In the short battle just now, he has understood that facing Saten Ruiko, who can create a large-scale vacuum and whose own defense and strength are incredibly strong, it is really hard to restrain him, the so-called strongest superpower. .

Before finding a way to deal with such a large-scale vacuum, Accelerator could only ensure that he could escape unscathed, but it was almost impossible to defeat the opponent.

This was indeed a huge blow to Accelerator, who had always considered himself invincible in the world, but it also filled his heart with fighting spirit that he had not seen for a long time.

And this fighting spirit was mixed with the anger rising in his heart, and finally turned into a murderous intention that was as real as real.

"Next time, I will definitely kill you next time!!!" "How did the eighth one... disappear just now?" The middle-aged researcher, who was called "Director" by the people around him, was frowning at this time. , replaying the scene when Saten Ruiko finally disappeared over and over again.

"...Could it be that someone with the ability to move in space is helping?" A researcher also saw this video and put forward the most reliable guess in his mind.

"Impossible!" The director shook his head and denied this statement: "All space movement ability users existing in Academy City will pause for about half a second to one second when they continuously move themselves. If it is true, What's more, if someone with the ability to move in space takes action, it will definitely be shown in the video, instead of just a blurry flash like now."

"Is it possible that a certain Lv.4 space user evolved to Lv.5, but was not included in the library? Just like the eighth one, before he actually took action publicly, no one I know..." After thinking about it for a while, the researcher who had just been rejected added a patch to his conjecture and came up with a seemingly more reasonable explanation.

"It's not impossible..." This time the director did not directly deny the researcher's statement. Logically speaking, this is indeed a very possible situation.

Even so, the director did not give up his doubts about Saten Ruiko: "...But the eighth one who suddenly appeared has its own problems!" "Yeah, I didn't expect that a mere air force user would actually Accelerator can still be intact even after direct contact, there must be something wrong with it!" This is the biggest problem that Saten Ruiko exposed in the battle just now - Accelerator's vector manipulation that was always unfavorable. It didn't seem to harm her, which was unthinkable to the researchers.

"Could it be that there was no contact at all?" Someone also put forward a seemingly reasonable opinion: "Could it be that someone with the [nitrogen armor] ability used compressed gas to build a hard defense on the body surface? Accelerator actually didn't touch her at all? " "Compressed gas defense... This can indeed explain some of the situations we saw, as well as the unscientific power. If it is an invisible exoskeleton armor formed by compressed gas, With help, it can be explained...but is it really like this?" Although the conjectures put forward by several researchers are very logical and self-explanatory, for some reason, the director always feels that something is wrong.

He looked at the disappearing images that were playing in a loop on the screen, and focused his attention on that fleeting flash of light. What on earth was it? …… Saten Ruiko didn’t know, but a group of researchers in the distance were secretly studying her performance, and came up with one seemingly reasonable theory after another for the various abilities she displayed.

Of course, she would only be happier if she knew it, which showed that her disguise was very successful and that her "Lv. 5 aeronaut" persona had not collapsed.

But she had no intention of thinking about it now. After sending Misaka-senpai's clone to the only frog doctor she trusted, she was full of hesitation - should she tell Misaka-senpai about this? Logically speaking, of course the person involved must be told about this.

After all, he is a clone. This is no small matter, not to mention that the clone has participated in the death experiment.

But...but, what should she say? "Misaka-senpai, I found one of your clones fighting a life-and-death fight with the first one in Level 5 while I was out at night. He was seriously injured and hospitalized"... Is this appropriate to say? Okay, I did make the situation clear in one sentence, but I still feel like there’s something wrong? Shouldn’t there be some foreshadowing or prelude to make it easier for people to accept it? How about... be more tactful? But the outspoken Saten Ruiko is not very good at doing this kind of thing! After hesitating for a long time, Saten Ruiko finally decided - tell the truth! "So, is this my clone?" After receiving Saten Ruiko's call, Misaka Mikoto rushed to the hospital immediately and saw the figure who looked exactly like herself in the ward.

Looking at the bandages and plaster almost all over the opponent's body, she could imagine how dangerous the clone had been and how desperate the battle with the legendary number one was.

She recalled in her mind the urban legends about "mass-produced superpowers" that she had heard from passers-by, and then recalled that when she was a child, she was encouraged by a certain researcher to donate her genetic map.

Feelings of betrayal and deception rose up in her heart. The brown-haired Electric Princess clenched her fists tightly, and an arc of electricity flashed across her forehead.

Misaka Mikoto is really angry! ')316'\u003eChapter 315 Aleister's warning \u0026 preparations of all parties

After just watching the short battle, Fang Yuan felt very pleased with the progress of his lovely disciple.

At this moment... Buzz-buzz-- Fang Yuan's cell phone, which was set to vibrate, rang. He opened the screen and saw "Unknown" written on the caller column. He knew that this was that person again. A call from the chairman.

"Hello? It's already so late. How come our Chairman, who has so many things to do all day long, hasn't rested yet and still has time to call me, a 'idler'?" Before the other person on the phone could speak, Fang Yuan took the lead and said in a teasing tone.

“First of all, my whole body’s physiological activities and thinking processes have been entrusted to the machine, and there is no concept of rest or rest.

Secondly, your experimental subject intervened in my important experiment and kidnapped important experimental props. Don't you think you should explain it? Aleister's emotionless voice came from the other end of the phone. Although his words sounded very dissatisfied, Fang Yuan knew that this was actually just the attitude deliberately shown by the other party.

So... "We are all sensible people, so there is no need to say these lies!" Fang Yuan said: "I know that your real purpose is not for the so-called absolute ability person, but to destroy this plan and then do nothing. Achieve your true purpose without feeling comfortable.

Although what my disciple did was a coincidence, it just met your requirements, didn't it? "...It seems that you, an outsider, do know a lot of things!" I'm even more curious about where you're coming from. "

Aleister was also a little surprised that Fang Yuan could actually know his true purpose. Considering the "outsider" attribute of the other party, he couldn't help but have more guesses about his true identity.

"Where I come from... it's a really unusual place, but I won't tell you this kind of precious information for free, just like you won't tell me your plans!" Fang Yuan did not tell you anything! He hesitantly blocked Aleister's faint temptation and refused to reveal any information related to his origin.

"That's right. Although we are not enemies, we are not friends either. At best, we can only use each other's relationship. You really have no obligation to answer my questions."

Aleister obviously has a clear understanding of the relationship between the two parties: "However, I think our actions should be more tacit, what do you think?" "...Okay!" It's already because of him. It affected several important plots, and each time was related to Aleister's important plans. Fang Yuan also guessed that this was probably close to the limit of Aleister's tolerance, so he directly agreed to the other party's request for "more updates." There is a tacit understanding” requirement.

Although neither party has explicitly stated how this "tacit understanding" should be understood and to what extent it is considered "breaking the tacit understanding", both Fang Yuan and Aleister are well aware of this invisible sense of propriety and know the other's. Where is the bottom line.

Putting down the phone that had ended the call, Fang Yuan rubbed his forehead, and then put Aleister's previous call to the back of his mind.

——Anyway, from the current point of view, the "variables" he created have not yet touched Aleister's core interests, so let them do whatever they want, Fang Yuan himself will not interfere.

Furthermore, as a time traveler, if you travel to a different world where you are familiar with the plot, and you don’t change the plot, what kind of time traveler is that? …… On the other side, Saten Ruiko walked out of the hospital and walked in the late night streets with a worried expression on her face, and she was very worried about Misaka Mikoto's condition.

"I will handle this matter myself, so don't worry about it anymore, Saiko! Also, please don't tell Kuroko and Uiharu about this matter, please!" This was what Misaka Mikoto said to her before she left the hospital. The firm tone and serious look on his words made Saten Ruiko know how determined the other party's attitude was.

However, how could you really stop caring about this kind of thing! Although she knew that Misaka Mikoto had good intentions and did not want irrelevant people to touch the dark side of Academy City, Saten Ruiko herself had already seen enough, so naturally she would not be afraid of anything.

"The most I can do is not tell Shirai-san and Uiharu, but I myself... are already involved, so it's impossible for me to just run away in such despair!" Saten Ruiko punched the palm of her hand and made up her mind. Determined to handle this matter to the end! ... "How to solve a battle in a vacuum environment?" After the battle that made him feel angry, Accelerator returned to his residence. After calming down, he began to think about the vacuum field confrontation with Saten Ruiko. s method.

"The first plan is to strike first and disrupt the surrounding atmosphere before the opponent opens the vacuum field. With my computing power, it is not difficult to simulate the ability of an aeronaut. With the control of the atmosphere, When you are taken away by me, it will not be so easy to create a vacuum..." Accelerator first thought of a plan to directly prevent the emergence of the vacuum field from the source.

"However, the premise of this plan is that my computing power must be able to effectively crush the opponent's computing power. If the computing power gap is not widened by more than an order of magnitude, my indirect control through multiple layers of transitions may not be able to It's better than the opponent's direct control of the airflow..." Accelerator shook his head and put this plan in the alternative sequence.

"Alternatively, I can add the control part of the surrounding airflow to the default calculation formula, and keep a part of the atmosphere under my control at all times. Even if I enter a vacuum environment, I can maintain combat effectiveness for a period of time..." This is what he did this time The lessons learned in the battle, if he could have reacted faster and had more restrained air around him, he might have been able to fight Saten Ruiko for a few more rounds.

It would not be like this time, because he was caught off guard and did not have time to make too many preparations. It was only during the battle that he discovered that the air in and around his body was not enough to support the high-intensity consumption when using his abilities. He had to use it quickly. Choose between a quick decision and a strategic shift.

"But this is only treating the symptoms, not the root cause. I must find a way to solve the adaptability problem in the vacuum environment from the root..." Accelerator said to himself.

"Perhaps... I can try to split carbon dioxide molecules and create oxygen directly in the body? It's not impossible. I just need to add a part to the formula..." The white-haired boy said to himself that no one would listen except himself. He didn't understand the calculation formula, and a ferocious smile appeared on his face.

He believed that the next time he met that damn No. 8, he would be able to give him a big "surprise"! The third update is presented')317'\u003eChapter 316 The second battle is about to begin

"...Onee-sama, onee-sama!" The call in her ear woke up Misaka Mikoto who had been deep in thought. She was stunned for a while and finally came back to her senses.

"Ah, it's Kuroko! What's the matter?" Misaka Mikoto, who was worried, brushed a strand of hair scattered in front of her forehead and asked pretending to be calm.

"... Onee-sama, are you... okay?" Shirai Kuroko looked at Misaka Mikoto, who was obviously holding on, and asked with concern.

"No, I'm fine.

How could something happen to me? Hahahaha..." Misaka Mikoto tried to hide her bad mood with her poor acting skills.

"...Yes, that's it. As long as it's okay..." Shirai Kuroko saw something was wrong, but in the end he didn't say anything.

She is not an idiot. Although she usually looks like a bitch in front of Misaka Mikoto, but because of this, she is also one of the people who understands Misaka Mikoto best.

Although the current "sister" tried her best to pretend that nothing happened, she couldn't hide the depression between her brows.

As Misaka Mikoto's number one fan, Kuroko Shirai wanted to share her worries for her "onee-sama", but she didn't know where to start. Apart from being secretly worried in her heart, she could only pretend to be the same. Nothing was seen.

However, it was impossible for her to do nothing.

Regarding her dearest sister, Shirai Kuroko also fully mobilized her brain, which was almost filled with 18X substance, to recall and think about whether anything unusual had happened in the past period of time.

After thinking for a long time, she really discovered something - "It seems that something has become abnormal since the last time I received a call from Saten-san. Maybe I can ask her?" ’ Just do it if you think of it.

Shirai Kuroko saw Misaka Mikoto leaving in a hurry after saying a few words to her, but instead of following her all the way like before, she called Saten Ruiko's number.

"Hey! What about Misaka-senpai? Uh, this, that..." As a result, when Saten Ruiko heard Shirai Kuroko's question, she immediately became hesitant and couldn't say anything for a long time.

Shirai Kuroko knew immediately that she really knew something! "Saten-kun, if you really know something, please tell me!" In response to Shirai Kuroko's request, Saten Ruiko on the other end of the phone was silent for a long time, and finally sighed and said, "It's not that I don't want to tell you. , but this matter is really not suitable for you to know! But don't worry, Misaka-senpai doesn't want others to interfere and plans to solve all problems by herself, but I won't just leave her alone. If Shirai-san If you believe me, just give her to me! I promise that I will give you a complete Misaka-senpai!" "Eh! What, I feel embarrassed to say that! , It’s like, it’s like my onee-sama and I have... Hey, hey hey!” As if some words in Saten Ruiko’s words hit a certain switch, Shirai Kuroko’s face flushed all of a sudden. Twisting her body, she exuded a "slut" aura and was wandering in wild imaginations.

It took a long time before Shirai Kuroko recovered from his indescribable delusions and returned to normal.

Although this phone call still did not answer her doubts, she was certain that her sister was indeed in trouble, and the trouble was not small.

Although she was determined to continue questioning, her reason told her that since Misaka Mikoto and Saten Ruiko were unwilling to involve her or others, they must have their reasons.

Coupled with Saten Ruiko's guarantee and the power of the two Level 5s, I think they can push through no matter what the level of trouble. This time, let's trust the power of friends first! "Ha-I didn't expect that even Shirai-san noticed it..." After hanging up the phone, Saten Ruiko let out a long sigh, somewhat doubting how long Misaka-senpai's so-called concealment could last.

Anyway, it has only been a day, and someone has noticed something unusual. Misaka-senpai’s acting skills are so bad... I want to think so, but Saten Ruiko also knows that this kind of well-intentioned concealment is necessary. of.

After all, what they are going to face this time is not the gangsters on the street, nor a desperate researcher, but an unknown number of experimental institutions, including the first among superpowers.

In fact, even if someone told her now that it was actually the entire upper echelon of Academy City who planned all this, Saten Ruiko would not be surprised at all.

Therefore, for Shirai Kuroko and the others, "not knowing" is the best protective talisman. They will not be exposed to the dark side of Academy City too early, but because they are not strong enough, they will eventually encounter tragic results.

——After experiencing the [Fantasy Controller] incident and the [Chaotic Opening] incident, Saten Ruiko has completely understood the nature of this city. The bottomless darkness can really swallow human life! "But did Misaka-senpai start taking action so soon? It looks like he found some clues!" Now that she had made a promise, Saten Ruiko naturally couldn't just ignore it and directly opened her wide-area electromagnetic induction. His ability instantly enveloped the entire Academy City within his range of perception.

Among the countless different electromagnetic fields of the human body, she immediately noticed Misaka Mikoto's extremely familiar electromagnetic force field, which locked her position.

Following the direction Misaka Mikoto was heading, she also sensed another familiar human body reaction.

It was almost identical to the Misaka sister I had met before, with only slight differences.

"Is it another clone... This location is... an abandoned real estate area? A new round of experiments started so soon?" Saten Ruiko opened her eyes, and a subtle electric light flashed in her eyes.

The next moment, a flash of lightning flashed, and the girl's figure disappeared into the room.

... "Tsk! It's an inferior product like you again!" Accelerator looked at the Misaka sister in front of him who had killed countless times, and spat impatiently.

To be honest, after experiencing a battle with a real Level 5, Accelerator has no interest in fighting a cloned Level 2 like Sister Misaka.

Although Saten Ruiko was only eighth, in the first battle, Accelerator was defeated and had to retreat, and she also provided him with an excellent idea to strengthen his own abilities. Only such an enemy can truly be considered an enemy! What about this one in front of you? At best, they can only be regarded as dolls. Fighting with them is not even a warm-up. It is no wonder that Accelerator has a look of disgust on his face.

First update, there are two more tonight')318'\u003eChapter 317: A Saint will not be defeated twice by the same move!

Although I was full of impatience, since I participated in the experiment, I had to complete it.

Besides, Accelerator is also looking forward to it, looking forward to the eighth one appearing again and having another hearty battle with him.

——This time, he is ready and will not be forced to retreat by a mere vacuum environment! "The 9804th experiment is about to start in 5 minutes. Are the test subjects ready? Do, Misaka asked."

The clone girl, who was almost identical to the previous Misaka sister, said in the same flat voice.

"Hmph! Start quickly and finish quickly! I'm no longer interested in you idiots!" A few days ago, Accelerator might still have some expectations for this experiment. Regarding the battle with the Misaka sisters, It will also be completed more with a playful mentality, just to find some fun in boring repetitive work.

However, Accelerator did not intend to waste time this time - he decided to immediately go find the eighth one after dealing with the miscellaneous fish in front of him... No, based on the situation last time, maybe the eighth one would jump out on his own. maybe! With this in mind, Accelerator listened to Misaka's countdown and prepared to kill her with one blow.

"...5,4,3,2,1, the experiment begins!" Biu——Boom——! ! ! Accelerator tapped his foot lightly, and the force acting on the ground was amplified and transmitted to Misaka's sister's feet due to the ability of [Vector Manipulation].

The next moment, the ground within a few meters of Misaka's surroundings suddenly folded in half with her footing as the center. Huge semicircular cement plates were like two huge slaps, crushing down from the left and right sides toward the middle. .

Seeing that Miss Misaka, who had not reacted in time, was about to die tragically under the crushing of a boulder, suddenly - "Stop!" With an urgent cry, an electric arc flashed in the air, and the cement plates that were about to close under the control of the vector Huoran was pulled by another force and stopped moving.

"Huh?" Accelerator raised his eyebrows, feeling something was wrong in his heart. This method was not like that of the eighth one... Soon, his feeling came true.

A figure that was almost identical to Misaka's sister ran out from behind an abandoned building. An electromagnetic traction pulled Misaka's sister out of danger and pulled her behind him in the air.

In appearance, the new Misaka is almost identical to the other Misaka sisters except for the missing military night vision goggles on her head.

But from the eyes of both parties, obvious differences can be seen.

"Is it a new experimental individual? No, it's a physical body! I didn't expect that it would be you, the third one!" Accelerator showed an expression of great interest on his face - the only one ranked at the bottom Eight people can give him such a big surprise, so Misaka Mikoto, who is ranked third, should be able to bring him more fun and "experience"! However, Misaka Mikoto had no intention of starting a fight immediately. Instead, she asked with an angry look on her face: "You guy...why!" "Why?" Accelerator, who thought he could start a fight immediately, saw Misaka Mikoto's anticipation. The reaction from outsiders was quite baffling.

"What... you are already number one and the strongest in Academy City, why are you still participating in this experiment?!" Use electromagnetic powers to steal "Absolute Abilities Evolution" from the library by hacking "Plan" text, Misaka Mikoto naturally already knew the whole story of this cruel experiment.

She was not surprised by the cruelty of those research institutions. After all, she had experienced an "ability body crystallization experiment" before and knew how inhumane the research on the dark side in Academy City was.

But the only thing she couldn't understand was why Accelerator, the first among superpowers and the undeniable strongest man in Academy City, would actually do the work of a butcher for the sake of the illusory Level 6! "Tch, I thought you wanted to ask something! What a boring question!" Accelerator curled his lips in disdain, raised his head and squinted, looked at Misaka Mikoto with a look of disdain, and said: "My pursuit is not just trivial. The 'strongest' is the 'invincible' above the 'strongest'! Well, a dabbler like you wouldn't understand!" The third one!" Misaka Mikoto gritted her teeth. , said word by word: "Just for this reason, you killed more than 9,000 lives?!" "Huh? What are you talking about! These things that look the same as you are just made of protein It's nothing more than a mass-produced doll with minerals. It has no soul or self, and is no different from the robots on the street. What kind of human life is it?" In response to Misaka Mikoto's question, Accelerator replied in such an understatement.

"...Sure enough-" Misaka Mikoto lowered her head, and the bangs on her forehead fell down to block her eyes: "It's impossible to communicate with someone like you who has completely fallen into evil ways!" Before she finished speaking, a huge The electric current burst out suddenly, and the azure arc that penetrated the air, under the control of the electric shock user's will, turned into a spear that was as physical as it could be, and suddenly shot at the enemy in front of him at a speed hundreds of times the speed of sound.

Biu—— Bang——! The moment the electric shock gun came into contact with Accelerator's body, it was immediately reflected in other directions, exploding a black mark on the surrounding ground.

"Tch! It's really useless!" Misaka Mikoto looked at the unharmed Accelerator and knew that this guy was indeed able to reflect all vectored attacks as found in the data.

This is an overwhelming disadvantage for her as a shock user.

After all, all the attack methods that Misaka Mikoto can use are based on the physical phenomena of electricity and magnetism, and there is no way that vectors exist. In other words, even if she tries her best, she cannot hurt a single hair on Accelerator's body.

Fortunately, Saten Ruiko reminded her that she had invaded the library to check Accelerator's information before taking action, and knew his abilities. Otherwise, if she had rushed over in such a hurry, she would have been unaware of her opponent's abilities. If you don't, you are very likely to fall into a dangerous situation where there is nothing you can do.

"Well, fortunately, Ruiko gave me a good example. Although I am not an air force user and cannot create a vacuum environment, I still have my own methods!" Misaka Mikoto whispered to herself.

The next moment, an even more massive electric current erupted. Under Misaka Mikoto's will, it turned into a sea of ​​thunder like a physical lightning bolt, instantly engulfing the surrounding area for hundreds of meters.

However, none of these thunderbolts hit Accelerator himself, but all struck in the air.

"Huh? What's going on?" Accelerator originally wanted to see what the third person was capable of, but he didn't expect that after the other person fired an electric shock gun, he acted like a madman and unleashed his willpower. The attack was not accurate at all. It was a bit confusing at first.

However, a few seconds later, Accelerator smelled the faint pungent smell in the air and immediately understood the other party's plan.

"So that's it! It seems that you have understood the shortcomings of my ability!" Accelerator's mouth widened, revealing a ferocious smile: "But, unfortunately, I have already seen a similar move! ”')319'\u003eChapter 318: Your opponent is me!

Yes, Accelerator knew Misaka Mikoto's strategy after smelling the pungent smell.

By electrocuting the air, the oxygen molecules in the atmosphere are converted into ozone. This is the tactic designed by the third person against him.

In most people's minds, ozone itself should be a beneficial gas that blocks excessive ultraviolet radiation. The ozone layer in the atmosphere is even considered by most people to be a protective umbrella for life on Earth. If there is no ozone layer, every human on Earth will get skin cancer! However, few people know that in the atmospheric troposphere close to the surface, ozone is a toxic and harmful gas that not only irritates the eyes and respiratory tract of humans and animals, but also affects lung function. Even high concentrations of ozone are harmful to plants.

When the concentration of ozone is 0.3mg/L, it irritates the eyes, nose, and throat; when the concentration reaches 3-30mg/L, headaches and local paralysis of respiratory organs will occur; when the concentration continues to rise, it may even cause nerve poisoning and permanent damage.

The ozone produced by Misaka Mikoto with high-intensity electric shock has obviously reached the point where it can hinder human breathing, and the concentration continues to increase over time, heading towards the point where it can cause disability or even death.

Of course, this level of toxic gas attack is nothing to Accelerator, who can walk comfortably in deadly toxic gas. His automatic reflex ability can easily isolate all substances that he subconsciously identifies as "harmful" from his body.

Misaka Mikoto certainly knows this.

However, her real purpose is not to poison Accelerator with ozone, but to consume the oxygen in the nearby atmosphere by means of generating ozone, achieving an effect similar to vacuum asphyxiation.

Coincidentally, today is a windless day, which is very suitable for using this tactic.

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