No, it can't be said that there is nothing. There are two guards lying on the ground, and a round cleaning robot that looks like a cylinder... No, look at the muzzle sticking out of it, this is definitely an armed robot!   Zi--After Kurutuo appeared, this obviously modified robot opened a gap on the surface, and a mechanical arm stretched out from it, and a small embedded headset was placed on the mechanical arm.

"...You want me to wear it?" Although it seems silly to talk to a drone, Kurutuo understands that this drone should be controlled by someone, and the other party can see and hear all his current actions.

The mechanical arm holding the headset shook up and down, as if nodding. Kurutuo hesitated for a while, and finally picked up the headset and plugged it into his ears.

"...No matter who you are, I have to thank you for helping me!" Kurutuo's first sentence was actually a thank you. It seems that although the aristocratic system on the Martian Empire can breed a large group of idiots and waste, it can really cultivate cultured aristocrats.

"Perhaps, it's too early for you to thank me. Your current situation is not good. To be more precise, the entire empire you are in is not good!" The voice coming from the headset was obviously changed by a voice changer, making it impossible to tell whether the person on the other side was a man or a woman, old or young.

"You mean, Zazbarum and the others have already started to act!" Kurutuo immediately understood what the voice said.

"Yes, the coup troops have begun to gather, the ammunition has been loaded, and all the retreat routes of the old emperor will be blocked. You don't have much time!" The voice in the headset said slowly.

')143'\u003eChapter 142 Rescue on Mars

"Damn it!" Kurutuo cursed inwardly, and then immediately pressed the headset to the other end of the communication: "I don't know who you are, but since you helped me, you must want to use me to achieve some purpose.

Then, let's make a deal!" "Oh? I'd like to hear more!" The voice on the other end of the communication seemed a little surprised by Kurutuo's reaction.

"I will help you achieve your goal, and you help me escape from here! I need to rush back to the territory immediately to stop Zazibarum and the others..." Kurutou knew that although he had walked out of the cell, he was still not out of danger. There were no telling how many of Zazibarum's minions were outside. It was impossible for him to escape from here alone.

"Hehe, very reasonable, Mr. Kurutou... But please rest assured, my goal is the same as yours, which is to stop the rebellious behavior of that group of traitors. Next, you just need to follow my instructions, and you can escape from here safely - but do you think it's too late for you to go back to the territory and send troops?"  "What do you mean?" The words coming from the headset gave Kurutou a bad premonition.

"Didn't I say that? They have already started to act, and it's too late for you to return to your territory!"  The mysterious man on the other side of the communication said this in an indifferent tone, which immediately made Kurutou react. Indeed, he had no time! "... You rescued me, you shouldn't just want to see how a loser like me regrets, right? Tell me, what should I do?" Kurutou quickly adjusted his mentality and consciously put himself in the position of a "chess piece".

"Very good, Count Kurutou, you have impressed me a little bit!" Fang Yuan, who was far away on Earth, did not expect that this seemingly old-fashioned and stubborn Kurutou would actually cooperate so well.

"Then please follow this drone first, it will take you away from here safely!" Kurutou looked at the "cleaning robot" beside him. He looked at the short gun barrel extending from the inside of the robot and doubted the combat effectiveness of this thing.

"Can this drone... really take me out?"   "Haha, don't underestimate it! You'll know in a moment!"   A laugh came from the headset, revealing full confidence.

Looking at the drone again, it had already moved to the other end of the aisle. Kurutou had no choice but to bite the bullet and follow.

All the way up from the underground prison, everything he saw along the way finally made Kurutou understand why the other party had such confidence.

It turned out that all the guards along the way had been knocked down unconsciously, and they fell to the ground one by one, and it was impossible to tell whether they were alive or dead.

——No, judging from the blood flowing on the ground, they should all be dead!   "Is this... all done by this drone?"  Kuruutou murmured to himself: "How did this mysterious man... send such a killing machine here?"  Although Kurutou was just mumbling to himself in a low voice, he didn't know that his every word and action had been seen clearly by a person and an AI far away on another planet.

In response to Kurutou's question, Fang Yuan could only say that in a highly informationized world, the strength of [Ether] is really too powerful! For example, this "cleaning robot" which is obviously armed and modified is actually an ordinary cleaning robot modified by [Ether] who invaded a secret laboratory in the territory of Zazbarum and took advantage of the time when the laboratory was unattended to control the fully automatic processing machinery inside.

——In fact, even this "unattended" situation was deliberately created by [Aether] through a series of false commands issued to those laboratory workers.

And when [Ether] completely tampered with the video records and equipment and material list data in the laboratory, even if someone investigated the material list in the laboratory afterwards, absolutely no problem would be found.

As for how this drone left the laboratory all the way and arrived at the place where Kuruteu was imprisoned, this was no longer a problem.

Thanks to the labor shortage caused by the sparse population of the Martian Empire, and the fact that they possess far more advanced technology than humans on Earth, fully automatic robots have become a very popular auxiliary work equipment in the Martian Empire.

On the streets of the Martian Empire, cylindrical cleaning robots like this can be seen everywhere. Even if [Ether] controls this drone all the way through the streets, it will never arouse anyone's suspicion.

The only problem is how to enter Count Zazbalum's mansion where Kuruteo is imprisoned.

After all, it's okay for a cleaning robot to sweep the streets wandering around on the street, but it would be very unnatural if it wanted to enter a noble mansion.

But it doesn't matter. At this point, [Ether] controls the drone and takes action directly! With comprehensive suppression on the information level, [Ether] first hijacked the entire Earl's Palace and nearby surveillance cameras, falsifying the picture of "everything is normal", then blocked the radio communications between all guards, and then relied on people's trust in the cleaning robot. With low vigilance, he carried out sneak attacks on the lone guards again and again, using various methods to defeat them, and fought all the way to the dungeon where Kuruteo was imprisoned.

As for the various portals along the way, there is no need to worry - thanks to the highly popular electronically controlled automatic doors on Mars, in the face of the information intrusion capability of [Ether], the opening and closing of these electronic doors is just a matter of its instructions. .

Fortunately, because of the imminent coup, the number of guards left in the entire Earl's Mansion was kept to a minimum, and most of them were concentrated in the dungeon. The killings by [Ether] did not alarm the residential area at all. ordinary servants and attendants.

In addition, the entire rescue operation was very short. Therefore, when Kuruteu walked out of the dungeon with the drone, the journey was smooth and he did not encounter even the slightest obstacle. The only things he saw along the way were those who had fallen. Bodies everywhere.

"Move quickly. The information suppression on my side can continue for a while, but there is no guarantee when the situation here will be exposed!" An urging voice came from the earphones, which made the somewhat stunned Kuruteo immediately reply. God comes and continues to keep up with the drone.

Now is not the time to care about the methods of this mysterious ally. The top priority is to get yourself out of danger first! Fortunately, [Ether]'s movements were indeed clean enough, and he was very lucky today. Before Kuruteu completely escaped, no alarm was triggered, allowing him to successfully escape from the danger without any danger.

"Okay, now that we are out, what should we do next?" Kuruteu understood that the coup had begun, and every minute and every second now was precious.

Therefore, he immediately asked his only ally after regaining his freedom.

')144'\u003eChapter 143 "Emperor" Tuogu

"First of all, you have to have a vehicle!" Along with the words in the earphones, a driverless suspended car came from a distance, made an emergency stop in front of Kuruteu, and opened the door directly. car door.

"This is..." "Hurry up and get in the car!" The urging sound in his ears made Kuruteo stop thinking and got in directly.

After entering the car, before he could sit firmly, the car accelerated and drove towards the direction of the palace at high speed.

"Are you taking me to the palace?" Of course, Kuruteo also saw the direction of the car, and suddenly felt very puzzled - at this time, what use would it do to just take him to the palace alone? He is not one of those superheroes in comic books and movies. He can fight a hundred soldiers by himself. Even if there are only three or five gun-wielding soldiers in front of him, he cannot fight him alone! "Yes, it is the palace, but your goal is not to save the emperor who is destined to be unable to escape, but to save the princess of the empire!" "Your Highness the Princess..." "Yes, Zazbarum and others have a very careful plan. You alone, at this time, cannot stop his actions against the emperor.

But even if the emperor is controlled by him, you and others who are still loyal to the royal family still have a chance, and that is to protect the sole heir of the empire! "The voice in the earphones said slowly, making Kurt'o immediately understand the other party's plan.

Obviously, the mysterious man who rescued him did not intend to actually save the emperor, but instead set his sights on the princess who was the sole heir to the empire.

But, in that case, even if he rescues the princess and returns to his own territory to raise troops, the empire will eventually split into two halves... No, no, no, now is not the time to think about this. The mysterious man is right. , the top priority is to ensure the safety of the empire’s sole heir. Her Royal Highness must not be controlled by Zazbarum! Thinking like this, the suspended car he was riding in quickly arrived at a side entrance of the palace, which was also the entrance closest to the princess's residence.

Kuruteu looked at the surrounding environment and found that Zazbarum's men had not arrived yet, but he knew that he did not have much time! Looking at the closed entrance of the palace and the guards standing on both sides of the entrance, Krut'ou scratched his head in annoyance.

"Okay, how do I get in?" "It doesn't matter, just go in! I have hacked into the communication system of the guards, and they will receive instructions from their 'superiors' and let you go directly!" Kuruteu was shocked once, and he couldn't help but worry about what the consequences would be if this mysterious guy with no known friends or foes had any unfavorable thoughts about the empire... But these thoughts only existed in his mind. A fleeting moment passed, and the most important thing at the moment was to rescue Her Highness the Princess first! Kuruteu opened the car door and stepped out of the car, straightened his clothes to make himself look more energetic, and then walked step by step towards the door in front of him——As expected, as the mysterious man said, the guards saw his figure. , immediately stood at attention and saluted, and opened the closed door, allowing Kuruteu to pass.

This is really...terrible! At this moment, the young earl deeply felt that the palace's security measures were too weak. It was so easy to be breached, and they didn't even notice that their communication channel had been hijacked! This mysterious man... is definitely not a good guy! With these heavy topics in his mind, Kuruteu accelerated his pace. After all, he still remembered that his mission on this trip was to rescue the princess! Along the way, he found that all the passages and checkpoints along the way were directly open to him. It only took him more than two minutes to walk to the location of the princess's mansion.

On the one hand, this is because the imperial princess's residence is not far from this side entrance, and on the other hand, it is also because the size of the entire Weise Empire Palace is actually not that big.

After all, the entire Martian Empire is actually built under the surface of Mars. There are limitations on the size of the space. Even the Emperor of Mars cannot do whatever he wants. The size of the palace is not very large. It is not as big as the ancient palace of a certain country on earth. There are 720,000 square meters of land.

Upon arriving at the princess's residence, Kuruteo found that Her Royal Highness the Princess was already waiting in front of the door.

Just when he reflexively wanted to kneel down and salute, the head maid next to the princess spoke: "Count Kurteo, there is no need to say anything more! His Majesty has given an order for you to take the princess away immediately. You must Ensure the safety of Her Royal Highness the Princess!" Kuruteu raised his head and looked at the other party in shock. What is going on? Has His Majesty the Emperor noticed Zazbarum's actions? But why, since you are aware of it, why don't you directly punish the other party, but issue this kind of order that is equivalent to Tuogu? "Hurry! Time is running out!" "Take this child with you, they are taking action!" The head maid and the mysterious man reminded him at the same time, waking up Kuruteu. He had no time to delay.

He no longer dwelled on these issues, and immediately took a step forward. While saying, "I'm sorry," he picked up the princess, who was still a child, turned around and ran towards the exit with large strides.

"Count Kuruteu, please protect the princess..." The head maid clasped her hands tightly on her chest and murmured a prayer as she watched the figure of the princess getting further and further away.

And the little princess held in Kuruteu's arms, Iseilam Visser Eliosia, was indeed worthy of her princess upbringing. She did not cry or make trouble when faced with such a shocking change. , but quietly huddled in the arms of this strange uncle without moving.

Just now, "Grandpa" conveyed urgent news to her and her head maid through optical projection. Even at a young age, she already knew that there seemed to be a group of bad people who wanted to harm her, so she asked a trustworthy person to do so. The uncle came and took her away early.

Yes, everyone should have guessed that this was another good thing done by Fang Yuan.

To be precise, Fang Yuan created a virtual optical projection of an old emperor through the [ether] and directly conveyed the warning to the people at the princess's residence. This not only saved Kuruteu the need to explain the whole thing, but also allowed him to Make his actions smoother.

After all, a count broke into the princess's mansion and took the princess away by force, and the emperor himself issued an order to entrust the princess to the count. These are two completely different situations - if it weren't for Fang Yuan's help, Kuruteo would not even be able to open the gate of the princess's mansion. Can't even get in! ')145'\u003eChapter 144 The Difficult Journey Home

Fang Yuan, who was far away on Earth, accurately timed the movements of the two groups on Mars.

Just when Kuruteu led Her Royal Highness the Princess to leave the palace and followed Fang Yuan's instructions to dodge among the intricate buildings, the troops sent by Zazbarum to control the Princess also arrived here.

Recently, there was only a thin wall between the two sides. If any of Zazbarum's soldiers had turned on the life detector at that time, they should have been able to find Kuruteu and the other two men hiding behind the wall. little princess.

However, it is a pity that it was not until this group of coup troops discovered that Her Royal Highness the Princess was missing that they hurriedly turned on the life detector to search the entire surrounding area. But by this time, Kuruteu had already escaped far away with Her Royal Highness. .

... On the night of the coup, Kuruteu and the little princess spent an uncomfortable night in an empty house.

Well, the only one who suffered was actually Kuruteo. He stayed awake all night and was always vigilant, fearing that Zazbarum's minions would break in at the next moment.

As for the princess, although she is already very sensible at such a young age and did not cry or fuss throughout the whole process. She did not show any displeasure even if she had to spend the night in an uninhabited house with nothing, but she is still a child after all and is meant to sleep. After I clicked on it, I still yawned and fell asleep.

The next day, Kuruteu took the princess, whose appearance had been changed through optical camouflage, and followed Fang Yuan's instructions again, avoiding all searchers along the way, and finally escaped from the dangerous area near the palace and sat on the vehicle again. The vehicle controlled by [Ether] drove towards its own territory.

"First of all, I have to tell you some bad news. There is already a 'Kuruto' in your territory! Well, even your wife didn't find out that he is a fake!" On the way, the evil-minded man As soon as Fang Yuan opened his mouth, he gave the poor Earl bad news.

"..." Krut'ou remained silent, but his expression immediately darkened.

"Furthermore, Zazbalum already learned the news that you had escaped last night. He should have also informed the fake. Your journey home may not be so smooth~" Although he knew that the other party was in a positive mood. It was very bad, but Fang Yuan stabbed him again unhurriedly, making Krut'ou's mood even worse.

"...It doesn't matter, I have my own way!" Kuruteu said this expressionlessly, and then stopped paying attention to Fang Yuan's teasing in the earphone.

Princess Aiseilam, who was sitting on the side, shrank in fear when she saw the uncle next to her, whom her grandfather said was "trustworthy", talking to himself in the air, with a terrifyingly ugly face.

Kuruteu seemed to have noticed this, and immediately turned his head and smiled at the princess, saying: "It's okay, don't be afraid, I will protect you, Princess!" However, his smile was too forced, The little princess looked even more frightened. The word "fear" was written all over her big timid eyes... Kuruteo: "..." ... On the other side, Fang Yuan was waiting. After a period of time, I finally understood what the "method" that Count Kurteo was talking about.

He contacted his most trusted subordinates directly through a secret communication channel known only to him.

"What? You mean, Lord Zazbarum imprisoned you and sent a fake to pretend to be you and give orders?!" On the other end of the video call, the most trustworthy person in Kuruteo's mind The subordinates looked incredulous.

"But...but why did he do this?" Because Kuruteu contacted him through this secret communication channel, the other party directly confirmed his identity and had no doubt at all about the shocking facts he said.

But he couldn't understand at all why Count Zazbarum, who was supposed to have a good relationship with his lord, would do such a thing? ! ! However, what Kuruteu said next made this subordinate know that he was surprised too early - "Because he wanted to overthrow His Majesty the Emperor's rule and launched a coup, and I was the only one who opposed him. Insider!" "...Unbelievable!" Although his face was full of disbelief and horror, this loyal subordinate reacted immediately and understood his current responsibility: "Sir, what do you need me to do! "Come alone and take me to [Tharsis]!" Kuruteu has obviously understood that there is definitely a traitor among his subordinates, and the fake should have already known that he has escaped. news, so the fewer people who know his whereabouts, the better.

The only thing that can protect him now is the exclusive armored cavalry that only he can activate. At the same time, this is also the best evidence to prove the authenticity of his identity.

"So this is your method?" At this time, Fang Yuan's voice came from the headphones that had never been removed from Kurute'ou's ears: "Then I have to tell you with regret, that fake, no, Zazbalum must have anticipated your reaction. They have already sent people to set up an ambush near where your armored cavalry is. If you just rush in like this, you will never survive!" "I know! "Zazbarum knows me very well, and I have already expected that he would do this. This is just a test from me!" Kuruteu was not surprised at all by the information provided by Fang Yuan. It would be better to say that he was. It was expected.

"In other words, even if he is your so-called 'most trusted subordinate', were you testing him just now?" What Fang Yuan said was exactly the truth, because just now Kuruteu reported to his subordinates The location was not at all where they were now.

"Alas - I don't know who to trust now... My closest ally betrayed me, there are spies among my subordinates, my identity has been usurped... I have to be careful!" Kurutuo looked very tired. It seems that this kind of intrigue is really not something he is good at.

"Is that so... Then I can give you a good news - I just checked your subordinate. Judging from his communications and daily activities, he should not be a spy of Zazbarum. You can continue to trust him."

In order to make the Martian Earl chosen by him less miserable, Fang Yuan kindly provided some intelligence help.

"..." Kurutuo once again experienced the huge power of this mysterious man, but he was not shocked at all now - no matter how magical things are, they will feel a little bit unsurprising after seeing them more.

"This can be said to be the best news I have heard today!"')146'\u003eChapter 145 The feet of the humanoid robot are not just for show? !

Near an unmanned factory, a man in a senior military officer's uniform was pacing back and forth anxiously, as if waiting for something.

The agreed time had passed, but the person he was waiting for never showed up.

Until a familiar voice came from behind him - "It seems that you are indeed loyal to me!" He turned his head and saw the figure of the person coming, and immediately knelt on one knee to salute reflexively: "My Lord Earl!" "Get up."

Kurutuo looked at his old subordinate, nodded slightly, and his expression became a little kinder.

He had just confirmed again with the help of the "mysterious man" that there were no ambushes around. It seemed that as he said, his old subordinate was indeed loyal.

"Sir, I have already found out that the fake one in the Earl's mansion has issued an order to shoot and kill any suspicious person who appears, and also emphasized that someone might pretend to be the Earl and try to sneak in... It's too dangerous for you to go there now!" It seems that this "most trusted subordinate" of Kurut'o is not a good-for-nothing. He does have some skills. He also guessed that Zazbarum's spies would arrange an ambush on the armored cavalry and did find out the clues.

"It doesn't matter. I didn't plan to go there in person!" Kurut'o shook his head. This was what he said to test this subordinate. His real back-up plan was not here.

"Yes... Then, sir, what do you want to do next?"  "Hmph, since they don't want me to get close to [Tharsis], let [Tharsis] come to me directly!"  Kuruto took out a data storage device from his arms and handed it to the other party, and then said: "I remember you have the authority to get close to [Tharsis], right? Input the things in it into [Tharsis]'s system, and you don't have to worry about it next!"  ...  A few hours ago——  "So, this is your real back-up plan?"  The voice of the mysterious man came from the headset, and the other party's question made Kurto's mouth curl up.

It seems that this mysterious man with great magical powers doesn't know everything!   Here is an underground secret room hidden in an ordinary house. Just after Kurto contacted the loyal subordinate, he brought the little princess here.

The secret room was filled with a musty smell caused by being sealed for a long time, but what really attracted people's attention was the furnishings in the secret room - this was a set of polygonal square arrays built on the basis of the Aldnoah core, which was somewhat similar to the structure of a hyperspace gate.

But Fang Yuan recognized that this was a super-time and space communication device used for interstellar communication within the Weisser Empire.

It was probably similar to the "audience room" that Slaine secretly broke into in the anime plot, which could transmit optical projection and sound signals to the other side of the starry sky without time difference and loss.

However, this should be a very old model, at least compared with similar equipment that Fang Yuan saw on the moon, many places seemed very imperfect, and it should be an early version of this super-time and space communication device.

However, until Kurutuo officially activated the Aldnoah core of this set of equipment, Fang Yuan, or more accurately [Ether], did not find any information about this set of equipment at all.

Obviously, this equipment has never been activated since it was built, so there is no record of it in the super-time and space information network built by Aldnoah technology-related equipment.

Of course, after Kurutuo officially activated it, the invincible [Ether] in the information network immediately locked here and took full control of the entire set of equipment in just a few seconds, but Kurutuo, as the owner, was still unaware of it.

"Who do you plan to contact with this machine?" Fang Yuan didn't think that this super-time and space communicator could be called a "backup", and the young earl should have other plans.

Sure enough, the next moment, Kurutuo gave his answer: "Not to contact anyone, but to use it to remotely control my [Tharsis] directly!" "Oh? Remote control? Does your [Tharsis] have this function?" The voice in the headset revealed a tone full of doubt.

After all, Fang Yuan can be said to be one of the people in the world who knows the weapons and equipment of the Martian Empire best. As long as it is a device that uses Aldnoah technology and is connected to the hyperspace information network, it is equivalent to opening the door for Fang Yuan who has [Ether], allowing him to understand it thoroughly from the inside out, and he can seize control at any time for remote control.

He knows that the armored cavalry named [Tharsis], although it has the ability to "predict the future" in a short period of time, does not have the function of remote control.

"[Tharsis] does not have this function, so I need a trustworthy person to help me install this function!" Kurutuo obviously already has his plan.

... Time goes back to the present.

I don't know what method Kurutuo's subordinate used, but he did complete the task assigned to him by his lord.

When Kurutuo, who was far away in the underground secret room, saw the words "Remote control system has been activated" displayed on the instrument, he understood that it was time to fight back! The young count stood in the center of the super-time and space communicator, pressing one hand on the information projection core in the shape of a cube.

When his hand touched the surface of the cube, his spirit instantly crossed through many time and space and appeared directly inside [Tharsis]!   At this moment, he seemed to have completely transformed into [Tharsis]. With the posture of a steel giant, he pulled open the support pipes on the body and slowly stood up.

...  "Attention, there is movement in the hangar!"  The soldiers stationed outside the armored cavalry maintenance center discovered the huge movement coming from the building at the first time.

Boom-boom-boom-...  The vibration like a dull thunder sounded from the hangar, gradually moving towards the main gate. All the soldiers stationed outside couldn't help but become nervous, and immediately raised their guns and pointed them in the direction of the main gate.

However, the next moment, the scorching flames instantly engulfed them - although he knew that the people outside might just be following the orders of another "self", Kurutuo did not hesitate at all, and directly fired at the main gate with the machine gun on [Tharsis]'s double-arm shield. The flames and fragments produced by the explosion of the high-explosive warhead instantly killed all the soldiers blocking the gate.

"This is... the armored cavalry actually started?!"  Far away, the soldiers who were not engulfed by the artillery fire because of the distance were stunned at the scene in front of them.

They didn't understand why the armored cavalry belonging to their lord would fire at them - no, more importantly, why would the armored cavalry that should have been unmanned start? ! !   However, the silent steel giant did not mean to answer their questions.

[Tharsis] strode out of the gate of the hangar, ignored the miscellaneous soldiers around him, and ran directly along the main road all the way to the distance.

——Because they are underground, the height of the space is very limited. The armored cavalry cannot fly freely like on the ground or in outer space, so they can only run on their feet like they are doing now.

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