Fang Yuan nodded happily: "Very good, then, you just select some people, dress them up, and get ready to go on TV!" "Wait!" At this time, an Alice stopped those who were about to leave. Fang Yuan: "Fang, which media are you going to ask to expose our matter? You must know that this is not a trivial matter. The ordinary media may not dare to report it at all. Even those who are capable of reporting may be influenced by those behind the scenes to remain silent." Don't say anything..." "Don't worry!" Fang Yuan gave a thumbs up to all Alice, then pointed at himself and said, "I have special persuasion skills!"..."Okay, what Fang Yuan calls " Anyone who has read the previous article must know what "special persuasion skills" are.

Do you still remember what he did when the umbrella company collapsed? At that time, Fang Yuan approached the media bosses one by one and threatened them with mini bombs in their heads to cooperate in the public opinion war.

The same thing happened this time. Those media bosses who had just lived a stable life for two years woke up to find that the devil from a few years ago had appeared again! What they want to do this time is the same thing, except that the attack target is changed from the protective umbrella to the Sanlian - and even with the black materials sent by Fang Yuan, they don't need to deliberately smear it, which itself is already as black as It’s like charcoal! People in the media industry, especially those in the American media industry, basically have no such thing as moral integrity. Faced with the naked threat of life, everyone cooperated obediently.

Anyway, the Sanlian Group has been almost wiped out, and they are not afraid of retaliation if they step on it a few more times. This kind of thing that adds insult to injury is really exciting for these unscrupulous media! What’s more, what’s the topic this time? It’s a clone! This is the big news of the century! After the Raccoon City incident, mankind finally broke through its moral bottom line again! The mere gimmick of "human cloning" is enough to bring a huge wave of radio ratings and newspaper sales to these media. They have no choice but to work hard! ……')093'\u003eChapter 92 Press Conference

So, on a sunny day, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, FOX...all the famous national radio stations in the United States gathered together to start this live broadcast that was destined to go down in history. .

This kind of thing where many heavyweight media get together for live broadcast usually only happens at important official press conferences of the government in the United States, but this time it is different.

The person who convened many media was not the President of the United States, nor the Secretary of State, nor the White House spokesperson, but a terrorist who claimed to be responsible for all attacks on the Triple Group! Fang Yuan, who appeared as he was, first spent more than an hour listing and displaying all the black materials they had collected about the Sanlian Group, including experimental records, experimental videos, call recordings, confessions of relevant personnel, etc., and combined the entire Sanlian Group The group hacked everything from beginning to end, and by the way, they also popularized the ins and outs of the T-virus and the current development of biological and chemical weapons to the ignorant masses.

Then, the big news came on the scene - when more than 20 Alice clones appeared on the screen, the entire United States, no, all the viewers watching the news around the world were shocked.

... "Okay, gentlemen, how should we end it now?" Mr. President, who was also watching the live broadcast, already understood that this matter could not be suppressed after seeing more than 20 Alices appear.

He looked at the people sitting in a circle in the office, but no one dared to speak.

"Why, no one is talking?" The president's face darkened: "I'm asking you, how should we deal with this mess?!" The president almost roared.

"...We should freeze the assets of Sanlian Group, arrest those directly related, and deal with them in accordance with the law, just like we did when dealing with the umbrella company. The response should be faster and more decisive than the previous government. This should be able to block the people's Mouth..." One of the staff expressed his opinion, but someone soon expressed his objection: "This is not okay! These messages were released by the terrorist, there is no credibility at all! And those clones... …I don’t know if they are clones, maybe 20 twins? But they must be terrorists, and those masked female terrorists must be them!” The man said in a hoarse voice. "The U.S. government will never compromise or negotiate with terrorists."

"Okay, you can leave this office and don't come to work tomorrow - you are fired!" Mr. President interrupted the aide and then asked him to leave unceremoniously - another warning. The twenty-five-year-old who got the money! "Mr. President, this...I...wait..." Before he could say anything, the presidential bodyguard next to him had already dragged him out of the office.

"Okay, let's continue talking!" Mr. President looked at the first staff member to speak and said, "Your opinion is good. We should indeed respond faster and more decisively than the previous government.

However, there is still a problem, and that is these terrorists -" He paused, and then continued: "Although the guy just forgot his job, there is one thing he said right - these people They are all terrorists, and our US government has never had a record of compromising with terrorists. I personally do not want to be the first of its kind. We must take measures against this group of people! "But, they, I mean those girls, they are all clones, and they are naturally in a sympathetic position in public opinion. In addition, we have no concrete evidence to prove that they are the masked gangsters. This is very difficult to handle." ..." The FBI director expressed his concerns.

Indeed, anyone with a discerning eye can see that these clones who consider themselves victims are actually the group of masked female warriors who participated in the destruction of the Sanlian Group some time ago.

But they have never shown their faces in front of the camera, nor have they left any evidence at the scene to prove their identity. From a legal perspective, it is impossible to do anything to them - not to mention that they are still being watched by the media and the public. , things are even more difficult to handle.

"Then let's catch that man first, that Asian, what's his name...?" Mr. President obviously couldn't remember the name of the Asian.

"Call is Fang Yuan, or according to his registered name, Louis Fang."

The people around him reminded him in a low voice.

"Oh, yes, that Louis Fang, we have been looking for him for a long time. This time he took the initiative to come forward and he should be arrested immediately!" Mr. President said.

“In fact we have already started taking action.

But the place where they held the press conference was difficult to determine, the background environment was not shown in the camera at all, and our technical department was unable to lock their location through the live broadcast signal.

We are currently checking the movements of the news trucks of major media to determine their location, but this will take some time..." The person who spoke was the director of the CIA. Since Fang Yuan started causing trouble around the world, the search for him The capture task has been taken over by the CIA.

"I said... could they be on that spaceship?" A staff member asked hesitantly.

"..." "..." "..." "...If so, that would be troublesome!" The CIA director frowned, making the wrinkles on his forehead look even deeper.

They all still remember the sudden appearance of the spaceship, and it can even be said that they still remember it freshly - this kind of creation that far exceeds the level of contemporary human science and technology, people can't help but think of words like aliens, extraterrestrial civilizations, etc. .

At first, everyone thought it was the Sanlian Group that had obtained the technology of extraterrestrial civilization from somewhere and built the spacecraft underground. In the end, it could no longer hide it after an explosion comparable to a small nuclear explosion. Then he hurriedly took off and escaped.

In fact, they didn't connect the ship with Fang Yuan at all - they all thought he had died in the explosion.

But when Fang Yuan appeared again later and confronted the Sanlian Group again, they were shocked to realize that this guy was not dead yet! So, whose spaceship belongs to it? The answer is self-evident.

If the other party really held the press conference on that completely invisible spacecraft, no matter how hard the CIA technicians tried, they would not be able to find the person.

"..." Mr. President was silent.

"..." Others also remained silent.

"...Continue to try to locate them. If it doesn't work... Sigh - let the guys from the Air Defense Force try harder and see if they can find the spacecraft!" Mr. President could only sigh helplessly in the end.

……')094'\u003eChapter 93 Locking the Target

In fact, the people in the White House guessed correctly. Fang Yuan and the others did hold a press conference on the spaceship.

He is not stupid, how could he easily reveal the location of himself, Alice and others.

If you hold a press conference anywhere, wouldn't you expect to be surrounded and suppressed? The safest place is, of course, his own territory! ​And it’s still a moving territory! But instead of flying in the sky, they dived into the depths of the ocean.

Nowadays, Fang Yuan still has no idea about the engine upgrade of the spacecraft. If he wants to stay in the air for more than an hour without refueling, this is far beyond the limit of the spacecraft.

Therefore, he directly used the spacecraft as a submarine and quietly dived into the Atlantic Ocean with a group of news media reporters. He also found a place very far off course, leaving only a signal relay buoy on the water. Moreover, when the live broadcast signal is sent out, it has also been heavily disguised and encrypted by [Ether] to ensure that no one will detect their true location.

...The press conference was very successful! The gimmick of human cloning easily attracted the attention of a large number of people, and immediately pushed the Sanlian Group to the forefront of public opinion.

Moreover, major news media that were persuaded by Fang Yuan (physics) spared no effort to publicize all kinds of black materials released by Fang Yuan. Overnight, Sanlian Group turned into a sinister enterprise comparable to the Umbrella Company. It was already in disgrace. The stock price, which had almost reached its peak, finally collapsed completely, and all Sanlian-related stocks became worthless waste paper.

When this wave of public opinion offensive reached its climax, the US government finally responded.

They announced a complete freeze on Sanlian Group's assets, arrested relevant personnel, and would thoroughly investigate the whole story of the human cloning incident to reveal the truth to the public.

And not only the United States, but also various countries in Europe and Asia, as long as there are Sanlian Group branches in their territory, have made similar decisions.

After Umbrella, Sanlian Group became the second international monopoly group to collapse.

But, to be honest, after Fang Yuan and Alice's hard work during this period, there is nothing left of this company, and it is even far inferior to the original umbrella company - at least when the latter went bankrupt, there were still a lot of high-quality assets that were sold. Other companies are rushing to acquire it, but what about Sanlian? All that's left is some demolished land! As for arresting the people involved... Fang Yuan believes that it is almost impossible for the US government to find many people involved. Basically all the middle and high-level people in the Sanlian Group have been killed by him and Alice, and the remaining It is impossible for the minions to be responsible for this kind of thing, and those behind the scenes who have put on countless layers of white gloves cannot be caught so easily. This matter will most likely have to be left alone.

Maybe a few scapegoats will be introduced? Fang Yuan was waiting to watch their performance.

... "It seems that the masterminds behind the scenes have not exposed their tails..." Half a month later, Fang Yuan and others did not see any of the masterminds with enough weight being brought to justice. They knew that this case They can only take care of things themselves.

"So, which one should we look for first?" Alice asked.

Because of the existence of [ether], it is not too difficult for Fang Yuan and the others to determine the identities of those behind the scenes.

In addition, he has already obtained Simmons' memory. Although even Simmons himself is not very clear about the true identity of the masterminds behind the scenes, there are some relatively reliable guesses. Fang Yuan based on these guesses, and then let [Aether] closely monitors all communications from these suspects and can easily determine authenticity.

"Find her first!" Fang Yuan snapped his fingers, and a photo was displayed on the big screen in front of him.

The photo shows a white woman who appears to be in her 40s.

Judging from her posture and expression, she has both the pride derived from European aristocrats and a graceful demeanor. She is a very charming middle-aged lady.

"Who is she?" Alice always felt that this middle-aged woman looked familiar. Had she seen it somewhere... "Her name is Elizabeth Travis, and she is the grandmother of Excella Gioni. , who is also the head of the Sanlian Group of the previous generation, claimed to have died two years ago, but in fact he is still very healthy due to virus enhancement, and even has the tendency to get younger as he lives. "

As he spoke, Fang Yuan called up more photos of her, ranging from 50 years old, 60 years old, 70 years old... all the way to the latest 76 years old. It can be clearly seen that between the ages of 50 and 70, she is still beautiful. Normal aging, but after the age of 73, she became much younger every year, and in the end she even looked younger than when she was 50 years old.

Alice: "She was also injected with the T virus?" "No, what these old men and women used was obviously not the ordinary T virus. It should be their own modified mutant virus, just like the one I encountered when I rescued the clones. Just like that old man."

Fang Yuan briefly told Alice about the old man he met when he rescued the clone, and the enhancement in him that obviously came from Alice's genes.

"It seems that it is my genes that allow these old people to have a second youth?" Alice was a little stunned. When did she become a Tang Monk-like existence? "It's not just your genes. Sanlian Group has been studying the Ancestral Virus for quite some time. Although it may not be as good as the Umbrella Company, they should also have some research results of their own. It's just that your genes are very important." ”

This is Fang Yuan's guess. Whether it is true or not will be known until they catch these people involved.

"...A 'dead person' in the legal and social sense... She should not be on our monitoring list. How did you find her?" Alice was a little curious.

After all, [Ether]'s global monitoring is not omnipotent. If Fang Yuan wants to find out these masterminds, in addition to keyword searches in communications, another important clue is the suspects in Simmons' memory.

But even Simmons would not place suspicion on a dead man.

"She died too early!" Fang Yuan snapped his fingers and said this answer: "I checked the relationship between the Travis family members and found that the old man who cloned you is actually Elizabeth's father.

Think about it, even an old man in his 90s and nearly a hundred years old has not died yet, and she, an old lady in her 70s, died first, and the time of death was so coincidental..." "...after the Raccoon City incident was exposed... …" Only then did Alice notice that Elizabeth's official death date happened to be just after the Umbrella Company scandal broke out. Coupled with the premature death, this was indeed very suspicious.

“Then I asked [Ether] to cross-reference her photo with faces captured by all public cameras in Europe and the United States within a year, and finally found her! - This rejuvenated lady obviously loves to dress up and capture photos She was caught on camera near a high-end clothing store in Paris while she was shopping."

Alice suddenly realized that she had really brought trouble upon herself. She was still thinking about shopping at this time. It would be strange if she didn't expose her identity! ')095'\u003eChapter 94 Unexpected Changes

Late at night.

An old mansion on the outskirts of Paris.

Two figures, a man and a woman, gradually approached in the darkness.

"Is it here?" The female figure asked her companions.

"Yes, it is here."

He replied.

"Are there no traps or ambushes?"

"No, this old woman is alone - it seems that she really thinks her fake death is perfectly arranged!"

"Great! Then, let's go, sisters!"

With her order, more figures walked out of the darkness behind her, and then everyone rushed into the mansion from all directions.

However, in the next second - Boom - !!! A huge shock wave erupted from the interior of the mansion, and dozens of people who had just rushed in were all blown away, accompanied by countless bricks, stones and broken wood falling to the ground with a crackling sound.

It seemed that the sudden explosion ignited the gas pipeline in the building. The blazing flames rose from the ruined mansion, illuminating the surroundings of the mansion, revealing the true faces of the people in the dark.

——Yes, it was Fang Yuan and Alice.

"Alice, are you okay?" Fang Yuan, who was not blown away because he was a step slower, stepped forward and helped up an Alice.

"We are fine, we were just blown away by the sudden shock wave, no one was injured!" Holding Fang Yuan's hand and standing up, Alice sensed the sisters around her and found that everyone was safe and sound.

In fact, they were always using telekinetic shields when performing tasks, so it was not so easy for them to get hurt.

However, she still reminded them: "Be careful, the other party seems to be using telekinesis!" Just as Alice and the others got up from the ground with a bit of dust on their faces, a young female voice came from the burning mansion: "I thought it was a little mouse from somewhere, but it turned out to be your experimental subjects?" Everyone looked up and found that a beautiful woman who was not human walked out of the flames.

Her skin was as white as snow, as smooth as the best ceramics, and her face was delicate, like the most perfect doll. She was wearing a flame dress, and countless high-temperature flames were lingering around her, but they did not cause any harm to her. Instead, they played around her gently like an obedient pet.

The woman in front of her had a beauty and charm that surpassed the level of mortals.

If it weren't for the fact that the mental power of the people present, whether Fang Yuan or Alice, was much stronger than that of ordinary people, they might even be captured by the charm of the other party as soon as they saw this woman.

If it were counted in COC, her APP would probably be more than 19, which is equivalent to a weaker human charm spell fixed on her body! "...You told me this is Elizabeth Travis?" Alice looked at the young woman in front of her who was so beautiful that she didn't look like an ordinary person, and then recalled the middle-aged woman in the photo she saw before, with a look of disbelief on her face.

"...How should I know! The previous photo was taken three days ago!" Fang Yuan was also confused. Is this woman the old woman from before? "Heh! It seems you know my true identity!" The woman who looked like a goddess of fire saw Fang Yuan's reaction, chuckled and said, "Why, are you surprised by my appearance?" "I am indeed quite surprised!" Fang Yuan stepped forward, shrugged and said, "When I found out about your whereabouts, I was at least 30 years older than you are now!" "Heh! Thanks to the little cutie next to you!" The woman raised a slender hand wrapped in a flame glove, and the burning flames around her roamed and played between her fingers like little snakes, while pacing in the flame ruins: "It was her genes that put together the last piece of the Venus Project.

Just today, my transformation is finally completed, and now I am finally perfect!" It turned out that the transformation was just completed today! This luck is really... Fang Yuan almost thought that the whole world was targeting him! "Venus Project?" Alice noticed this name.

"Yes, look!" The woman opened her arms and showed her beautiful figure that was far beyond that of ordinary people to everyone: "This beauty, this is the genetic enhancement I tailored for myself, it is absolutely worthy of the name of the goddess of beauty!" At this point, her tone suddenly turned cold, and her beautiful face was distorted by anger and hatred. She looked at Fang Yuan and Alice below with a cold and resentful look: "... I pity my little Excella, I wanted to take her to become a god together... She is so young, she has not enjoyed anything, and you killed her!" It seems that she blamed Fang Yuan and Alice for Excella's death. She saw her hands suddenly waving forward, and the raging fire burning around her body turned into countless flaming arrows, charging at the enemy in front of her like a loyal knight. "Be careful!" Alice saw the flames rushing straight at her, and immediately stretched out her hand to stop it with telekinesis, but she didn't expect Fang Yuan to suddenly raise his hand to stop her action. "It doesn't matter. I just want to try out the new power I just gained!" Before he finished speaking, the gushing flames had already arrived in front of Fang Yuan.

However, facing the oncoming attack, Fang Yuan did not make any move to dodge or block. He saw that the flames seemed to have hit an invisible wall, and could only spread in all directions in vain, but could no longer reach him. Push forward even an inch.

"Is this... telekinesis?" Alice looked shocked. She had not taken action just now. This telepathy was obviously not sent by any of them, so there was only one possibility - it was Fang Yuan's own power.

"...Is this the new power you are talking about? Did you inject yourself with the T virus?" Alice obviously thought that Fang Yuan was like those careerists who coveted her genes and used her genes to conduct some human experiments.

"No! Where did you go?" Fang Yuan shook his head: "This is just a high-end application of bionics. I won't just inject some messy things into my body!" Although Fang Yuan's words made Alice feel sad. She felt uncomfortable for a while, this statement seemed like her body was full of messy things, but when she heard Fang Yuan's statement, she also breathed a sigh of relief - at least her friends were not those careerists after all... "Oh? I didn't expect you too. You have this power, but I don’t feel the presence of the virus from you... Do you actually have a way to obtain this divine power through other channels?" Elizabeth, who transformed into the goddess of fire, was surprised when she saw Fang Yuan's performance.

As she said, she did not feel that there was any variant of the Ancestral Virus series in Fang Yuan's body, which meant that he obtained telekinesis by another method entirely.

"But, that's all, there's no way to stop me!" Elizabeth moved her hand, and more and more violent flames poured out from the ruins, turning into a flame tornado dozens of meters thick, pressing towards Fang Yuan and others. And down.

Fire Queen

"It's useless!" Fang Yuan shouted sharply, and more violent telekinesis surged out from the void, turning into a real force that shattered the flame tornado. Countless sparks flew everywhere, igniting the surrounding area. large lawn shrubs.

But in the next moment, icy cold air surged out from the ground, instantly extinguishing the fire that had not yet spread.

"Oh? Do you have other abilities? I am becoming more and more interested in you!" A sneer appeared on the corner of Elizabeth's mouth, and then she didn't see any movement. More violent flames suddenly exploded in the ruins that were gradually surrounded by low-temperature cold air. .

And not only that, she herself was also thrown into the flames at the same time, and the skin all over her body glowed with blazing light under the licks of the flames. Her whole body was almost assimilated with the firelight, and she looked like the incarnation of flames! Fang Yuan tried to use the electromagnetic cannon to attack, but found that the shells with several times the speed of sound only punched a few holes through Elizabeth's body, which was transformed into flames, and then were filled and repaired by more flames in the next moment, as if her body had been completely Made of flames.

Fang Yuan frowned a little.

The opponent in front of him has already demonstrated a variety of superpowers in just a few rounds of fighting - the one that knocked Alice and the others away from the mansion was telekinesis, and then when she appeared, she showed the ability to control flames. Ability, it seems that an element-like ability will be added now... This should be a mixture of the T-virus in Alice's body and the T-Veronica virus invented by Alexia. It actually strengthens both viruses at the same time... And this elemental-like effect is a bit too fantasy! However, Fang Yuan knows that this is not a real magical world. No matter how magical the opponents appear, their abilities still have to abide by some basic physical laws - for example, flame burning requires fuel and oxides! "Alice, please retreat further!" Fang Yuan said to the Alices behind him. Regardless of whether they heard it or not, his eyes shone brightly and he directly took action to remove the oxygen from the entire mansion and even the surrounding area. All refined into inert gas.

Sure enough, Elizabeth, who had turned into a genuine "Queen of Fire", suddenly suffocated the flames on her body, and then quickly fell down, leaving only a thin layer of pale golden fire on her body.

"Is this... expelling oxygen?" Elizabeth spoke with some difficulty. The loss of oxygen did have a great impact on her, but it was not to the extent that she would immediately suffocate.

The highly evolved and mutated virus has transformed her body into some kind of inhuman existence. She can still survive even in an oxygen-free environment. Even as time goes by, her feeling of suffocation gradually disappears. Finally, Completely returned to normal.

At the same time, the somewhat low flames in her body also surged again - as the virus automatically optimized and mutated, the combustion accelerant secreted by the body itself replaced the oxygen in the air, allowing her flames to remain strong even in a vacuum. Can burn.

Fang Yuan watched this scene of changes from beginning to end, and he was speechless - what on earth had this old woman turned into? But this alone cannot scare Fang Yuan.

Since the method of isolating the air is useless, then use ultra-low temperature to fight! Fang Yuan's telekinesis turned into invisible pen and ink, depicting a three-dimensional frozen formation around the entire mansion, completely surrounding Elizabeth's location. In the next moment, ultra-low temperatures that could liquefy nitrogen descended on the entire space. .

At the same time, Elizabeth, who had just completed a new round of evolution under the pressure of an oxygen-free environment, also launched her offensive. A viscous body fluid similar to napalm was secreted from her body surface, turning into a substantial flame tornado that directly collided with the ultra-low temperature cold wave emitted by Fang Yuan.

The confrontation between extreme cold and extreme heat was deadlocked for a while. Sometimes the ultra-low temperature cold wave took the advantage and extinguished large areas of flames. Sometimes Elizabeth's flame constitution evolved again, and her body surface burst out with stronger and higher temperature hot flames, forcing back the bone-chilling cold current that was almost approaching.

In order not to affect Fang Yuan's offensive, the Alices who retreated to the back could only help to assist in controlling the aftermath of the battlefield and minimize the impact on the surrounding environment.

In the battlefield, in a short period of time, this confrontation between cold and heat broke out dozens or hundreds of times. The repeated rapid heating and cooling in a short period of time, the effect of thermal expansion and contraction made the ruins of the entire mansion gradually brittle and shattered, and finally collapsed after a few minutes.

The sudden collapse of the building interrupted the hot and cold confrontation between Elizabeth and Fang Yuan.

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