"Look, we're almost there!" He pointed out the window, and the mother and daughter looked in the direction of his finger, only to see a group of villas hidden in the vegetation.

"This is..." The woman didn't expect that Fang Yuan would arrange a place for them that only rich people could afford.

"Don't worry about the cost. I'll be frank. Your daughter is really important to us in Anaheim. This level of importance cannot be matched by villas and real estate ten or a hundred times. You can live here with peace of mind in the future!" Fang Yuan said to the stunned woman with a serious face: "If you feel a little bad about eating and drinking for free, we can also provide you with a suitable job. Even if you don't know anything, we have a complete employment training mechanism.

In short, you can rest assured about life!"  "...Thank you!" The woman didn't say anything more. Even when sitting in the car, she still bowed deeply and was reluctant to get up for a long time.

"Mom, why are you crying?"  The daughter's question came from her arms. The woman touched her face a little dully and felt the wetness in her hands.

Ah, she just cried...  But she knew that these tears were different from the past. They were tears full of joy after seeing hope.

...  A few days later, Fang Yuan's personal laboratory.

"So that's it, the so-called initiation factor is this kind of thing!"  From the blood sample extracted from the little girl, Fang Yuan finally discovered the truth of the so-called initiation factor.

This is a nano-sized self-disciplined machine composed of a long carbon-based chain, which is somewhat similar to a prion.

Or to be more precise, this is a micro-protein computer with self-disciplined action capabilities.

Although this protein-based nanomachine itself does not contain structures such as DNA or RNA, it can read and modify the DNA sequence in human cells, artificially add DNA fragments related to the synthesis of this type of nanomachine to the human DNA fragment, and consume human nutrients at a certain orderly speed and scale to produce more nanomachines until saturation.

In other words, this is an artificially created intelligent virus.

A single carbon-based nanomachine has very low computing power, operation logic and even data storage capacity, but when there are enough of them, they can be interconnected to form a more advanced computing system. Both the data processing capacity and storage capacity far exceed the traditional transistor computer of the same volume, and can even have a certain degree of self-discipline intelligence.

Moreover, Fang Yuan also found that the information exchange between these nanomachines is not through ordinary electromagnetic wave signals, nor is it quantum entanglement communication, but like the Aldnoah core, it connects to another extra dimension that is completely different from the macroscopic three-dimensional space-time to achieve the time-free transmission of information.

Therefore, the properties presented by this nanomachine on a macro scale are very interesting.

On the one hand, all the nanomachines in different individuals seem to be connected together through the super-time and space information interaction, and together they form a huge interstellar information network.

On the other hand, the nanomachines in each individual will build a local network based on this individual, and have a specific address code and network permissions.

The essence of this authority is the right to operate and use all Aldnoah technologies. The authorization and restriction from top to bottom are the real source of the feudal aristocracy system of the Martian Empire that is a step backward in history.

It is no wonder that Fang Yuan has not been able to crack Aldnoah's identity authentication mechanism before. After all, this kind of information interaction that directly exists in another dimension, even if the computing power and intelligence of [Ether] are a hundred times higher, without the means to touch this dimension, it can only sigh in despair.

Looking back at some of the information that Fang Yuan analyzed from the hyperspace gate, it is also found that the cross-dimensional information energy interaction structure is similar in principle, but the scale is completely not in the same order of magnitude.

It seems that the real core technology of the ancient alien super-technological civilization discovered on Mars should be based on this special dimension-whether it is a permanent clean energy like a perpetual motion machine, or a starter factor closely related to the user's life, or a hyperspace gate that can travel across interstellar superluminal speed, it is closely related to the existence of this extra dimension.

')126'\u003eChapter 125 Someone seems to be in trouble

The problem now is that although Fang Yuan has discovered the existence of this extra dimension and has obtained the right to enter this super-time and space information network through the data invasion of the activation factor, he himself still cannot really touch this extra dimension.

Although his mental power is mysterious and can even directly observe the changes in material energy at the subatomic level, he does not have the means to penetrate the dimensional interval. For Fang Yuan, this extra dimension can be known to exist, but it is impossible to observe it, let alone analyze it in depth.

——Jumping from the traditional earth technology tree to the level of dimensional technology in an instant is still a bit too big for Fang Yuan.

"Tsk, the knowledge brought out from the Gate of Truth does not have much content about dimensions. Do I have to go deeper into the Gate of Truth a few more times to try my luck?" Fang Yuan instinctively rejected this plan.

This kind of approach of looking for answers directly when encountering a problem is the most undesirable for a scientific researcher. In the long run, he will lose the ability to explore new fields and the desire to study, and finally become a slave of knowledge rather than a master.

Moreover, since knowing that the true identity of the Gate of Truth is that big guy, Fang Yuan instinctively does not want to rely too much on His power.

After all, he did not read so many novels of Master Ai Shouyi for nothing. All those who covet the gift of the indescribable will not end up well in the end.

Although Lord Yog Bubble is a very friendly person to humans among all the Outer Gods, and the truth he met should be one of His most humane incarnations, he can't just go around casually based on this point. If he really drowns, he will have nowhere to seek justice... "Maybe there will be some clues in the alien ruins on Mars..." Fang Yuan thought of the source of these Aldnoah technologies. If it is there, he should be able to find some key information! However, if he wants to enter Mars to conduct an in-depth investigation of the alien ruins, the Weisser Empire is a hurdle that cannot be avoided.

"It seems that there is one more reason to destroy the Martian Empire!" Fang Yuan muttered to himself, resting his chin on one hand.

... Just when Fang Yuan had initially cracked the core secret of Aldnoah Technology - Mars, Weisser Empire, Count Reinhardt's Mansion.

A middle-aged man wearing a complicated dress, with a shiny slicked-back hair and a small goatee on his chin was furious at his men.

"What? Missing?" The man slammed the wine glass in his hand heavily on the table, letting the red wine inside spill out and stain his cuffs, but he didn't care about his manners at this time. He almost took two steps at a time and stepped forward, grabbed the collar of the person kneeling on the ground, and brought him in front of him.

"What's going on? How do you do things?!!" How could he be missing? Did someone notice his actions? But he arranged for people to monitor the mother and daughter, which was the most confidential matter, how could it be exposed? Did other people also notice the illegitimate daughter of the second emperor, and have the same idea as him, and took the initiative to do it? Or did the emperor already notice everything, so he decisively took them away? Various speculations flashed through the man's mind, and each possibility made his face look worse.

"What is going on in the Moon City? Explain it to me!" The man came to his senses and saw that his subordinate was about to roll his eyes because of him. He couldn't help but let go of his hand in disgust, turned around and walked back and forth a few steps, and took a deep breath to calm himself down.

The poor subordinate who was almost strangled to death did not dare to complain about his master's atrocities just now. After taking a breath, he immediately knelt down and reported with his head down: "Yes, Lord Earl... When we first found something wrong, we found that our surveillance personnel had lost contact. When we sent people to confirm the situation again, we found that they were all killed. The scene was very clean and neat, and everyone was killed with one blow.

It was then that we realized something was wrong, and then we found that the surveillance target had disappeared from the place where he lived."

"...Have you checked other places in the lunar city?" The earl named Reinhard asked with the last glimmer of hope.

"We have checked it. We asked the troops stationed there to check the entire lunar city in the name of searching for Earth spies, and no trace of them was found."

The kneeling subordinate answered honestly, but gave the result that Lord Earl least wanted to hear.

"So, have you confirmed the interstellar flight after their disappearance?"

The Lord Earl, who did not give up, made the last effort.

"It has been confirmed. Since the day when all the surveillance personnel lost contact, we have checked all the flight records that flew out of the lunar city, and found nothing."

The very conscientious and thoughtful subordinates delivered the final blow.

"..." Reinhardt covered his face with his hands in some distress.

"Sir?" The subordinate who had been waiting for a long time to ask carefully raised his head and asked tentatively.

"Forget it, you go down!" The count waved his hand and asked him to leave.

"Yes..." The extra who didn't even have a name stood up carefully and left here silently.

After a long time, a sigh came from the silent room: "Don't let it be the worst result..."

... "You mean, Reinhard's subordinates are making a big fuss in the lunar city, searching for some earth spies?" In the palace of the Weiser Empire, the first emperor, dressed in formal clothes, sat upright on the throne, listening to the intelligence director below reporting the things of many nobles in the country.

However, he seemed to have heard something interesting just now.

"Yes, they even mobilized the local garrison in the name of Count Reinhardt and searched the lunar city house by house. Our people found that 12 intelligence officers belonging to Count Reinhardt had died there before." The intelligence director who was making a report below actually had the title of baron, but seeing that he was kneeling on one knee and dared not look up, he looked more like a slave than a noble. But this was normal. For a small noble like him who was attached to the royal family, he was really no different from the emperor's personal slave.

"Interesting... Why are you so aggressive after 12 subordinates died? I don't think that Reinhardt is such a considerate boss... Continue to investigate, find out for me why Reinhardt sent intelligence personnel to the moon In Miandu City, let me know what they are investigating and who killed them!" "Yes!" Looking at the leaving figure of the intelligence chief, a rare expression of fatigue appeared on the old emperor's face. , these guys who don’t make people worry, what kind of conspiracy are they planning to do...')127'\u003eChapter 126: Chatting in the training ground

Let’s ignore the intrigues on Mars and let’s turn our attention back to Earth.

While the Martian nobles were busy fighting openly and secretly with the royal family, the people on Earth were advancing rapidly one step at a time.

"I didn't expect that the technology of us people on earth has developed to this extent..." A general with three general stars on his shoulder straps looked at the scene in front of him, his tone full of emotion.

This is a secret training ground of the Earth Alliance. What the senior officials from the Earth Alliance are watching is the live-fire exercise of the Earth Alliance's most cutting-edge experimental force.

"Anaheim's engineers are really good... but why don't they build armored cavalry like Martians, but this... this kind of spider-like robot?" Another one also has three general stars, but The old general, who was missing one hand, asked with some confusion as he looked at the drone cluster in the training ground that was moving on four legs in the complex terrain, destroying several times more armored cluster troops.

These robots with shiny metal surfaces have a spherical body trunk and arc-shaped slender sharp limbs. They can retract their walking limbs to roll at high speeds on flat roads, and can move on four legs in complex terrain. The spider robot climbs rocks and walls, and is equipped with two 90mm electromagnetic cannons that can penetrate the frontal armor of any main battle tank with one hit. It is said that even the main armor plate of a battleship can be easily penetrated. The latest electromagnetic shield It can deflect all attacks from physical ammunition. Even though they are at a numerical disadvantage, these drones are almost a one-sided killing when facing the old ground armored forces.

"To be precise, they are called terror robots. They are special cannon fodder designed by Anaheim engineers for future land wars."

The general with sound arms corrected the wrong statement of his previous colleague, and then continued: "As for why you don't build armored cavalry... I have heard a rumor. It is said that the boss behind Anaheim believes that everything is a double-edged sword. Huge humanoid robots with upright legs are all evil in weapon design. Anyone in his company who dares to design such a thing will be fired immediately..." As he spoke, the general shrugged, and he completely took this rumor to heart. Treat it as anecdotal information.

"...The boss behind Anaheim who never appears in public? It is said that he is also the chief researcher of this group company. I didn't expect that he would be so resistant to weapons such as armored cavalry... Could it be that he thinks that those Are all the Martian weapons engineers idiots?" The one-armed general's impression of the Anaheim boss he had never met instantly deteriorated a lot - after all, according to this logic, wouldn't they, the Earthlings, be the same? Defeated by a weapon designed by a bunch of idiots? "In fact, many of our engineers agree with this statement.

After all, from the actual cost-effectiveness point of view, it is indeed very wasteful to design weapons in human form. The Martians can afford it because they have the foul Aldnoah technology. Waste is wasted, and they can still suppress us who are lagging behind. beat.

But we earthlings don’t have such convenient things as Aldnoah! "This general with sound hands is quite objective. He actually thinks that the Anaheim boss's statement is quite reasonable. We earthlings are not those Martian knights. To be knights, they really have to make their weapons into human shapes. , Earthlings have always been very pragmatic! "...Well, I don't understand weapons development, so just assume that what you said is right.

However, can this kind of terrifying robot really pose a threat to those powerful and unreasonable Martian knights? "Although the one-armed general did not personally participate in the Earth-Fire War a few years ago because he was too old, he is also a boss who is qualified to mobilize and read all war-related information, so he is very aware of those who possess various science fiction-level weapons. How terrifying are the armored cavalry - can these super-large spider-like drones in front of me really threaten the Martians? "After all, these are actually cannon fodder. They are essentially used to test the Martian knights. It's capable, because it's a drone and there's no need to worry about the loss. It's better than testing the lives of soldiers, right? "Hearing what his colleagues said, the one-armed general couldn't help but nodded. Indeed, it is indeed a good thing to reduce the casualties of soldiers.

"After all, what really determines the outcome of a battle depends on the soldiers with real flesh and blood!" the one-armed old general sighed.

"Well... the soldiers of the future may not necessarily have real flesh and blood, right?" The younger general, with both arms intact, shrugged and said, "It is said that a super soldier with a full body of prosthetics has been successfully developed. If there are enough If there are more volunteers, the soldiers on the battlefield in the future are likely to be real steel warriors."

"..." The old general also heard a little bit about the news spoken by the junior next to him, but he did not feel happy at all: "This approach is too much! War should not be like this, turning people into Machine...I can't accept it!" "...Is this the reason why you insist on not installing a bionic prosthesis on yourself?" The young general looked at the incomplete left hand of the senior next to him.

"No, this has nothing to do with my left hand. I don't need it just because I am already used to one hand. It will take time to get used to it again when I install a prosthetic limb..." The old general shook his head and denied the other party's statement. He said: "If I don’t have any objections to human body modification that allows disabled people who have lost limbs and organs to regain health. In fact, I am very happy to see this kind of technological progress.

But for the sole purpose of making stronger living weapons, using human beings as raw materials to transform them, regardless of whether they are willing or not, I feel that this has deviated from the right path! He paused, and then continued: "After all, who knows whether things will get completely out of control in the end?" Now we are still using severely disabled volunteers and the dying, but what about in the future? If the war gets serious, will able-bodied people be directly used for forced transformation? Once this kind of thing is opened, the future development will be completely unpredictable! "...Maybe your worries are reasonable, but this is not the reason for us to hold back!" "The young general shook his head and did not agree with the old man's view: "The gap between us and the Martians is already huge. If we still worry about this and that at this time, we will never be able to catch up with the Martians.

Furthermore, the full-body prosthetic super soldier itself is not a very important part of the grand strategy, and will not develop to that point! "...Forget it, I'm basically in a semi-retired state now anyway. I can't control what you young people want to do..." Seeing the confident expression of the junior next to him, the old general said helplessly. He shook his head and stopped talking about this topic.

')128'\u003eChapter 127 A trio of people who are concerned about the country and the people

Bang——! "This can't go on like this! We must stop this internal strife!" The young earl with blond hair slammed his fist on the conference table and said the above words.

"Look, the people on Earth are making rapid progress and are closely chasing behind us, but what are we doing now?!" He pointed to the pictures on the holographic projection table, which were captured by Mars' spy satellites Photos and videos of Earth.

From the picture, in addition to the terrifying robots that appeared in the previous chapter, there are also several other new weapons that should be kept highly confidential.

Among them, there is a mysterious aircraft capable of full-band stealth and even optical stealth. It only disappears in the blink of an eye when it takes off. When it really takes off, even the Martian detection system cannot find any trace of it.

There is also a giant land-based firepower carrying platform like a land cruiser. The thick gun barrels and honeycomb-like missile launch bays all around are equally intimidating even to most Martian knights.

Then there is the individual super soldier who is like a superman, powerful enough to overturn a tank with his bare hands, and faster than a supercar. Equipped with a variety of powerful individual weapons, one person is enough to unleash the firepower and destruction of an entire legion. If the power is used for sneak assassination... Of course, what makes everyone present even more troublesome is that in the last few pictures, the space battleships that are hundreds of meters long and are about to be completed - and this is also Not against a cosmic background, but captured in a terrestrial dock! This shows that people on earth can already build batches of space battleships on the surface and fly directly to extraterrestrial space without being limited by limited rocket capacity as before.

In this way, even in terms of space power, it is only a matter of time before the Earthlings reverse their strategic disadvantage! Everything clearly shows that the technological gap between the earth and Mars is not as big as imagined. The people on earth who once fell behind because they missed the great opportunity of alien technology are making great strides to catch up! "Yes, people on earth are progressing too fast...Look at our empire, the struggle between the royal family and the nobility. This is something that no one would even think about a few years ago!" Black-haired man The noble nodded, with the same worried look on his face.

"However, Lord Kurut'ou and Lord Zazbarum, even if we oppose this matter, it will not help. This is not a conflict between one or two nobles and the royal family, but a struggle between the entire noble class and His Majesty the Emperor. !” The speaker was a woman with long, silky, straight black hair. She was the Baroness of the Martian Empire who survived because of someone’s butterfly effect, and she was Zazbarum’s fiancée, Warein.

She, her fiancé, and Kuruteu also formed a close alliance through various opportunities and coincidences, and worked together to protect themselves in the treacherous political turmoil of the empire.

However, unlike the cynical opposition and the hedging faction, the three of them are royalists and loyalists who belong to the minority.

Because of their younger age, these younger generation of nobles do not have much selfishness. Instead, they can see the bigger picture beyond the perspective of political intrigue.

They clearly know that while the Earth side is chasing after them as if they are cheating, the Martian Empire is caught in an internal struggle for power and profit. In the long run, this is definitely digging its own grave.

"Kuruto is right, we can't just watch, we must take action!" Of course Zazbarum knew that his fiancée was right. Nowadays, there is a huge gap between the royal family and the aristocracy in the entire empire. The conflict has almost become public, and it is really difficult for the three of them alone to change anything.

But this is not the reason for them to sit back and watch. As a motivated and responsible noble, they must take action! "But what should we do? Pre-emptively launch a war directly against the people on Earth?" Warein is an out-and-out militant, so this was the first thing he thought of.

They can't do anything about domestic conflicts, but can't they do nothing about the people on earth? Since the people on earth are now accelerating their development, just wipe them out before they really grow enough to become a threat! There seems to be nothing wrong with the Baroness's logic. After all, their main concern about domestic infighting lies in the unscientific speed of development of the people on earth. If the people who caused the problem are solved, the problem will naturally disappear.

"His Majesty the Emperor will not agree!" Zazbarum shook his head: "Someone proposed this statement last time, and then it was suppressed mercilessly by His Majesty the Emperor. It seems that he does not intend to thoroughly clarify the internal affairs of the empire. issues before launching a foreign war.

And you have to know that the last war almost caused the entire empire's economic system to collapse. Now it has just recovered. Before the economic and military rebalancing is completed, it will be difficult to start a war. "

"We can create trouble and put the blame on the people on Earth, such as arranging an assassination operation with the participation of people on Earth..." Wo Leiyin rolled his eyes and blurted out a poisonous plan, which is indeed the most poisonous plan for women... "It's useless! "Kurut'ou intervened and rejected this suggestion: "His Majesty the Emperor is now more guarded against his own people than the people on Earth. Even if we cause trouble, he will immediately suspect the opposition nobles. On the contrary, this will directly intensify the conflict, and it may lead to civil war..." As a die-hard pro-emperor, Kuruteu was able to meet with the emperor frequently. After many conversations, he expressed his deep feelings for the old and bereaved emperor. With a deeper understanding, especially his fear and guard against the big nobles, he almost didn't hide it.

"No, you didn't pay attention to the point!" While the other two people were arguing, Zazbarum said this: "Have you noticed? The technological explosion of the earth's people is actually very sudden, and all transcendental New technologies and new equipment actually come from the same place—" "Anaheim!" Warein and Kuruteo said in unison. They looked at each other and understood what Zazbarum meant.

"That's right, Anaheim!" Zazbarum nodded and said: "We are powerless to control the situation within the empire, and we cannot rashly launch a full-scale war, so the only way is to slow down the enemy's technological development, and Anaheim, which frequently launches breakthrough technologies, is the most critical target! "So, should we attack this company?" Wo Leiyin asked eagerly - she didn't do it last time on Earth. I've had a lot of fun playing it, and now I really want to have some fun with that rather enigmatic Anaheim! "No, it's not us. The responsibility for provoking conflicts with people on Earth cannot be borne by us."

Zazbarum shook his head and rejected his fiancée's proposal.

Although he is indeed thinking about the empire wholeheartedly, he has not reached the point of casually sacrificing himself. He must not do this kind of thing that is destined to bear the stigma! "Then who should we let go?" The Baroness's curiosity was aroused.

')129'\u003eChapter 128 The scapegoat who was thrown out actually flew back on his own!

"Count Reinhardt!" Zazbarum said a name.

"Reinhardt? That old guy..." Kuruteu called the other count "old guy" unceremoniously, which showed how much he disliked his colleague. He asked Asked his friend: "Why did you choose him? Is there anything special about him?" Although he didn't mind watching the old guy who disrespected the royal family take the blame, Kuruteo also had to know that Zazbarum had chosen him. The reason for a person is not that he needs to confirm whether this matter is reliable or not.

"Hmph! Our Count Reinhardt is amazing!" Zazbarum sneered twice, and then explained to the two allies: "He actually discovered the illegitimate daughter of His Majesty Gilzelia. , and intends to control her!" "What? Your Majesty Gilzelia has an illegitimate daughter?" "Is this guy so bold?" Kuruteu and Wo Lein exclaimed at the same time. But their reasons for surprise varied.

The Countess was concerned about the fact that His Majesty the Second Emperor actually had an illegitimate daughter. As an earl, Kuruteu, who had heard about this matter for a long time, was shocked by Reinhard's audacity.

"How did you know about this?" "Hmph, I have several insiders in Reinhard's mansion, and their status there is enough to have access to this level of secrets."

Regarding Kuruteu's question, Zazbalum smiled coldly and gave such an answer.

“…”  Kuluto knew that his good friend was really good at intelligence work, but he didn’t expect that he could do it to this extent. For Reinhard, the matter of plotting against the royal illegitimate daughter must be a secret among secrets, but it was still leaked to Zazbarum. Kuruto couldn’t help but feel a little wary of his ally.

But in a blink of an eye, he threw this little fear behind his mind. Now is not the time to be wary of his ally...  “So, what does this have to do with our plan?”  At this time, Wolein asked.

She didn’t understand what the connection was between Reinhard’s desire to control the royal illegitimate daughter and their plan to provoke war.

“What I’m going to say next is the key!” Zazbarum didn’t keep the secret and directly told the intelligence he had obtained: “According to the intelligence, someone took action before Reinhard and took away the unrecognized second princess first!”  “Take the lead... Who is it? Is it your majesty?”  Kuluto asked.

"No, it wasn't done by His Majesty, I can guarantee that!" Zazbarum said confidently, but he didn't say how he was sure of that.

But even if he didn't say it, the other two understood it - this Zazbarum is really... He is as brave as Reinhardt, and he dared to arrange spies around the old emperor... "Zazbarum, you..." Wolain seemed to want to say something, but finally sighed silently.

"My friend, you are a bit overstepping your authority!" Kurutou criticized it without hesitation. In his opinion, the actions of his ally were only a thin line away from those betrayers.

"My friend, please rest assured that my loyalty to His Majesty the Emperor is as firm as yours, and I will never be disloyal!" Zazbarum said sincerely: "However, loyalty cannot solve all problems in many cases. We need enough intelligence to grasp the situation inside and outside the empire so that we will not make mistakes due to insufficient intelligence..." After listening to his friend's explanation, Kurutuo was silent for a long time, and finally said nothing, obviously agreeing with Zazbarum's approach.

"So, is there any connection between the abduction of the Second Princess and the attack on Anaheim by Count Reinhardt?" Seeing that the atmosphere at the scene was a little solemn, Wolein had to change the subject.

"Huh, isn't this very simple?" Zazbarum said his plan slowly with a confident smile: "Let the insider forge clues and link the disappearance of the Second Princess to Anaheim!" "This... Will Reinhardt be fooled?" Wolein was not very familiar with the character of the Count, so she didn't know whether this simple trick could deceive the other party.

"He will be fooled!" It was not Zazbarum who answered her, but Kurutou. He said, "I know this old guy. He will never give up!" "Yes, he will not give up!" Zazbarum echoed. He also knew Reinhardt very well and knew that he would definitely take the bait.

"Then, it's time to watch Reinhardt's performance?" A sinister smile appeared on Wolein's face.

"Yes, next it's time to watch our Count Reinhardt's performance!" Zazbarum's mouth also curled up, and he and his fiancée looked like a couple.

... Fang Yuan, who was far away on Earth, didn't know that another wave of conspiracy was coming towards his company.

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