In an instant, he went from a graduate from a prestigious university with a happy family to a lonely man with both parents dead. The severe blow even made Fang Yuan have the idea of ​​committing suicide.

But in any case, this was already two years ago. After the baptism of time, the heart-breaking pain at the beginning has turned into a faint pain and sadness in my heart. In the end, apart from the saying that life is impermanent, there is only All that is left is the longing and memories of my family.

As for anger? revenge? Make the perpetrators pay? You may have had such an idea at the beginning, but the bus driver, who was the direct perpetrator, had died under the cliff together with the other victims on the bus, and the travel agency, which was the jointly and severally responsible party, had also paid huge compensation to the main person in charge. What more could he ask for as the price of being imprisoned? Therefore, Fang Yuan now bows to the portraits of his parents with his hands clasped together with a touch of sadness, praying that they will have spirits after death and start a new life in another world.

After paying homage, Fang Yuan stepped forward to replace the fruit tribute that had been there for several days, but when he put his hand on the glass plate, he suddenly froze.

[SiO2-121.23g, Na2SiO3-62.34g, CaSiO3-1] In a daze, a large list of the above information suddenly appeared in his mind. In addition to the composition and content of these chemical elements that Fang Yuan had almost forgotten, there were also More information, such as complex crystal structures, molecular bond configurations, and even the ratio of protons to neutrons in the atomic nucleus, etc., flooded into his mind, leaving Fang Yuan stunned on the spot.

This, what are these? ! But very quickly, Fang Yuan reacted in the next moment.

Silica, sodium silicate, calcium silicate... these seem to be components of glass! Although the inorganic chemistry and organic chemistry he learned in college have almost been returned to the teacher, he still remembers some of the chemistry knowledge at the middle school level. Look at the glass plate he touched... Well, this is probably the truth.

Could it be that I finally have super powers? This was Fang Yuan's first reaction after coming back to his senses.

But what is this superpower, a living element detector? After discovering the new world, Fang Yuan no longer cared about replacing the tributes for his deceased parents. He excitedly turned around and touched the various objects at hand, intending to explore the supernatural events that occurred in his body.

(Father and mother under Jiuquan:...this unfilial son!) But the facts soon gave Fang Yuan a blow in the head.

no response! Yes, when he put his right hand on other things, he didn't have the same reaction as before. He was not in a trance, and there was no information that suddenly popped up in his mind. He only felt that everything he touched was as cold as ever. ——It's winter now, and he lives in a southern city, so it's naturally impossible to turn on the heater in the room. The indoor temperature is only around ten degrees, so it's strange that it's not cold.

This change was like a bucket of cold water being poured over his head, which immediately brought Fang Yuan back to his senses.

Was the previous one an illusion? No, no, there is no illusion in the world that would allow him to clearly know all the chemical composition and content of a glass plate, and it is accurate to two decimal places, let alone those that are completely within the scope of his knowledge reserve. The contents of trace elements, complex crystal structure, structure of atomic nuclei, etc. have long been forgotten or even never learned at all.

So if it's not an illusion, what's the reason? A new book has been uploaded. There is already a completed novel with one million words. There is no need to worry about unfinished eunuchs. Please support me greatly from all readers.

')002'\u003eChapter 2 The real extraordinary power, made from gold

I must have missed something or made a mistake.

Fang Yuan carefully recalled his previous experience. The state was triggered when he came into contact with the plate. Would you like to try it again? I tried to touch the glass plate with my hand again, but as expected, there was no reaction.

Sure enough, something was still missing... Looking back again, what did he do? …  Bow down and pay homage? Miss your parents? Or... put your hands together? At this moment, the weird dream from last night came to mind. It seems that the alchemist who came into contact with the Gate of Truth put his hands together and used alchemy like this... Is this the case? With such expectation, Fang Yuan clasped his hands together again, and then touched the table in front of him - the familiar sense of trance came over him again, and a series of data information once again appeared in his mind, all about this piece of information. The composition and microstructure of the elements inside the table.

Shock! This is Fang Yuan's only emotion at this time.


This was Fang Yuan's second thought.

Last night’s dream was not just a dream! He finally confirmed this.

Last night's dream was about the plot of Fullmetal Alchemist, and today he woke up with the ability to understand the composition of matter almost like an alchemist. No one would believe that there is no relationship between the two! However, at this stage, he has only confirmed that he has the ability to understand the composition of matter. For the three major processes of "understanding-decomposition-reconstruction" required by complete alchemy, this is only the first step, and he still needs to continue to verify it! "First of all, I have to draw a refining formation."

Fang Yuan said to himself.

He didn't know if he had truly reached the level of practicing without formations. Although he had previously triggered the "understanding" ability by just clasping his hands together, he couldn't easily conclude just by doing so.

Fortunately, although before last night he was just a social person who had almost forgotten all the knowledge he had learned during his student life, after one night's dream, his knowledge of alchemy was not really complete. Know.

This is thanks to the clear dream last night and the brain that still remembers the dream after waking up. Fang Yuan doesn't know what happened, but now he does have a head full of alchemy knowledge.

“The first is the circle that represents the cycle of power.”

He used a marker to draw a regular circle on his marble floor. Although there was no instrument to assist him, the inexplicable sense of familiarity allowed Fang Yuan to draw a perfect circle with his bare hands. Could this be another dream experience? A gift... Fang Yuan thought thoughtfully, but his hands did not stop moving.

“Then there’s the pentagram, which symbolizes the four elements of earth, fire, fengshui and the spiritual element.”

No need for a ruler, the steady and powerful arms easily drew a five-pointed star close to the circle. Its regularity was the same as the outer circle, and it was as accurate as if it had been measured by an instrument.

"Then there are the refining formulas and runes that symbolize the refining reaction, but... I probably don't need it!" What Fang Yuan drew on the ground was the most basic material manipulation array, which should have been determined after refining. After completing the object, he drew the corresponding formula runes and symbolic totems in the circular array and around the five-pointed star according to the needs of the refining reaction, but an inexplicable feeling told him that now he could activate this ultimate weapon without these. Simple formation.

Putting the glass as the object of refinement into the center of the refinement array, Fang Yuan walked to the corner of the pentagram corresponding to "spirit", knelt on his knees, and in the most original and pious posture of an alchemist, Put your hands together, bend down as if worshiping the truth, and then resolutely press your hands on the formation.

Zila——Blue lightning emerged from the void, and the trance feeling before appeared on Fang Yuan again. His spirit seemed to overflow from his body, circulating continuously along the circles in the formation, Multiplied, amplified, and experienced the changes of earth, fire, wind, and water in sequence while traveling along the lines of the five-pointed star, and then returned to the original spiritual position, but at this time his spiritual power had been destroyed by an unknown person. The power was transformed into tangible extraordinary power, and finally gathered into the glass in the center of the formation.

At this moment, the real mysterious world was unveiled to Fang Yuan.

His spirit suddenly broke through the boundaries between macro and micro. With the help of unknown power, it was completely integrated into every crystal, every molecule, every atom, every electron and even every particle that made up the glass. Proton in every neutron.

At this time, Fang Yuan felt that he was more powerful than ever before, as if every basic particle in the world was under his control and could be decomposed, reconstructed, and re-created at will. But he quickly realized that what he perceived was The so-called "world" is just limited to an ordinary glass, and the previous feeling of power is just an illusion.

However, at this time, he no longer cared about such a slight psychological gap. For the first time, he came into contact with the supernatural power that actually existed in the real world, which made Fang Yuan extremely excited! If it weren't for the fact that he was currently in the process of refining, and his spirit was affected by the refining array and some unknown force, and was forced to be in a certain stable frequency, at this time he would have probably been overly excited and caused the refining process. Failed.

However, the influence of becoming an alchemist in the dream quickly brought Fang Yuan back to his senses, forcing himself to calm down and focus on the alchemy reaction.

At this time, he clearly knew what he could do and to what extent he could do it. His previous plan to just slightly change the shape of the cup had long been forgotten. Now, he was fully confident to carry out more in-depth material exploration. Changes are made! Note that this material change does not refer to simply deforming the material, but to going deep into the fundamental structural level of the material and completely transforming one substance into another, that is, transforming the substance at the atomic nucleus level.

In the world view of Steel Refining, only those true masters of alchemy can achieve this step.

However, it is obvious that after Fang Yuan inexplicably possessed the alchemy ability, he directly reached this level in one step.

Now, he was about to give it a try to see how powerful this ability could be when it was developed to the extreme and he could roll nuclear fusion fireballs with his hands.

——For example, refining glass into gold! Yes, he knew that the two taboos of alchemists were prohibiting the refining of gold and the refining of human bodies, but Fang Yuan, who had actually been a national alchemist in that dream that was too real to be a dream, knew that these two taboos The level of taboo is different.

Although the latter's human body refining is a shortcut for alchemists to come into contact with the truth, given that each time you use it, you must leave a part of your body if you don't have the Philosopher's Stone as a toll, so human body refining is indeed full of dangers. sex.

After all, which part of your body the truth takes depends entirely on the mood of the other party. If the vital organs are taken away, it will be the direct result of burping. In addition, the made artificial human will cause many ethical issues and should indeed be listed as a taboo. among.

However, the ban on gold refining was completely a ban issued by the ruling class to all alchemists for the stability of the country's economic system. After all, in the world of Fullmetal Alchemy, gold is still the hard currency of most countries. If an alchemist refining gold and putting it on the market, it is only a matter of time before the country's economic system completely collapses.

Therefore, this ban is actually the same as not having it for those alchemists who don't follow the rules. Fang Yuan even remembers that in his dreams, he used a small amount of gold he refined to exchange for money more than once to support his secret research.

In the real world, there is no government that has issued a ban on alchemists. Although Fang Yuan dare not easily touch the taboo of human body refining, the second-rate gold refining... everyone knows it! ')003'\u003eChapter 3 The Gate of Truth in the Mind

When the lightning glow of the refining reaction went out, what appeared in the middle of the refining array was no longer the cheap glass cup that cost 5 yuan in the supermarket before, but a small piece of gold that was the same weight as the previous glass cup.

The red gold color, the dazzling glitter, and the cute little orange thing made Fang Yuan determined all of a sudden - he wanted to resign!   Who would want to work like a slave for that unscrupulous boss in the office when they could easily rub gold with their hands!   But it was only Saturday, and there were still two days before work, so Fang Yuan was not in a hurry to hand in his resignation letter to his boss.

The key now was that he really had supernatural powers! And it was the alchemy that was almost omnipotent in Fullmetal Alchemist!   So excited, so excited, so excited!   So happy, so happy, so happy!   Suddenly possessing extraordinary powers made Fang Yuan fall into ecstasy. If he was not afraid that he would shout and attract the attention of the neighbors, he would even want to sing a song "We Are Different" to celebrate.

… After a long time, Fang Yuan, who finally calmed down, cleaned up the ground where the alchemy formation was drawn with a marker, replaced the offerings that he had forgotten to replace (the spirits of Fang's father and mother nodded with satisfaction: he was still filial!), and then plunged into the study room, intending to carefully study his superpowers.

And this study took two full days.

During this period, except for taking takeout to eat and going to the toilet, Fang Yuan didn't even sleep, and he was focused on analyzing his own abilities. Although it was exciting to have extraordinary powers inexplicably, if he didn't even know how strong his abilities were and what their limitations were, God knew when he would die in a wrong judgment and where.

After realizing that he did have superpowers, Fang Yuan, who was deeply poisoned by some online articles, had already imagined the real world into a kind of urban superpower plot.

In this kind of online articles, there are always all kinds of troubles and battles around the protagonist, and if you are not careful, you will really die! Well, our comrade Fang Yuan has automatically put himself in the position of the protagonist of the online article, and he is very conscious.

(Satisfied face)  …  Two days later, after a series of tests and experiments, Fang Yuan has roughly understood his own abilities.

First, he can perform alchemy based on the formed alchemy array like the ordinary alchemists in Fullmetal Alchemy. The alchemy array he knows in the dream can also be effective in reality; he can also perform alchemy without array by replacing the alchemy array with a circle constructed by clasping his hands, just like those alchemists who have performed human alchemy and come into contact with the truth. The intensity of alchemy, or the depth of the microscopic world, is just as he discovered in his previous experiments, enough to penetrate into the proton, neutron and electron level to transform the essence of matter.

But the most important thing is that he found something in his mind that should not exist in him-  The Gate of Truth! Yes, when Fang Yuan tried to enter a state of meditation using the meditation method he had learned from the new countrymen in his dream, he was shocked to find that there was a tall door in the depths of his spiritual consciousness. The Kabbalah Tree of Life array carved on the door made Fang Yuan recognize it at a glance. This was the unique door of truth that his dream self had obtained after he came into contact with the truth during human body refining! Although he had expected that the previous dream would not be a simple dream, he did not expect it to be so special - not only did it bring alchemy from fantasy to reality, but even something like the door of truth appeared! "No, or rather, it was because I brought out this door of truth that I had the ability of an alchemist!" Fang Yuan thought about it carefully and found the error in his previous thinking.

When he was refining gold before, the inexplicable power that guided his mental power to break free from the constraints of the flesh and enter the refining array to promote the refining reaction, as well as the mysterious power that helped him stabilize the frequency and output of mental power when he was emotionally excited, were actually the manifestation of the power of this door of truth.

It is precisely because of the existence of this Gate of Truth that Fang Yuan can perform non-array alchemy just by putting his hands together to form a circle, just like Edward Elric, the protagonist of Fullmetal Alchemist.

However, since the memories of himself as an alchemist in his dream are always somewhat different from his current self in the real world, Fang Yuan is not very proficient in simple non-array alchemy before he has absorbed and mastered the alchemy knowledge from another world. Although the activation speed is much faster than the on-site alchemy formation, it is still far behind the instant alchemy of those cheaters in the animation.

——It takes at least five seconds for him to use his mental power instead of the formed formation to perform the formation-less formation.

(Although this is already awesome.

) Fortunately, these are all problems that can be solved by studying and practicing. Fang Yuan no longer pays attention to this except setting a study and practice schedule for himself.

What he was more concerned about was the door of truth that appeared inexplicably in his mind.

It is indeed nonsense to say that Fang Yuan really doesn't know how this door of truth in his mind came to be.

After all, he clearly remembered that at the end of that dream, after abandoning all conscience, after Hohenheim used a trick to release the human soul in "Father", the little man in the bottle, he stabbed everyone in the back, and with the help of The undestroyed Land Refinement Formation used Land Refinement to refine the tens of millions of human souls who had just escaped with their lives into the Philosopher's Stone, and used this as a basis to engage in some kind of connection with the truth of that world. trade.

Although he didn't remember the last part of the deal he made with the truth after he woke up, there was no doubt that the door of truth in his mind that allowed him to perform alchemy in the real world was absolutely the same as what he had done at that time. His actions are inseparable! "Could it be that the deal I made with Truth at that time was to bring the Gate of Truth to the real world..." Fang Yuan thought with some uncertainty.

After all, the self in the dream is actually somewhat different from the current Fang Yuan. In addition to physical changes, there is also some subtle deviation in self-perception. At that time, he did not seem to think that he was A native of this world, but not a simple traveler.

Maybe we can call it...a local aboriginal who knows the direction of fate (plot)? That’s probably the feeling.

At that time, did I know the existence of the real world, and the fact that that world was only an "illusion" after all? Fang Yuan was not sure, or in other words, there was no such thing in the memory he retained.

But if this is really the case, then it is indeed possible for him to sell all his teammates and then massacre a country, and finally allow himself to return to the real world with strength.

After all, we are dreaming. What kind of conscience do we need in dreams? PS: Well, alchemists don’t need conscience')004'\u003eChapter 4 There is no 100% pure substance in the world

When Fang Yuan came back to his senses from two days and two nights of feverish research, he was shocked to find that it was already past 7 o'clock on Monday morning. If he didn't go out to work, he would be late.

Although he had made up his mind to quit his job, Fang Yuan, who always believed that things should start and end, did not intend to leave a stain on himself in the final stage of his career, so he patted his cheek hard to wake himself up, and then entered After washing up in the bathroom, I didn't have time to have breakfast, so I just went out with the resignation letter I had already written.

Fortunately, Fang Yuan's departure time was not too late and he did not miss the bus at this point. He was able to get on the bus in the crowd of a large group of grocery shopping ladies and student party office workers. Although there were no seats, he was able to get on the bus. There is a place to stand in the car.

Fang Yuan's home is a bit far away from work. It usually takes more than an hour to get there by taking this bus. Therefore, Fang Yuan, who had not slept for two days, tried his best to squeeze into a seat next to a steel pipe support and leaned on the handrail. I closed my eyes and planned to take a nap for a while.

... "...Hey, have you heard about it? There seems to be a tragedy involving wild beasts and cannibalism in XX County next door~" "What? Where did you hear it?" "It's on the news feed on your phone~" "Eh~~ It's true~~ But the photo is mosaic, so you can't tell if it was done by a wild animal~" "That's what the police said~" "Don't all police cover their lids habitually? "..."... In a daze, Fang Yuan seemed to hear a few student gang members around him who were also on the way to school discussing something. It seemed to be a tragedy that happened in the county next door. It was said that the death of the deceased was extremely miserable, as if It looked like it had been bitten by a wild animal.

However, this matter did not attract Fang Yuan's attention. After all, environmental protection and wildlife protection are increasingly advocated these days. However, in Fang Yuan's opinion, it is a bit too much. Many rural mountains are now overrun with wild boars. There is nothing surprising about a murder by a wild beast.

The most we can say is that the unlucky man was really unlucky.

Such thoughts flashed through the groggy Fang Yuan's mind, and were soon completely forgotten by him. He continued to be half asleep until the voice prompt on the bus rang - it was time to arrive.

Fang Yuan, who woke up immediately, raised his head and looked out the window. Through the gap between the crowds of people on the car, he knew that he had arrived at the stop, and immediately squeezed toward the door.

"Make way, make way, I'm getting out of the car -" As he said this, Fang Yuan struggled to move towards the car door. Fang Yuan was afraid that he was walking too slowly.

After all, it wasn't the first time that this happened when he couldn't squeeze through the door before getting off the bus and ended up sitting at the station. Fang Yuan didn't want to happen again.

Finally, we were lucky today. The driver was also dedicated and did not just close the door and drive. Fang Yuan finally got out of the car successfully.

"Hey~ It's more difficult to get off the bus than to get on the bus..." Fang Yuan sighed, but thinking about the fact that he would no longer have to squeeze in the bus with others in the future, he just regarded today as a day to experience life.

Well, when he was experimenting with Formless Refining before, he was able to refine several kilograms of gold at his own home. Apart from anything else, it would definitely be enough to buy a private car. He no longer needs to squeeze in like a sardine. Bus is here~…… Without further ado, Fang Yuan’s resignation went very smoothly.

After all, reality is not a novel, and Fang Yuan doesn’t think that he has really become the protagonist of an online novel. There are all kinds of surprises wherever he goes, and there won’t be people coming up to you all the time to show off and slap you in the face.

Especially since his current position is actually not that indispensable, and he has no unfinished projects on hand. Seeing that Fang Yuan has decided to leave, the boss agreed to his resignation application.

After going to the finance department to settle his salary, getting his files from the human resources department, and sorting out his personal belongings, Fang Yuan walked out of the company door carrying a box and suddenly felt relaxed.

——Although the nine-to-five life seems to be regular and stable, it is still too depressing and boring for Fang Yuan. Now he finally has the opportunity to get rid of it! The next step is to go to the job market to hand over your personal files, then go to the Citizen Service Center to settle the medical and social security matters, and finally take these personal belongings home.

But now he was carrying a box in his hand, and it was obvious that he could no longer squeeze into the bus, so Fang Yuan hailed a taxi - now that he was rich (or about to be rich), he didn't care about taking a taxi. Such a small amount of money.

After being busy for most of the day, even having lunch at a small restaurant next to the job market, Fang Yuan finally finished all the trivial matters after resigning, and he finally became a glorious freelancer! (Or should we say, homeless person?) ... The next day, Fang Yuan, who had nothing to do and was light-hearted, had a rare sleep. He didn't get up until about nine or ten o'clock in the morning. He lazily ate a few slices of bread and drank. I drank a glass of milk for breakfast, tidied up my appearance a little, changed my clothes, picked up my bag and went out.

However, it seems that the bag he carried today is a bit heavy, and there seems to be some heavy items in it.

That's right, he went to a gold shop to sell gold.

Inside the bag were several kilograms of 100% pure gold that he had refined while experimenting with alchemy last weekend.

However, he didn't want to attract too much attention, so he refined it a little before leaving the house, deliberately adding some impurities and limiting its purity to about 99%, making the gold brick look like a private one. Gold that is melted down and reforged.

Although he knew that the value of this gold brick would immediately drop a lot, he also knew how conspicuous it was for a piece of 100% pure gold to suddenly appear in modern society.

He still remembered what he learned in middle school chemistry: there are no 100% pure substances in the world or on the earth! "Hello, sir, do you need any service?" I came to a relatively large gold store that Fang Yuan found online. As soon as I opened the door and walked in, I was greeted by a waitress with a business smile.

"You should collect gold here, right?" Fang Yuan asked directly. He had already seen it when he read the store introduction online. This store does carry out gold recycling business.

"Yes, please come here..." The whole process of exchanging gold was also very smooth. The gold of less than three kilograms was sold for 600,000 yuan. Although the price must have been severely reduced, Fang Yuan I don't care about such a small amount of money.

To him, the gold that can be rubbed by hand is no different from the dirt on the roadside - if he is willing to even refine an entire hill into gold, how much will it cost? Therefore, Fang Yuan now really feels the same as those rich people in the upper class - money is just a number, as long as it is enough! Now that he has 600,000 in cash on hand, plus the savings in his bank card, he won't have to worry about living expenses for at least a year.

——As mentioned earlier, after Fang Yuan’s parents were killed two years ago, the travel agency lost a lot of money. In addition to the house he inherited from his parents, Fang Yuan actually lived a very comfortable life without the pressure of a mortgage. of.

Now that he has this windfall, Fang Yuan feels that he can put buying a car on his agenda.

')005'\u003eChapter 5 Knowledge is power!

When it comes to buying a car, some people think that the protagonist will be like the protagonists of a certain Lu Li's urban novels who specialize in selecting various luxury cars to buy. By the way, he will definitely have sex with ex-girlfriends/past secret admirers/green tea bitches and other females at the car buying scene. There was a conflict between Apes erectus, and then some short-circuited rich second-generation young people jumped out to yell at each other and even had physical conflicts. Then the protagonist took out some pretentious artifacts such as black cards and used the opportunity to slap him in the face with pretentiousness... No, such a vulgar plot would never happen to Fang Yuan! He very realistically chose an ordinary car of the Volkswagen brand. You can't tell which brand it is without looking at the car logo when driving on the road. The price is also very cheap, only more than 200,000 yuan, including the car. The one-stop service from the license plate to the insurance was all done, and there was no vulgar drama such as looking down on others. Then he drove his new car home.

Fang Yuan knew very well that he was different now.

He doesn't need to show his presence by pretending to be cool and slapping others in the face like those online novel protagonists, nor does he need to use luxury cars and mansions to show his uniqueness.

He is different! Therefore, the most important thing for Fang Yuan now is not to spend money everywhere to pretend to be cool and slap others in the face, but to be as low-key and ordinary as possible, so that he can blend into the vast ocean of ordinary people until his ability reaches a limit - the limit of being able to ignore the power of secular regimes.

After all, he is not one of those young people who get carried away as soon as he gets power. After he got through the initial excitement, he thought of one thing - since there is such a person with extraordinary power in this world, will there be other superpowers in some corner of the world? There must be! Fang Yuan thinks that although he is special, he is definitely not so special. Perhaps the real world is just like what is described in urban superpower online novels. Behind the real world, there is another dark world or inner world that ordinary people don't know.

In this kind of online novels, national power is an absolutely unavoidable force.

From the Dragon Group in the ancient online articles, to the later "relevant departments", to the legendary "Approaching Science" column team, various online articles have long revealed to Fang Yuan that national power - especially China's national power - always has the greatest voice in the supernatural community.

Although it is nonsense that superpowers will be caught and sliced ​​for research as soon as they are discovered, Fang Yuan also knows that the government of a country will not treat supernatural power holders so frivolously, but now he does not want to give up his peaceful life.

Or, in other words, he wants to make trouble, but definitely not now! The most critical point is that he has not studied his abilities thoroughly, the alchemy knowledge he obtained in his dreams has not been digested, and the proficiency of Wuzhen is far from enough. If he really wants to make trouble, he must make himself stronger first!   Yes, Fang Yuan does not think that his current alchemy alone can be called "powerful".

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