However, now, under the suppression of the humanitarian law set up by Fang Yuan, all extraordinary powers have been completely suppressed. Human practitioners have only lost their spiritual power, which is either innate or hard-earned, and those ghosts and monsters caused by the resentment of the residual souls have really returned to dust and completely disappeared.

Therefore, now, outsiders walking in this forest, as long as they are not unlucky enough to encounter Japanese black bears, basically do not have to worry about their lives.

And for Fang Yuan, there is even less to worry about - even if this is still a dangerous place with countless evil spirits like before, he can still walk as he wants as if he is in an uninhabited place.

All the way forward, along the way, a black bear that wanted to hunt "bald-haired upright apes" was driven away with a look, and Fang Yuan finally arrived at his destination - a deep cave hidden in the woods.

Just as he approached the cave entrance, Fang Yuan felt an imperceptible force trying to interfere with his mind, and a voice seemed to want to say something to him.

Fang Yuan decisively strengthened his mental shielding, and even quietly used a trace of the power of the Gate of Truth. The next moment, the voice that disturbed his mind immediately disappeared.

"Sure enough, it's here!" If it were an ordinary person, upon hearing such a voice, he would most likely listen carefully and want to hear clearly what the voice was saying, but if he did so, it was estimated that the person would not have a good ending.

Fang Yuan stepped into the cave and found that this was actually a beast's nest, but there were no food residues or shed hair on the ground, and there was no smell of the beast in the air. This place should have been abandoned for a long time.

Walking into the depths of the cave, as expected, Fang Yuan found a square trioctahedron that had been restored to its open appearance in a pile of rubble with a gap of skylight above.

"...How did this thing get here?" Fang Yuan looked back at the direction of the cave entrance and the width of the crack above the rubble, and found that no matter what, this square trioctahedron could not fall directly from the crack above, nor could it roll all the way from the cave entrance to here by inertia without any power, and it just happened to keep the front side facing up and open.

——If there is no trick of some trouble-making Outer God, he can eat the Gate of Truth! Looking at the nearly spherical crystal on the ground that flickered with weak fluorescence and looked like a decoration, Fang Yuan had a headache about how to deal with this thing.

"Should I summon the Gate of Truth again and sacrifice it?" Fang Yuan thought so, but the Gate of Truth in his mind shook vaguely, and he knew inexplicably that the Gate of Truth would not accept this thing! He was a little confused about the relationship between the boss behind his door and the Outer God who loved to make trouble the most.

Although according to the novels of Master Ai Shouyi and many subsequent settings, there is no such thing as "love and affection" in the Cthulhu pantheon. There are few good relationships between the Old Ones and the Outer Gods.

Especially Yog-Sothoth and Nyarlathotep, one is neither good nor evil, and can be said to be absolutely neutral; the other is like a demon, mixing among humans, spreading evil ideas, shaping humans into the way He likes, and then guiding humans to the path of self-destruction in various ways, and finally enjoying the despair of humans who have fallen into darkness before death... These two are unpredictable beings, and Fang Yuan's "shallow" wisdom really cannot guess.

"How about sealing it?"  Today's second update')420'\u003eChapter 4009 The mission of the shrine maiden, the unexpected return journey, and the changes that are not realized

"The Lord God hasn't responded to me for a long time... Is he asleep? Or has he left?"  In a deserted small shrine, Jianshan Mei, who is dressed in a shrine maiden's uniform and has officially changed her job from an exorcist to a shrine maiden, is cleaning the newly built small shrine.

Although she herself is a living god, when her flesh and blood body dies, she will inevitably become a new god, but at this time, she still regards herself as a shrine maiden serving the Lord God, and is very conscientious in taking care of this small shrine that almost no one cares about.

Fortunately, she also knows that her Lord God does not need the incense and offerings of mortals, so she is not dissatisfied with this deserted scene-in fact, this is more to her heart, this feeling that she is the only one in the whole shrine, giving her the illusion of being alone with the beloved Lord God.

Until this day, when she got up early before dawn and planned to complete the daily routine cleaning work, she suddenly found that there was an object similar to the shape of a pyramid in the main hall of the shrine where the tablet of the god was enshrined.

"This is..." Jianshan Mei walked closer and looked at the object placed on the altar.

It was several feet square, in the shape of a pyramid, shining all over, and with golden symbols flashing on the surface, it was obvious that it was not an ordinary object.

Although it is now the end of the Dharma world and the extraordinary has disappeared, the priestess who still retains most of the extraordinary power with the help of the authority of the present god can still feel that there is the breath of her god on this pyramid.

"Is it something sent by the god..." After whispering to himself, Jianshan Mei took a few steps forward and carefully touched the inexplicably appearing mini pyramid with his hand.

Just when her hand touched the surface of the pyramid, a piece of information suddenly appeared in her mind.

Only then did she realize that the pyramid was originally a magical tool used by her god to seal some kind of evil force, and this so-called "evil force" was none other than the culprit that caused a series of catastrophes in Tokyo. The culprit, a terrifying object that can summon evil gods.

Fang Yuan sent her here so that she, a human god who was destined to become a god, could take on the task of guarding the seal.

"I see... Is this my mission as a shrine maiden, as a human god, and even as a god in the future!" Isayama Mei did not reject the task assigned by Fang Yuan at all, but happily accepted it.

From the moment her life was saved by Fang Yuan, she had made up her mind to dedicate everything she had to her god.

In the previous series of events, she felt that she had not actually helped her divine master much, but she still received divine favor and gained such powerful power, which made her feel very uneasy.

It was only now, when she finally took over a task from the Lord of God that might last for thousands of years, or even forever, that she truly felt that she was needed by her God! This feeling is really not bad! ​​… However, the situation of the “God Lord” that a certain miko girl longed for was not very good at this time.

After completing the mission of saving the world and properly sealing the last hidden danger and entrusting it to the care of the right person, Fang Yuan, who felt that there was no need to stay in this world anymore, decisively started the process of returning to the main world as usual. program.

However, his return this time was not very peaceful.

"Hell, I've been tricked!" When he saw that what emerged from the summoning array was not the Gate of Truth, but an indescribable darkness, he knew that he was on the right track.

——Nyarlathotep, who had an incarnation destroyed, really didn’t let him go! …… In the main world, in geosynchronous orbit, Fang Yuan is paying attention to the incarnation that travels through time and space through the door of truth in his mind.

To be honest, he originally just wanted to let the avatar walk on the ground this time, and take a look at what was going on in the secret realm where there was a lot of commotion.

But I didn't expect that I would encounter so many things one after another - the secret realm of evil spirits that endangers the world, the ritual formation that reverses time and space, traveling through time and space to return to the past of another world, and the incarnation of Nyarlathotep Fighting... Fortunately, the door of truth in his mind communicates with infinite time and space. Even if he is in another world, or even in the past of another world, he can still maintain consciousness synchronization with his current body.

However, on this day, he suddenly found that the relationship between himself and this incarnation was disconnected.

Yes, not only his "original self", but also the incarnations in other worlds that have always maintained consciousness synchronization with each other have also lost their sensitivity to the incarnation that traveled to the world of eating souls.

‘Beheaded? ’ Fang Yuan’s first thought was this.

But before he could think of a way to determine the life or death of his incarnation, suddenly, a feeling of dizziness came over him for no reason.

In a daze, Fang Yuan seemed to have forgotten something.

When Fang Yuan recovered from the dizziness, he calmed down and immediately realized something was wrong.

——With his current state, he still feels dizzy? ! He searched his memory carefully and found that there was no problem.

He just sits in space as always, overlooking everything happening on the earth. From time to time, he sends one or two incarnations to the surface, and after experiencing the fireworks of the world, he takes back the incarnations... There is no problem with everything, but there is no problem. the biggest issue! "[Ether], what just happened?" He immediately asked his artificial intelligence. Fang Yuan believed that if it was some kind of mental attack, [Ether], as an artificial intelligence, might be able to detect something.

"I'm sorry, Master, what are you talking about? Nothing happened just now."

The inorganic voice of [Ether] came from the air, causing Fang Yuan to fall silent.

"..." "When was my last action and what was its purpose?" After a moment of silence, Fang Yuan continued to ask.

"Your most recent action was to send an avatar into the world of "A Certain Magical Index" and "A Certain Scientific Railgun". The purpose was to obtain the magic and technological information of the world. The action has been completed, the avatar has been recovered, and there will be no other action."

The artificial intelligence that recorded everything dutifully answered like this.

...It was normal, completely consistent with his memory, but Fang Yuan always felt something was wrong, but he didn't know what was wrong.

After thinking for a long time, Fang Yuan thought of his previous experience in the world of forbidden super guns.

Is it possible that... the change does not occur at the spiritual level or the material level, but at a higher level beyond the material and spiritual levels... "Is it information manipulation, existence erasure, or world line change? ...If you want to know the answer, this is the only way!" Fang Yuan took out a Philosopher's Stone from the inventory, held it in his hand, then closed his eyes, and his mind sank into the depths of the spiritual sea.

Here, he opened the eyes of his soul and once again saw the door of truth that had been with him for a long time.

"If there is any existence that knows everything, it's you!" Holding the Philosopher's Stone that he had brought here at some point, Fang Yuan placed his other hand on the Gate of Truth and sent the offering and his own questions into the gate.

After a while, when Fang Yuan opened his eyes again and regained consciousness, the Philosopher's Stone in his hand had disappeared, and he also knew what had happened just now.

')421'\u003eChapter 420 New World, Unusable Alchemy

"Hmm..." Fang Yuan opened his eyes and gradually regained consciousness from his drowsiness.

"What am I doing..." He lowered his head to look at his seemingly intact body, then looked up at the surrounding environment, and for a moment he was a little confused about why he was here.

However, a few seconds later, Fang Yuan, who had completely regained consciousness, finally remembered that he had been ambushed by Nyarlathotep when he tried to return to the main world before, and he had not woken up until now.

"It seems that my luck is good enough, or that big guy doesn't intend to kill me?" Looking at the body that was intact, without any missing parts or multiple parts, Fang Yuan was temporarily relieved.

He was able to survive under Nyarlathotep's hands and not mutate into something else. He had to say that his luck was really good - perhaps it was also related to the big guy Yog standing behind him... However, after a detailed examination of himself, Fang Yuan found that he was not really intact.

"The Gate of Truth disappeared?" When checking his mental memory and soul state, Fang Yuan discovered this and was stunned.

He never thought that the Gate of Truth that he used to travel through the worlds would leave him one day.

But this is not the key, the more important thing is - "Doesn't that mean that my connection with the original body is broken?!" Yes, Fang Yuan was able to exist in multiple worlds before, and he could always maintain the complete unity of the thinking consciousness of all incarnations, relying on the Gate of Truth that can communicate with the worlds.

But now the projection of the Gate of Truth in his incarnation's mind has disappeared, which means that he has lost contact with his main body and other incarnations.

Fang Yuan did not feel happy about this.

Perhaps in the impression of ordinary people, this kind of isolation and independence is a good thing for an incarnation - isn't it written that way in novels, that after the incarnation becomes independent, it will turn against the master and become the main body...  But Fang Yuan, as a practitioner who has achieved Yang Shen and cultivated the third method of soul materialization, has a completely different view of the relationship between the main body and the incarnation than ordinary people imagine.

He has determined the core concept of "I" in his practice step by step, which is unchangeable and unchangeable, and takes it as the basis of his own existence, whether it is an incarnation or a real body.

Even if the incarnation and the main body are isolated in different worlds and disconnected, Fang Yuan's "I" is still the same "I". The inherent "centripetal force" in his thinking makes him never think of betraying the main body.

...  However, after a brief regret, Fang Yuan still accepted the fact that his incarnation was forced to be independent.

At this time, he had the mind to pay attention to the situation outside.

When he just woke up, he found that he seemed to be in the ruins of a city.

It was not an ancient city, nor a futuristic city full of science fiction, but a city with modern technology level - but it has become a ruin.

"It seems that this world is not a peaceful world..." Fang Yuan sighed and turned around, and soon saw the iconic objects that allowed him to determine where he was - giant black stone tablets standing side by side, towering into the sky, thousands of meters high.

"... Don't tell me it's that twisted world..." Fang Yuan had roughly determined the world he was in, and recalled all the information related to this world, and suddenly frowned with some displeasure - if this world is really what he knows, he will not play the role of a savior this time, but a destroyer!   However, at this moment, a roar full of animality and murderous intent sounded from behind him, and at the same time, a gust of evil wind blew from behind his head. Fang Yuan was instantly startled and subconsciously mobilized his mental power, trying to use alchemy to block the attack from behind.

But something happened to shock him - his mental power penetrated into the material as usual, but when he wanted to change the composition of the material, he found that he couldn't do it! Alchemy, can't be used! Fang Yuan instantly thought of the Gate of Truth that disappeared in his mind, and at the same time he understood that it was actually the power of the Gate of Truth that had been supporting his alchemy.

But these thoughts only flashed through his mind, and the most important thing now was how to solve the crisis that was at hand.

After Fang Yuan knew that alchemy could not be used, he immediately knew that this time was completely different from the previous crossings, and he didn't know how much of the extraordinary power he had could be used.

However, one thing is certain, in any world with matter, the power of the flesh is universal.

And with Fang Yuan's physical strength at this time, it is not difficult to avoid such an attack.

Bang——! ! ! The sharp blade cut on the ground, leaving two deep and long gaps on the hard ground. However, Fang Yuan, the target of the attack, did not die under the claws.

With a physical fitness that was dozens of times higher than that of an ordinary person, he had already stepped aside and was turning around to look at the monster that attacked him.

Yes, it is a monster, with a body structure like a mantis, but its body size has been enlarged to the size of a horse. It has two forelimbs like blades, and the sharp edges exude a metallic luster. Two freshly baked " "Knife mark" is the effect created by these two "sharp blades".

The most impressive thing was the blood-red eyes all over the monster's body. The scarlet beast pupils mixed with chaotic murderous intent made Fang Yuan naturally think of some indescribable monsters.

"Gastrela...well, it is indeed that world!" Yes, seeing this monster, Fang Yuan finally confirmed that the world he was in was exactly the one he had guessed before - "Pitch Black Bullet", In Fang Yuan's memory, this world should be called this name. It is also a Japanese animation that has been shown in the main world, and there are also novels and comics published.

The most striking features of this world are two - one is that the ferocious-looking monster in front of Fang Yuan is actually a viral parasitic organism "Gastrula" with terrible infectivity and self-healing ability. It is also a terrifying monster that forces the humans in this world to survive in settlements one after another and is on the verge of destruction.

The other one was what Fang Yuan had seen before, the huge black stone tablet that stood tall and reached the clouds. It was made of a metal called varanium.

This special metal can emit a weak electromagnetic field, which has a restraining effect on gasterozoa viruses. After forming a scale effect, it can prevent the gasterozoa from approaching in a wide range. At the same time, in this near-apocalyptic environment The greatest reliance for human beings to survive and establish settlements.

This is such a world that Fang Yuan came to! Today's second update')422'\u003e421 The blessing of the world, the indestructibility of the vajra, the ultimate subtlety

The appearance of the gastrea allowed Fang Yuan to confirm the world he was in, but for this monster that looked like a mantis magnified hundreds of times, killing the humans in front of it was its only purpose.

"Hiss-roar-!!!" The opening of its mouth is completely different from the bloody mouth of insect-like creatures. Its long tongue flicks, and saliva filled with gastroenterovirus splashes everywhere. This mantis gastrula It disappeared from the spot with a "bang", and in the next moment, it had reached the top of Fang Yuan's head. Its two sharp forelimbs, like samurai swords, once again struck down at the target below.

However, this time Fang Yuan would not hide anymore.

bass--! In the moment of extreme movement to extreme stillness, when the simple brain of this gastrea came back to its senses, it found that its forelimbs were tightly held by the prey in front of it with its bare hands, and it could no longer move.

You can vaguely see the gleam of light flowing between the blade and Fang Yuan's palm. If you look carefully, you can actually find that Fang Yuan's whole body is shining with a faint stream of light.

In that brilliance, it seems that one can see the heaven, earth, mountains, rivers, wind and clouds passing by, and there seems to be a complete world hidden in it.

This is Fang Yuan projecting the mental world in his body into his body, attaching the concept of "world" to his body. Based on his body that is already dozens of times stronger than a mortal, he has strengthened it into something more powerful and capable. An indestructible body that can withstand all attacks.

Relying on this kind of defensive power that transcends the conventional laws of physics, he can use his fleshy palms to defeat the sharp blades of gastrea animals that can cut through gold and jade.

——In the past few seconds, Fang Yuan had roughly understood his own power. He discovered that, except for the inability to use alchemy, the world of Yangshen and mental images, which were the basis of his power, still existed in his body. , but it seems that because the laws between the worlds are different, that extraordinary power cannot take effect outside the body and can only be limited to the body.

Therefore, Fang Yuan, who is accustomed to using magic attacks, had to play a role in melee combat at this time, applying all his extraordinary power to his physical body, obtaining a body that was indestructible and stronger than a dragon or a tiger. body.

"Roar——!!!" Seeing that his attack was blocked, and the blade leg as the strongest weapon was also tightly grasped and unable to move, the gastrea full of chaotic murderous intention had no idea of ​​retreating, but launched brazenly A new round of attacks.

This time, it used its bloody mouth, which was full of sharp teeth and exuded a horrible stench.

"Tsk!" Although he knew he wouldn't be hurt, Fang Yuan didn't want to experience the feeling of drilling his head into a monster's head.

I saw him clenching his hands with force, far exceeding the limit of carbon-based organisms, exerting a huge force calculated on the scale of thousands of tons on the pair of sword feet tightly held in his hands.

Click - click - In an instant, the blade, which was as sharp as a high-strength alloy due to the mutation of the gastroenterovirus, broke.

Fang Yuan held the broken edge of the blade with both hands, and didn't care about the sharp edge on it. He waved the knife casually, and then stabbed upward in an instant, stabbing the bloody mouth that was rushing towards his head from bottom to top. Wear it, and step sideways to get out of the way of the opponent's forward body, letting him fall to the ground.

Bang——! The mantis-shaped gastrula, which was two times larger than an ordinary horse, staggered and fell to the ground. Its remaining limbs struggled and fluttered subconsciously, raising a large amount of dust.

Fang Yuan just watched the monster struggle to get up from the ground. The broken forelimbs were regenerated in just a few seconds, leaving only the upper and lower jaws that were nailed to death by two broken blades and could not open. , looks inexplicably funny.

"This kind of regeneration ability seems to be no worse than that of T-series viruses, and it is said that high-level stage V can also regenerate from the molecular level... It is also something that seems to be scientific but is actually completely unscientific. ! Is it possible that the gastroenterovirus in this world is related to some unnameable person? "The fight just now gave Fang Yuan a relatively basic understanding of the so-called gasterozoa, if it is of this level. , even if he can only use physical strength, he will kill thousands of them without mercy.

Therefore, Fang Yuan even had the time to speculate on the truth about the so-called "Gastovirus" in this world during the battle, completely ignoring the fact that the gasterozoa, which had been completely enraged, were approaching step by step.

Swish——! There were two more high-speed sword lights that were difficult to see clearly with the naked eye. The mantis-type gastrea swung its limbs with the bestiality and killing instinct derived from its genes, but its blade was like a peerless swordsman who had practiced swords for many years, with instinct. The killing intent of killing the weak and the survival of the strong attacked the relatively "vulnerable" "weaknesses" everywhere in Fang Yuan's body.

But Fang Yuan, who had already figured out the details of his opponent, was just like strolling in a storm of swords that could cut any intruder to pieces, easily dodging all the opponent's attacks with just a few movements. , only the scattered waves of sword wind cut deep knife marks on the ground.

"Is that the only level?" Half a minute later, seeing that this monster seemed to have no other means of attack, Fang Yuan stopped playing with it, and the walking figure below paused, with a faint glow. His hands reached into the tornado-like blade storm, and with a "clang" sound, he once again grabbed the monster's blade-footed forelimbs.

However, Fang Yuan will not hold back this time.

Buzz—! Accompanied by an undetectable buzzing sound, Fang Yuan's muscles, bones, ligaments, and tendons all exerted force together. Under the blessing of the concept of "world", the extraordinary force that can be calculated with tens of thousands of tons, under the extremely subtle control, It turned into a pure physical shock force and poured into the body of the original intestine along the contact points of the hands.

In an instant, the force of the shock ignored the gastrea's internal and external skeleton and tough muscles that could withstand ordinary thermal weapons, tearing apart every organ, every piece of tissue, and even every cell in its body. It was still roaring and trying to continue. The attacking monster suddenly lost its voice, and then turned into a ball of blood, water, and minced meat. It fell to the ground with a "splat" sound, and the smelly blood was splashed all over the ground.

"Huh——" Fang Yuan looked at the pool of his "masterpiece" in front of him and nodded with satisfaction: "Very good, it seems that my physical force exertion skills developed based on computing power are already comparable to Yuanzu's The fourth level of Infinite Realm has reached the 'subtle' realm!" Having made such an evaluation of his performance, Fang Yuan casually pressed his hands on the surface, intending to use alchemy to refine a container to hold some gastrointestinal animal tissue, but Then he realized that he could no longer use alchemy, so he gave up in frustration.

"Forget it, gastrula tissues can be collected at any time. Now let's go into the city and take a look at the situation on the human side..." With that said, Fang Yuan turned around and looked at the towering stone monument in the distance. , took a step forward.

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