Even, in order to completely control the entire completion process in his own hands, he also arranged for Liangzhi to seize the "Key of Nebuchadnezzar" equivalent to Adam's body from the NERV Bethany branch. He even planned to destroy Unit 5 which was still under construction.

However, all these plans were completely disrupted after Fang Yuan's arrival - Fang Yuan's large-scale spread of the apostle virus gave all mankind the power of the fruit of life indiscriminately. This was equivalent to flipping the table, and directly caused The so-called "Human Completion Plan" cannot be implemented in the most critical place.

After all, the premise of the so-called "human completion" is that all human beings are incomplete and need to achieve overall sublimation through mutual integration, and ultimately evolve from group, imperfect "human beings" to individual, perfect "man", and then from "man" to "god".

But what if everyone is complete without needing to merge with anyone else? What if every human being has the potential to evolve into a "human" or even sublime into a "god" on his own? Fang Yuan's actions are undoubtedly fundamentally denying the significance of the "Human Completion Plan".

And even from a technical perspective, his move to enhance the strength of each human A.T. force field is equivalent to increasing the difficulty of human completion in disguise.

——After all, if you want all human beings to integrate with each other, the first step is to break the "wall of heart" of all human beings, and break the original A.T. force field that can only maintain the body, and break the A.T. force field that can actually interfere with matter. The number of A.T. force fields is still over three billion, so the difference in difficulty can be imagined.

Although in many cases, there is a so-called "everyone is an ant under XX", a slight increase or decrease in power cannot change the huge gap between human individuals and real apostles, especially when Adam and Lilith combine. Before that, which can be called true divine power, it makes no difference whether a human has activated the A.T. force field or not.

But there is another saying, "Quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes." A single weak human being's soul is so fragile that he can only drive his own body and cannot even interfere with matter in any other way. But once thirty The souls of billions of human beings merge into one, and they will immediately have a soul strength that is comparable to that of a true apostle, or even many times higher.

Similarly, if a single human being awakens the A.T. force field and wants to break the wall of his heart, he may only need to increase his power a little bit, but if this number is multiplied by three billion, the additional energy required will be even higher than before. It is more than a hundred times or a thousand times, and its difficulty is self-evident.

"Of course, this is still not safe enough. After all, the energy source when the human completion plan was launched was the combination of Adam and Lilith, which directly opened the door to the Dirac Sea and drew endless energy from it. Perhaps all the power will be available at some point by then. No existence below this threshold can escape the fate of being completed..." Fang Yuan mused: "So, either continue to strengthen all humans and accelerate their evolution from 'human' to 'human', or we must destroy those who have been completed. The key elements in the plan, such as Unit 1, Unit 6, Lilith's body, and even the souls of Rei Ayanami and Kaoru Nagisa..." The traveler from outside the world thought for a long time and finally made a decision. ——Of course, continue taking the first path! What’s the point of preventing completion by destroying key elements? ! Fang Yuan just wants those ambitious people to watch helplessly after the completion of the activation, and then there will be no results at all, and finally they will die of depression! "Then, it happens that the field learned in the last world can be used... Since simply awakening the A.T. force field is not enough, then add the material body and energy to build an independent small world, replacing the barriers of the world The barrier of the soul, this should be enough..." Thinking like this, Fang Yuan thought, and the apostle virus and blue light virus all over the body of everyone in the world suddenly underwent subtle changes, and some kind of information was transmitted silently. Time penetrates into everyone's body and mind, changing many things quietly but extremely quickly.

Presumably, many people will find that they have changed again when they wake up the next day! Second update completed')516'\u003eChapter 5005: Research Results of Ritsuko Akagi

After giving all mankind a wave of +2 enhancements, Fang Yuan did not stop.

Before the remaining SEELE executives had time to move, he traveled across the world overnight and successfully found the remaining six SEELE executives who had only their brains left.

Well, plus the one at the beginning, it looks like you can summon the dragon after collecting seven of them... (Dense fog) However, unlike the unlucky ghost who was tragically killed by soul searching at the beginning, Fang Yuan did not use the remaining ones. Instead of killing the six people below, he casually refined a set of portable brain storage devices, put their remaining brains into it, and took them away with him.

——As he said before, he would let them watch his plan fail, so Fang Yuan must keep his word! …… Didi, didi, didi, didi... “It’s so noisy!” Bang——! A delicate and delicate jade hand stretched out from the bedside, fumbled twice, and then slapped it, smashing the alarm clock that was working diligently to tell the time to pieces.

After the innocent alarm clock was tragically "killed", the room became quiet again.

Fifteen minutes later... "Oops! We're going to be late!!!" The beauty who was sleeping on the bed suddenly woke up, sat up straight with a "snap", and then saw Mr. Alarm Clock who had died heroically in the line of duty.

After being stunned for two seconds, she panicked and dug out a military watch from the pile of clothes beside the bed. She read the time clearly and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, it's only been fifteen minutes, and there's still time..." The orange-haired girl's originally tense body suddenly relaxed, and she sat in a duck-like posture on the soft bed, her whole body filled with fatigue. breath.

He turned around and glanced at the remains of the dead alarm clock again, and couldn't help but sigh: "This is already the fourth broken alarm clock this week. I still can't get used to the sudden change in power..." This is already It was the fourth day that Asuka changed again after her body was infected with the apostle virus.

Ever since she woke up three days ago, Asuka has discovered that her body strength has suddenly grown to a terrifying level - if she holds it casually, she will crush the glass accidentally, and if she wants to open the door, she will pull the door handle with all her strength. He pulled her off, went to the bathroom to wash her hands, and accidentally turned off the entire faucet... If the people around her hadn't changed at the same time, Asuka wouldn't even dare to have any physical contact with others, for fear of shaking hands. He pinched the person into a powder and fractured it with just one hand... This made the girl who was already deeply disturbed by the sudden awakening of the A.T. force field even more irritated - how could she maintain normalcy with such frequent changes? Life! Fortunately, after more than three days of adaptation, Asuka has basically mastered the power that has surged countless times in her body. Now, except for when she just wakes up in the morning, she will lose control due to habitual confusion. He has been able to control his power very well.

"Ah~~Really, I have to buy another alarm clock!" Asuka scratched her hair that had become messy due to her inelegant sleeping posture with some annoyance, and Asuka dragged out the paper basket from the corner of the room with a look of displeasure on her face. Started to pick up the pieces of the alarm clock scattered on the floor.

At this moment, her bedroom door was opened from the outside, and a head emerged from the crack of the door: "Hey! Asuka, did you break the alarm clock again?" This was Misato Katsuragi.

——As in the original plot, Asuka, who came to Japan, was arranged to live with Misato Katsuragi, with her acquaintance and boss as the guardian of the underage girl.

However, because Shinji Ikari left NERV early, his whereabouts were unknown later, and he did not continue to live in Katsuragi Misato's house, so the two boys and girls did not have any interaction, and Asuka even knew nothing about Shinji Ikari. It is limited to the point of being "very capable of fighting".

——Well, after watching him soar into the sky and kill the Ninth Apostle (NERV standard), she no longer calls Shinji Ikari a "coward", but instead calls him a "reckless man who can fight very well" impression.

Of course, although there is one missing Shinji Ikari, this does not affect the two women who are already very familiar with each other to become more familiar with each other in the life they live together - for example, Rika already knows Katsuragi Misato very well in private. What a sloppy female drunkard. For example, Misato Katsuragi also knew that Asuka would be confused for a long time when she woke up in the morning, and then she would break something because she couldn't control the sudden increase in power... "Yes. , this is the fourth one... I really don’t know what is going on with this so-called ‘Apostle Virus’! Didn’t it originally only allow people to awaken the A.T. Field? Why has it changed its physical strength now? " He returned the wastebasket full of garbage to the corner. Because he used a little more force, there was a "dong" sound. Asuka, who was wearing a small vest and shorts, just crossed it without caring about the image. He bent his waist and complained with annoyance on his face.

"It's not just a change in strength~ Ritsuko just called. It seems that we have already figured out some clues about the second stage of changes that have happened to us!" Misato Katsuragi said, waving her fingers.

"..." Asuka frowned worriedly after hearing this: "Isn't it just a change in strength..." "So, are you saying that our bodies have undergone a new round of evolution?" This It was already an hour later. Misato Katsuragi and Asuka had arrived at the NERV base and had just finished listening to Dr. Ritsuko Akagi's explanation.

However, despite listening to it for more than half an hour, Misato Katsuragi, who is not a professional scientist, could only understand a very small part of it, which can be summed up in the sentence above.

Ritsuko Akagi was already used to this. She just took a puff of her cigarette very ladylikely, and then said: "Evolution... let's call it that... but I prefer to call it 'the perfection of the material metabolism system and the closure of self-time and space'" '."

"The perfection of the material metabolism system and the closure of self-time and space..." Misato Katsuragi chewed on this complex-sounding phrase, thoughtfully.

"Yes, if the S2 mechanism and A.T. Field awakening after we were infected with the 'Apostle Virus' can be regarded as the upgrade of the energy circulation system and the liberation of the soul, then what we are experiencing now is the change in the physical body and time and space levels. - On the material and space-time levels, our bodies are gradually transforming into a completely closed system..." Ritsuko Akagi nodded and continued: "You also feel it, right? We hardly need to take in food and water now? We can survive. The energy provided by the S2 mechanism in our bodies is enough to supply all the energy needs of our bodies. Even material metabolism is gradually being replaced... When we finally complete our evolution, we may be able to survive at the level of time and space. He also achieved final independence, and finally became an isolated individual who did not need to communicate with the outside world..." Listening to the "terrible" future described by Akagi Ritsuko, Katsuragi Misato trembled all over, and it was difficult to imagine the so-called "time and space level" What does it feel like to be completely isolated? The more she thought about it, the more horrified she became. She couldn't help but interrupt Ritsuko Akagi: "This must be just your imagination, right? Do you have any actual evidence?" "Well, unfortunately, it does. Where is the evidence..." Ritsuko Akagi shrugged and replied with a "you guessed it" expression: "According to our monitoring results of hundreds of infected people, starting four days ago, using our bodies as the dividing line, The time and space in our body is unfolding towards a more complex high-dimensional space and time. Although the degree is not obvious yet, from the appearance, we are still creatures living in a three-dimensional space, but in fact, we can actually be counted as 3.5 It is a semi-high-dimensional life and is still evolving towards higher-dimensional life forms.”

"...Isn't that just changing into an apostle?!" Asuka said in shock.

"Yes, so this is the 'Apostle Virus'...a virus that turns humans into apostles!" Ritsuko Akagi concluded against the backdrop of Misato Katsuragi's increasingly ugly expression.

')517'\u003eChapter 5006 The nature of the second stage of strengthening

Although the conversation between Ritsuko Akagi, Misato Katsuragi and others took place inside the supposedly top-secret NERV base, to Fang Yuan, their conversation was as if it happened in front of him, and he could hear every word clearly.

After listening to Ritsuko Akagi's research results, Fang Yuan had to express his amazement at the scientific research strength of this world - it has already reached this level! Although there are many fallacies and one-sided conclusions in the other party's research, its most fundamental discovery is indeed correct - after Fang Yuan used the apostle virus and the blue light virus as the medium to carry out the second stage of transformation of all humans, Everyone is evolving from ordinary three-dimensional space creatures to high-dimensional life.

The essence of this transformation is another form of the field that Fang Yuan was forced to develop from the previous world.

In the world of "Pitch Black Bullet", due to the loss of the support of the Gate of Truth and the subtle differences in the world's laws, Fang Yuan once lost most of his extraordinary power. In the end, he redeveloped it with the help of some local supernatural inheritance. He has learned the method of "body becomes the world, resonates with heaven and man", and uses this to extend the power of the domain.

Although the external manifestation of this power is the realm that controls the world, regards one's own heart as the heart of heaven, and the majestic power that arbitrarily controls everything in the world and even the rules and laws within the realm, its core fundamental is still "the body becomes the world" , resonance between heaven and man" these eight words.

Among these eight words, "resonance between heaven and man" can be said to be the actual source of domain formation and the energy source of extraordinary power. But in fact, the seemingly inconspicuous "body-forming world" is the power. the true foundation, the root of roots.

Only by achieving independent time and space within oneself, and relying on this, can we resonate with the outside world, reflect internally and externally, and draw infinite power.

Of course, in the EVA world, this step of "resonance between heaven and man" is no longer important. After all, if you want to obtain an endless energy source, the S2 mechanism with a lower threshold is more suitable.

Therefore, for the second stage of transformation of humans in this world, Fang Yuan weakened the proportion of "resonance between heaven and man" and focused on the part of "becoming the world" - the A.T. power stimulated by the virus-infected persons themselves. Based on the field, it integrates the material body that has been strengthened to a certain extent and the initially liberated soul, and has the infinite energy provided by the S2 mechanism. It distorts time and space, divides dimensions, and uses the human body as the boundary to create independent self-time and space. .

However, contrary to Ritsuko Akagi's estimation, even if everyone evolves an independent self-time and space in the end, it does not mean that human beings are completely isolated from the outside world.

This can be seen by looking at Fang Yuan. He has also achieved the world, but is it possible that he is completely isolated from the outside world? Although it is said that when this road reaches the end and reaches its peak, you can indeed choose to completely separate yourself from the external world, become a self-contained entity, create your own world in the void, and play your own games.

At that time, a person is a real world, the world itself is his body, the consciousness of the world is his consciousness, and his achievements can be called the Creator God or the Creator - but it is just The creator god and creator of this mere world.

Not to mention, to reach this level of creating one's own world, without thousands of years of hard practice and accumulation, without the courage to bear the entire world with one's body and mind, don't even think about it!   ——Anyone who wants to take this step ahead without sufficient accumulation, either because the world he has created is flawed and cannot be truly independent, and eventually dies in the nothingness outside the world, or because his mind and nature cannot bear the operation of the entire world and gradually loses himself, and finally becomes the selfless will of heaven and earth.

Well, I've gone too far, let's get back to the previous topic.

What Akagi Ritsuko is worried about is actually the final stage that few people can reach. For the vast majority of ordinary people who have been transformed, at best they have only opened up a self-time and space in their bodies that is relatively independent of the external macrocosm. The external body is both their support for walking and moving in real time and space, and it is also the stable coordinate for them to anchor their own inner world.

The most fundamental difference is that with this layer of isolation between inner and outer time and space, their souls no longer belong to the outer time and space to a certain extent, and it is almost difficult to be affected by external forces.

In other words, at this point, the so-called human completion plan can no longer succeed, unless someone can convince everyone in the world to open up their own closed time and space, open up their own hearts, understand and integrate each other selflessly, and finally become a single individual...  ——But if everyone can do this, then what's the need for human completion! All mankind has already consciously and voluntarily integrated into one!   Of course, for those ordinary people who have been transformed, they don't know what has happened to them.

They just suddenly found that their bodies, which were originally free from all diseases and "protected by divine light", seemed to have suddenly awakened the talents of "natural power" and "eating wind and drinking dew". As their strength became stronger and stronger, their demand for food and water became less and less, and even breathing was no longer necessary.

At the same time, the "color force field" that they had just activated not long ago suddenly became invisible and intangible, and no longer had the colorful activation phenomenon, just like the "telekinesis" in many superpower comics and movies.

——This is actually the domain power stimulated by the "resonance between heaven and man" weakened by Fang Yuan.

Because most people don't know how to really use this power, they basically use it as the most superficial telekinesis. Only a very small number of people with big brains or high IQ can find the real use of some fields through gradual familiarity and experiments.

In the eyes of scientists like Akagi Ritsuko, this is the gradual evolution of human beings from three-dimensional creatures to high-dimensional creatures, the body gradually tends to be truly perfect, and the essence of existence extends to the high-dimensional world. Those supernatural powers that seem like superpowers are regarded as the projection effect of the A.T. force field through high-dimensional disturbance in three-dimensional space-time.

——To a certain extent, this statement is not wrong! No wonder Fang Yuan was amazed at the research capabilities of these researchers.

But it's true. No matter what, the scientists in this world are a group of outstanding talents who can dissect apostles, discover souls, and even touch the field of "God". It's not too surprising to have such abilities.

Second update completed')518'\u003eChapter 5007: Kaworu Nagisa takes action in advance

"I didn't expect that guy to be able to do this..." On an unnamed mountain outside the Third New Tokyo, Shinji Ikari looked back at the prosperous city behind him.

But in his perception, it was difficult to find any human A.T. force field. Only when he changed his perspective and used the A.T. force field as a medium to indirectly sense the changes in space, could he find the space distortion singularities that were moving around in the city.

"Is this the ultimate solution that the 'Traveler' said... It really solved the problem of the 'Human Completion Plan' once and for all... But this movement is too exaggerated!" Shinji Ikari could feel that it was not only the population in the Third New Tokyo that had changed, but all humans in the world had undergone such drastic changes.

Although he is not a scientist and cannot understand the principle behind this change as well as Akagi Ritsuko, he can also realize that what is happening in the entire human group now may be the ultimate evolution that is more important than the evolution of apes to Homo sapiens!   While he admires Fang Yuan's generosity, he also has some concerns - if this continues, even if the human beings on Earth can avoid the invasion of the apostles and the "human completion", when they finally evolve to the point where they "no longer need a group society" as Fang Yuan said, can the "human beings" at that time still be called "human beings"? !   "...However, now that things have come to this, regret is useless. Let's see how far we can go. If we really usher in a worse result, it will only be one more reincarnation..."   In a sense, Shinji Ikari, who can be said to have a "regret medicine", sorted out his mood and regained his calmness - anyway, the worst result of the matter is just another time, what is he afraid of!   ...Shinji Ikari can be indifferent to what Fang Yuan did, but someone with the same surname Ikari can't stay calm.

Just after Gendō Ikari implanted the "Key of Nebuchadnezzar" into his own body, Commander Ikari, who had just activated the half-baked A.T. force field, discovered that his subordinates had taken a step ahead and evolved in a more inhuman direction.

"Do you think this kind of evolution is a good thing for us humans?" Looking at Deputy Commander Fuyutsuki who has turned back to his 30s or 40s due to a new round of evolution, Ikari Gendō asked with a complicated and unspeakable mood.

"If we consider it from the perspective of sociology, ethics, and economics, this evolution that turns humans into quasi-perfect creatures is of course harmful. When every individual no longer needs any external resources to survive self-sufficiently, the concept of 'society' has lost its meaning of existence, and the human race will inevitably fall apart, and eventually evolve from a group civilization to an individual civilization like the apostles..." At this point, the old man, who can no longer be called an old man, paused: "But I don't think you want to hear this answer... If you look at it from the perspective of the survival competition with the apostles, then this evolution is of course a good thing that can't be better - no matter what caused all this, when we humans have evolved to this point, the apostles can no longer completely destroy us, even if Adam and Lilith wake up again, it won't work. Isn't this a good thing?" "...Is this your opinion?" Ikari Gendō's always gloomy face showed no expression.

But it was obvious that he didn't agree with the other party's words in his heart. After all, for Ikari Gendō, the real way out for mankind should be to integrate into the Human Completion Plan, seize the power of Adam and Lilith, and finally become the only and eternal "God", rather than embarking on the path of independent evolution as it is now, and becoming a loose group that will inevitably fall apart in the future.

However, he had no way to deal with this. The black hand hidden behind the scenes was far more insidious than he imagined, and the technical strength was also terrible enough. He actually used the virus as a method to force all mankind to another evolutionary path, making all the plans of Ikari Gendō and SEELE fall through.

Well, by the way, speaking of SEELE, although this organization still exists, its top seven controllers have been confirmed to be missing. It is currently in a state of chaos without a leader. Various factions inside have suddenly jumped out to try to compete for the power to control this organization. It is impossible to integrate again in a short time.

Although this is good news for Ikari Gendō, he is actually one of those ambitious people who are fighting for power and profit. However, the existence of the seven SEELE bases destroyed with unpredictable means and overwhelming violence also makes him feel uneasy.

——If such a terrible power is used against him, Ikari Gendō will not be able to escape even if he has transplanted the "Key of Nebuchadnezzar"! In addition to the different treatment of virus infection evolution, Ikari Gendō is very sure that he is indeed being remembered by an unknown existence, which makes his already unhappy mood even worse.

...  Not to mention the various bad moods of Ikari Gendō, for the many changes that have taken place on the earth during this period of time, there are also people who are deeply confused and have a strong interest in the promoters behind all this.

This refers to no one else, but the pilot of Unit 6, Adam's reincarnation, who is still on the moon at this time - Nagisa Kaworu.

As an important chess piece directly controlled by the top management of SEELE, he immediately noticed something unusual after Fang Yuan wiped out the seven controllers of SEELE.

——The top management who used to check the status of his "Adam reincarnation" through communication every day suddenly lost all contact overnight.

At first, he thought that it was another invasion of the Apostles on the Earth that caused the communication interruption, but after confirming it by various means in the next few days, he found that it was not the case: Everything was normal on the Earth, and it was only the top management of SEELE that had problems!   "It seems that something strange has indeed happened on the Earth..."   Thinking so, Nagisa Kaworu, who was walking on the moon with his upper body naked, turned and walked towards the huge human figure half lying in the crater: "It seems that I need to set off early!"   Compared with the last time Ikari Gendō and Deputy Commander Fuyutsuki came to inspect, the Mark.06 at this moment can already see the appearance of EVA, the external armor has been installed, the limiter has been in place, and the driving system has been installed long ago.

It can be said that, except for the final debugging, this is already an EVA body that can enter actual combat.

Of course, for Nagisa Kaworu, debugging is unnecessary. He doesn't even need to insert the plug to control this EVA.

As his mind moved slightly, the invisible A.T. force field around him fluctuated slightly, and the artificial god restrained by countless steel brackets suddenly started up without a driver.

Along with the faint vibration of the ground, the restraining brackets were pulled aside by the EVA who sat up, and countless automatic machines around were smashed.

In the few manned positions, the SEELE staff wearing space suits looked at the suddenly "out of control" No. 6 machine. After being stunned for a long time, they suddenly reacted and rushed to the nearest lunar transportation, running hard to the distance.

—— Those who work here are all senior members of SEELE. Naturally, they know what kind of horrors they face every day. When such an unplanned accident happens, these people know very well that the only thing they can do is to run away.

And in such chaos, Nagisa Kaoru ignored the fleeing crowd and walked to the No. 6 fuselage. After half-kneeling and bending his head, he flew away as if he was not affected by gravity. Then, he sat in the automatic ejection plug.

When the LCL liquid soaked into the body and the cockpit showed the outside world, the boy who was too handsome to look like a human held the joystick in front of him: "EVANGELION Unit 6, Kaoru Nagisa, let's go!"') 519'\u003eChapter 5008: The three people who are about to get together \u0026 an unexpected development

"Huh? Did Unit 6 take action ahead of schedule?" When the aircraft that flew out of the moon entered space, Fang Yuan immediately sensed its presence.

Even if he didn't use an astronomical telescope, and he didn't specifically aim the detection equipment at the moon, the powerful A.T. force field in the rapid approach allowed Fang Yuan to sense the other party's existence without the aid of any instrument.

And he, who has been paying attention to the movements of New Tokyo III and Shinji Ikari, also knows that it is not yet time for the Tenth Apostle to appear, and the advance action of Unit 6 is obviously completely different from the original plot.

"Is this the butterfly effect caused by my actions..." Fang Yuan was a little surprised at first, and then felt that this development was indeed reasonable - the actions he made on the earth were earth-shaking and would trigger various Fang's reaction is quite normal.

Although Kaoru Nagisa is nominally the puppet of SEELE's top management, he obviously has his own ideas in both the TV version and the theater version, and it is natural for him to take action when things change.

What's more, now that all the top leaders of SEELE have been wiped out by Fang Yuan, Nagisa Kaoru has completely lost all restraints. With the unclear relationship between him and Shinji Ikari, he will come to the earth at this time." Helping” the other party is also reasonable.

However, all of this is just Fang Yuan's guess based on the character settings of the original plot. The specific situation will depend on subsequent developments.

"Well, actually this is also an opportunity. If Unit 6 brings down the gun that I don't know whether it is Longinus or Cassius, then I will have the opportunity to fetch it and study it carefully. Come on!” Fang Yuan was not unhappy about the arrival of Zhuxun. On the contrary, he was looking forward to the other party bringing more things down from the moon... Not only Fang Yuan, but NERV, who had been alert to the apostles' incoming attack, also immediately discovered the machine flying from the moon.

"Can Unit 6... be put into actual combat?" Ikari Yuantang sat on the command seat in the classic "Commander Ikari sitting posture", looking at the humanoid body on the big screen that was rapidly approaching the earth, his expression uncertain. .

"The pilot of Unit 6, I remember his name is Nagisa Kaoru, right? Have you confirmed why the other party took sudden action at this time?" Regarding Ikari Gendo's question, Deputy Commander Fuyutsuki, who was still standing behind him, asked from one side. The staff member took a tablet in his hand, glanced at it twice and replied: "It seems that this SEELE qualified candidate acted without anyone's approval! According to the message sent by the survivors on the moon According to the information, it is said that Unit 6 moved on its own without piloting it, and it looked like it was controlled remotely by Nagisa Kaoru..." "...Sure enough, this person is not an ordinary human being!" As early as the last inspection on the moon, we had seen the scene where the other party was exposed on the lunar surface without wearing protective clothing. It had long been clear that the other party was "not a human being" or "not an ordinary person".

The ability to remotely control unmanned EVA is now revealed, which only further confirms this point.

"But, is there any reason why he suddenly left the moon and came to the earth?" Deputy Commander Dongyue was also a little curious, why did this good man come here suddenly? Could it be that because SEELE's senior executives have disappeared collectively, the other party feels that they can just hang out? Well, as for the fact that the other party is "not an ordinary person", he doesn't pay much attention to it - after all, there are probably not many "ordinary people" on the entire earth now! "We can talk about the reasons later. Now let Unit 0 and Unit 2 prepare for war. If the other party really has bad intentions, we have to prepare countermeasures!" Although the Apostle Virus has fully spread among NERV members After the outbreak, Asuka and Ayanami Rei were briefly relieved of their pilot status, but later, because in fact all humans had been infected, they had to compromise and resume their pilot status.

"This has been arranged."

Deputy Commander Dongyue nodded and said.

"Where is Unit 1? Is DUMMY SYSTEM still unable to start smoothly?" Ikari Yuantang is still thinking about his Unit 1. Since his son ran away, he has never successfully started this unit, but he has never given up. ——His wife is still inside, how could he give up! "It still doesn't work. Maybe our previous estimates were wrong. Even if Unit 1 has not awakened, it is still 'conscious'. People who are not truly recognized cannot control it!" Deputy Commander Dongyue shook his head. , the answer given made Ikari Yuantang very disappointed.

However, this disappointment only lasted for a moment.

If...if this puppet system is finally proven to be unusable, then he may have to take a different route...  ...  After the order to prepare for battle was issued, the EVA's maintenance area immediately became busy. Ayanami Rei and Asuka returned to the EVA cockpit after a long absence  Asuka was simply happy to be able to drive the EVA again, but things were a little different for Ayanami Rei -  "Unit 6, Kaworu Nagisa...is it finally starting..."  At this moment, Ayanami Rei's face no longer had the expressionless coldness of the past, but showed an obvious expression of worry: "Shinji-kun, what will you choose this time..."  ...  "Kaworu Nagisa...are you here too..."  Standing on the top of a mountain, Shinji Ikari looked up at the sky. Although he couldn't see it with his naked eyes, he could sense the soul fluctuations approaching rapidly from the direction of the moon through his induction of the A.T. force field.

That was his only true friend. Although the other party's true identity was an apostle, and although the two had not met in this reincarnation, he still felt a little warm in his heart.

"Well, that's right. If you are also paying attention to the earth and the human race, you can't not show up now that such a big change has taken place in the human group!" He knew very well that his "friend", although an apostle himself, loved the human race and the infinite possibilities of the human race in his heart. Now that he saw the human group heading towards the path of individual civilization, how could he not take action?   "But this is better than the ending of total annihilation every time... Maybe this time is the best time to end it all!" The boy sighed, but his tone and expression were not like those of a young man - he was really tired!   However, this expression only appeared for a moment. The next moment, Shinji Ikari restrained his expression, his eyes were firm, and the colorful waves of light when the A.T. force field was activated appeared all over his body. He flew up and slowly flew towards the fortress city in front.

Soon, Adam, Lilith, and the "God" created by the Son of Man will gather here again.

The world will usher in His final end!   …   As if in response to the changes on the human side, just when Unit 6 was about to arrive on Earth, somewhere in the South Pacific, time and space suddenly fluctuated violently.

Amid the piercing alarm, Fang Yuan used the perception of the virus network to "look" at the location where the fluctuation occurred.

The space on the sea surface was like the fluctuating water surface, with layers of wrinkles and twists, and a channel to other dimensions opened in the void.

The next moment, a fist-sized, blood-red sphere like the core of an apostle jumped out of the channel, and then immediately swelled against the wind, accompanied by a violent energy gushing, and changed into a huge red sphere with a diameter of hundreds of meters.

Finally, when the sphere grew to its limit, its surface appeared with cracks like a hatching eggshell, and then, with a "bang", the sphere shattered, revealing the existence "hatched" inside.

That is - the tenth apostle? The barrel-shaped "short and fat" body and the paper-like ribbon-like appendages on both sides are indeed the characteristics of the Tenth Angel in the original plot.

However, the tentacle structure composed of prismatic substances extending from the back of the apostle is very similar to the Twelfth Angel that appeared in the third part of the new theatrical version.

"A fusion of two apostles?!" Fang Yuan was very surprised: "Such a change would actually occur!" "Moreover, the space channel just now should lead to the Dirac Sea, right? In other words, this apostle who looks like a fusion was hiding in it before? This is really an unexpected development!" The second update is completed')520'\u003eChapter 5009 A Last Stand

"All members are deployed in the first battle-" "Prepare for a ground-to-air attack-" Today's NERV headquarters is still as busy as ever.

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