In fact, not only Rider, but all other sub-servants, when faced with such an exaggerated Noble Phantasm attack, were unable to confront it head-on and could only avoid its sharp edge.

"Tsk! Lancer, release the Noble Phantasm with me!" Caster flew high into the sky, with more than a dozen magic formations spread out around him. Magic bullets composed of countless magic powers crashed down like meteor showers, slightly resisting the ferocity of the torrent of iron piles. offensive.

After hearing Caster's order, Lancer curled his lips in displeasure, but in the end he didn't say anything. He jumped into the air and used the power he got from the heroic spirit in his body - "Breaking through Death Flying" Gun (Gáe Bolg)!" Lancer jumped to the highest point and threw the red magic gun in his hand with all his strength.

That's right, this Lancer inherited a certain Celtic hero with titles such as "Big Dog", "Lucky E", and "Spinning Blue Lancer", the son of the God of Light Luger, Kuran The cute dog... I'm sorry, it's a fierce dog, the power of Cu Chulainn.

The magic spear thrown from his hand is not a reversal of cause and effect that can penetrate the opponent's heart. Instead, it is a carpet bombing move that attacks the opponent's surroundings. There are more than 30 of them after splitting. A large number of magic spears turned into dozens of meteors and blasted away in the direction of the Grand Duke.

"Sanat Kumara, God of Venus!" At the same time, Caster also released her Noble Phantasm.

The spiritual base in the body comes from a female mystic named Helena Blavatsky, who is also the ancestor of theosophy. Although her treasure "Venus God, Fire God" sounds like the power to summon a certain god. , but in fact it appears as a flying object and attacks the surroundings. In essence, it is just a UFO.

However, despite its weird appearance, this is a real A-level anti-army weapon. Countless energy bombardments carried more terrifying power than the previous magic bullets, and they launched attacks together with the split magic spears.

"Hmph! It's just the light of the fireflies!" The Grand Duke snorted domineeringly. As soon as he had a thought, the torrent of steel under his feet suddenly turned around and jumped into the air, turning into an airtight steel barrier, blocking the force that could destroy thousands of armies. before violently attacking.

Boom-boom-boom-boom-boom-boom-boom-boom! ! ! After nearly a hundred deafening explosions, when the smoke dispersed, everyone in the White camp saw the unscathed Archduke.

"Tch!" Lancer White spat out in displeasure.

"If you have any other skills, just use them and show me!" Having made such a confident declaration, the Grand Duke at this moment was simply domineering! However, in the next moment, a figure suddenly appeared behind him - 'Wuerda! 'Using the essence of circle meditation to achieve a state similar to "the unity of heaven and man", making one's own sense of existence disappear from everyone's consciousness. This is transparency without the help of magic or any magic. It can be called the strongest breath blocking.

This is a unique skill that can only be performed by a very small number of top martial artists, and is by no means comparable to ordinary Assassin's lame magic methods.

The person who used such unique physical skills was the artificial human sub-server who inherited the power of the heroic spirit named Li Shuwen and called himself Assassin.

With this method, White Assassin successfully sneaked behind the Archduke and launched a killing blow from almost zero distance, which was enough to kill him in one blow.

')239'\u003eChapter 238 This is the correct way to use the command spell!

At this moment, the Grand Duke finally noticed the murderous intention coming from behind - several iron stakes emerged from the void and turned into a simple steel barrier to block the Grand Duke's back.

But, it's still too late! Based on the "Tiger Hard Climbing" in Bajiquan, the unique fighting skills cannot be blocked by a few iron stakes.

Bang——! ! ! This seemingly ordinary and skillless punch was like a city-breaking hammer, smashing into pieces the iron stakes blocking the road, and truly hit the vital part of the Impaler's vest.

Under the control of the extremely wonderful fist power, the Grand Duke was not knocked away. Instead, he seemed to have absorbed all the power of Assassin's fists. He stood frozen on the spot. Then, after Assassin became transparent and disappeared again, he knelt down dejectedly. Fall to the ground.

Boom——A heavy heartbeat sounded in my ears.

This is... the heart... The Grand Duke covered his heart with one hand, and the expression on his face became particularly ferocious due to pain.

Poof - a mouthful of blood spurted out from the Grand Duke's mouth immediately.

Click——This is a shattering sound that only the Grand Duke himself can hear.

What was broken was none other than the spiritual core that represented the core of the servant's life! "How is it possible... actually..." He thought that after using the iron stake to block him, and his extremely strengthened physique after being blessed by the [Guardian Ghost General] skill, he would be able to withstand this blow, but he didn't expect that, The assassin's punch actually ignored all the Grand Duke's internal and external defenses, and directly damaged the most fundamental part of a servant - the spiritual core! "Hmph! This is the ultimate in Chinese martial arts, unparalleled fighting!" The white Assassin appeared again and stood beside his teammates, saying this with a certain pride that was not his own.

The so-called "Unmatched Strike" is the true embodiment of the legend of "Steel Fist Unmatched Strike" by Li Shuwen, the true master of Assassin's spirit base. That is, a blow that is supposed to be used to contain or feint can be enough to take away The enemy's life is clearly not a Noble Phantasm, but the essence of martial arts.

As the top martial artist, it goes without saying that Li Shuwen's strength is excellent, but what is more important is that he has practiced "swallowing" his opponents with anger.

According to some accounts, Li Shuwen does not seem to defeat his opponents solely by the destructive power of his fists.

Rumor has it that almost all the people he beat to death did not have internal organs ruptured, but died from what is called shock in modern times.

The "Qi Swallowing" technique does not have a fixed name as a technique, but the concept is slightly similar to the Kong Zhou Tian in the Immortal Celestial Practice.

Zhou Tianxing is an exercise method that allows Qi (energy) to circulate around the body and mind, thereby activating the whole body, thereby resonating, amplifying Qi and cultivating it.

One of its reaching points is to fill the whole body with Qi, and the next step is to fill the surrounding space with its own Qi.

Li Shuwen used this method to "swallow" his opponents - according to research, he formed a space full of his own energy, thereby creating a domain that was entirely his own. Part of the "swallowed" person felt that he would be Dazzle and enter a state of tension. If a direct impact is made to the opponent's nerves in this state, the heart will stop due to the vagus nerve reflex.

In other words, death from shock.

Of course, after such a martial arts stunt is transformed into a treasure, it is endowed with more mystery. Not only flesh-and-blood humans will be shocked to death due to cardiac arrest under this punch, but also heroic spirits whose bodies are made of ether. The most fundamental spiritual core will also be destroyed under this unparalleled and unmatched punch. It can be called a unique skill that can kill anyone.

However, just as a certain big dog's causal-reversal gun has never stabbed the main character to death in the anime plot, in all the works in which the heroic spirit Li Shuwen has appeared, the "unparalleled strike" that is supposed to kill with one hit seems to have not been found either. I have killed several famous characters.

(Well, in the game, the player himself was killed due to improper operation, resulting in a Game Over.) Obviously, this time the "no two hits" failed to do its full work.

Just when the Grand Duke was about to die due to the fragmentation of his spiritual core, the Master's voice came to his ears - "King, there is no doubt that you have been fatally injured and are about to withdraw from this Holy Grail War!" ] "Ah, it's Darnic! That's right, I didn't expect Yu, the king, to really fail. Even if he gained life again, he still couldn't accomplish anything... But he could die like a hero on the battlefield, This is a good ending, right?" [So, in that case, are you willing to leave your last strength to me and continue to help me win this Holy Grail War? I promise that after winning the war, I will fulfill your wish entrusted to the Great Holy Grail! 】 The Master who had always been getting along very well with him made such a request, but the Impaler did not get angry because of it, but said very openly: "Ha! Do you want to use my last power? What do you want to do? Forget it. As long as you don’t ask me to activate that filthy treasure, you can do whatever you want!” [Then, Rong Chenzi overstepped his authority——] “I commanded him with the command spell, and the black Lancer turned into a spirit and possessed me. Come into my body! Use the second command spell to command him, Vlad III, give up resistance and fuse your spiritual base with my soul!" At some point, Danik, as the master, actually left. The safe castle came to an extremely dangerous battlefield, and he even used two command spells to issue such an unusual order.

"Oh, is this your wish? Do you want to have the power of a heroic spirit by merging the human soul with the servant's spiritual base? Hahahahaha! It's really interesting... Anyway, let me see, what's your wish? Ambition, how can you withstand everything that I, Vlad Tepesh, have to offer?" The Grand Duke had no intention of resisting the Master's order, but instead laughed and obeyed the command. The dissipating power of the body instantly turned into an extremely dazzling spiritual light, rushing into Danik's body in an instant.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." Using human bodies and souls to forcibly swallow the power of the fused heroic spirits. Although countless preparations had been made, it still brought huge backlash and pain to Darnic. .

This is not like those sub-servants, where the spirit base of the heroic spirit is loaded into the body in the form of possession, but a more thorough and dangerous fusion of souls.

——With the shallow soul of a mere human being, trying to devour and assimilate a heroic spirit body that is beyond human beings is an unprecedented act of madness.

"With...the final command incantation...the king of Romania, give up your own will and transfer my personality and memory to become your will!" Even though he endured inhuman pain that outsiders could not imagine, that The obsession that lasted for 60 years allowed Darnic, a human, to persevere and even struggled to use the last command spell.

The power of the command spell is the power of miracles. Sure enough, after the order was issued, the originally conflicting soul fusion suddenly became extremely smooth. The radiance of the spirit son that shrouded the magician's body was no longer as violent as before. It was about to stabilize and completely integrate into Danik's body.

If successful, the one who reappears in the world will no longer be the human magician Darnic, nor the Heroic Spirit Servant Vlad III, nor the sub-servant Darnic with the Heroic Spirit Spiritual Base, but a man who has obtained A new individual that has lost all the power and soul of the Servant, but has a human body and human personality.

')240'\u003eChapter 239: Learn from each other and gain wisdom

"What the hell, what's going on?!" With the help of Assassin's fatal blow, the unstoppable Archduke was about to retreat. Everyone in the White camp just breathed a sigh of relief, but in the blink of an eye, the situation turned to a situation they saw. I went in a direction I didn’t understand.

Judging from what the Black Master just said, he wants to devour the spirit body of the heroic spirit in a human body, right? Can such a thing really be done? "Don't be stunned, stop him quickly!" Lancer and Caster were both exhausted from the Noble Phantasm they had just activated, so the task of stopping Darnic was left to the other sub-servants.

However, Assassin also needed to adjust his breath for a while after delivering the "No Two Strike" attack just now. Rider's petrified demonic eye didn't seem to have much effect on Darnic in his current state. Berserker and Saber, who had not made a move before, looked at each other. After taking a look, they finally decided to take action together to completely kill Darnic, who was undergoing some kind of transformation.

Bang——! ! The powerful physical strength given by the sub-server transformation caused two huge cracks and pits on the ground. The two androids disappeared in an instant. When they reappeared, they were already in front of Darnic.

However, they were planning to kill Darnic, but they failed to achieve their goal - a sword and a hand blocked the attacks of the two sub-servants.

The sword is the holy dragon-slaying sword, Balmung, and the hand is baptized with dragon blood, making it invulnerable.

At this critical moment, Black Saber, the dragon-slaying hero Siegfried, suddenly appeared on the battlefield and stood in front of Darnic, blocking the assassination of the two sub-servants from the White camp and fighting for the magician behind him. The critical time has come.

"Well done, Saber! But leave the next step to me!" The voice coming from behind Siegfried sounded a little like Darnic and a little like the Impaler. When everyone looked at it, they suddenly realized that the voice surrounding him was The brilliance of the spirit around the magician has completely disappeared - the transformation has been completed! What appeared in front of everyone was a figure who looked familiar but also unfamiliar.

The white dress turned into black, and the long dark green hair that originally symbolized the young man's vitality turned into a whitish yellow-green color. This was undoubtedly a trait inherited from Vlad III.

But unlike the Impaling Man who came to the world in a middle-aged and elderly appearance, this person who is not yet known as Darnic has a young face, and there is no ring around his eyes as if he has been cultivating too much. He had ordinary dark circles under his eyes, and his appearance was somewhat similar to Darnic's, and it also gave people the impression that the Grand Duke had become younger.

"Master of Lancer, have you...succeeded?" With one sword and one punch, Siegfried forced the two sub-servants back. Siegfried turned to look at the magician who was theoretically his Master's boss. His face was a little complicated.

"Ah, although the Archduke still left me an accident at the last moment, but yes, I succeeded!" said the existence that I don't know if it can still be called Danik.

"Now, I am not only the Grand Duke of Wallachia, the last continuation of Vlad III in the world, but also the leader of the Yggdmillennia clan, Danik Prestone Yggdmirnian! He is the inevitable and only winner in this Holy Grail War!" Successfully promoted from a human to a higher status, although it paid the price of diluting the self again and assimilating the human personality to the stronger heroic spirit personality, but that fullness The sense of strength that he had never experienced before in his whole body let him know that at this moment, he already had the ability to compete with the real servants, and was no longer fragile and could only watch from behind. The human magician! "Let's try it first, [King of Execution]!" In order to test his current state, Danik Vlad used the signature Noble Phantasm attack of the Impaler.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang - Countless iron piles shot out from the ground, from mid-air, and even from other iron piles, turning into a torrent of steel and heading towards White's several sub-servers. Crush them away, forcing them to retreat again and again.

However, although he seemed to have the absolute upper hand, Danik Vlad frowned - the power of the Noble Phantasm seemed to have become smaller! Yes, not only are the stabbing speed, penetration, lethality, control flexibility, etc. worse than the previous real servant Vlad III's Noble Phantasm, but the most important thing is the quantity - — The maximum number of iron stakes that could be manipulated originally reached 20,000, but at this moment it has been reduced to about 10,000. Even the attack range with a radius of one kilometer has been reduced by nearly half.

This is the result of the strengthening of the [Guardian Ghost General] skill converted from the popularity bonus.

In general, at this moment, Danik Vlad's combat effectiveness on paper has dropped by more than one level. When it comes to actual combat effectiveness, considering the gap in combat consciousness, the decline in combat effectiveness may be even greater. Bigger.

This is undoubtedly bad news for Danic!   As a result, the original plan to become Lancer and have the strongest combat power on his side is obviously not feasible. Although he can still fight against these sub-servants, he really has no chance of winning against extremely powerful servants such as Lancer and Rider on the red side, as well as those steel golems that once suppressed the two major camps.

Fortunately, this Holy Grail War is not the traditional seven-party melee, but a Holy Grail War divided into two camps. Even though it has become a more chaotic four-party melee after the emergence of multiple troublemakers, one thing is certain-Danic Vlad is not fighting alone, he also has several very competent subordinates and teammates.

——Just when Danic found that the power of the Noble Phantasm had weakened, Siegfried, who was good at seizing opportunities, took the initiative to attack without his orders, and found Saber and Berserker of the White side, and suppressed them with his dragon-slaying swordsmanship and the invulnerable [Dragon Blood Armor], which relieved a lot of pressure for Danic Vlad.

Therefore, the remaining sub-servants felt no less pressure than before when facing the endless piercing of tens of thousands of iron stakes, and were chased by the steel torrent like waves and storms.

Seeing this, the White side's Assassin entered the circle again, and used the physical version of [Breath Blocking] to become completely transparent, trying to replicate the previous assassination raid again.

However, how could Danic Vlad, who had suffered a loss once, not learn from his lesson? This time, even when he was attacking, he still placed layers of iron stakes around him to protect himself tightly. No matter how strong your ability to block Assassin's breath is, if there is no gap for you to pass through, you can't get close at all, and naturally it is impossible to sneak attack again.

')241'\u003eChapter 240 The strong intrusion of Mordred

'Archer is confronting another archer, Caster and Berserker are guarding outside the Holy Grail and can't move. Saber seems to be at her limit to deal with two enemies, but my strength has declined a lot... Tsk! It would be great if that treasure could be used, but it's a pity that I signed the contract at the last moment of fusion...' After repelling the White Assassin who tried to assassinate again, Danic Vlad was a little worried about the situation in front of him.

Although this inexplicably appearing White Camp is generally weaker than the real Heroic Spirit Servant, its strength is still at the Servant level, and only himself and Siegfried can fight. Two against six, to be honest, it is really a bit strenuous.

Now he hates the other "self" before. That Vlad III who was a Servant was really too stubborn! Although Vlad III did complete the soul fusion with Danic with the help of three Command Spells, the obsession deeply engraved in the depths of the spiritual base has never changed. It forced Danic's consciousness to sign a soul-bound contract before the self-consciousness was completely assimilated and merged-no matter what, it is absolutely not allowed to use the treasure [Inheritance of Blood]! This kind of constraint, which is equivalent to abolishing martial arts, is of course unwilling for the magician Danic, but it was already a critical moment of soul fusion, and he had no choice but to agree, otherwise the only result would be the failure of fusion.

For Vlad III, failure is failure. He is a Heroic Spirit, a dead man, and his previous Servant body was already seriously injured and dying. This is just a change of death.

But for Danic, failure means complete death. Before the long-cherished wish of the clan is fulfilled, he is absolutely unwilling to die, and finally can only accept this condition helplessly.

Therefore, the final result is that Danic has indeed obtained the power of the Heroic Spirit Servant and became Danic Vlad, but he also lost a trump card that can reverse the situation. He can no longer transform into a more powerful vampire Dracula, and can only exercise power as the human king Vlad from beginning to end.

And the more disadvantageous point is that it is not known whether it is because Vlad III was seriously injured and dying before the fusion, or because Danic himself is not strong enough, the power of Danic Vlad after the fusion is more than one level weaker than Vlad III, so he can only suppress several sub-servants on the opposite side, and it is difficult to kill them.

However, soon, he no longer needed to worry about this problem.

Because, an uninvited guest arrived!   "Oh my, I thought it was the Red Servant who came here for the decisive battle, but it turned out to be you! The 'White' camp, that's what it's called, right!"  A wild and wanton female voice came from outside the battlefield, followed by a sword light like lightning, dragging a thunderous sound, passing through the battlefield between Siegfried and White Saber and White Berserker, just separating the two sides.

"The white-haired one over there, the Saber who stole Lancelot's power, I'll take care of it! You go find trouble with the remaining one!"  As if she was selecting her favorite prey, she spoke in a tone like issuing an order, not caring that doing so might anger both hostile parties at the same time.

Well, no need to ask, the person coming is of course the problem child of the red side, the red Saber who has not played a role in many chapters since her last appearance, the son of King Arthur, the rebellious knight Mordred.

Fortunately, Mr. Sorry does have a good temper, and Mordred's intention here is not to be hostile to his side, but to help them fight against the enemy together, so naturally it will not arouse Siegfried's resentment.

They saw the black swordsman follow the good example, and he made a mistake, avoiding the sword edge of the white Saber, and used the sword to kill the female Berserker who was using the meteor hammer.

Mordred, on the other hand, stepped forward to block the sword of White Saber with a tacit understanding. The two swordsmen, who had not decided the winner in the previous battle, once again started a confrontation between knights.

... "Tsk, that guy Mordred, saying 'I've missed it twice in a row, I can't miss it again this time', actually broke into the battlefield where the two sides were fighting!" There were scars on his face! The man in sunglasses held his forehead with a headache, and had a new understanding of his Servant's troublesome attributes.

"I, a human magician, can't participate in a battle of this level. Can I only use command spells to support from a distance?" Just as I was thinking this, through the detection device made of dead eyeballs and floating spirits, Using his familiar, the necromancer named Shishi Jiejieli discovered that a group of androids were heading towards his hiding place with more than a dozen demon statues.

"Hmph, did you find me so soon?" The Necromancer stood up, turned on the safety of the rifle transformed into a magic ritual, then turned around and ran away - he would not be stupid enough to fight with so many enemies! The last time he almost got injured after killing a dozen androids, that was with Mordred by his side. Now that he was alone, how could he possibly deal with so many enemies! Especially those golems, although they look so fragile in front of heroic spirits, Shishi Jiejieli is actually a human being! This kind of clay golem made by a heroic spirit is really an enemy that cannot be faced head-on for a magic user like him who can only be said to be half-experienced in every aspect.

There is no other way, so let’s use the traps set up in the mountains and forests to deal with them! So, what happened next was the necromancer uncle with a scarred face and sunglasses from the Clock Tower, and the android golem army launched a unique guerrilla war in the forest.

... "Oh? That strange foreign force started a war with Black?" After learning this information from Semiramis, Amakusa Shirou Tokisada showed a subtle expression on his face.

Because the distance from Yggdomirenia Castle is too far, Amakusa's Ruler's enemy-seeking ability cannot detect the situation there, so he can only rely on the Assyrian Empress's pigeon familiar. Get the information there as soon as possible.

"That's not all!" Sitting in a lazy posture by the window, caressing the pigeons and feeding them, the Empress gave them even more exciting information: "That Black Lancer, this land The former king, Vlad III, was actually killed by that strange group of people who didn't look like humans and whose followers didn't look like followers. However, he seemed to have reached some kind of agreement with his master before his death, and actually used Some strange way of merging with the human Master gives the Master the power of a Servant! ""Danik... I didn't expect that he could actually devour the soul of a Servant... "Having lived in the real world for 60 years, Amakusa Shiro Tokisada certainly has a deep understanding of his greatest enemy, and even found out the secret of why the opponent can still remain young at nearly a hundred years old.

Devouring the soul of a baby to extend one's own lifespan is an out-and-out heretical act for Amakusa, who was a saint before his death and became a priest after his rebirth.

To be honest, Amakusa himself dislikes Darnik very much.

However, I have to say that what Darnic did this time really shocked him. He actually dared to swallow the power of the fused heroic spirit in a human body, and even blurred himself for it. The most important thing is that he actually succeeded! This obsession is really amazing! ')242'\u003eChapter 241 Give it a try and turn your bicycle into a motorcycle?

On the battlefield, not to mention the fight between three Sabers and a Berserker, the most spectacular battle scene was naturally the melee between Darnic, who inherited most of Vlad III's power, and several other White Fangya servants.

Facing the four sub-servants of White Caster, Lancer, Rider, and Assassin, Danik Vlad, who transformed into the Thorn King, was one against four. However, after going through the initial adaptation stage, he could only The enemies were evenly matched, but gradually gained control of their own strength and were able to completely gain the upper hand.

Bang——! Once again, Caster resisted the piercing of the iron stake with a magic trick that no modern magician could complete in a short time. Caster was about to raise his hand to retaliate with a wave of magic bombs, but he suddenly froze for a moment and almost exposed his flaw and was stabbed again. The iron stake came and hit him.

She breathed heavily, feeling something was wrong in her heart - her magic power was not enough! "No, we can't go on like this!" Caster said as he turned around and fell next to his teammates.

"...Tsk! Are you just going to retreat like this? I can't even kill a magician. I'm so unwilling!" Lancer, who was holding the red magic gun, said with some displeasure.

As the one who is most seriously affected by the spirit base among all the sub-servants, when Lancer enters a fierce battle state, the originally suppressed servant character will emerge, making him particularly warlike and wild.

Especially now, he has been fighting with Vlad III and the subsequent substitute Danic Vlad for a long time, and he has been suppressed all the way. The fighting spirit and anger accumulated in his heart have already burned to the extreme. It is natural that he is particularly unhappy to retreat at this time.

"Don't be willful, Lancer!" Assassin on the other side said, "To be honest, this guy who absorbed the power of the Black Lancer is more difficult to deal with than the genuine Servant before!" Because he has the physical version of the [Breath Blocking] skill of Circle Realm, Assassin, who is almost equivalent to the resurrection of Li Shuwen, can be said to be the easiest among the sub-servants - when he deliberately hides his body, it is really easy not to be noticed by Danic Vlad. Therefore, most of the attacks are directed at the other three sub-servants. Except for being forced back by Danic's counterattack when he sneaked into the close range and tried to launch an assassination, he didn't even receive a few attacks.

Compared with him, the other sub-servants were really forced to run around like dogs by the iron stakes that turned into a torrent of steel, and they were in a very embarrassing situation.

However, it was precisely because Assassin was almost out of the fight in the previous battle that he could see Danic Vlad's fighting style more clearly.

Unlike the previous Servant Vlad III, Danic Vlad, who is essentially half a magician, has a much stronger sense of self-protection than the Piercer, who is a Heroic Servant.

In battle, no matter how spectacular and terrifying the iron stakes chasing the three sub-servants look, Danic Vlad always keeps at least a quarter of the iron stakes around him, turning them into a copper wall and iron wall defense, which will not give the enemy any flaws. Even if there are some small flaws, they can be immediately filled in the next moment, and there is no way to break the defense.

This is much more difficult than the pretentious position of Grand Duke Vlad himself, which looks defenseless all over. Although the tortoise shell defense looks a little bit cowardly, it is actually the best way to make oneself invincible.

"No, I want to try again! As long as you give me a gap, my treasure can penetrate that guy's heart!" Lancer waved the magic gun in his hand, indicating that he wanted to fight again.

"...Well, the opponent's defense is too tight, we need to force open a gap! But my magic power is not enough, and I can't release the treasure for the time being..." Caster said, and turned to look at Rider - among the four, she was the only one who had never released the treasure, and the magic power reserve in her body was the most abundant.

"..." RIder didn't speak, just nodded.

Then she took off the blindfold on her eyes, opened her strange eyes with square pupils, and cast her sights on the figure behind the forest of iron stakes. The power of petrification was added to the magician who showed the appearance of a heroic spirit through the action of "looking".

"Oh? Is it the petrified magic eye again? But there is no point as long as you can't see it!" With the help of the powerful anti-magic power inherited from the Grand Duke to resist the power of the petrified magic eye, Danic Vlad's mouth curled up slightly, sneered, and suddenly erected more iron stakes in front of him, completely blocking the opponent's sight.

However, although this immediately made the White Rider's Petrifying Eyes useless, it also blocked Danic Vlad's vision - 'I've been waiting for this moment! ' The sub-servants who inherited Medusa's power can also summon Medusa's favorite mount, which is the Pegasus born from Medusa's corpse in the legend, and is also Medusa's child - Pegasus.

Bang! The Pegasus flapped its wings and flew high into the sky, and then Rider took out another treasure, which was a pair of reins and whip, which was also the biggest trump card of the heroic spirit Medusa when she was a Rider.

"Sorry, Pegasus, you have to work hard again!" When the reins were tied around the Pegasus' neck, the originally docile Pegasus instantly went berserk, with scarlet eyes and an immense amount of magic power flowing out of his body - "Go! [Bellerophon]!" With the release of the True Name of the Noble Phantasm, Rider, who was one with the horse, instantly accelerated to a speed of 500 kilometers per hour, with a huge amount of magic power wrapped around his body, rushing towards the target on the ground at super high speed like a comet.

Such a huge magic reaction, even Danic Vlad, whose vision was limited, could still clearly sense it.

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