That's right. As a disabled person who has trouble walking, how could Dr. Ashford keep his body clean when he was locked up in such a small dark room?   In fact, Fang Yuan was surprised when he found that the other party was not stained with feces, urine or other filth - this guy could actually go to the toilet by himself!   Fortunately, the absence of those disgusting things made Fang Yuan feel a lot more relaxed, otherwise it would be a bit uncomfortable for him to push a pile of human-shaped filth all the way out of this Umbrella branch.

The doctor in the wheelchair left the cell where he had been imprisoned for an unknown period of time. After squinting his eyes to adapt to the light outside for a while, he finally saw the scene outside clearly.

Corpses! Corpses everywhere!   Just a dozen steps away from this cell, there were two corpses wearing black combat uniforms and holding assault rifles, but lying on the ground motionless.

They were the private security forces of the Umbrella Company. The doctor recognized their attire.

In the corridor further away, there were also fighters wearing the same clothes lying on the ground - there was no doubt that they were all dead.

But there was no blood!   Yes, Dr. Ashford noticed this when he was pushed halfway.

Logically speaking, looking at the fully armed appearance of this strong man who looked like a super soldier, the battle scene should be more bloody and more terrifying, such as pools of blood all over the ground, broken limbs and arms thrown everywhere, and corpses shot into sieves by bullets.

However, on the way he was pushed, he found that few corpses had wounds or bloodstains on them. Every dead person was lying on the ground in good condition, as if they were asleep.

But the doctor was sure that these people were definitely not asleep or unconscious!   At least people who were asleep or unconscious would never have a hideous expression on their faces and stare at the front with their eyes wide open.

Could it be that they were poisoned by poison gas?   The doctor could only think of such a logical answer.

Of course, Fang Yuan had no idea what was going on in the poor father's mind. He was very satisfied with the "clean" battlefield he had created with his own hands - he could ensure that he would not be stained with those smelly blood stains, and he could also harvest a large number of souls to be refined into stones. This was much better than really rushing in with a gun! Yes, although Fang Yuan cosplayed as Deathstroke, and the knife and gun on his body were real, he had never drawn his knife or fired a gun since he stepped into the secret base of the Umbrella Corporation! It was a waste of this Cosplay costume... But Fang Yuan said that it would be a pity to kill them directly with knives and guns! There are still hundreds of people in this base, and each of them is a very rare refining material, which cannot be wasted casually! Well, Fang Yuan, who claims to be a stylish Coser, is actually not very serious about Cosplay. At least he can't Cosplay the nature of Deathstroke that kills in a sea of ​​blood and corpses - have you ever seen a Deathstroke that kills people without bleeding? ! ……  The doctor finally saw some bloodstains when he was close to the periphery. But it was not human. From the bloody limbs and broken arms on the ground, it could be seen that it was the biological weapons developed by the Umbrella Corporation, and it should be the Licker.

But it looked like it was torn into pieces by hand. How did they do it? !   However, although the researcher's instinct drove Ashford to ask something, he knew that now was not the time to ask these questions. Everything would be discussed after seeing Angela. He couldn't wait to see his little angel again!   ……  "Dad!" When Angela saw her father being pushed down from the helicopter, she ran and jumped on the wheelchair, ignoring the dirty appearance and unpleasant smell of the man in front of her.

"Angela! My baby!"  Dr. Ashford had no consciousness that his current appearance was not suitable for intimacy with others. He hugged the little girl very hard and was unwilling to let go for a long time.

Fang Yuan, who had changed out of his Deathstroke costume, did not join the long-awaited reunion between the father and daughter, but walked aside and watched the scene quietly with Jill, Carlos and others.

"What a beautiful relationship, isn't it?" Carlos sighed with a smile. After experiencing the Raccoon City incident, he hadn't been so happy for a long time.

"We have to thank Fang, this is all your credit!" Jill patted Fang Yuan on the shoulder. She was also very happy to see this scene.

"You're welcome! I can't always watch Angela being unhappy all day long!" Well, although this little loli still doesn't like him very much, Fang Yuan is quite cute with this little guy.

In any case, Fang Yuan's arrival has changed some things after all. At least he has allowed a child who should have been an orphan to have a father again, and no longer has to struggle alone in the crisis-ridden apocalypse like in the movie plot.

... "What are your plans next, continue to be your 'superhero'?" Jill asked jokingly.

What she said was also a funny thing.

After Fang Yuan was wanted for killing everyone around the world, he was reviled by some, but admired even more. Many people regarded his cosplayer Deathstroke as a real-life superhero, and some comic book publishers even planned to publish a novel based on him. This comic - I just don’t know if DC in another world will sue them for copyright infringement.

"No, I still hope to find a place to do research quietly."

Fang Yuan shook his head. Although Cosplay was fun, and hunting those scumbags was also very fulfilling, but after all, these were just diversions in his spare time. His true calling was still an alchemist.

"Studying the T virus?" Jill's expression was a little worried. She didn't want her friend to become an anti-human mad scientist one day.

Fang Yuan waved his hand and said: "Don't worry, I'm not one of those careerists! This is just a personal interest. Some properties of the T virus concern me very much..." "...Well, I don't care about magicians either. I understand, but I believe you!" Jill didn't think that Fang Yuan would really become a scumbag like those at the top of the umbrella, and the worry just now was just a reflexive reaction.

... It is still two chapters and 6,000 words. The recent chapters are more difficult to break into chapters, so this is the only way.

')047'\u003eChapter 47 The Origin of the Virus (Part 1)

Time passes like water and does not stop for anyone.

Nearly a year has passed since the Raccoon City Incident. Although the Umbrella Company has not completely gone bankrupt, it is no longer a pill but an ethane state.

However, the research on biological and chemical weapons and the black market transactions by various legal and illegal organizations around the world have not stopped, but have become more and more intense.

Therefore, the United Nations has specially established an organization called B.S.A.A. (Biological and Chemical Terrorism Defense and Assessment Alliance) to respond to the endless biochemical terrorist attacks around the world.

... "Hi, Fang! Where are you? I can't find you at your residence, and the landlord said you haven't been back for several weeks!" Jill's voice came from the other end of the phone.

Gil Valentine, the former Raccoon City S.T.A.R.S. police officer, has already joined the B.S.A.A. organization. He spends about 90% of his time fighting fires and dealing with various biohazard incidents around the world, but from time to time he still Contact Fang Yuan.

This time she came to the door without saying hello, only to find that the owner of the room had been "missing" for a long time before calling.

"I'm in Africa. It's a shame you were able to find my number!" Fang Yuan used a satellite phone, and it seemed that he never told Jill this number.

"I have my own channels... What are you doing in Africa?" Jill was vague. It was probably some channels between legal and illegal... "I came here to find the Stairway to the Sun..." Fang Yuan discovered He said something and quickly shut up.

"Stairway to the Sun? What is that?" Although she had never heard of this name, Jill's intuition told her that it was important! "..." Silence.

"Fang?" Jill pressed.

"Well, it's the source of biochemical weapons developed by Umbrella Company. It's a special plant. The virus extracted from it is the prototype of the later T-virus."

Fang Yuan thought for a while and felt that it would be okay to reveal this information in advance.

"...I won't ask you where you got the information.

So, what are you looking for this plant for? Don’t you really want to change your job to become a mad scientist? "Jill joked.

"How could it be! I discovered something while studying the characteristics of the T virus, so I need to find its source and figure out what is behind it!" Fang Yuan was actually talking about something in the game that makes people feel indifferent. But in reality, it is something very incredible.

That is, where do the energy and materials required for virus-infected people to rapidly mutate or even grow to giants come from? This phenomenon is not particularly obvious in the biochemical weapons of the T virus series, but in the mutation process of the G virus, from stage one to stage five, every mutation challenges the basic rules of physics. This biological virus is so awesome. force? ! As for the villains in the fifth and sixth generation games, they were even more exaggerated. From a person to a giant crocodile, to a dinosaur, to a fly bigger than an airplane... Fang Yuan wanted to ask, what about the laws of physics? Were you eaten? ! ! Fang Yuan didn't know why people in this world didn't have doubts, but he was really puzzled by this point - does the law of conservation of mass become invalid when it is used in biological and chemical weapons? And there is another point that Fang Yuan is very concerned about, that is, the Philosopher's Stone can be extracted from the corpses of zombies.

At the beginning, Fang Yuan did not have any doubts about this matter. After all, they were all humanoid, and the infected people in the later generations of games had very high IQs, and their souls could be recognized as the same species by the formation. It's also very possible.

But as the research deepened, he finally realized something was wrong.

The Philosopher's Stone extracted from the bodies of zombies and the Philosopher's Stone extracted from the bodies of ordinary people are actually two different things! Although they look similar on the outside, they are all blood-red liquid or solid, but when Fang Yuan tried to penetrate his spirit deep into the Philosopher's Stone during an experiment, he finally discovered the difference.

The Philosopher's Stone made from the souls of ordinary humans, as Hohenheim said in Fullmetal Alchemist, is composed of countless independent souls. If the holder has enough patience, he can even talk to these souls one by one. A saint like Hohenheim can even make the souls in the stone give up their resentment and actively cooperate with him in performing alchemy.

However, the Philosopher's Stone made from zombies is completely chaotic inside. Countless extremely subtle tiny consciousnesses, even much weaker than the cell consciousness of bacteria, follow some rules that Fang Yuan cannot understand, connect and integrate with each other, and finally become a huge soul that is much larger than a single human soul in the macro sense.

What makes Fang Yuan most uneasy is that when the two Philosopher's Stones are mixed together, the latter will devour and assimilate the former - that is, the originally independent human soul will "melt" in the huge soul composed of subtle wills, and can no longer be separated.

These characteristics add up to make the T virus, which looks like a science fiction concept, suddenly become weird.

Fang Yuan felt that in order to clarify these doubts, it was necessary to go to the source of the T series virus.

So, he came to Africa, where the Stairs of the Sun were discovered.

... Although Jill was a little worried that Fang Yuan would follow the old path of the Umbrella group, he turned around and thought that he was a "magician" with extraordinary power, but he had never used this power to seek any power, nor did he look down on all living beings as a superior god, so in the end he just told him to be careful and hung up the phone.

"... This feeling of being cared for is pretty good!" Fang Yuan put down the satellite phone and looked up at the cave in front of him.

Deep in this cave is the place where Spencer, the founder of Umbrella Corporation, discovered and studied the Progenitor virus-the Umbrella African Research Center.

The so-called ancestral virus is the virus extracted by Spencer (one of the three elders of the Umbrella Corporation) from a plant called "Stairs of the Sun" by some African tribes. It can be said to be the initial version of all subsequent T-series viruses, whether it is T virus, G virus, T-Veronica virus, T-Abyss virus, T-Nemisis parasite, Las Pl agas-II parasite (Makini), Las Pl agas-III parasite, Uroboros virus, C virus or other subspecies not mentioned in the plot, all come from this.

And this abandoned research center was built on the basis of the underground cave where the Stairs of the Sun was discovered. It was once the real core of the Umbrella Corporation.

At the same time, this is also the scene of the important plot in the game Resident Evil 5 10 years after the incident in the mansion. At that time, it had been reactivated by Albert Wesker and another villain company, Trinity Group, which replaced Umbrella, and a new virus called Urobros was developed based on the mutant virus remaining in Jill's body. It is said that it can promote human evolution and create a new world, and Wesker himself will become the god of the new world-although Fang Yuan does not think that the kind of mutation with tentacles and other messy limbs can be called evolution.

But it is only 1999 now, and Jill has not fallen off the cliff and fainted in the battle with Wesker, so naturally she will not be brought here by Wesker to become his research object, and Trinity Group has not taken over here.

Even because of Fang Yuan's butterfly effect (previously hunting down Umbrella Corporation-related personnel), Wesker is now being hunted by B.S.A.A. all over the world, and has no time to do research here.

However, it is not that there are no other humans here.

The Diya people, an indigenous tribe in West Africa, are well-known for their mature house building capabilities and heritage protection technology, but in fact, thousands of years ago, the ancient West Africa was ruled by the Diya Empire.

The king of the empire has unlimited authority and is worshipped by his people as the god "closest to the sun god".

There is a myth circulating in the Diya tribe that their king has a lifespan of hundreds of years, is brave and fearless, and is invulnerable to swords and guns.

However, becoming the king of the Diya Empire is a very difficult road.

Because the throne inheritance of the Diya Empire does not rely on blood relations, they maintain the traditional way of election of primitive tribes.

The elected leader must pass the test of the sun god to become the king, and this test is the "Sun Stairs" ceremony.

In the underground core area of ​​the Diya Empire, there is a flower bed, on which the sacred object of Diya - the "Sun Stairs" flower is planted.

Yes, it is the plant that Fang Yuan mentioned before.

This is a flower with a highly toxic substance. Only a few people who can be recognized by the gods can survive after eating the flower.

To become a king, eating flowers is an inevitable test, and the flowers will bring a long life and powerful power to the new king.

For thousands of years, the Dubai Empire has relied on this method to choose its leaders and regard them as people recognized by God.

Until one day, a disaster occurred underground, and the Dubai Empire disappeared in the dust of history, leaving only the myths passed down by word of mouth in the Dubai tribe.

And this cave occupied and transformed by the Umbrella Corporation is actually the underground ruins of the ancient Dubai Empire, and it is also where the Stairs of the Sun is located.

When Spencer and others occupied this place, the Dubai people rose up to resist these foreign invaders, but were suppressed under the threat of guns and cannons.

But when the Umbrella Corporation left, they immediately came back to reoccupy this place. Fang Yuan, who wanted to enter the depths, first had to face this tribe of primitive people with oil paint on their skin, bows and spears in their hands, and even AK-47s.

')048'\u003eChapter 48 Origin of the Virus (Part 2)

However, although these natives stood in front of Fang Yuan, he did not intend to kill them like killing the running dogs of the Umbrella Corporation.

After all, these people were not the infected people who were injected with the Urobros virus in the plot of the fifth generation game, but just ordinary humans. They blocked outsiders from entering just to protect the holy place in their minds, and he was able to find this place thanks to these people.

So, Fang Yuan just knocked out everyone he saw along the way, and then gave them a sedative to ensure that they slept until dawn.

Well, this should be considered a perfect stealth!   The layout of the ruins is just like what has appeared in the game, with all kinds of extremely unscientific ancient black technology mechanisms emerging one after another. Fang Yuan can't understand how those primitive people in ancient times built such complex and advanced mechanisms.

Unfortunately, no matter how complex the mechanism is, it is meaningless to Fang Yuan who can go through walls and hide underground. He simply ignored all kinds of annoying mechanism puzzles, found the location directly, dug a hole, and walked straight all the way to the deepest part of the underground.

As for destroying the ruins of ancient civilizations... This has been almost ruined by the people of the Umbrella Company, and it doesn't matter if he comes a few more times!   Knocked out all the natives stationed outside the Stairs of the Sun, Fang Yuan used alchemy to lift the earth and rocks, temporarily blocking the way in and out, and he finally had time to study the things in front of him quietly.

This is a stepped stone flower bed with a radius of about ten feet, on which grow hundreds of dark red flowers with white spots on the surface.

This seemingly inconspicuous plant is the source of all T-series biochemical weapons in this world - the Stairs of the Sun.

This is a very magical plant. It is said that humans who take this flower, as long as they can survive the poison, will have strength and life far beyond that of ordinary people.

And this flower has a magical property. In addition to growing in this flowerbed, once it is transplanted to other places, it will lose its magical function and can no longer be used to strengthen the human body.

It sounds like the heart-shaped grass in Wakanda, a pure natural human strengthening potion with special growth restrictions.

Well, from the point of view that people who eat the Stairs of the Sun and survive successfully will become the king of the Dubai Empire in ancient times, the two are even more similar - I don’t know who copied whom... Well, regardless of these problems with similar settings, Fang Yuan didn’t come here to explore this.

What he explored was the Stairs of the Sun and the unscientific effects of the many viruses derived from it!   In fact, Fang Yuan had some guesses a long time ago.

For example, the unscientific phenomenon of increasing body mass after mutation completely violates the general law of conservation of mass, but it also reminds Fang Yuan of the effect of using the Philosopher's Stone in alchemy - the Philosopher's Stone made of human soul can break the principle of equivalent exchange in the eyes of ordinary people, and naturally increase the mass of objects out of thin air.

Thinking of the strange Philosopher's Stone extracted from the body of T virus infected people, Fang Yuan guessed that this virus might be able to use the human soul as raw material to shape matter out of thin air like alchemy? In other words, the T series virus is not a simple biological virus that can only act on the material level, but an extraordinary substance that can act on the soul level.

But this is just Fang Yuan's guess, so he needs experiments.

However, it is not particularly difficult to find experimental subjects, and Fang Yuan does not need to sacrifice his conscience. He directly uses a group of Umbrella Company remnants he caught for experiments - although this kind of scum is difficult to catch, there are really a lot of them, and Fang Yuan catches them in groups every time.

First, the T virus was injected into their bodies. When they were at different stages before becoming zombies, the Philosopher's Stone was used on them to observe the difference between their separated souls and those of ordinary normal humans.

Fang Yuan discovered that after the T virus infected the human body, the souls of the infected people showed different degrees of decomposition - this decomposition phenomenon not only occurred after the brain was infected and eroded, but also occurred when the consciousness of the infected people was still clear at the beginning of the disease.

When this decomposition developed to the extreme, it was naturally the kind of discrete chaotic soul that Fang Yuan extracted from the zombie body, which was extremely weak and completely invisible in the form of an independent soul. At this time, the brain of the infected person was completely eroded by the virus.

However, according to Fang Yuan's experience of using the Philosopher's Stone, when humans are completely transformed into zombies, the soul mass lost in these people's bodies, if converted into material changes, is enough to stimulate them into the size of a tyrant at one time, but the fact is that they are still ordinary weak chicken zombies with a body size similar to that of humans. What's going on?   Is it because the efficiency of soul conversion is too low, or is it because the damage to the soul-attached organ caused additional loss when the brain is infected and eroded?   Fang Yuan didn't know, so he needed to find another similar thing for comparison.

Originally, he wanted to find the G virus, but that thing had long been destroyed in the underground laboratory in Raccoon City, and the samples that flowed out to the black market had long been bought up by people, and Fang Yuan couldn't trace its whereabouts.

(Although he knew that the G virus would flow into a company called Wilfarma, it was obvious that the company had not yet obtained it, and Fang Yuan had come up empty-handed.

) At this stage, it was not the period in a few years when various variants of biological viruses would emerge in an endless stream. The only biological weapon on the market that could be truly regarded as a biological weapon was the T virus.

Perhaps T-Veronica was one, but although Fang Yuan knew that the developer of this virus and the most successful host, Alexia Ashford, was sleeping in a secret base somewhere, he had never really played the game "Resident Evil: Code Veronica" and only had a rough understanding of some of the plots, so it was naturally difficult to find her.

Even Charles, who was also a member of the Ashford family, could not help him with this. After all, Charles was not a core member of the family, but a distant branch with the same surname and blood. This name had no other use except to make his promotion within the Umbrella Company smoother. It was impossible for him to know such extremely confidential information.

Although the Las Plagas parasite that appeared in the fourth generation of the game is also an option, Fang Yuan really can't remember where the cult that dared to abduct the daughter of the US president is hiding. Is it in Spain or somewhere else? I can't figure it out, so I can only pass it.

Therefore, the only reliable option is the ancestor virus.

After all, although the African research center of the Umbrella is secret, the Dubaiya tribe is not!   Knowing that the two are deeply entangled, Fang Yuan directly found this primitive tribe that is also famous in West Africa, and then traced it here step by step.

Silently saying sorry to the people of the Dubaiya tribe who warmly received him, Fang Yuan stretched his sinful hands to the sacred object that the Dubaiya tribe has worshipped for generations-the Stairs of the Sun.

As a wisp of blue lightning flashed in his hand, a ball of dark yellow liquid was extracted by him and placed in a test tube prepared in advance, and the price was that at least more than twenty flowers of the Stairs of the Sun withered.

This is the original original virus liquid. If it is injected into the human body, it will either create a superman or a monster, and the possibility of the latter is far greater than the former.

As for the problem of experimental subjects... Although it is a bit embarrassing to use these people from the Dubaiya tribe for experiments, there is not only one Dubaiya tribe nearby.

In the chaotic land of West Africa, all kinds of terrorists and separatist warlords are everywhere. Murder, arson, rape, looting, genocide, terrorist attacks, all the heinous people that humans can imagine can be found here.

Fang Yuan only needs to go out and run a long way around, and he can immediately catch a group of top scum who are not too much to die ten thousand times, and there is no worry about lack of experimental samples.

... So, in the following period of time, a legend of "Dark Night Demon" spread among many tribes in West Africa.

This invisible demon only appears at night, specifically catching those bad kids who refuse to go home after dark, dragging them into hell to eat them alive, fry them, cook them, and torture them in various ways... When Fang Yuan heard this legend from the surrounding tribes, he was confused - it was just a few times that a group of experimental subjects were captured from some terrorist camps at night, how could it be spread like this? ! ! The speed of distortion of this rumor is even more exaggerated than the information network era more than ten years later, making him seem like a villain! Well, although the people he used for live experiments were some real damn scum, no matter what, he used live people for experiments, so this rumor was not wrong to some extent.

... Let's not talk about these depressing things.

Back to the abandoned research institute underground, it has been transformed into his private laboratory by Fang Yuan using alchemy. Although it is not as exaggerated as the transformation after the Sanlian Group took over ten years later, it is no longer the abandoned and dangerous building.

The test of the ancestor virus made Fang Yuan further confirm his guess.

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