Do the Dead Apostles in Xingyue have such strong immortality? "Okay, let's not talk about these unpleasant things!" Fang Yuan first described the previous events in an understatement, and then asked another question that he just thought of: "By the way, do you still remember how you became A vampire? "Who bit you?" "Well - why are you asking?" The girl's wariness has reached its highest point, and she is afraid of even this seemingly insignificant question. What kind of trap is buried inside.

"Answer whatever is asked! Do you want to be thrown into that training ground again?!" Fang Yuanhu said with a scared face.

Shaking~~ As soon as the girl recalled her tragic experience just now, a look of horror suddenly appeared on her face, she shook her head crazily and said, "No! I don't want to die! No, I definitely don't want to die again!" "Then then. Answer my question well!" The cruel and merciless cold-blooded alchemist is online.

"Yes... she is a big sister with golden hair..." The girl said with a timid expression.

"Isn't he a man who looks a lot like your Shiki-senpai?" "No! No! How do you know about Shiki-senpai? Do you want to threaten me with your senior? No! I will be obedient! Don't hurt senior!" Ignoring the overthinking girl's sad pleas, Fang Yuan frowned - something is wrong with this "Yumizuka Satsuki", so wrong! Even the relatives who turned her into a vampire have changed. Is she really the Yuzuka Satsuki in "Tsukihime"? However, her answer confirmed Fang Yuan that she was indeed not a fake disguised as a vampire who had watched the "Tsukihime" anime or played the game in the main world, otherwise she would never deny such a thing. .

Could it be that Yuzuka Satsuki comes from a parallel world that is similar but different from the plot line of the anime and game? After all, the parallel world concept of Moon Chef World allows any setting to be stuffed into this system. A brand new world line can be released every few years, making it easier for authors to harvest Moon Chefs round after round. The tickets in the bag... "Um...are you listening? I will really be obedient. Please don't hurt Shiki-senpai..." The girl boldly tugged on Fang Yuan's trousers to bring him back to his senses. .

"Don't worry! I won't hurt your senior Zhiki!" Fang Yuan promised sincerely.

After all, the worlds are not even the same. Where can he find a Shiki to hurt him? Is it possible that he has to play a game of Mugen to kill the game character "Shiki" again? "Thank you... thank you... I will be obedient!" The girl said with a grateful face, even retracting her bloody eyes that were exposed due to emotion.

Seeing the vampire girl's obviously docile performance, Fang Yuan showed a subtle expression on his face - is this the Stockholm effect? Or is it that the charm of the bully is so great, and he just made this vampire girl so obedient and even thanked her with a mere guarantee without any coercion? Third update')188'\u003eChapter 187 The "weird killer" who breaks in

"Ahem! Let's not talk about this for now -" Fang Yuan shook his head and no longer thought about whether this vampire was domesticated by him, but continued to ask the previous question: "You said you turned into a vampire?" It’s a blond that it?” Fang Yuan projected a picture of Erquette Brunstadt, the first heroine in “Tsukihime”.

When he thought about it, in the entire Xingyue world, she was the most famous vampire with golden hair! However, the vampire girl's reaction was a bit... "Um... what is this? A comic character?" Yuzuka Satsuki looked at the picture projected by Fang Yuan, although a trace of curiosity about this high technology flashed in his heart. But after seeing more brutal black technology in the trial just now, her curiosity disappeared immediately.

What really left her speechless was, why did the other party bring out a 2D picture of an anime character? Well, there is no way around it. After all, Fang Yuan has never been to Xingyue World and has no idea what the real-life version of Bai Ji looks like. All that can be found on the Internet are various anime-style pictures. , he could only make do with it.

"...Don't worry about the painting style! Pay attention to the charm, the charm!" Fang Yuan emphasized the key point: "Is the blond sister who turned you into a vampire very similar to the person in this picture? For example, the eyebrows Revealing stupidity or something? "Well, let me say one more thing here. The picture of Elquet that Fang Yuan took out does not seem to be a screenshot from the serious Tsukihime anime and game, but... the magical girl Bai Ji from the Fantasy Carnival? Okay, after Fang Yuan reacted, he quickly changed to a more serious picture.

"This... that elder sister has long golden hair, and this one has short hair. They are not the same person, right?" Yuzuka Satsuki looked at Fang's operation speechlessly. She was very doubtful that this guy was really the same person. Is he the same person as the bastard who just tortured himself to death dozens of times? "The long golden hair...could it be that it's not Bai Ji, but Zhu Yue?" Fang Yuan thought of the unscientific recovery ability of this vampire girl. Maybe she was really killed by Arquette's biological father (mother) ? ) took a bite? But in the world line where Zhu Yue appears directly, I don’t know what the plot is at all! Maybe it had already been cleansed by the moon's restraining power, and maybe it had turned into a doomsday world... Just when Fang Yuan was guessing how miserable the end of the world that Yuzuka was born in May would be, the girl said: "Besides, the big sister is not wearing white clothes, she is wearing red clothes. Speaking of Shen Yun, she is completely different from the people in the pictures you gave me! She is not stupid or anything like that!" said At this point, the vampire girl seemed to be dissatisfied with Fang Yuan's previous statement, and emphasized: "She is a very heroic, powerful, and trustworthy big sister!" " and your' "Big sister, have you spent some time together?" Fang Yuan once again noticed something unusual. Judging from her words, this Yuzuka Satsuki had actually spent some time with her relatives, otherwise she would not have been able to tell her. He commented that "it makes people feel very trustworthy".

"Please tell me more carefully about the circumstances when you first became a vampire. Explain clearly the causes and consequences!" Fang Yuan continued to ask.

"...Why do you have to ask so clearly?" Faced with Fang Yuan's questioning, the girl shrank uneasily.

Only then did he notice that the vampire girl was still in the same miserable state as when she came out of the training ground.

Fang Yuan felt a little guilty, and had the rare feeling that he had indeed gone too far before.

"Okay, okay, if you are still dissatisfied with what I did before, I apologize..." Fang Yuan reached out and touched the vampire girl's head. She shrank her neck, as if she wanted to avoid it, but she didn't dare. The way he really avoided it looked really pitiful.

Crackling——An undetectable electric arc flashed, and Yuzuka Satsuki suddenly found that his whole body had become completely new. The dirt and blood stains on his body had disappeared, and were replaced by a very fitting sailor uniform.

She glanced at Fang Yuan timidly and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that he had no intention of throwing her into that training ground again.

Since Fang Yuan had changed the other party's clothes, there was no need for the little girl to sit on the ground all the time, so he made a stool for her.

The girl hesitated for a while before sitting on it slowly, and then looked at Fang Yuan's expression without any change, and then said: "To be honest, my memory of that time is not very clear.

That day was a very normal night. I had just returned home from school, and then... Then it was like there was a war outside, with all kinds of explosions and flashes. I was so scared that I hid under the bed.

Then...then the house collapsed..." "What happened next? Fang Yuan asked.

Judging from Yuzuka Satsuki's description, could it be that Bai Ji's battle with Roa, Nero and others affected her family? "Later... I later heard from my eldest sister that she dug me out of the ruins and sucked my blood, turning me into her ethnic group, but my parents were already..." Here, Yuzuka Satsuki's mood dropped.

After all, she is just an ordinary high school student. After her family members died and she was transformed into a dark race that cannot see the sun, it is remarkable that she can still maintain such a nearly normal personality.

"Then you followed her?" Fang Yuan continued to ask: "Do you know her name? Is it Erquit? Zhu Yue? Or some other name?" "... Erquit? Zhu Yue? I haven’t heard of it...but I heard my eldest sister’s companion calling her...Heartunder Blade? My English is not very good, so that’s how I pronounce it..." Fang Yuan: "..."Heartunder Blade—— Bladeheart... her full name should be Gessute Yaselaorion Bladeheart, right? With synonyms such as "iron-blooded, hot-blooded, cold-blooded vampire", "weird among the weird", "weird killer", "weird king", etc., he is one of the most important characters in Nishio Ishin's "Monogatari" series, and also The highest-level vampire in that worldview has powerful regeneration and recovery abilities that far exceed those of other vampire races.

In its heyday, he had the amazing power to jump directly from the continent of Antarctica to Japan. He would not die even if he was exposed to the sun. He had a weapon called "Yao Sword Heart Crossing" that could only kill monsters. He could also travel through time and space, conduct time travel and even parallel worlds. Time Travel can be said to be an incredibly powerful vampire among vampires in terms of setting.

but! This character should have nothing to do with "Tsukihime" or the Xingyue World! How come she became a relative of Yuzuka Satsuki? Is it possible that her unreasonable ability to time travel can still travel across works? ! ! etc! Yuzuka Satsuki seemed to have said one word just now - companion? Does Jisi Xiute have a companion? Could it be that trash guy? ')189'\u003eChapter 188 When the two-dimensional character recognizes the "two-dimensional"

"Is your eldest sister this person?" In order to confirm his guess, Fang Yuan projected another picture again.

"Why is it still two-dimensional..." Yuzuka Satsuki looked at this picture speechlessly. It was actually the same anime style as Shirahime before.

But... when she looked carefully, she found that - "Ah! They really look alike! Where did you find this picture? You can actually draw the elder sister so fascinated!" The vampire girl was very surprised. Although there was a gap between the painting style and the real person, she recognized it at the first sight. The one in this picture was the big sister who saved her! Fang Yuan: "..." Okay, let's be honest, this "iron-blooded, hot-blooded, cold-blooded vampire", "the weirdest of weirdness", "weird killer", "king of weirdness" - Jisi Xiute· Yasai Laura Leon Bladeheart really traveled to the world of Shaoyue... No, maybe not necessarily? Is it possible that there is a girl named Yuzuka Satsuki in the world of "Monogatari", and her character is exactly the same as the person with the same name as Katsuki? No, no, no, this is too far-fetched.

From a practical perspective, the possibility of time travel is indeed more reliable! After all, Fang Yuan is also a "veteran" who has traveled through time several times, and has seen more or less the most advanced powers in the multiverse (although he jumped after just one glance), so naturally he would not think that he is the only one among countless worlds. A person has this ability to move between different worlds.

Not to mention anything else, just those fantasy monsters and secret realms that appear in the main world, according to some speculation that is not officially recognized, it is very likely that they have traveled from other worlds.

In addition, as the strongest vampire with the ability to time travel and even world line crossing in the original setting, if this sister Jisixiute also gets some special opportunities like Fang Yuan, she can travel to other places. The world is not unreasonable... "What happened to your eldest sister's companions? Do you know their identities?" Fang Yuan continued to ask, his interest had been completely aroused.

"Well - I don't know their identities. In fact, I just met them once when I was following Basakashin-sama..." The girl twisted her fingers around the hair hanging by her ears while recalling with some difficulty, she At that time, I had just recovered from death, and I also learned the bad news of the death of my parents. I was completely confused and paid little attention to other things around me. It was indeed a bit laborious to recall these things.

——She probably doesn’t know the “brain massage memory method” unique to the vampires of Jisi Xiute’s lineage. As long as she is ruthless enough to insert her hand into her brain and stir it a few times, she will probably be able to remember everything.

" you mean there are several companions? How many specifically? Can you describe their appearance?" "I have only seen three...let me think about has a pair of red and also The uncle with strange patterned eyes has a scary serious look on his face... The other is a big brother who wears a pair of glasses and has a warm smile... The other is a handsome guy with long silver hair. "Well, when it came to the last "handsome guy", the girl's expression completely changed to that of a star-chasing fan. She didn't realize that this vampire was actually a fan... "It has red eyes with strange patterns. ...This sounds so familiar, could it be the Sharingan? The other two sound much more ordinary, and I couldn't identify them for a while...could they be characters from some work?" Fang Yuan? Some people are murmuring that there seems to be something wrong with Jisute and her companions who turned Yuzuka Satsuki into a vampire! But just think about these issues. Anyway, it is impossible for Fang Yuan to go to those people to verify them face to face.

The key now is, how did this vampire come to the real world? "Eh? Eh——————!!!" This was Yuzuka Wushu's reaction when she learned from Fang Yuan that she had come to a completely different world.

" is it possible!!!" The word "unbelievable" was written all over the girl's face at this time.

To say that she came to China inexplicably, she could still accept it. After all, from the previous trial, she also truly understood how powerful her vampire body was. If she had traveled all the way from Japan when she was confused, It is not impossible to come to mainland China.

But, but! Going abroad and traveling through time are completely two different things! Why did she come to another world out of nowhere? ! ! Is her bad luck really so terrible? Not only did his family die, he also died once. After being resurrected, he turned into a vampire who could not see the sun. In the end, he was abandoned by the whole world and lived in a different world... "You lied to me, right? That's right?" "The girl looked at Fang Yuan with pleading eyes, her eyes full of expectation, looking forward to the word "yes" from Fang Yuan's mouth.

"Sorry, I didn't lie to you!" But a certain alchemist ruthlessly broke her fantasy: "To be honest, when I first heard your name, I was also surprised - I didn't I thought that there would actually be two-dimensional characters coming into reality.”

"How could it be..." The girl slumped down on the seat, her whole body filled with a sense of powerlessness from the bottom of her heart. She... not only lost her family, lost the sunshine, but also lost her own world... "Wait a minute. !” The girl suddenly reacted: “What’s going on with that ‘two-dimensional character’ you just mentioned?” Even though Yumizuka Satsuki looked like a quiet and well-behaved child before her death, she didn’t have a high sense of presence. She can also watch anime and play games. Although she is not an otaku, she is somewhat familiar with the otaku circle. She can still understand the term "two-dimensional".

However, she would rather she didn’t understand the meaning of this word at all. From the words of this cruel and cold-blooded alchemist, Yuzuka Satsuki had an unpleasant suspicion in her heart. Could it be that she... "Ah, That's right, in my world, the girl named "Yumizuka Satsuki" is actually an inconspicuous female character in a game called "Tsukihime" and related anime. From the setting point of view, it is the same as yours It's quite consistent. He's also a vampire, but there's something different about the person who turned you into a vampire."

With that said, Fang Yuan also projected various introductions and settings about "Tsukihime" and Yuzuka Satsuki on the Internet. [Ether] also carefully selected the all-Japanese version to facilitate those who do not understand foreign languages. Girl reads.

"How could it I just a...false existence?" The girl's eyes were filled with despair.

')190'\u003eChapter 189 Drink, this is your destiny!

Looking at the girl's appearance, Fang Yuan also felt a little unbearable. He felt that he had given her too much information at once. He should have told her to take it easy first... "Don't think too much!" Fang Yuan took a few steps forward, put one hand on the girl's head, rubbed it, and found that the hand felt normal, then put his hand down.

"Although even I don't have a thorough understanding of the relationship between the world, there is at least one thing I can guarantee -" He pointed to the synopsis of "Tsukihime" on the projection on one side and said: "The world depicted in this game and anime should indeed exist in the multiverse, but the world you come from should be different from the orthodox plot line of this game. I don't know whether it is a parallel world or an alien world. factors interfered.”

Although Yuzuka Satsuki didn't fully understand Fang Yuan's words, such as multiverses and parallel worlds, she could somewhat understand what the other party meant - her existence was real, and she The world is also real.

"Really?" With tears in her eyes, the girl looked up at Fang Yuan with eyes like those of a small animal, and asked expectantly.

"I can't give you 100% guarantee, after all, I haven't been to your world either.

But when I find a way for you to travel through time, maybe you can go back..." "Go back...can you really go back? "The girl murmured to herself. She instinctively wanted to question this, but then she thought of the power and technology displayed by the guy in front of her. Is it possible that he really has a way? "It depends on your luck! "Although he wanted to say "yes" directly to comfort the other party, in the end Fang Yuan still did not make a clear commitment.

After all, he has only experienced time travel three times, and each time he did not travel independently. He actually has no clue if he wants to send Yuzuka Satsuki back to the world where she came from.

"Is that so..." Although Fang Yuan did not give a clear commitment, for some reason, Yuzuka Satsuki's original feeling of despair and panic disappeared - probably because the other party's rigorous attitude strengthened his Be persuasive, and being unwilling to boast casually doesn't mean that he is more reliable than those who make promises casually! "Then-" Gu~~ Just when the vampire girl was about to say something else, her stomach made an inappropriate sound.

Fang Yuan: "..." Yuzuka Satsuki: "?(????ω????)?" "Well, you have been resurrected so many times, it should be time to replenish some energy."

Fang Yuan snapped his fingers, and the very sensible [Ether] immediately controlled the drone to carry a whole bucket of fresh blood to the vampire girl.

"Drink!" "Hmm~~" The vampire girl looked at the bucket of blood that exuded an alluring fragrance and hesitated for a long time without moving.

The remaining human common sense in her mind made her strongly refuse the act of drinking the blood of the same kind, but the hunger that seemed to come from every cell in her body urged her to drink up the bucket of blood.

"! I can't...can't drink human blood!" In the end, human will defeated the instinct of blood. With an expression of nostalgia and reluctance, the vampire girl forcibly turned her head to the other side and refused to go. Look at that bucket of tempting "delicious food".

"Yes!" Fang Yuan nodded approvingly. The strong willpower of Yuzuka Wushu really surprised him.

However, he also knew that forcing a vampire to go against its instincts and not suck blood for a long time would only make it fall into the impulse of sucking blood, and eventually completely lose its mind and become a bloodthirsty beast - just like Yuzuka Satsuki who fell into the trap and found Fang Yuan's family at the beginning.

"Don't worry! This blood is not collected from living people, but artificial blood I copied with cloning technology. Drink it as much as you want, don't worry!" Fang Yuan said so.

"...Really?" The girl turned her head hesitantly, secretly glanced at the full pot of blood, and swallowed a mouthful of saliva with a gulp - she was indeed very hungry. If she hadn't been killed dozens of times in a row, she would have instinctively feared the man who claimed to be an alchemist in front of her, and she might even completely lose her mind and attack him! Of course, in the final analysis, the culprit for her hunger was actually the guy in front of her. If it weren't for his cold-blooded order, how could she die dozens of times in a row! However, this blood smells really good... Fang Yuan scooped up a cup of blood and handed it to the girl.

"Drink it, this is your destiny!"  "??? What?" The girl was confused.

"Ahem! Sorry, I got it wrong!" Fang Yuan coughed and said awkwardly.

This scene just now was too familiar, so he couldn't help but say the line he had always wanted to try.

"Come again... Drink it, this is blood without any sin, you can drink it with confidence!"  Fang Yuan knew that this vampire, who had just been born not long ago, still had human moral concepts. The reason why she didn't drink blood was that she didn't want to bear the sin of killing "the same kind" - although she was no longer the same kind as humans.

Taking the cup and smelling the "fragrance" of the blood at close range, the girl swallowed again: "Gulp - then... then did I really drink it?"  Seeing Fang Yuan nod encouragingly, she finally made up her mind, raised her head, and drank the bright red in the cup.

"Gulp, gulp, gulp... Ha - delicious!" For the girl who has become a vampire, human blood tastes like ice soda she drank before, and has a special mellow taste. In addition, this blood is artificially prepared in the laboratory, without the various substances that affect the taste of ordinary human blood - such as high cholesterol, high blood lipids, high blood sugar and the like.

Of course, what really makes the girl feel physically and mentally happy is the vitality contained in this blood.

Yes, it is magical. In essence, it is just cloned blood made by technology, but it can be as full of vitality as the blood sucked from the body of a living person. It is incredible... Although she has always insisted that she has never sucked human blood, she still has this common sense.

During the short time with the elder sister who saved her, the other party warned her that it is better to suck blood directly from a living person.

If it is old blood that has been stored for a long time, such as blood in the hospital blood bank, it is not a very good food for vampires - it tastes bad, and the life energy contained in the blood is pitifully small. Perhaps drinking a bucket of blood is not as much as sucking a mouthful from a living person.

However, the cloned blood provided by the alchemist is contrary to common sense. It is full of vitality, and she feels "full" after drinking only half a bucket.

'Is this... really artificial blood? '    The girl couldn't help but doubt it. Could it be that the alchemist was actually lying to her, and she was drinking the real blood squeezed from a living person? !   Seeing the girl's sudden change of expression, Fang Yuan knew that the other party had misunderstood.

"Don't compare me with those ordinary people! It's just artificial blood containing vitality. It's nothing for a real alchemist!"    Yes, as he said, it is not difficult to make artificial blood, which should have thin vitality, full of vitality.

In Fang Yuan's understanding, the so-called "vitality" should be equivalent to the concept of "Qi".

As an alchemist and alchemist who can sense and manipulate Qi, infusing the blood with Qi similar to the Qi that circulates naturally in the human body to make it equivalent to the blood of a living person in terms of vitality is just a basic operation.

Third update')191'\u003eChapter 190 A cry came out

"That... Mr. Fang? Where are we going?" The girl sitting in the back seat of the car asked the man in the driver's seat hesitantly.

It was night time. The vampire girl who had been tossed around as a captive and "research sample" for a whole day, after eating and drinking, rested for half a day. Finally, after the sun set, Fang Yuan took her out of the underground base and drove her to the city.

Although she was told that she had arrived in a different world, the girl in the car looked out the window at the scenery on the roadside that was similar to the Japanese city. The curiosity and expectation that had arisen in her heart suddenly disappeared completely. Since she learned that the abominable guy who tortured her was actually an alchemist, she had always thought that this so-called "different world" was actually a magical country full of magic and supernatural powers.

The result disappointed her greatly. It was no different from an ordinary modern city! However, what made her most uneasy was the unpredictable alchemist in front of her. Where did he want to take her? What for? She really couldn't rest assured without asking.

"We are going to the place where you appeared!" Fang Yuan did not hide it and directly stated his purpose.

"Where I appeared?" The girl was a little confused at first, and she would soon realize that this refers to the place where she landed in this "different world".

"Can you find this too?" The girl asked curiously.

To be honest, even Yuzuka Satsuki herself was not very clear about what happened when she crossed over.

In the previous interrogation, she had already said that she fell into a state of confusion in her original world because she did not suck blood for a long time, and when she came to her senses, she was tied up in Fang Yuan's laboratory.

In this way, let alone finding the exact place where she landed in this world, even how she crossed over was confusing.

However, for Fang Yuan, it is not impossible to find the place where this vampire landed.  "I have checked all the traffic camera records in this city and have determined the approximate location where you first appeared in the city.

As for the next, it depends on luck." Fang Yuan said so.

"Luck?" The girl tilted her head, somewhat puzzled.

"Yes, luck."

Fang Yuan nodded, and then said something that surprised the girl even more: "In fact, you are not the first alien to cross into our world."


"That's right, before you, there have been countless creatures from another world that have descended into our world, but there has not been a single one like you that has human appearance and personality and can communicate smoothly."

What Fang Yuan was talking about was actually the "fantasy monsters descending" incident that has occurred all over the world. If we look at it from the perspective of non-human races and possessing extraordinary powers, even our vampire lady is also in this category.

After many crossovers, Fang Yuan felt more and more that the "alien visitors crossing" theory proposed by the researcher who was not recognized by most people at the beginning was very likely the real reason why fantasy monsters and even secret realms appeared in this world.

However, as Fang Yuan said, among all the fantasy monsters known so far and alien creatures found in secret realms, the only alien visitor with human appearance and personality who can normally integrate into human society is Yumatsuka Satsuki.

Moreover, the most important thing is that she is a well-known character from a confirmed fantasy work.

This is completely different from all the fantasy monsters discovered before!   "Could it be that... I am special?"  The girl asked excitedly, even revealing her scarlet eyes.

"It is indeed quite special..."  Fang Yuan said this, and saw Yumatsuka Mayu's performance in the rearview mirror, and was a little surprised by her excitement.

"Finally... Finally someone said I am special!!!"  The vampire girl's tears of joy, coupled with what she said, was really embarrassing, but also very funny.

Well, Fang Yuan finally remembered that this girl has always been an unnoticeable Akalin in the original work, with a low sense of existence that would be forgotten by her classmates. Now someone said to her face that she is special...  "What a guy who is easily satisfied..."  Fang Yuan chuckled, turned the steering wheel, and drove the car to a deserted alley.

... "Um... Uncle, you brought me here, do you want to do something to me?" The girl who looked like a high school student looked at the surrounding environment - at night, an empty alley, a helpless and pitiful girl alone, a tall and strong adult male with strong martial arts... These are almost all the elements of a certain short film! She was really scared! Although there was no way to read the girl's mind, there was no need to do so. Fang Yuan knew what she was thinking just by looking at her expression. He rolled his eyes and said unhappily: "Even if I want to do something to you, there is no need to take you outside to do it! Wouldn't it be easier to do it in my base? Besides, I've seen every part of your body, a skinny little girl, with no breasts, no butt, no appeal at all..." Skinny little girl... No breasts, no butt... No appeal at all... Although the other party According to Fang Yuan, he just used a flat tone to explain that he was not interested in the vampire girl's body at all, but to the person involved, every word of Fang Yuan was a personal attack, as if a sharp arrow pierced her chest fiercely, hitting her heart, one arrow after another, until she bled all over the ground... "Yes, I'm such a skinny little girl, with no figure, no sense of existence, I'm such an insignificant person..." Seeing that the girl in the ORZ shape was almost turning gray, Fang Yuan realized that he seemed to have hit the girl's sore spot just now.

Stepping forward and touching the little girl's head, Fang Yuan said: "Don't be discouraged, don't despair, you are still young, there is still room for development in the future..." At this point, Fang Yuan patted his head as if he had just remembered. : "Ah, I forgot, you have become a vampire, and it seems that you can't continue to develop in the future!" What about the fatal last hit... Yuzuka Satsuki: "...Wow~~!!!" Vampire The girl really cried! First update, today's update is a bit late, please forgive me')192'\u003eChapter 191 Good News and Bad News

"Crying... it's too much..." The dark alley, the tall man, the sobbing girl, this scene makes people who don't know think it is some kind of indescribable aftermath scene.

But this is actually a scene of a vampire girl who will never grow up. After her false illusions were severely shattered by a loveless cold-blooded alchemist, she lost hope and cried bitterly... "Okay, okay, okay." Isn’t it just that the figure can’t continue to grow? It’s so superficial that you can’t even look at such a trivial matter..." Fang, who was not embarrassed at all when he made the girl cry, completely ignored the girl’s full expression. With resentful eyes, he said sarcastic words very calmly.

"It's not a trivial matter!" Yuzuka Satsuki no longer cared about the fear of Fang Yuan in her heart at this time. Being stabbed hard at her pain point, she released all the courage she had accumulated since she was born, and shouted loudly to someone unknown. The bastard who understood the girl's thoughts complained: "This is the dream of young girls! Give me back my hope and my future!!!" Fang Yuan: "..." Could it be that a girl's hope and future is to have a pair of In good shape? Then this hope and future are too cheap! "And what does this have to do with me?" Am I wrong to tell the truth? Fang Yuan wanted to say this, but when he saw the girl's face full of tears, he finally suppressed his words - forget it, let's stop bullying the little girl... After a long time, he finally packed up. The vampire girl kept a low-pressure look, lowered her head, said nothing, and just followed Fang Yuan's footsteps step by step.

They kept walking, and kept walking, until an hour later, the two of them had walked every inch of the streets in the nearby blocks, and Fang Yuan finally stopped.

"Hey!" The girl who had been blindly following Fang Yuan was caught off guard and bumped into his back, letting out a scream.

However, she was not like an ordinary girl who loses her balance and falls to the ground and screams after hitting someone. Instead, she screams because she is worried that she will hurt the person if she hits someone.

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