Finally, we were lucky today. The driver was also dedicated and did not just close the door and drive. Fang Yuan finally got out of the car successfully.

"Hey~ It's more difficult to get off the bus than to get on the bus..." Fang Yuan sighed, but thinking about the fact that he would no longer have to squeeze in the bus with others in the future, he just regarded today as a day to experience life.

Well, when he was experimenting with Formless Refining before, he was able to refine several kilograms of gold at his own home. Apart from anything else, it would definitely be enough to buy a private car. He no longer needs to squeeze in like a sardine. Bus is here~…… Without further ado, Fang Yuan’s resignation went very smoothly.

After all, reality is not a novel, and Fang Yuan doesn’t think that he has really become the protagonist of an online novel. There are all kinds of surprises wherever he goes, and there won’t be people coming up to you all the time to show off and slap you in the face.

Especially since his current position is actually not that indispensable, and he has no unfinished projects on hand. Seeing that Fang Yuan has decided to leave, the boss agreed to his resignation application.

After going to the finance department to settle his salary, getting his files from the human resources department, and sorting out his personal belongings, Fang Yuan walked out of the company door carrying a box and suddenly felt relaxed.

——Although the nine-to-five life seems to be regular and stable, it is still too depressing and boring for Fang Yuan. Now he finally has the opportunity to get rid of it! The next step is to go to the job market to hand over your personal files, then go to the Citizen Service Center to settle the medical and social security matters, and finally take these personal belongings home.

But now he was carrying a box in his hand, and it was obvious that he could no longer squeeze into the bus, so Fang Yuan hailed a taxi - now that he was rich (or about to be rich), he didn't care about taking a taxi. Such a small amount of money.

After being busy for most of the day, even having lunch at a small restaurant next to the job market, Fang Yuan finally finished all the trivial matters after resigning, and he finally became a glorious freelancer! (Or should we say, homeless person?) ... The next day, Fang Yuan, who had nothing to do and was light-hearted, had a rare sleep. He didn't get up until about nine or ten o'clock in the morning. He lazily ate a few slices of bread and drank. I drank a glass of milk for breakfast, tidied up my appearance a little, changed my clothes, picked up my bag and went out.

However, it seems that the bag he carried today is a bit heavy, and there seems to be some heavy items in it.

That's right, he went to a gold shop to sell gold.

Inside the bag were several kilograms of 100% pure gold that he had refined while experimenting with alchemy last weekend.

However, he didn't want to attract too much attention, so he refined it a little before leaving the house, deliberately adding some impurities and limiting its purity to about 99%, making the gold brick look like a private one. Gold that is melted down and reforged.

Although he knew that the value of this gold brick would immediately drop a lot, he also knew how conspicuous it was for a piece of 100% pure gold to suddenly appear in modern society.

He still remembered what he learned in middle school chemistry: there are no 100% pure substances in the world or on the earth! "Hello, sir, do you need any service?" I came to a relatively large gold store that Fang Yuan found online. As soon as I opened the door and walked in, I was greeted by a waitress with a business smile.

"You should collect gold here, right?" Fang Yuan asked directly. He had already seen it when he read the store introduction online. This store does carry out gold recycling business.

"Yes, please come here..." The whole process of exchanging gold was also very smooth. The gold of less than three kilograms was sold for 600,000 yuan. Although the price must have been severely reduced, Fang Yuan I don't care about such a small amount of money.

To him, the gold that can be rubbed by hand is no different from the dirt on the roadside - if he is willing to even refine an entire hill into gold, how much will it cost? Therefore, Fang Yuan now really feels the same as those rich people in the upper class - money is just a number, as long as it is enough! Now that he has 600,000 in cash on hand, plus the savings in his bank card, he won't have to worry about living expenses for at least a year.

——As mentioned earlier, after Fang Yuan’s parents were killed two years ago, the travel agency lost a lot of money. In addition to the house he inherited from his parents, Fang Yuan actually lived a very comfortable life without the pressure of a mortgage. of.

Now that he has this windfall, Fang Yuan feels that he can put buying a car on his agenda.

')005'\u003eChapter 5 Knowledge is power!

When it comes to buying a car, some people think that the protagonist will be like the protagonists of a certain Lu Li's urban novels who specialize in selecting various luxury cars to buy. By the way, he will definitely have sex with ex-girlfriends/past secret admirers/green tea bitches and other females at the car buying scene. There was a conflict between Apes erectus, and then some short-circuited rich second-generation young people jumped out to yell at each other and even had physical conflicts. Then the protagonist took out some pretentious artifacts such as black cards and used the opportunity to slap him in the face with pretentiousness... No, such a vulgar plot would never happen to Fang Yuan! He very realistically chose an ordinary car of the Volkswagen brand. You can't tell which brand it is without looking at the car logo when driving on the road. The price is also very cheap, only more than 200,000 yuan, including the car. The one-stop service from the license plate to the insurance was all done, and there was no vulgar drama such as looking down on others. Then he drove his new car home.

Fang Yuan knew very well that he was different now.

He didn't need to show his presence by pretending to be cool and slapping others in the face like those online novel protagonists, nor did he need to use luxury cars and mansions to show his uniqueness.

He was different!   So, the most important thing for Fang Yuan now was not to spend money everywhere to pretend to be cool and slap others in the face, but to be as low-key and ordinary as possible, so that he could blend into the vast ocean of ordinary people until his ability reached a limit - the limit of being able to ignore the power of secular regimes.

After all, he was not one of those young people who got carried away as soon as he got power. After he got through the initial excitement, he thought of one thing - since there was such a person with extraordinary power in the world, would there be other superpowers in some corner of the world?   There must be!   Fang Yuan thought that although he was special, he was definitely not special to this extent. Perhaps the real world was just like what was described in the urban superpower online novels. Behind the real world, there was another dark world or inner world that ordinary people didn't know about.

And in this kind of online novels, national power is an absolutely unavoidable force.

From the Dragon Group in the ancient online articles, to the later "relevant departments", to the legendary "Approaching Science" column team, various online articles have long revealed to Fang Yuan that national power - especially China's national power - always has the greatest voice in the supernatural community.

Although it is nonsense that superpowers will be caught and sliced ​​for research as soon as they are discovered, Fang Yuan also knows that the government of a country will not treat supernatural power holders so frivolously, but now he does not want to give up his peaceful life.

Or, in other words, he wants to make trouble, but definitely not now!   The most critical point is that he has not studied his abilities thoroughly, the alchemy knowledge he obtained in his dreams has not been digested, and the proficiency of Wuzhen is far from enough. If he really wants to make trouble, he must make himself stronger first!   Yes, Fang Yuan does not think that his current alchemy alone can be called "powerful".

Let alone those powerful people in fantasy online novels who can destroy the world and even transcend time and space, among alchemists, he is far from being invulnerable.

Yes, he can use alchemy to exert unparalleled destructive power. Whether it is terrain transformation or using hydrogen and oxygen elements in the atmosphere to refine flames like Colonel Roy Mustang, the "incompetent in the rain" in Fullmetal Alchemist, he can exert the destructive power and lethality of a modern army that exceeds an entire company by himself.

Not to mention, if he is given time to set up the alchemy array, he can even set up a big killer like the national alchemy array, and it is not impossible to massacre a city and destroy a country.

However, no matter how strong Fang Yuan's destructive power and lethality are, there is one thing that cannot be denied, that is, his body is still that of an ordinary person.

Being cut by a knife will cause injury and bleeding, being stabbed in the vitals will kill, facing guns and hot weapons, there is no way to avoid bullets, facing snipers and the like, there is no power to fight back.

Even in close combat, even with the memory and experience of another self in the dream, Fang Yuan's sub-healthy physical fitness may not make him beat three or four knife-wielding thugs-let alone close combat alchemy, don't forget to perform alchemy with both hands together, in close combat, the enemy will not give you the leeway to let you pose! In short, in the plan Fang Yuan set for himself, the first one is to make himself strong in all directions without dead ends! So after finishing all the trivial matters of life, Fang Yuan locked himself in his home again and started the hellish learning mode.

Well, as an alchemist, when Fang Yuan thought of the word "powerful", he immediately thought of a sentence-knowledge is power! This sentence is actually a lie for ordinary people in the real world. After all, in modern society, power = money, and having money or not has nothing to do with how much knowledge you have.

But when it comes to alchemy, which is almost omnipotent, this sentence is indeed the truth!   Whether it is making external objects, biological transformation, or even changing races, for alchemists, as long as they have the corresponding knowledge and pay enough price, nothing is impossible.

But the premise of all this is that you have to have enough knowledge!   After all, although alchemy is magical and can even violate the general laws of physics and chemistry to reverse normal physicochemical reactions, if you want to reverse these reactions, you must at least know how these reactions proceed under normal circumstances!   Although for Fang Yuan, the experience of being a national alchemist and an alchemist who has come into contact with the truth in his dream has allowed him to have a huge accumulation of alchemy knowledge, but don’t forget that the technological development of that world is only slightly stronger than that of the real earth after the First World War. Even the technology tree of nuclear physics has not been pointed out. Even the strongest alchemist is still limited by the world and era he is in.

There is no doubt that the real world where Fang Yuan is now, after leaving aside unscientific supernatural powers such as alchemy and alchemy, is far superior to the Fullmetal Alchemist world in terms of the level of technological development and the knowledge of natural laws mastered by humans.

At least, despite the fact that artificial humans and synthetic beasts are so popular in the steel world, the alchemists in that world don't even realize the existence of DNA and genes! The so-called alchemy taboo that infringes on the realm of God, the so-called human body refining, actually involves directly refining various elements or simple compounds. No one has ever thought about using medical alchemy to restore human cells to omnipotent stem cells. Ways to clone.

Fang Yuan can guarantee that if this method is used to create a human body, the taboo will never be triggered and the body organs will be taken away by the Gate of Truth! It can be said that in terms of cell biology and genetic engineering alone, biologists in the real world have to surpass the professional alchemists in Steel Refining by more than 20 blocks! And this is just a small part of how the real world is more advanced and superior than the steel world.

More, such as the advancement of modern materials science and military technology, those sophisticated aircraft, tanks and warships are much higher than the iron-blooded alchemist who was killed by Scar in the plot; Nuclear weapons with an explosive yield of tens of millions of tons are also a world away from the Red Lotus Alchemist who can only make the human body self-destruct.

If Fang Yuan can really understand all the scientific theories and even applied technologies in modern society, he is absolutely confident that he will become a god-like existence! ')006'\u003eChapter Six If you have alchemy, why do you need to keep fit?

Of course, after all, Fang Yuan also knew that he would not be able to learn all modern scientific knowledge in his lifetime, as long as he was still a human being.

Unless the technology of human-computer interaction is ushering in another big explosion and a black technology is developed that can input electronic data into the human brain without loss, Fang Yuan alone cannot be regarded as the top human IQ and memory. If he wants to learn the mainstream It would take him a lifetime to cover all the contents of a certain branch of the subject, let alone all the scientific and technological knowledge of mankind.

Therefore, Fang Yuan focused his studies primarily on biology.

After all, the body is the capital of revolution. A healthy soul is based on a healthy spirit and a healthy body. Not to mention the long-term goal of becoming a human being and learning all the knowledge of a complete human civilization, at least you must first get rid of it. This is the current sub-healthy state.

Well - although going to the gym or spending two hours a day to exercise or something is a choice that a normal person should have, Fang Yuan, as an alchemist, said that it is impossible to keep fit, even in this life. Go to the gym! As an alchemist, you naturally have an alchemist's way of doing things - is your body in poor health? Medical alchemy begins! Not in good physical condition? Please refer to the physical strengthening alchemy of synthetic beasts.

In short, if you want to have a strong body, there are many ways to be an alchemist.

The worst is to go to a war-torn country and recruit a group of terrorists to refine some philosopher's stones. Making yourself an artificial human is also a way out.

But first, Fang Yuan must have a strong enough accumulation of biological and medical knowledge.

… I dug out the high school biology textbook that I had almost forgotten, found the textbook list based on the university undergraduate biology course, and then went to Taobao to buy the corresponding textbooks. Finally, I contacted my college classmates who were still studying for postgraduate studies and asked them about graduate students. After busy studying the professional textbooks and literature needed for more than half a month, Fang Yuancai finally obtained the current mainstream biology and medical learning materials.

Then came the life of seclusion and study in darkness.

He drinks water when he's thirsty, orders takeout when he's hungry, sleeps on the sofa when he's sleepy, and uses medical alchemy to relieve himself when he's not feeling well (he still knows basic medical alchemy). At this time, Fang Yuan took out I devoted myself to the ocean of knowledge with three times more concentration than when I was about to take the college entrance examination, and almost lost track of time.

He thought that he was almost 30 years old and could no longer regain the mental energy and concentration he had when he was 18 years old when he took the college entrance examination. Unexpectedly, people's potential is really endless - every piece of knowledge learned can be thoroughly studied. Inspired by the transformation of his knowledge into a force, Fang Yuan burst out with an enthusiasm for learning that even he could not believe, and he finished the biology and medical textbooks from undergraduate to graduate students in half a year! Therefore, children do not learn well not because learning itself is boring, but because there is no feedback after learning something! (I believe that if you study mathematics and physics, you can transform into Accelerator, and if you study chemistry, you can make fireballs with your hands. No child will hate studying!) "If I had had this energy back then, I would have definitely passed the graduate examination. !” This is Fang Yuan’s evaluation of his previous self after he recovered from his frenzied study state half a year later.

However, although he has basically completed the knowledge of basic biology and medicine at this time, it will take some time to get used to it if he wants to further integrate it with the alchemy he has mastered. Before that, he should take a rest first... The high-intensity mental work for half a year directly caused Fang Yuan to lose a lot of weight. Even though he had medical alchemy to regulate his body, the unhealthy lifestyle of not going out or exercising for a long time still made his physical condition worse. From a sub-healthy state to malnutrition.

Fortunately, it is difficult to lose weight, but if you want to gain weight, you only need to eat with an open appetite.

Fang Yuan was not the kind of person who would not gain weight no matter how much he ate. After eating a lot of food for a month, he regained the weight he had lost and was even heavier than half a year ago! As for saying that losing weight and gaining weight at the same time will be harmful to the body - after the first phase of Fang Yuan's body strengthening plan is completed, these will not be a problem! Yes, although Fang Yuan has not yet mastered what he has learned in the past six months and reached the level of a real graduate student in biology and medicine, Fang Yuan still has a plug-in like alchemy.

As the first step in the three basic steps of alchemy "understanding-decomposition-reconstruction", using spiritual power to understand and analyze the composition of all things is already instinctive for Fang Yuan who has the door of truth.

As long as he clasped his hands together and identified the object of refinement as his own body, without triggering the "decomposition-reconstruction" refinement steps, and simply with the ability to "understand", his understanding of his own body was beyond anything in the world. The vast majority of people.

The ability to sense psychic powers that can go deep into the subatomic level is simply cheating when it comes to biological research! Think about it, in order to determine the actual process of a certain protein realizing its function inside the cell, other biologists need to use radioactive element labeling, cryosection microscopic observation, and piece together bioelectricity in thousands of cell samples. The truth about chemical reactions sometimes even requires the use of mathematical modeling, supercomputer analysis and other means. Not only is the process cumbersome and laborious, but it may not yield results.

But what about Fang Yuan? All he had to do was "see."

Now he can even decompose and restructure the fat cells in his body into muscle cells at will. He can also find the very few cancer cells that have become cancerous but have not yet become tumors and decompose them directly. He can also deal with the modern highly polluted environment. The poisoned heart, lungs, liver, kidneys and other organs undergo comprehensive disinfection and repair, remove disease-causing heavy metals deep in the bones, and kill harmful bacteria and viruses that invade the body.

Even if Fang Yuan is dissatisfied with his height and body shape, he can reactivate bone marrow cells to produce epiphyseal cartilage, allowing his height to grow a second time.

Of course, Fang Yuan is very satisfied with his current height and has not done anything "really unscientific", but he does plan to use alchemy to slightly adjust his whole body's bones and correct the bones that have been caused by years of unscientific living. Slight distortion and deformation - especially in the spine. When he was nearly thirty years old, he suffered from mild cervical spondylosis in his early years because he was buried in the office. Now he can completely cure it by himself! PS: I also really want to have this ability, so that I don’t have to be forced by my parents to go out and exercise every day...')007'\u003eChapter 7 Human beings are imperfect

However, before Fang Yuan could implement his plan to strengthen the human body and refine it into version V1.0, someone from the community property management came to the door.

"Hello, Mr. Fang!" "Hello!" Fang Yuan looked at the visiting property staff with some confusion.

"What's the matter?" "It's like this. There have been several murder cases in our city recently, but the murderer has not been caught yet.

The Public Security Bureau has issued a document to all communities in the city, requiring all property management companies to remind all residents that it is best not to go out alone after nightfall..." It can be seen that when the young man from the property management company mentioned the murder case, , he himself was a little scared.

But yes, China is not the United States, and there are very few serial murders. Ordinary citizens will not be afraid if they hear that such things happen around them.

"Okay, I understand, thank you for reminding me."

Although Fang Yuan relied on his identity as an alchemist and was not afraid of mere serial killers, he still expressed his gratitude to the real estate guy who came to inform him.

"You're welcome, this is our duty! Uh - you can continue your work! No need to send him off..." After sending the property guy away, Fang Yuan clasped his hands and frowned thoughtfully.

"Serial killer... Do you want to get involved..." After gaining extraordinary power and quietly dormant for more than half a year, Fang Yuan's trouble-making soul was already a little bit ready to move.

However, he thought about his current poor physical condition and decided to complete the first stage of physical strengthening first.

... Strengthening the human body is not as simple as performing alchemy on ordinary objects.

First of all, the human body can actually be considered a very sophisticated, high-precision autonomous intelligent machine with a high error tolerance rate, capable of self-growth, self-repair, self-learning, and self-proliferation (although it requires the assistance of another machine of a different type) Its capabilities, the complexity and sophistication of its system far exceed all engineering and machinery created in human history.

Whether it is a supercomputer that represents the pinnacle of creation in the information age, a spaceship that represents mankind’s ambition to conquer space, or a nuclear fusion reactor that represents the future and hope of mankind, in terms of structural complexity alone, they are far inferior to An ordinary human body.

Therefore, in order to strengthen the human body without affecting the balance of the entire human system and the environment, what is needed is an extreme understanding of the human body's operating mechanism and the ability to operate with precision at the molecular level.

Fortunately, neither of these is a problem for Fang Yuan - even the knowledge about the human body, which was slightly lacking before, has become Fang Yuan's strength at this time during the half-year tutoring in hell.

Bones, muscles, ligaments, heart, lungs, pancreas, spleen, kidneys, liver, gallbladder, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, blood vessels, lymph, nerves, eyeballs, cochlea, olfactory mucosa, taste buds... The strengthening of the human body must be a comprehensive strengthening. Excessive strengthening of a single part will only cause damage to itself.

For example, in order to increase strength, muscle tissue must be strengthened, but if only muscles are strengthened without bones, perhaps your muscle strength is strong enough to punch through a 10-centimeter thick steel plate, but when you punch out, your arm bones are almost shattered into powder.

Therefore, the refining array that Fang Yuan drew at this time to strengthen himself was extremely complex. Various totem symbols symbolizing "flesh", "perfection", "sublimation", "coordination" and other meanings, as well as various formulas related to the details of refining, filled the entire refining array inside and out, and there was almost no gap.

The refining array Fang Yuan used was not the Chimaera beast-human refining developed by the Amestorius military in Fullmetal Alchemist. He did not intend to mix any other animal parts into his body - although that would indeed make him powerful for a while, the price was to lose his human identity forever.

Moreover, the modern society where Fang Yuan lived was not comparable to Amestorius, which was only at the level of Western civilization during World War I. Taking the initiative to allow oneself to have undisguised animal characteristics was an idiotic behavior that would attract the attention of the country.

After all, growing a monkey tail could be said to be a return to your genes, but if you grow snake scales or animal ears or a few more bones on your body, it would be the result of a failed transformation of a monster!   Therefore, Fang Yuan's human body strengthening refining did not involve parts other than humans, but was based on the human body, extremely strengthening and optimizing human functions, and exerting the human body's potential to the maximum limit without changing genes and body shape.

After all, although humans claim to be the spirit of all things, in fact, in terms of evolution, the human body has not evolved into the best and most perfect structure, but only a "just enough" level.

For example, the recurrent laryngeal nerve, which is present in all terrestrial vertebrates, separates from the thoracic segment of the vagus nerve and then bypasses the aortic arch to return to the larynx. It has a large U-shape in the body, which is a completely wasteful design in terms of efficiency.

This nerve was actually a short nerve in fish at the beginning of its evolution, and it did not need to go around a long circle like terrestrial creatures. This "wasteful" body structure in humans and other terrestrial vertebrates is actually the sequelae of the gill arches evolving into other bones when vertebrates evolved from fish to terrestrial creatures.

However, this level of waste will not have much impact on creatures of human size, so this backward and "wasteful" design is naturally inherited.

The same is true for the appendix and wisdom teeth. These two organs either have no actual function in modern humans or are more harmful than useful, which is also one of the manifestations of the imperfect evolution of the human body.

In addition to strengthening various organs and tissues themselves, Fang Yuan's body enhancement has the biggest action of modifying or even erasing these evolutionary relic organs that have lost their functional significance.

At least he himself was very dissatisfied with the wisdom tooth that grew into the bone on the right side of his lower jaw, so he simply disassembled it and the other three crooked wisdom teeth - and by the way, he also did some dental plastic surgery to make them look more neat.

... When Fang Yuan, who was lying in the center of the huge alchemy array, got up in the gradually extinguished alchemy lightning, he felt the power for the first time in a long time! This is not the somewhat mysterious "magic side" power of alchemy, but the real physical power that comes from the muscles and can be felt intuitively.

Ever since he woke up from that dream that was too real, he has always missed his extremely trained body as an alchemist in the dream - the stylish inverted triangle back, the distinct eight-pack abs, the powerful biceps... But what about after waking up? A slightly fat sub-healthy young man, soft muscles, round fat, looks harmless.

But now, he finally found his original self back - no, it should be said that he is now much healthier and stronger than he was in the dream!   Strength, speed, physical strength, flexibility, nerve reaction, limb control, sensory acuity, and body balance have all reached the theoretical limit of human beings. Although immunity and wound healing ability have not been tested, according to calculations, they are far beyond the level of ordinary humans. At least minor illnesses such as colds and diarrhea are now completely away from Fang Yuan.

With his current physical fitness, as long as he trains a little bit and gets back his fighting skills as a national alchemist in his dream, Fang Yuan can completely put on a cape and play a cameo role as Batman!   At this time, Fang Yuan also understood Steve Rogers's mood when he walked out of the enhanced warehouse - this is really a change like a rebirth!   PS: Some people in the thread said that the protagonist suddenly changed from a fat man to a perfect human being. Is it a big problem? I have to say that the previous protagonist was just a little fat, a little fat! This is not a fat man! So there is no problem! ')008'\u003eChapter 8 Crime scene - traces of non-human beings!

Late at night, Fang Yuan drove alone on the empty street.

The warm wind of the midsummer night blew on Fang Yuan's face through the half-open car window.

Even several hours after the sun sets, the outdoor temperature in this city is still so high that creatures like otakus cannot survive outdoors.

However, facing this temperature that should make most people sweat profusely, Fang Yuan can't see a single drop of sweat on his body - after the first round of strengthening to reach the limit of the human body, he is no longer afraid of this level of high temperature.

Now, it is the third day since Fang Yuan strengthened himself.

In these three days, he finally got familiar with his new body after strengthening, and made his consciousness and physical strength completely match.

Fang Yuan, who thought he had made up for the last shortcoming, finally couldn't hold back the soul of trouble in his heart anymore, and took the initiative to go out and look for the serial killer who caused a panic in the city.

According to the information he found in these three days, the serial killer Sang's killing targets were irregular. The dead were men and women, old and young, and there was almost no common point in terms of identity.

But one thing is certain, that is, the victims were killed when they were alone, and their deaths were very... weird.

Don't be surprised that Fang Yuan, an "ordinary person", could obtain such intelligence. Not to mention the self-media on the Internet who dare to say anything, Fang Yuan himself is not without any connections.

As a native local, although he looked like an ordinary office worker before, he still has some connections.

For example, a forensic doctor in the public security system of this city is Fang Yuan's high school classmate. Although their relationship gradually faded after attending different universities, they can still talk a few words when they meet by chance.

This time, Fang Yuan deliberately found an opportunity to call the other party out for a drink, and with the help of his increased alcohol tolerance after strengthening his body, he got the other party drunk, and obtained a lot of information that the police did not disclose through indirect means.

For example, all the bodies of the deceased had different degrees of defects, and there were traces of teeth on the wounds of the bodies; for example, the bodies of the deceased were stained with fragments of some fungi, which might be left by the murderer... This immediately reminded Fang Yuan of the beast cannibalism tragedy he heard on the bus more than half a year ago. His intuition told him that there might be some connection between the two cases.

And now, Fang Yuan was driving to the scene of the latest death, hoping to find some clues.

——Now Fang Yuan finally understood that alchemy is not so omnipotent, at least it is definitely not as useful as the legendary divination and prophecy in solving cases.

... Because there were too many vehicles in the city, Fang Yuan could only park his car in a public parking lot nearly one kilometer away from the crime scene, and then walked to the alley behind an old apartment building.

Crossing the yellow warning cordon, which was more symbolic than practical, Fang Yuan walked into the crime scene.

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