"Huh? What do you mean? Do you think that I am responsible for the current blind situation? Do you think that you are not afraid of me because you have become stronger, or do you think that as a boss, I will not be ruthless? Severely punish subordinates who talk nonsense?" Fang Yuan raised his eyebrows and asked in a sinister tone.

"Uh, no, no, no! Boss, don't be angry! I really don't have such thoughts, Tsuchimikado! Absolutely not!!!" Mr. Spy, who was frightened by someone's threat, quickly clarified, for fear of being delayed. Seconds later, the new boss's punishment would fall on him - but he still remembered that he still had the "gift" buried by the new boss in his body! "So, what's the reason for you calling me? Isn't it just to ask me if I am the mastermind behind this incident?" Fang Yuan asked.

"...This incident has directly affected the whole world, and even the fortresses within the British Puritan Church that are protected by heavy magic are not completely immune to the impact.

However, in Academy City, there are only me and two other students who have also received gifts from you. Neither externally nor internally, there have been any changes. Therefore, the higher-ups of the church ordered me to investigate whether this incident is related to you. ..." Tsuchimikado Motoharu did not dare to neglect, and honestly told the whole story clearly, playing his role as a multi-faceted spy very wisely.

"...So, your method of investigation is to call me directly to ask about this suspect?" Fang Yuan was speechless about the so-called "investigation" methods of Tsuchimikado Motoharu, although as the person under investigation, he said so. It's strange, but...is there such an investigation in this world? ! "Ahem! After all, Boss, you are in control of my life. I can't hide all my movements from you. No matter how secretly I investigate, nothing can be as clear as asking you directly!" Tsuchimikado Motoharu's answer He complimented Fang Yuan very sincerely and without leaving any trace. It seemed that he understood his position quite well.

"Okay, I will temporarily forgive your suspicion of being rude this time!" Fang Yuan said: "As for your investigation, let me give you a hint. There is another person who has not been replaced in this incident. external."

"...You mean, Kamijou Touma?"')340'\u003eChapter 339: Magicians appear one after another

After putting down the phone, Tsuchimikado Motoharu digested the news he had just received from Fang Yuan.

"Could it be said that this chaos was caused by Kamijou Touma? No, no, no, this is impossible! There is no way that idiot who knows nothing about magic can do such a great magic!" Well, especially Kamijou Touma. Kamijou Touma's right hand, which can only annihilate all supernatural powers, completely insulates Kamijou Touma from all magical superpowers, making it impossible to activate even a little bit of magic.

"However, the boss mentioned Kamijou Touma. Is this telling me that the clues are with him?" Being able to be selected by the magic side as a spy to infiltrate the science side, Tsuchimikado Motoharu cannot be a mediocre person, just a little bit. After thinking about it, he understood the hidden meaning in Fang Yuan's words.

"Well, it just so happened that the church also asked me to investigate Kamijou Touma's situation at the same time to see if the power of the Index of Forbidden Books has been abused. Then I will go there!" ... Kamijou Touma at the beach bathing beach My classmates have just had a particularly difficult day.

To be honest, just keeping an eye on his mother, who was holding Index's body, and not being too affectionate with his father, had consumed most of Kamijou Touma's energy.

I really can’t believe that my parents, even at this age, are still so sticky and affectionate. Aren’t they afraid that their children will get needle holes? ! There is also his cousin Otohime who appears in the appearance of Misaka Mikoto. Although he knows that the relationship between the two is very good, please don't use that Bilibili appearance to be so affectionate with him! It will make him very embarrassed! Of course, what made him even more exhausted physically and mentally was the blue-haired earring wearing a nun's uniform. This devastating combination, every time it appeared in front of Kamijou Touma, was a severe test for his nerves.

It's so pitiful that he really doesn't want to continue in this completely misaligned world for a second! But, unfortunately, until now, he still can't figure out how all this happened, and why only he discovered the abnormality, while no one else noticed the problem? Although he knew that it was difficult to think of anything with his own mind, Kamijou Touma couldn't help but think about it until... Swish—— Dang—— A flash of sword light struck Kamijou Touma from behind as he was walking on the mountain road. Sensing the sound of the blade cutting through the air, he reflexively released a defensive force field to block it.

Kamijou Touma, who was awakened from his reverie, immediately turned around in horror and saw the attacker who suddenly attacked him in front of him.

This is a girl with a delicate figure wrapped in a tight corset. Her long golden hair that almost covers her eyes is slightly wavy, and her fair skin seems to be reflecting the bright moonlight.

Although the girl looks cute, her clothes are very weird. She only wears a black belted tights, clothes as transparent as pajamas, a red cloak, and a very thick collar around her neck. The collar is connected to a A rein.

The most impressive thing is that the pliers, hammers, saws, L-shaped nail pullers and other murder weapons tied around the girl's waist form a sharp contrast with the girl's petite and graceful figure.

With just one glance, Kamijou Touma confirmed that those with such distinctive appearance could only be those maverick magicians! It’s the magician again! No, could it be said that this change has something to do with those magicians? "Who are you? Why did you attack me?" Kamijou Touma looked at the attacker in front of him seriously and asked.

Sizzling—— The girl's petite body released a huge power that was incompatible with her size. The serrated blade rubbed against the force field released by Kamijou Touma with the green lantern ring, sparks bursting out.

After a few seconds of stalemate, the girl who suddenly attacked seemed to find that Kamijou Touma's body protection could not be helped in this way, so she finally stopped and took a step back.

"Question one, are you the one who cast the spell?" The girl in strange clothes said in a tone as cold as if she had no emotion.

"Eh?" Kamijou Touma didn't react.

"Repeat question one, are you the one who cast the spell?" "What? The caster? What caster? Ah! Are you saying that this current situation...is it really the result of magic?" Kamijou Touma His slow mind finally understood what the other party was talking about, and then he immediately shook his head in denial: "How could I be a caster! I am a Level 0 incompetent person, and I also have a right hand that denies all supernatural powers. It's impossible to use magic!" "Yes, Kamijou-kun is indeed impossible to use magic, I can prove it!" A familiar voice came from behind. Kamijou Touma turned around and immediately saw something that surprised him. figure.

"Tsuchimikado?" "Hey! Touma, it looks like you're involved in trouble again!" Motoharu Tsuchimikado showed his true nature of hurting friends and ridiculed Kamijou-san's bad luck in person.

"This...why are you here? No! You said magic? How do you know about magic?" "Ah, this kind of thing..." Just when Tsuchimikado Motoharu wanted to say something more, he had already The girl who stopped her hand suddenly said: "Countermeasure 1, what this boy is using now is his special ability."

As she spoke, she was preparing to attack again.

"Wait a minute!" Kamijou Touma saw the other party's movements and immediately waved his hands in a panic and said, "This is not a super power or magic. This is technological equipment!" Kamijou Touma pointed. He emphasized the conspicuous green ring he was wearing in his hand.

"Ah, I can also prove this. This is indeed a high-tech equipment brought from Academy City. It does not contain any magic or supernatural factors. It is a product of pure technology."

Tsuchimikado Motoharu nodded and said, adding credibility to Kamijou Touma's words.

Well, although he himself is not very clear about what kind of alien black technology is used in these so-called "high-tech items" created by the new boss.

"..." The girl remained silent, not sure whether she believed it or not, but in the end she put away the murder weapon in her hand.

"Has your Academy City's technology reached this level? It can actually allow an ordinary person with no ability to possess this level of power!" From the corner of the mountain road, another familiar figure of Kamijou Touma walked out.

With his tall and plump figure, his sultry appearance with the lower half of his short-sleeved T-shirt tied up to expose his navel, and one leg of his jeans completely cut off, Kamijou Touma recognized him at a glance. It was because of Index. Kanzaki Kaori is a magician who has crossed paths with him regarding silk.

')341'\u003eChapter 340 The Prelude to the Hunting

"Kanzaki? Why are you here?" Kamijou Touma had a surprised expression on his face: "Also, why did you appear with Tsuchimikado?" "It seems that he did recognize you as Kanzaki! "Tsuchimikado turned to Kanzaki Kaori and said.

"Yeah! But since he can recognize my identity, it means..." "No, no, no, eldest sister, there are no traces of magic on Ah Shang's body!" "Well, that is to say, it is with us. Are you the same person who survived..." However, Kanzaki Kaori did not immediately respond to Kamijou Touma's question, but discussed it with Tsuchimikado on his own.

"==_="← Kamijou Touma was ignored.

"Question 1, please identify yourself!" Fortunately, the girl who had just attacked Kamijou Touma asked, breaking this somewhat embarrassing situation.

After hearing the girl's question, Kanzaki Kaori turned his head and answered: "I am the magician of the British Puritan Church of Necessary Evil, Kanzaki Kaori.

So, what about your identity? "I am the magician of the Russian adult religion "White Book of Annihilation", Misha Kloydev. "

The blond girl, no, Misha replied.

"Oh! I didn't expect to see members of 'Annihilation Hakusho' here!" Tsuchimikado Motoharu was a little surprised by the other party's identity. In Japan, members of 'Annihilation Hakusho' are indeed rare.

... "Misha Kloijef, no, it should be said to be the Archangel Gabriel, the power of God..." On the top of the mountain, Fang Yuan, who appeared here at some unknown time, looked at the figures on the mountain road below. , his eyes focused on the taciturn girl who called herself "Misha".

Although in the eyes of Kamijou Touma and others, this is a cold girl with strange clothes, but in Fang Yuan's spiritual eyes, what he saw was a huge spirit shining with pure brilliance, hidden in the fragile and tiny human flesh.

"Spirit possession... It's somewhat similar to the state of being possessed by a heroic spirit, but the power it controls is very different. This kind of spirit strength... At least it must be the top-level heroic spirit body!" Fang Yuan roughly calculated the strength of the spirit of the archangel who fell to the earth through the strength of the spiritual light he saw from the other party, and the result was not very optimistic.

If we simply compare the strength of the spirit, this angel who was pulled down to the world is stronger than Fang Yuan in this world now! Not to mention, in the spiritual brilliance that he only glimpsed for a moment before, Fang Yuan also discovered that the spiritual brilliance of this archangel faintly penetrated the time and space interval and connected to another different world. Endless power flows and communicates between the spirit and the world, providing a steady stream of power to the powerful and pure spirit anytime and anywhere.

"It seems that if we want to deal with this angel, the first step is to cut off the connection between him and the heaven..." Thinking of this, Fang Yuan had a clear plan for the next hunting operation in his mind.

After taking another deep look at Misha Kreutzefu, who was already sitting down and talking with Kamijou Touma, Kamijou Kaori, Tsuchimikado Motoharu and others, Fang Yuan's figure instantly turned into a breeze and dissipated in the sky.

... "Hmm?" On the other side, Misha, who was talking with Kamijou, Kamijou and others, suddenly turned her head and looked at the forest on one side.

"What's wrong?" Kamijou Kaori was the first to find something wrong and asked immediately.

"No, nothing."

Misha shook her head coldly, unwilling to say anything more.

Kamijou Kaori looked at the direction where Misha had just turned her head with some doubts, and carefully sensed it, but still found nothing. In the end, she could only shake her head and no longer take it to heart.

... After some explanations and tests, Misha Kreutzefu, who appeared as a member of "Annihilation of the White Book", finally accepted the explanation of Kamijou Touma and Tsuchimikado, and temporarily believed that he was not the caster of the "Angel Fall" magic.

However, during the conversation, everyone also agreed that the caster of this magic was in this town, near Kamijou Touma, or even next to him.

And their next task is to find the culprit who launched this magic, and then solve this magic that messed up the whole world and restore everything to its original state.

Kamijou is the most active in this regard. After all, his mother is now using Index's body, and she is so close to his father. If it takes a long time, he can't stop the two from being intimate! Well, Kamisaki Kaori is also very active. Although she is not completely affected by the barrier and distance protection, and although her current body is still her own, to outsiders who are affected by magic, she is wearing the face of Stiyl Magnus, that is to say, to outsiders, she is a man! For Kamisaki Kaori now, going to the toilet or entering the bathroom is a complete torture - either entering the women's toilet or the women's bathroom is blocked by others and the pervert calls the police, or entering the men's toilet or the men's bathroom under psychological pressure to open the door to a new world... In short, no matter what, she must put an end to all this badness, and by the way, let the daring magic caster pay the price! The only one who is relaxed is Tsuchimikado Motoharu.

With the spiritual base protection given by Fang Yuan, he not only withstood the forced cognitive changes of the "Angel Fall" magic like Kamisaki Kaori, but also was immune to the changes in appearance caused by this magic. Finally, he did not become the famous actor whose name is [——] as in the original work.

...  "By the way, I almost forgot what you said when I was interrupted before. Who are you, Tsuchimikado?"  Kamijo Touma finally remembered that Tsuchimikado seemed to have mentioned magic or something. Could it be that he is also a member of the magic world?  However, Tsuchimikado's answer stunned Kamijou Touma:  "Ah, I am actually a spy sent to Academy City by the magic side~!"  "Huh? Spy?!"  "Yes, to be precise, I am an Onmyoji of the native Japanese school, assigned by the British Puritans to sneak into Academy City to collect intelligence... Well, but the upper echelons of Academy City also know about this, so my current identity is equivalent to a liaison between the magic side and the science side!"  For Kamijou Touma, Tsuchimikado Motoharu did not intend to hide his identity as a spy from him - anyway, the real upper echelons basically knew about his identity, and Kamijou Touma was the center of a series of plans planned by Aleister, so he would know these sooner or later.

"...Well, I'm used to the fact that people around me have strange identities..." Kamijou Touma has become numb. Even if someone tells him that his other bad friend Blue Hair Earrings also has an extraordinary identity, he won't be surprised at all! ')342'\u003eChapter 341 Suspicion and Defense

Knowing the identity of Tsuchimikado Motoharu's magic spy, Kamijou Touma quickly accepted it after a brief surprise.

After all, the other party is still his friend, and he has never harmed or used him. It should be okay to continue to treat him as a friend...right? The young man Kamijou thought uncertainly.

"Wait! That's not right!" Suddenly, Kamijou Touma, who was walking on the road, exclaimed, as if he had found some important clues.

"What's wrong?" Kamijou Touma, who was traveling with him, asked immediately.

"That... uh, you said before that the reason you suspect me of being the mastermind of this incident is because my appearance has not changed and I have not been affected by magic, right?" Kamijou Touma asked in a very strange tone.

"That's right, of course, it's not just that simple. Before we set off, the church also did divination and confirmed that the source of the magic of "Angel Fall" was in this town, and you, the guardian of the Forbidden Book Index, are here, and your appearance has not been affected by magic, which makes people suspicious."

Although Kamijou Touma was a little surprised why he asked this, he still patiently explained it again.

"...In other words, as long as there is no change in appearance, they are all suspects?" Kamijou Touma continued to ask, his face full of complicated expressions.

"Yes, unless it is someone like us who uses magic to resist the influence of 'Angel Fall', other than that, anyone who has no changes inside and outside is a suspect in this incident!" Kamijou Touma nodded, said seriously, then looked at Kamijou Touma with some surprise, and asked: "What's wrong?" Snap - Kamijou Touma covered his face with one hand, lowered his head and sighed: "...I think I found another suspect..." "What?" "You found a suspect?" "Who?" Hearing this, Kamijou Touma and Tsuchimikado Motoharu's faces immediately changed, and they hurriedly asked.

Even Misha, who was walking on the side and remained silent, turned her eyes to Kamijou Touma, waiting for his answer.

"...My dad, his appearance doesn't seem to have changed..." This should have been the first abnormality to be noticed, but Kamijou Touma, whose reaction arc was too slow, didn't notice it until now.

Tsuchimikado Motoharu: "...In other words, this is really related to you, A-Kami? But it's not you who cast the magic, but your father... Could it be that your dad is also a magician?" "Wait, wait!" Hearing Tsuchimikado Motoharu's statement, Kamijou Touma waved his hands and denied: "Although my dad has the bad habit of buying souvenirs from all over the world, he is really just an ordinary person! I have never seen him use magic!" "A-Kami, you don't know this! In this world, there are many families who don't know that their close family members are magicians. If your father becomes a magician, someone like you who knows nothing about magic may not be able to detect it!" Tsuchimikado gave a very reasonable explanation, which effectively refuted Kamijou Touma's defense.

"And you said your father has the habit of buying souvenirs from all over the world, right? But you have to know that magic on the magic side often uses such seemingly ordinary items that are somewhat related to religious myths."

Tsuchimikado nodded as he spoke, with an expression of "I have discovered the truth":  "In this case, your father is even more suspicious!"  "No, no, no, if my father is really a magician, he can't send me to the science side's headquarters, Academy City! I'm not a spy like you! How can a biological father send his son to the enemy's headquarters!"  In order to defend his father, Kamijou Touma tried his best to stimulate every nerve in his brain, running his mind at the highest speed, and he actually thought of such a logical defense in an instant.

"Besides, if the souvenirs in my house are magical items, my right hand can't be unresponsive, but I have never found any souvenirs destroyed by my right hand!"  I still think his reason is not convincing enough, Kamijou Touma continued to defend.

Well, but he was a little hesitant when he said the last sentence - he was playful when he was a child, and it seems that he did break a few souvenirs his father bought for him, but that should have nothing to do with his right hand... No, it must have nothing to do with it! Yes! That's right! "Magicians are not necessarily hostile to technology! Well, although for the magicians of the world's major churches, the hostility to the scientific side is already the level of "political correctness", but for those wild magicians who do not belong to any magic association, it is not unimaginable to send their children to Academy City where there is a better chance of success!" As a senior magician, Tsuchimikado Motoharu immediately found the loophole in Kamijou Touma's words and immediately retorted: "As for the point that there are no magic items... It is not necessary to use magic items to cast magic. Ordinary props, as long as they are related to magic in appearance and concept, can borrow a trace of power from the original body they imitate. The theory of 'idol worship', you should not have forgotten it, Ah Shang!" "Uh..." Kamijou Touma, who was a little at a loss for words, had to admit that what the other party said made sense.

Also... although Kamijou Touma always insisted that his father was an ordinary person, he also knew how much effort his father had put in to solve his unlucky physique since he was a child - otherwise, where do you think those souvenirs that filled the house came from?   If it is said that without his noticing, his father who was pursuing miracles all over the world accidentally stepped into the world of magic, and then activated the "Angel Fall" magic to solve his right hand that brought misfortune... This is not unreasonable!   Thinking that his father was the only one around him who did not change his appearance...Kamijo Touma felt more and more guilty, and even had cold sweat on his head.

"No, no matter what, let's wait until we go back and confront him face to face! Otherwise, no matter how much we guess, it's just guessing, and there's no way to confirm the facts!"  "So, where is your father now?"  Kamizaki Kaori, who had been listening to the argument for a long time, asked the key question.

"Well, he is at the hot spring hotel where I am staying. We will get there in a few more steps..."  Kamijo Touma answered subconsciously.

At this moment——Bang! Misha Kreutzefu, who had been silent until now, suddenly rushed forward.

"Not good! Kamiya, stop her!" Tsuchimikado Motoharu, who reacted the fastest, exclaimed immediately.

And Kamiya Kaori also attacked at almost the same time. In an instant, [Seven Flashes] was activated, and the pseudo sword energy composed of extremely thin steel wires passed in front of the running girl, blocking her way.

"Huh?" Seeing this sudden attack, Kamijou Touma's mind has not yet turned around.

Seeing that Kamijou Touma was still half a beat slow to react as usual, Tsuchimikado shook his head helplessly and said: "Ah, you haven't forgotten what she did to you when she just appeared, right?" Kamijou Touma: "!!!"')343'\u003eChapter 342 The Power of God

Tsuchimikado Motoharu's words immediately made Kamijou Touma understand what this Russian magician wanted to do.

Judging from the way she attacked Kamijou Touma as soon as she appeared without saying anything, it was obvious that she would not give any preferential treatment to Kamijou Touma's father. She might just kill him with a knife and see if the magic is lifted. This is a Russian-style approach.

Kamijou Touma has already experienced how much magicians don't care about the lives of ordinary people from Oreos, so he naturally doesn't expect Misha to be soft-hearted and spare his father's life.

Fortunately, Tsuchimikado reacted quickly and Kamijou Kaori acted decisively, otherwise... the consequences would be unimaginable!   "Question one, why did you stop me?"

Facing Kamijou Kaori, who is a saint, Misha was not timid at all. Instead, she used her usual cold voice and strange way of speaking to ask why the other party stopped her.

"I'm sorry, but before the facts are investigated, please don't act rashly for the time being, otherwise it will harm the lives of innocent people and violate the doctrines of your sect!" Holding the hilt of the sword with one hand, Kamijou Kaori advised the other party very politely.

... "Oh? You found out that something was wrong with Kamijou Touya so quickly? But that's right, Kamijou Touma didn't lose his memory. As long as his brain is not too stupid, he can always detect it!" Fang Yuan, who was observing in the dark, was a little surprised to see that the situation developed much faster than the original plot, but soon realized that this was a change caused by his intervention.

"Well, looking at this posture, is it going to start a fight? Well, let that Saint of Sassy try the power of the Archangel!" Fang Yuan saw that the scene was already tense, and he didn't plan to show up now.

After all, from the results of his current observations, this Seraphim who came to the world is much stronger than Fang Yuan in terms of the total amount of spirits. In order to ensure the success of the hunt, he needs to obtain more information.

At this time, Kamisaki Kaori, a saint who can fight against angels, is the best chess piece for temptation.

...  At the scene of the confrontation, the girl who called herself Misha did not speak after hearing Kamisaki Kaori's statement.

She, no, it should be said that He, no longer needs to pretend to be a human, and no longer needs to say anything.

Swish——  In an instant, the afternoon scene with the sun setting suddenly turned into a night with a full moon shining.

Such a big move that changed the world immediately shocked everyone here.

"This, this is..."  Kamijo Touma looked at the suddenly changing sky, opened his mouth wide, and couldn't speak for a long time.

Although he lived in a city like Academy City, he could see all kinds of people with special abilities every day, and he had come into contact with unknown magicians hidden in the dark side of the world, and he had seen magic that seemed more magical than superpowers, but this was the first time he had seen such a terrifying scene where the positions of celestial bodies were changed in an instant.

——Well, although he had seen the scene when Tsuchimikado launched astronomical manipulation in the last Misawa Academy incident, the inverted starry sky at that time was not very obvious, and it was still much worse than the current scene of the sun and the moon being reversed.

Of course, as an outsider, Kamijou Touma was amazed at such a spectacular scene, and with his poor academic brain, his vocabulary was extremely poor, and he couldn't even say any reliable adjectives to sigh.

But Kanzaki Kaori and Tsuchimikado Motoharu, who are orthodox magicians, are different. The moment they saw this scene, they understood that the magician in front of them who called himself Sasha was definitely not a human! Thinking again that the essence of magic this time is "Angel Falls"... It is self-evident what is hidden under the human appearance of this member of the Russian adult religion "White Book of Annihilation"! And when Misha, who no longer concealed her identity, spread out her pure white wings behind her, even a layman like Kamijou Touma knew what was in front of him.

"Angel..." Kamijou Touma said that his three views need to be repaired.

"I see, I know your true identity!" Seeing the other party's exposed wings and the full moon hanging high in the sky, Kanzaki Kaori said with an expression of enlightenment: "Water's The symbol, the guardian of the moon in the distance, is the archangel who represents the power of God!" "...Gabriel!" I thought I was just here to investigate the mastermind behind the "Angel Fall", but... Suddenly, he was about to face the angel directly. Tsuchimikado Motoharu couldn't help but click his tongue - if this had been a few months ago, when he had not obtained the spiritual foundation, facing an enemy of this level, he would have really run as far as he could immediately. Far! But now... "Shang, let's go find your father quickly, find out the truth of the matter, and then remove the magic of 'Angel Falls' as soon as possible. Leave this to the elder sister!" ...Let's run first! Although Tsuchimikado Motoharu himself is confident that he will get along with this angel who has descended to earth, the key to the matter now is not to confront this angel who wants to return to heaven, but to remove the magic of "Angel Fall" as soon as possible. .

Originally, if Tsuchimikado and Kanzaki were to hold the angel here and let Kamijou Touma find his father to find out the truth, this arrangement would be considered the most reasonable.

However, Kamijou's IQ is flawed, and with his poor mind that knows nothing about magic, it doesn't look like he can find out the truth and solve the problem on his own.

Therefore, in the end, we have to let him, the real "expert", come! However, before Tsuchimikado and Kamijou started to take action, the "Power of God" who had already exposed the identity of the angel took action again.

He saw Him lifting the L-shaped nail puller he had pulled out from his waist, and raising it high. The full moon in the sky seemed to respond to His movements, suddenly blooming with a light far beyond the normal situation. The invisible moonlight was following the angel's command. It turned into substance, turned into threads of light, and traced tracks in the sky. They were connected and integrated with each other to form magic arrays that counted in the thousands, tens of thousands, and hundreds of millions.

And these endless magic arrays, counting in the hundreds of millions, once again formed an extremely huge magic array that could cover the entire sky, as if it encompassed the entire earth. It was extremely spectacular, extremely majestic, but also... extremely terrifying. ! "This is... [Rocket Rain]! In the past, it burned down the fallen civilization in one fell swoop.

Just for the command to "return to heaven", are you willing to destroy the world? ! " Kanzaki Kaori recognized the huge magic circle hanging in the sky, but it was when she recognized it that she felt that she was really in big trouble this time! If the angels who went berserk in order to return to heaven could not be stopped here, Let alone returning the world to normal, once the destructive magic in the sky is completed, the entire human civilization will be wiped out! ')344'\u003eChapter 343: Tsuchimikado is blocked!

"Looks like I won't be able to go this time!" Tsuchimikado Motoharu saw the huge magic circle covering the sky and immediately knew that his decision just now was right.

The power of God has activated the magic of [Rainstorm of Rockets]. In addition to defeating him head-on, the only way to prevent him from destroying human civilization is to remove the magic of "Angel Falls".

However, even if he possesses the spiritual base, coupled with the saint Kanzaki Kaori, the two of them work together to defeat a real angel, but the outcome is still unknown.

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