"...Father, what do you want to do to me?" Although he was in a desperate situation, Jianshan Mei still forced himself to stay calm. He did not ask his father why he attacked his own daughter, but asked about his purpose.

However... "Hehe, let me answer this! Didn't you fail in the competition with Jianshan Huangquan? I worked with your father and came up with a way for you to regain the position of the next generation of the head of the family. This is it-" The approaching Sanzu River Kazuhiro smiled like a sunny boy, and his evil spirit nature could not be seen at all. He spread his hands in front of Jianshan Mei, revealing a dark red stone.

Jianshan Mei recognized the object in the white-haired boy's hand at a glance. It was an item that was very famous in the Japanese supernatural circle: "... Killing Stone?! Do you want to..." ')390'\u003eChapter 389 The Voice of Redemption on the Eve of Fall (Part 2)

Just before Jianshan Mei was led into the forest by his father and bound by the evil spirit, on the same night, in the Supernatural Disaster Countermeasures Room, Jinguji Ayame was working late at night like every night before.

——For a profession like exorcist, day and night reversal has almost become the norm, especially for her, the head of the countermeasures room, who has not had a good sleep since taking office.

However, in recent months, she only felt that her sleep time was really getting less and less.

"...Since two months ago, supernatural forces around the world have been generally suppressed... What is going on? Could it be that the country across the sea did something..."  Looking at the reports in her hands, Jinguji Ayame was quite worried.

Yes, someone's behavior has initially shown results, and once there is a motive, it is a big move all over the world--About two months ago, the overseas dispatched troops of the Countermeasures Office who were dispatched to other Asian countries suddenly felt that their supernatural powers were suppressed in some way.

At first, they thought it was some unknown attack, and they were suspicious for a long time, but later they found that this was a common phenomenon in the local area. All the local supernatural power owners they could contact found that their power was weakening, and their panic was much more serious than these overseas dispatched troops! Fortunately, as their power weakened, the supernatural disasters in those areas were also weakened synchronously. Both the frequency of disasters and the number of evil spirits dropped sharply, and there were not too many casualties.

Following the Asian branch, the supernatural power personnel sent by Japan to all parts of the world also encountered the same thing. The supernatural power was suppressed, and the supernatural disasters such as evil spirits and demons were also weakened. The whole world seemed to have entered the Dharma Ending Age, and the last afterglow of the supernatural power seemed to be fading away.

However, Jinguji Ayame knew that this was not a normal phenomenon! She carefully discovered a problem - from the reports sent back by overseas personnel, it can be seen that the decline of supernatural powers around the world did not occur at the same time, but showed a clear order of precedence.

First Asia, then Europe, then Africa, then crossed the Atlantic Ocean and appeared in North and South America, and finally circled to Oceania...  It was like a god who harvested supernatural powers, traveling from east to west, all the way around the world, taking back the supernatural powers bestowed by God on mankind while walking.

Some people associated this phenomenon of prohibiting supernatural powers with the neighboring continent across the sea. Since the establishment of a new government decades ago, that country has become a forbidden area and desert for supernatural powers overnight. No matter whether it is local or foreign, no matter whether it is human or demon, any supernatural power will be knocked down from the clouds as soon as it enters its borders. Humans lose their power and become ordinary people, and demons and evil spirits are directly shattered and destroyed.

Could this be a conspiracy carried out by that country all over the world?   Those who know the truth by their own standards think so.

What made Jinguji Ayame feel even more abnormal was that, up to now, every continent, every country, and every region in the world had been affected by this wave of supernatural power decline without exception, except Japan.

At first glance, this seemed to be a good thing for Japan, but Jinguji Ayame felt a wave of inexplicable uneasiness.

——Why was Japan missed? Is there anything special about Japan? If it was done by the country across the sea, what was the purpose of leaving Japan alone?   More and more questions filled Jinguji Ayame's mind, but she couldn't get any answers——even if she wanted to ask the country across the sea about this matter, she didn't know who to ask!   After all, even the practitioners on the other side had been extinct for who knows how many years, and there was no organization like their Supernatural Countermeasures Office in the government. It was impossible to openly talk about such supernatural things in formal official occasions. What to do!   Well, if Fang Yuan knew the thoughts of people like Jinguji Ayame, he would tell them that you think too much, and put your country at the end just because it is my final destination! However, just when Fang Yuan was about to complete his round-the-world trip and set foot on the land of Japan again, he found that he seemed to have encountered the key turning point of the original plot——  …  "…Killing Stone?! Do you want me to use the power of the Killing Stone to become an evil spirit?!!"  After seeing the dark red stone in Sanzuhe and Hong's hands, Jianshan Mei instantly understood their plan. She didn't know what agreement this evil spirit had reached with her father, nor did she know what methods they had to ensure that she would be used by them after becoming an evil spirit.

But she knew that if she didn't do something, she would not be able to continue to live as a human being! "Relax, the power of the Killing Stone is not as terrible as people imagine!" The young Sanzuhe Kazuhiro showed a wicked smile on his deceptive handsome face, lifted the hair covering his left eye, and showed it to the girl in front of him: "Look at me, after merging with the Killing Stone, although the power has become an evil spirit, I still maintain my personality and reason, you don't have to be afraid..." As he spoke, the young man's hand holding the Killing Stone pressed on Jianshan Mei's chest. If you don't know the truth, this scene looks like a playboy molesting a good girl in the wild.

But at this moment, Jianshan Mei's despair is even greater than that of the girl molested and violated by the evil boy.

——Betrayed by her biological father, handed over to the evil spirit, life and death are not in her own hands, and she is even about to be forcibly transformed into an evil spirit. The despair in Jianshan Mei's heart gushed out like a dark tide.

Zizizi - When the killing stone touched the girl's clothes, the miasma that was said to be able to kill birds and beasts instantly corroded the girl's clothes on her chest, revealing the snow-white and smooth skin hidden under the clothes.

However, the two "people" present, one was the girl's biological father, and the other was a young evil spirit, neither of whom paid attention to this point. Only a guy watching the show in the dark nodded while watching, and was very satisfied with his eyes.

And when the killing stone really pressed on the girl's skin, the corrosive power melted the girl's flesh, and the whole stone was embedded in Jianshan Mei's chest, like an organ born with it.

In an instant, almost endless evil energy was poured into Jianshan Mei's body, and in an instant, all the spiritual power she had cultivated for more than ten years was polluted.

And if the spiritual power in the body is polluted, the soul that is closely related to the spiritual power will naturally not be spared.

Jianshan Mei instantly felt that as her body and spiritual power were eroded and corrupted by the Killing Stone, her soul was also corrupted.

Jealousy of Jianshan Huangquan, unwillingness to not be able to win the position of the next head of the family, coveting the precious sword Lion King, ambition for a stronger power... In the past, the evil thoughts that were only fleeting and suppressed by reason and morality, at this moment, like a torrent, surged from the dark corner of the bottom of her heart, madly attacking Jianshan Mei's main personality, as if to transform her from the inside out into another self, a dark, evil, and corrupt self.

'Is this my end? Falling into darkness, becoming an evil spirit, and being attacked after committing countless murders... Who can come, who can come to save me! ' With his body bound and unable to move, and his personality being eroded by the Killing Stone and about to fall, Jianshan Mei's last bit of clear consciousness, in the darkness and chaos, desperately made the last prayer.

At this moment——[I can save you, but what can you give? 】')391'\u003eChapter 390 Deal, transformation, no longer an ordinary person!

A voice came from the darkness, like a sacred voice from heaven, which gave Jianshan Ming, who was about to fall into an irretrievable situation, a glimmer of hope.

'No matter what it is, you can take it! As long as you can save me! '  Jianshan Ming, who could no longer control his body, could only shout in his heart.

[... Very good, the contract is established! From today on, you will be a earth spirit priestess, accept my mission, be driven by me, and never stop until death! ]  The voice in the consciousness fell, and the next moment, Jianshan Ming felt that a sun appeared in his consciousness. The blazing masculine light illuminated every inch of shadow in his heart. The dark thoughts that continued to surge under the influence of the killing stone melted in an instant like snow under the sun.

At the same time, Jianshan Ming's body, which was unable to move in the outside world, also changed - just where she stood, a violent spiritual energy erupted from the ground.

The extremely pure earth vein spiritual power is so thick that it can even be seen with the naked eye! In the eyes of Isayama Yu and Santukawa Kazuhiro, pure golden spiritual power emerged from the ground and poured into the girl's body from where her feet touched the ground. Not only did it instantly defeat the spell that restrained Isayama Mei , which forced the two of them to retreat.

This brings the vitality of the earth to give birth to all things, and at the same time contains the pure spiritual power of the artistic conception of returning to the origin after death. It washes through Isayama Mei's body like a flood, and in an instant, her body is almost completely destroyed. The spiritual power of the transformed killing stone was swept away.

Not only that, under the wash of almost endless pure spiritual power, the girl's body, which had been riddled with holes in the evil miasma, healed in an instant without any medicine, and was even infused with more and more spiritual power. , undergoing an unknown transformation.

Even the killing stone embedded in the girl's chest is changing - the original dark red color, like dried blood, gradually flashes on the surface of the stone that is the same color as the spiritual power surge outside. The golden star... "What's going on?!" Yuu Isayama, who was so cold-hearted that he sold his daughter by himself, saw that things were about to happen, but something unexpected happened suddenly, and his face suddenly changed, and he couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise.

"This is... earth line spiritual power? This kind of concentration?!" Santuhe and Hong were also very surprised. This place is obviously just an ordinary small forest, and it is not a heavy spiritual place like an earth line node. How could it be possible? A sudden burst of such a surge of spiritual power? Could it be that the little girl Isayama Mei caused it? This thought only flashed in Santuhe Kazuhiro's mind, and was forgotten by him in an instant - if Isayama Mei really had this ability, how could her father succeed in plotting against her! But if this is a natural phenomenon... Just seeing that this surge of spiritual power covers only Isayama Mei, Santuhe and Hiro are in disbelief - how can there be such a coincidence in the world! ​Perhaps this has something to do with the killing stone? Maybe there is something in this place that triggers the power hidden in the killing stone? This is not impossible! Although the nine-tailed fox is generally regarded as a terrifying big monster in modern legends, in the ancient legends of the country across the sea, he actually served as a mythical beast for a period of time. If on the surface it is a negative force It’s not unreasonable that there is a positive power that has been forgotten hidden in the killing stone... Santuhe and Hong, who were very imaginative, guessed in their minds.

He wanted to step forward to stop Isayama Mei's transformation at this time, but he was daunted by the pure spiritual power that had extreme restraint on the evil spirits. Although it was just pure spiritual power that did not form magic, the concentration was really strong. It is too high, and the aura of the earth contained in the spiritual power can cause great harm to evil spirits that are neither living nor dead.

To be honest, if Santuhe and Hong, who were close at hand, had been a little slower to hide when his spiritual power just exploded, he would probably have lost a limb here.

Of course, in addition to the evil spirits Santuhe and Hong, there is still another person in the field who can destroy this situation.

As a human exorcist, Isayama Yu, although his heart is already dirty and black as an evil spirit, he is not restrained by this high concentration of pure spiritual power.

If he really wanted to do it, he could still get close to his daughter who didn't know what was happening in front of him.

However, this old man who only plays tricks in secret has long lost the determination of his youth.

Without understanding what was going on, instead of immediately stepping forward to interrupt Isayama Mei's transformation, he kept retreating, and his nature of greed for life and fear of death was immediately exposed.

‘Tsk, Zhuzi is not enough to make plans! ' When Santuhe and Hong saw the actions of this pitiful old man who thought he was cooperating with him, but was actually just being manipulated by him, he couldn't help but think of this sentence.

It's a pity that even if he wanted to remind Isayama Yuu out loud and ask him to take action immediately, it was already too late! Bang——! The crisp sound of broken jade sounded, and Santuhe Kazuhiro was shocked. Through the golden light that dazzled the human eye, he looked at the killing stone embedded in Isayama Mei's chest, and was shocked to find that it had broken into pieces. ! Under the wash of a huge amount of pure spiritual power, the killing stone, which was full of resentment and evil spiritual power, was completely purified of all negative forces within it, leaving only a fragment of authority from the nine-tailed monster. In another Under the control of will, it was transformed into a real power of the earth and integrated into Isayama Mei's body.

When the last wave of dazzling light that could not be seen directly dissipated, what appeared in front of Isayama Yu and Sanzu River Kazuhiro was a brand-new existence——The original broken clothes had disappeared, replaced by Wearing a shrine maiden costume that exudes a hazy glow.

But this miko costume is not the ordinary clothes worn by ordinary mikos without magical powers in ordinary shrines.

On the white undergarments and white clothes, patterns of mountains and rivers are embroidered with dazzling golden threads. Among the mountains and rivers, there are totems of birds and beasts swimming around like living creatures.

On top of the red scarlet hakama, gold threads are mixed with the red background to form a flame-like golden-red pattern, leaping and burning like a real flame.

But what is really eye-catching is not the witch costume that looks like an ordinary thing at first glance, but the person wearing the clothes - the slightly gray silver hair, which has now turned into a hair like an ear of wheat. The golden color, even in the lightless night, still exudes a true and true brilliance, complementing the clothes full of divine holy light, showing the extraordinary divine brilliance.

And the pair of eyes that were originally black have now turned into a pure red color that ordinary humans cannot have. If you look closely, you will see that the sacred fire that is enough to burn out all evil is burning in those ruby-like pupils. , even lawless A-level evil spirits like Santuhe and Hong did not dare to look at the girl at this time.

——At this moment, Isayama Mei is already an extraordinary person! ')392'\u003eChapter 391 The appearance of a human god, sanctions, no way to escape (second update)

"God... no, it's a human god!" From the unabashed divine brilliance, Santuhe and Hong instinctively knew the nature of the girl whose appearance had changed drastically in front of him.

Santsuga Kazuhiro, who has a family background, naturally knew the existence of gods, but he was keenly aware of the difference between the girl in front of him and the real gods - at this time, Isayama Mei was still flesh and blood, but she was possessed by a human body He gained the authority that truly belonged to the gods and mastered the divine power.

As an ordinary human being, Yuu Isayama was shocked and heard the whispers of Santsuga Kazuhiro, and then he realized what happened to his daughter.

"Now, the God of God?" After a brief shock, what hit him immediately was uncontrollable ecstasy - his biological daughter became the God of God. This was no different than that of Isayama Yomi. You know how high it is! The position of the head of the family is secure! Well, it seems that he has never thought about why Isayama Mei, who was tricked by him once, would still listen to him - no, it should be said that he doesn't want to think about it at all! Isayama Yu is immersed in the dream of the head of the family. It can be said that she is terminally ill. At this moment, there is nothing left in her heart except the infinite desire for the position of head of the Isayama family.

However, when Isayama Aoi, who had been reborn from darkness and despair, turned her head slightly and glanced at him sideways with her red eyes burning with fire, Isayama Aoi suddenly woke up as if a basin of cold water was poured over her head. Come here - that look is not the look a daughter looks at her father, but a very strange look, like the look of a god looking down at a mortal! "Daughter, daughter, you, how dare you look at your father like that!" Holding on to the last trace of the father's overlooking of his daughter in his heart, Isayama Yu suppressed the uneasiness in his heart and stammered to remonstrate. Shan Ming scolded, seeming to want to use his father's status to continue to suppress and control the daughter who has become a human god.

"Father...ha! You're just an ugly mortal!" A voice that was too cold to be human sounded from the girl's mouth. Along with the words, there was an extremely huge and substantial sense of oppression, which instantly fell from the sky and crushed her. Isayama Yu forced this miserable man to kneel on the ground.

Plop—— Huge pressure came from the shoulders and back, the sound of kneeling on the knees, the deeply bent head was forced to touch the soil on the ground, Isayama Yu was furious and wanted to raise his head in disbelief. He cursed this rebellious and unfilial daughter, but the fear and awe from the bottom of his heart prevented him from turning his thoughts into reality.

After glaring at his stupid and useless scumbag father, Isayama Mei turned back to look at Santsukawa Kazuhiro in front of him.

Compared to Isayama Yu who was filled with hatred because of his betrayal, the white-haired boy in front of him who tried to degenerate himself into an evil spirit gave the current Isayama a feeling of wanting to devour him directly, as if he was in the other person's body. , has something that can be of great benefit to oneself.

It's a killing stone! Without thinking, Isayama Mei's instinct made her understand this.

The authority of the earth originating from the killing stone in her body is ready to move, urging its host. As long as she devours the prey in front of her, the power and depth of her authority will take a big step forward.

But her reason suppressed the restlessness of authority in her body.

At the moment when she became a human god, Isayama Mei's consciousness had a brief contact with the great will that saved her, so she also knew a lot of things.

The damn evil spirit in front of her was related to the plan of the god she served. The collection and aggregation of the killing stones still required his power, so she couldn't kill him yet.

However, although she couldn't kill him, her divine master didn't seem to have said that he should let this guy leave intact... "..." When Isayama Mei's eyes were fixed on him, Santuhe and Hong's He was really panicking. If he were still human now, he might have been covered in cold sweat.

He didn't expect that, just as a small prelude before designing Isayama Yomi, he would encounter such a thing - a victim who was like a little white rabbit transformed into a Tyrannosaurus rex in an instant. Who could bear this! The moment they saw Isayama Mei appear in the form of a human god, Santsuga Kazuhiro already wanted to run away.

However, just as Isayama You was pushed to the ground by the pressure of the gods, the pressure coming down from all directions in the world prevented him from making any rash move - he felt very clearly that as long as he dared Move a finger and he will be dead in the next moment! A long-lost sense of fear surged into the heart of Santsukawa Kazuhiro. This made the white-haired boy, who had claimed to be superior to humans ever since he became an evil spirit, truly feel that he was still just a mortal after all! "Evil, suffer death!" Unwilling to talk to this evil spirit, Isayama Mei took action directly.

The authority of the earth was activated, and in an instant, the extremely strong power of life spurted out from under the earth, like golden threads, wandering and intertwining in the surrounding space, instantly drawing a knot covering a radius of a hundred meters. boundary.

This is a targeted barrier created by Isayama Mei using his own domain of human god authority, combined with the barrier technique in Shinto techniques, to specifically defeat the existence of evil spirits.

And its effect was also very significant. At the moment when the barrier was completed, Santuhe Kazuhiro, who had been suppressed by the pressure of the gods and could not move, felt the decline of his own strength.

In this barrier, the power he can exert is reduced by 30% compared to the outside world! ‘No, we can’t sit still and wait for death! ' Seeing that the other party wanted to drive him out, Santuhe and Hong didn't care about the divine pressure. In an instant, his body turned into countless blue butterflies, flying in groups, countless phosphorescent lights mixed with black and gray miasma, and the butterflies Together, they turned into a tornado and crashed towards the top of the barrier.

——He discerned at that moment that the barrier used by Isayama Mei essentially relied on the power of the earth's veins, so the top of the furthest distance from the earth's veins should be the weakest point of the barrier.

Santsukawa Kazuhiro had no intention of confronting Isayama Mei. He knew that he had absolutely no chance of winning against a real god - even if it was just a human god trapped in a mortal body.

He doesn't have the pride of a warrior. Although he is arrogant when facing ordinary exorcists, he still has to be cowardly when it is time to be cowardly - as an evil spirit meets a god, it is not a shame to escape. ...However, just as he had predicted before, Isayama Mei at this moment has the ability to kill him in an instant. His so-called escape plan is just a wish after all——Boom——! ! ! The flames erupted from the ground and shot up into the sky with extremely hot temperatures, instantly engulfing the butterfly swarm formed by Santuhe and Honghua... Santuhe and Hong...seemed to be dead? ')393'\u003eChapter 392 Punishment, seal, long overdue

The earth's true fire (actually magma flame) with the will of sacred purification spewed out from the ground like a fountain, and instantly spurted to the top of the barrier, covering Santuhe and Hong who had turned into a swarm of blue butterflies. .

As we all know, insects are afraid of fire. Even the familiar butterfly created by the ancestral witchcraft of the Santuhe family is not very tolerant to flames.

What's more, this flame is not an ordinary fire, but a purifying fire personally shot by a human god, infused with the power of the gods and the true meaning of the earth. Those butterfly familiars who are surrounded by miasma and evil spirits and will die if touched by mortals, He couldn't hold on for even a second in such a sacred flame, and was instantly wiped out.

Isayama Yu, who was lying on the ground behind him, had the courage to quietly raise his head, but he happened to see this scene. He was suddenly trembling with fear, and the fear in his heart was uncontrollable, and he almost urinated directly - if such an attack were to happen to him... ... Isayama Yu trembled again and lowered his head deeply.

Seeing that Santsuga Kazuhiro was "wiped into ashes" under his attack, Isayama Mei didn't show any expression about it, as if he just crushed an ant to death casually, and just glanced slightly at the untouched people on the ground. In a pile of rubble that was affected by the ground fire, he immediately looked away and turned his attention to the old man behind him.

"..." Regarding this miserable man who could personally transform his daughter into an evil spirit for his own selfishness, Isayama Mei no longer intends to say another word to him.

In her eyes, the moment Isayama Yuzai attacked her, he was no longer her father, but just a fallen exorcist who cooperated with evil spirits.

However, compared to killing the opponent directly, Isayama Mei felt that another punishment was more suitable for him... Buzz——The golden barrier that originally covered the surrounding area of ​​several hundred meters collapsed instantly and turned into countless tadpole-like talismans. Wen flew all over the sky, reorganized and intertwined under Isayama You's will, turned into a net, and instantly fell on Isayama You who was kneeling on the ground.

"Wha, uh uh..." Isayama Yuu, who was shocked by the change, struggled to say something, but in the end he just moaned twice, and then fell to the ground with a "pop" and lost his voice.

But he was not dead. The essence of the rune snare that entered his body was a seal set by Isayama Mei.

This seal will completely seal off all of Isayama Yu's extraordinary powers, and at the same time cut off the relationship between his consciousness and his physical body.

In other words, at this moment, Isayama Yu has become a vegetative state that is no different from a brain-dead person! However, this is not Isayama Mei's true revenge and punishment on Isayama Yu - the seal she set is very subtle. Although Isayama Yu's consciousness is isolated from the physical body, it still has the ability to think.

In other words, in a sealed state, Isayama Yu will be trapped in a dark spiritual space. He cannot see, hear, smell, or touch anything, and he can only be helpless and desperate. The earth gradually consumed itself in the darkness of nothingness, and finally completely lost its soul! After completing his final revenge, Isayama Mei did not stay here longer. With the help of the power of the earth in his body to communicate with the power of the earth's veins, he left here far away with an earth escape technique.

... "It's so cruel..." Fang Yuan, who was observing in the dark, of course saw the nature of the seal set by Isayama Mei. He was speechless in his heart and had to look at his new miko lady in a different light - such cruelty. La Jin is indeed a person who does great things! Thinking like this, Fang Yuan secretly followed Isayama Mei's footsteps. Next, it was time for him, the "divine master", to have a face-to-face contact with Isayama Mei, the "miko"... Just a few minutes later, Black cars surrounded the small forest. Men and women got out of the cars, either with guns or ammunition on their backs, or with swords on their backs. Among the crowd were Isayama Yomi, Tsuchimiya Kagura, Iizuna Noriyuki, Sakuraba Kazuki and others. Impressively listed.

——These are the operators of the Supernatural Disaster Countermeasures Room. They rushed here immediately after receiving the warning of a surge of spiritual power.

Moreover, this place is too close to the headquarters of the Countermeasures Room. Almost all of them mobilized and arrived here in just a few minutes.

However, it is a pity that although they arrived quickly enough, they were still a little slow after all.

"Tsk, what happened here?" Sakuraba Ichiki looked at the small forest in front of him that was completely destroyed by the spewing spiritual power and the earth's fire magma. He almost thought he had walked into the crater of an active volcano - on the ground The red and hot magma hasn't cooled down yet! "God knows, maybe there are some strong men fighting here? Anyway, since I saw the gods last time, I won't be surprised anymore no matter how big the scene is."

Isayama Huangquan shrugged and answered casually with a calm expression.

"My Guanhu told me that there is a very... very scary but very friendly aura lingering around here, but there seems to be no evil spirit around."

After chatting for a few words with a very cute-looking pipe fox on his neck, Noriyuki Iizuna said to everyone.

"Could it be that another god appears like last time? Or is it the same god from last time?" Ikki Sakuraba thought of the last time a group of people in the countermeasures room were beaten badly. After a battle, I couldn't help but connect it with the situation at the scene.

"Maybe..." When talking about this matter, Isayama Yomi's face suddenly became a little ugly. This was a rare disastrous defeat experience for her... "There is someone here who is still alive!" At this moment , the operators who explored the forest sent back the news that they found the only "survivor" at the scene.

"This is...uncle?" When he saw the survivors being carried back on stretchers, Isayama Yomi exclaimed.

On the side, Noriyuki Iizuna and Kagura Tsuchimiya heard her exclamation and looked over together. They recognized the identity of the person and frowned as well.

"Do you know him?" Sakuraba Ichiki, who had just joined the industry not long ago, had not seen Isayama Yuu who had retired for many years. When he saw Isayama Yomi's reaction, he was suddenly curious.

"This is my uncle, Isayama Yu. He should have retired for many years. It is said that he is going to develop into politics, but why does he appear in a place like this..." Isayama Huangquan explained, but she herself was also full of doubts. At this time, at this place, why does Isayama Yu appear here? "What was his condition like when you found him?" At this time, Noriyuki Iizuna asked several operators who found Isayama Yu.

"When we found him, he was kneeling on the ground with one hand stretched forward, as if he wanted to grab something...Here, this is a photo taken at the scene."

After taking the digital camera, several main members of the countermeasures room came together to look at the screen above, and saw Yu Isayama's very unnatural coma.

"Sure enough, something did happen here..."')394'\u003eChapter 393: Escape from death, discussion at the meeting, mental collapse (second update)

More than an hour later, after searching the entire scene, everyone in the countermeasures room sealed off the scene and finally drove away with the only unconscious "survivor".

In the grove that had become quiet again, a colorful caterpillar wriggled out from under a pile of rubble.

Under the illumination of the moonlight filtering through the clouds, the brightly colored skin of the caterpillar gradually fades and hardens - it turns into a pupa.

Immediately afterwards, the underground where Fang Yuan and Isayama Mei had moved the earth veins to penetrate the spiritual energy, faintly seeped out traces of earth vein spiritual power, and gradually gathered on the insect chrysalis.

Suddenly, just a few hours passed. No uninvited guests broke into this officially sealed grove, and because of the lingering power of a certain living god, no small animals dared to approach here.

Therefore, this insect chrysalis, which looks very "delicious" in the eyes of some animals, has escaped the most fragile period of transformation without disaster. At the darkest moment before the sun rises, the darkness between heaven and earth When the energy is at its strongest and the sun is about to turn, the chrysalis breaks out of its shell, and an extremely beautiful butterfly emitting blue fluorescence emerges from it.

The reborn butterfly flutters in the dark night sky, its beautiful wings shining without light, casting tiny dots of phosphorescence, creating a dreamlike atmosphere for the entire grove.

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