——This is the observation of invisible spiritual bodies through special equipment, and finally displays them in a spectrum acceptable to the human eye, and then displays them on the computer screen.

The official raised his eyes and leaned over to look, only to see a huge baby on the screen that was ugly and terrifying at first glance.

"This is..." The official suppressed his nausea, clicked the mouse, and switched to the next screen - this time it showed a white, orangutan-like monster. This one looked much more pleasing to the eye, but still Ugly.

Switch again - this time it's a monster with a black body, a white bone mask on its head, and a large transparent hole in the front and back of its chest.

Switch again - this time it's a disgusting monster made of countless tentacles, the kind that will drop San points at a glance.

Seeing this, the bald official couldn't bear it anymore and put down the mouse, not wanting to continue reading.

"Well, there is indeed an ugly monster!" The bald official felt that his request to see the monster was just asking for trouble. He just took one look at it and completely lost his appetite for tonight's dinner.

"So, have you confirmed the location of the entrance and exit of that secret realm? Are there any means to restrict its reopening? You know, if you come here again in downtown Tokyo, things will not be covered up!" "This is up to me. Come and answer the official's question. Obviously, the old researcher, who is squatting in the laboratory, can't answer it, so another man in his thirties, strong and looking very capable, in a black suit stood up and took the initiative to answer. Answered this question: "Our people have locked the location of the secret realm and used space blocking equipment to seal the entrance and exit. There is no need to worry about any more monsters coming out of the secret realm in a short period of time.

However, this is not a long-term solution. The space of the secret realm itself is also constantly changing. Once the changes in the secret realm space exceed the control range of our instruments, it may eventually lead to worse results. Therefore, in order to eliminate hidden dangers, We are bound to need to enter the secret realm and find out the situation on the other side.

If we really encounter the worst-case scenario, we may have to find a way to completely destroy the entire secret realm..." "The worst-case scenario...how bad can it be? " Seeing this black suit, the bald official frowned slightly. He knew that although this guy looked Japanese, he actually had a background in the American military. Could his statement be the will of the Americans... "Imagine, if there are only all kinds of monsters in this secret realm, it is completely unsuitable for human survival, and the space passage cannot be closed..." The black suit did not finish what he said, but the official understood what he meant. .

If that happens, there is really no other way besides destroying the entire secret realm.

——After all, the secret location this time is in Tokyo, in Ginza, which can be said to be the most prosperous place in Japan. If something happens, it will be a big deal! This time, I managed to get over it with the excuse of a terrorist attack. If another supernatural disaster happens next time, I won’t be able to cover it up even if I want to! And once that happens, the bald official himself will not be able to keep his hat. He may be pushed out as a scapegoat by the bosses at the top, and he may have to spend the rest of his life in prison... "Okay, about entering the secret realm. I approved the exploration operation!" For the sake of his own future, regardless of whether there was an American conspiracy or something, the officials agreed to Black Suit's request and approved the "Special Incident Response Department"'s investigation of the secret place in Ginza, Tokyo. Explore the plan in depth.

')370'\u003eChapter 369 Entering the Secret Realm

"Interesting, demons, monsters and emptiness... these are two completely different systems, and they actually come out of the same secret realm... it seems that this secret realm is really different!" Fang Yuan (a clone) came here invisibly. ) watched the entire inspection activity of high-level officials from Japan, and naturally saw the monster images that appeared on the computer screen.

In fact, even with the naked eye, Fang Yuan's eyesight can easily see those spiritual beings that are theoretically invisible to the human eye.

Although it was temporarily unclear which world those weird and deformed monsters had slipped out of, Fang Yuan recognized the identity of the spirit body wearing a bone mask with a big hole in its chest - it was surprisingly... Daxu from the anime "Bleach", and judging from his appearance, he should be at the Killian level.

""Death"... don't tell me that the world behind the secret realm is Soul Society or Hueco Mundo... But if it is really the case, then what caused that world to come into contact with the main world and become a secret realm? " Fang Yuan thought in his mind and decided to go and have a look in person.

... Fang Yuan, who came to Tokyo District from Kyoto District, found the entrance and exit of the secret realm based on the [ether] observation results without alerting Japanese officials - but the building had been cleared. office building.

Fang Yuan looked inside. As expected, the place had been taken over by people from the "Special Incident Response Department." Although it looked like there was no one inside, the entire office building was actually surrounded by a barrier that confused the senses. So that ordinary people without special abilities cannot detect the changes here.

"This barrier... doesn't seem to be made of supernatural power. Is it some kind of technology?" Fang Yuan sensed it and discovered to his surprise that the power that formed this barrier was not spiritual power, magic or the like, but something with personal spiritual will. Extraordinary power, but some kind of pure technological creation, which made him couldn't help but have a strong interest in the technological level of Japan in the main world.

"Perhaps this is not Japanese technology, but American?" Fang Yuan saw that among the people in the barrier who were maintaining and operating equipment, there were many Caucasians. Obviously, they could not be Japanese, so then It could only be Americans with troops stationed in Japan.

Well, when he thought about it, he felt it was more reasonable - after all, Japan's extraordinary world is a place that likes to be retro. Even those powerful people with powerful abilities like to give themselves the appearance of ancient Japanese gods. No., it really doesn’t look like a place where such purely technological and extraordinary facilities can be developed.

However, although this technology is science fiction enough, it cannot stop Fang Yuan.

Fang Yuan, who was still walking invisibly, calmly walked into the office building that had been transformed into a military fortress. He bypassed the secret service personnel on duty and walked to a huge ring-shaped instrument. .

Although it was very different in appearance from the space doors he had seen in China, Fang Yuan could still tell at a glance that it was a space interference device. It seemed to be the device used by Japanese people to block the entrance and exit of secret realms.

Fang Yuan could feel that another space-time bubble that was originally connected to the real space-time was being suppressed by a layer of powerful space energy, sealing almost all connections between the two spaces.

Judging from the current situation, if no major changes occur in the secret realm opposite, this seal will be enough to last for more than ten years, which seems inconsistent with what the man in the black suit said before.

Well, Fang Yuan didn't bother to think about the conspiracy of the man in black suit who was suspected of being a Japanese rapist. He only cared about one thing - whether he could still enter this secret realm.

Fang Yuan's luck was good after all.

After all, this layer of seal cannot completely cut off all connections between the two time-spaces. At least Fang Yuan can still perceive the other time-space on the back of the space through the tiny nodes.

For ordinary people, such a subtle connection is simply not enough to allow any matter to pass through. Even the kind of spiritual monster that is invisible to the naked eye cannot pass through.

However, for Fang Yuan, who is proficient in space technology, it is not difficult to get to the other side of the door, although it takes some effort.

But... Fang Yuan looked around at the secret service personnel who were unaware of his arrival, and felt a little troubled.

——If he just walked around and took a look like this, his invisibility ability would not be exposed, but if he wanted to use his space ability here and teleport himself into the secret realm, he would definitely be exposed. Xingzang alerted the surrounding Japanese officials.

Fang Yuan was a little hesitant, whether he should take action directly and knock down everyone here first... This hesitation only lasted for three seconds. After carefully perceiving the layout of the scene, he found that there was nothing that could harm him. When there was a powerful person who threatened him and he didn't have any powerful weapons, Fang Yuan made up his mind - do it! However, he is not stupid enough to reveal his identity. Although his body has now flown to geosynchronous orbit, it does not mean that he will not return to the surface. If his identity is exposed here and he is wanted globally, It would be a bit troublesome.

Therefore, Fang Yuan very maliciously made himself a white man with blond hair and blue eyes, intending to throw the blame on Westerners.

"Remember, No Chinese!" Saying this to himself, Fang Yuan directly canceled the invisibility ability covering his body surface and revealed his body.

"Who?!" This group of special agents responsible for "special events" lived up to their elite status and responded as soon as Fang Yuan appeared.

All those who carried weapons raised their guns. Those with special abilities immediately activated their abilities, while those without combat capabilities immediately sought cover to escape. In an instant, Fang Yuan was surrounded by dozens of long and short guns and Surrounded by several supernatural beings.

It's a pity that these people don't know that they are not facing ordinary opponents, but one of the strongest people in the world who stands at the top of the main world's power pyramid.

嗗—— Fang Yuan's eyes flashed with lightning, and the lightning speed ability that once shined in the forbidden world showed its power for the first time in the main world.

The next moment, everyone only felt a pain somewhere on their body, and then they all lost consciousness - the one with the gun didn't fire a single bullet, the one with supernatural powers didn't have time to use his ability, and what about those without fighting ability? I can't even feel it, and it's over.

If Fang Yuan wanted to kill them, it would only be an instant and no one would survive.

Fortunately, he didn't want to go on a killing spree in the main world. Anyway, he wasn't using his own face, so long as he could achieve his goal! "Next, let me see what's going on on the other side of the door!" PS: Four updates today, plus one more, please vote for me, please recommend me, please...') 371'\u003e377 Chapter 10: The Paradise of Evil Monsters

When Fang Yuan crossed the almost sealed space door and entered the secret realm, he realized that he had underestimated the danger of this "secret realm".

The sky was overcast and dark, with no sun visible. Hundreds of monsters of unknown origin flapped their bat-like wings and quacked as they shuttled between the clouds and the ground.

On the ground, countless abyssal cracks burning with scarlet flames appeared. From time to time, tongues of fire like fountains gushed out from the ground and surged hundreds of meters into the sky.

There were basically no complete buildings on the surface of the earth. Only the endless ruins covering the entire land were left, silently telling the later generations that this place was once part of human civilization.

Of course, what attracted Fang Yuan's attention even more were the countless evil spirits and monsters wandering between heaven and earth.

Not only those that Fang Yuan had seen in the research institute before, but there were many more, and he could not tell what kind of monsters they were.

And when an outsider like Fang Yuan broke into this paradise that belonged exclusively to monsters, you can imagine what would happen! As if they smelled the breath of a living person, countless monsters within a radius of thousands of meters stopped their movements at the same time and turned their heads - or organs that could be regarded as heads - towards Fang Yuan's direction.

Visible to the naked eye, the monsters' eyes, which were already filled with chaos and killing, instantly turned red - "Roar--!!!" When the first monster could no longer bear the desire to fight in its heart and roared to symbolize the beginning of the hunt, countless monsters responded.

In a flash, hundreds of monsters whose shapes could not be seen, like a dark wave, swarmed towards Fang Yuan's location.

"You welcome me so warmly as soon as I came in! I'm really flattered!" Facing the countless monsters rushing towards him, Fang Yuan, who was regarded as a hunting target, did not panic at all, but raised a slight arc at the corner of his mouth.

The next moment, the sound of thunder exploding sounded, and endless lightning started from Fang Yuan and spread outward crazily, instantly turning into a sea of ​​thunder full of destructive power, drowning all the evil spirits and monsters within a radius of thousands of meters.

When the thunder dissipated, in the field, besides Fang Yuan who was still standing, there were only countless jet-black air currents floating between heaven and earth with the wind.

After solving the "welcome gift" of this secret realm, Fang Yuan stepped into this world that could already be called hell, while destroying the monsters that blocked his way, while lowering his head to explore, trying to find some clues from this ruin of civilization.

Crackling - another dazzling lightning, split a monster like a big spider into slag.

Fang Yuan watched the monster body, which was completely made of spirits, evaporate into jet-black air currents, flying around, and then, under the attraction of some force, looking for darker and more gloomy corners, condensing into clumps, and continuing to swallow and exhale the negative atmosphere in the atmosphere.

Perhaps after who knows how many days, more monsters will be born from these clumps again.

In fact, it was not just this big spider monster that would be like this after being dispersed. All other monsters that Fang Yuan saw and killed, after their spiritual bodies collapsed, the dark airflows that escaped from their bodies would find a suitable place to hide and grow under the influence of some force, just like "monster eggs" that would breed more monsters.

Fang Yuan tried to disperse these "dark eggs" that were still breeding monsters, but it was useless!   The dark airflow that was temporarily dispersed would always condense again. Even if too many dark eggs were destroyed around, more airflows would gather together to condense larger dark eggs, trying to breed more terrifying monsters.

In other words, these monsters seemed to be more and more in this world as they were killed!   Unless there was a way to completely destroy the dark airflows that formed the cornerstone of the monsters.

Fang Yuan tried to capture a dark airflow that had not yet condensed into an egg, and then used various forces to try to completely destroy it.

However, the final result of the experiment was not optimistic.

Ordinary Taoist methods, magic, and even superpowers are completely ineffective against this dark airflow that seems to be the true essence of the monster. Even with his ultimate alchemy, he can only decompose these dark airflows into smaller but more numerous airflows, but their essence has not changed at all.

Only Fang Yuan, with his own spiritual brilliance and the will to purify, crushed these dark airflows inch by inch, and finally decomposed them into ordinary Qi.

However, as long as this purified pure Qi is exposed to the atmosphere, it will be polluted by some deeper and more obscure power in an instant, and turn back to that dark appearance, and once again become a breeding ground for monsters.

"What kind of power is this?" After confirming that he could not completely eliminate these monsters, but would only increase their number, Fang Yuan did not act casually again.

In order to prevent being discovered by the monsters, Fang Yuan hid his figure and restrained the breath he exuded, like a real ghost, walking in this demonic realm that has become hell.

"The specific size has been detected. It is as big as Japan... No, it should be said that this is the whole of Japan!" After detecting the boundaries of this secret realm by various means, Fang Yuan discovered that this secret realm was much larger than the one he explored in China last time. It was basically the same size as Japan in the real world. Even the terrain and the location of the city ruins were similar to the real Japan.

This made Fang Yuan wonder, could it be that Japan in a certain world was dismantled and crashed into the space layer of the main world, turning into a secret realm...  And such a large secret realm has completely become a ghost den, with countless evil spirits and monsters wandering on the earth, walking, fighting, devouring, regenerating, splitting, and nurturing in a daze...  It seems that what the black suit of the Japanese "Special Event Response Department" said before was right. If this secret realm, which is almost as big as the entire Japan, is really completely connected to the real world and cannot close the door, it will be a terrible catastrophe!   Well, whether it is a catastrophe or not has nothing to do with Fang Yuan. He is not Japanese, and he doesn't care how many people in this country die.

But the special situation in this secret realm really attracted his attention, especially the special power that was not observed by Fang Yuan and could pollute the Qi into a dark airflow, which made Fang Yuan very curious and wanted to find out the secret behind it.

——Although Fang Yuan knew from the last trip to the secret realm that in the secret realm of the main world, it is very likely to encounter Cthulhu monsters. If he casually explores some secrets, he may be like some investigators who offended the dice princess, and he will be killed because he saw things that should not be seen and knew things that should not be known.

However, Fang Yuan also has his own confidence.

On the one hand, Fang Yuan who entered the secret realm to explore is just an avatar like the servant of the heroic spirit, not the main body. Even if something goes wrong, there is a layer of buffer, which allows the main body to have enough time to cut off all connections.

On the other hand, as an alchemist carrying the Gate of Truth, he can also be regarded as a follower of Yog-Sothoth. With the protection of the big boss, his safety is more or less guaranteed.

')372'\u003eChapter 371 Altar, dirty hands, wish to reverse the future

"Although I have thought about whether there will be monsters of the cult here, it is not so easy for me to find the altar of the cultists!" Fang Yuan, who said this, was standing in a huge and surprisingly clean square. There were no building ruins everywhere, and no monsters and evil spirits wandering around here - or in other words, those evil spirits who could kill the entire Tokyo district after going out did not dare to approach this place at all.

This does not mean that this is a sacred place that repels evil spirits and drives away filth. On the contrary, the reason why those evil spirits dare not approach here is because the remaining breath here makes those evil spirits know that this place belongs to a more terrifying existence.

"Is this... the altar for summoning the one who unites all things? But it seems a little wrong..." Fang Yuan carefully observed the traces of the summoning ceremony that could still be vaguely seen on the square that was converted into an altar, and recognized a part of it from the knowledge given by the Gate of Truth - a very familiar part.

It was the part of the summoning array that he had used once in the main world to summon the Gate of Truth. Although there were some differences, the general summoning target should be pointing to a certain incarnation of Yog-Sothoth.

"Could it be that this world, which is not sure whether it is the world of "Death God" or some other supernatural world, was destroyed by a certain cultist who summoned a certain incarnation of Yog-Sothoth?" However, after careful identification, Fang Yuan found at least three errors in this summoning ritual array. Theoretically, it is impossible to really summon the incarnation of that big guy.

- Of course, for the big guy whose existence itself is equal to time and space, the so-called "theory" seems to have no meaning. If He wants to descend to incarnate, He can descend at any time, but most of the time, the "one who gives birth to all things and all things return to one" will never move easily. Even if it is an incarnation, it will basically not appear unless it is a big event.

Judging from the breath left on this altar, the summoning ritual that once took place here did not seem to be successful, but it was not a complete failure. Some "thing" was still summoned, and it left a terrible breath that could continue to shock evil spirits and monsters.

Hmm? Why do you judge that the summoning ritual was unsuccessful just because the breath was left?   Isn't this a simple thing!   If it was really an incarnation of Yog-Sothoth that was summoned, how could there be a "breath" that could be sensed by evil spirits and Fang Yuan!   "Things are getting interesting now!"   Fang Yuan raised his eyes, he was a little curious, what was summoned in this wrong summoning ritual?   Is this secret realm what it is now, is it related to this summoning ritual?   Also, when this secret realm was originally a complete world, what kind of world was it?   Fang Yuan, very interested!   Thinking of this, the alchemist's eyes flashed with the alchemical brilliance, and he stretched out his hand, trying to grab the wisps of breath that shocked the evil spirits from the void, wanting to use it to pursue the true body of the unknown thing.

However, just when his hand carrying the refined lightning touched the breath in the void, something strange happened! The Gate of Truth in Fang Yuan's mind automatically emerged without being summoned, and the summoning array diagram that he judged to be "wrong" on the altar where he was standing at this time also lit up immediately.

'Oh no, my hand is naughty! ' Fang Yuan had only this thought in his mind, and at the same time he was ready to cut off the relationship between this clone and the original body at any time.

Then, Fang Yuan felt that the surrounding time and space suddenly fell into chaos. He seemed to have returned to the A/Z world, facing the Yog-Sothoth clone who had escaped from the seal, and the whole person was caught in the chaotic time and space storm.

However, unlike that time, he really "died" in the time and space storm once. This time, perhaps because of the existence of the formation diagram on the altar, or perhaps because his strength had improved a lot, Fang Yuan did not feel that he had suffered any harm.

The chaotic time and space around him became more violent and chaotic, but when they were chaotic to the extreme, a unique order was born from the chaos.

Although Fang Yuan closed his eyes and put away all his perceptions, he didn't know why he could still "see" that a "door" appeared in front of him - this "door" was very familiar to Fang Yuan. It was the portal of billions of brilliance that he had the honor to glimpse in the world inside the door when he used the Gate of Truth to travel through the world many times.

So, this altar was not wrong, but it could really summon Yog-Sothoth? ! ! Fortunately, perhaps because of the suppression of the Gate of Truth in his mind, Fang Yuan did not fall into insanity because of looking directly at the great glory of "One Life, All Things, All Things Return to One", but fell into a state of unconsciousness.

Between half dreaming and half awake, Fang Yuan seemed to see everything that had happened on this land.

Once, this was also a world like the main world where Fang Yuan was, where human civilization had developed to the ordinary world of the 21st century.

Although there are evil spirits, monsters, exorcists, onmyojis and other supernatural forces, which are constantly conflicting and confronting in places unknown to ordinary people, compared with the highly developed human technological civilization, these existences and conflicts that can only be hidden in the dark side of civilization can only be regarded as the corners of the chessboard, not worth mentioning at all.

Until one day, the disaster that fell from the sky destroyed everything!   That day, the sky cracked open, and behind the crack was a dark horror like the abyss. Countless evil spirits with bone masks on their faces and hollow chests descended into the world, chaos, killing, terror, and the illusion of peace were instantly torn apart.

Those human warriors who had fought against the evil spirits and monsters had resisted before. With the joint efforts of the governments of various countries and the extraordinary warriors, they had suppressed the invading evil spirits for a time, and even almost killed them behind the rift.

However, when those evil spirits that looked more like humans and were more terrifying appeared, humans still lost - those invaders used some method to directly integrate their world into this world, and some terrible power instantly changed the laws of the world.

Under the influence of some unknown power, the evil spirits and monsters that originally existed in this world instantly turned into more terrible monsters - just like the monsters that Fang Yuan had encountered before, they could not be completely killed, and even more and more would be killed!   Humans retreated step by step and weakened little by little under the siege of endless monsters that could not be killed no matter how hard they tried. In the end, even the surviving humans would directly turn into monsters.

-Humanity is doomed to perish!   In the end, a young man whose body had been severely mutated, holding a magic book made of human skin, carved a summoning altar in this place and completed the ceremony with the blood of his compatriots.

But in the end, he only summoned a breath.

"Failed... No, not yet! It's my problem! I have been severely eroded, so I can't complete the ritual, but others can! I saw it! In the future, someone will use this breath as a guide to truly open the door of time and space, return to the past, reverse the future, and change everything! Come on, save this world, I'll leave it to you!" The man whose half face had turned into a monster looked straight at him, as if he had seen Fang Yuan who walked into the altar and activated the breath through the barrier of time.

When Fang Yuan woke up from his drowsiness and recalled everything he had just seen, he was silent for a long time, and finally sighed and said to the person who presided over the ceremony silently - Fuck! ')373'\u003eChapter 372 Demon-Slayer Girl, "Spirit Eater-Zero-"

After saying MMP to the guy who dug a hole and didn't bury it ten thousand times in his heart, Fang Yuan finally calmed down, raised his head, and looked at the surrounding environment.

What he saw before him was no longer the hellish scene after the destruction of the world, but a peaceful and tranquil scene like the main world.

Well, it didn't seem so peaceful... Fang Yuan arrived here at night, so although he suddenly appeared in the square in the downtown area, no one noticed his abnormality because of the dim light and the sparse flow of people.

However, although there were almost no people on the streets in the middle of the night, there was still some other "things" moving around.

That should be the evil spirit called "vengeful spirit", with a human form, but only the outline of a human form, and the body proportions were distorted and out of balance. It screamed meaningless sounds in its mouth, wandering in dark corners like a zombie, devouring the lives of pedestrians who passed by carelessly... However, this kind of evil spirit that ordinary people would not even know how to die if they encountered it was now being killed and saved in batches by a little girl in a sailor skirt.

"Red Lotus!" With a clear shout, the girl jumped up high and swung her long sword. A terrifying monster like a lion with dozens of densely packed eyes jumped out of the void beside the girl.

"——Roaring Wave!" Under the command of the master, the lion-like monster opened its bloody mouth full of countless sharp teeth. The power gathered in its mouth and finally condensed into a hot fireball, which was spewed out and turned into a flame shock wave, taking away the last group of remaining ghosts in one wave.

Snap——The girl who landed on her feet bent her knees slightly, removing the impact of falling from a high place. The black skirt bloomed like a flower under the action of the air, revealing the snow-white skin in the absolute domain under the girl's skirt.

"Well done, Red Lotus!" The lion-like monster landed beside the girl. It was huge, but it landed silently like a light cat. The girl holding the knife patted the monster's huge head, praised it, and then sheathed the knife, and the monster disappeared.

"Ah~~" After looking around and confirming that there were no fish that had slipped through the net, the girl stretched her body vigorously and muttered, "Work is done~Ah~~ I'm busy so late every day, and my skin will get worse if I don't get enough sleep~!" The girl turned around and was about to leave. Suddenly, her eyes swept across the street corner in the distance and seemed to see a figure.

The girl immediately turned her eyes back when she noticed that there was a witness, but found that there was no figure there at all.

"...Is it an illusion?" After looking around, she still didn't find anything.

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