing orc is very good at using the terrain, which greatly slowed down Riku's tracking speed, otherwise he could be faster! Puff——The high-temperature psychic blade pierced into the orc's heart from behind. Looking at the body that was gradually losing temperature in his hand, Riku sighed silently——Another life died in his hands... Although he didn't want to kill any life in this world, Riku knew that in today's situation, killing all the orcs was the most correct choice. Therefore, he did not hesitate at all in every move in the battle, but this did not prevent him from sighing about his behavior after the battle.

——In this world, if you want to survive, is killing really the only way to go?   Thinking so, he burned the corpses and blood on the ground with a fire and turned around to leave.

At this moment, Riku's perception, which had become more and more acute since he gained psychic power, sounded an alarm——A high-speed object was approaching rapidly!   He turned his head immediately and saw a figure rushing out from behind him. He almost didn't react to the speed after he was strengthened, and he ran into him headfirst.

【——! 】  Riku reacted instantly, subconsciously activated the psychic shield, and output psychic energy at an unprecedented speed, increasing the shield's defense strength to the maximum, preparing to deal with the upcoming impact.

However, accompanied by a "bang" sound of air explosion, the surging airflow lifted the spirit corpse on the ground, covering the surrounding area of ​​dozens of meters in smoke and dust.

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