"Great, great, great immortal!" With a "thump", the man with glasses really knelt down, and he stammered as he tried to explain: "Don't, don't kill me! I, you... This is the call of the Lord God..." "Forget it, I'll come and see it myself!" Fang Yuan saw that the guy in front of him couldn't say a complete sentence for a long time, and his patience, which was already limited, was completely exhausted, so he directly searched his soul himself.

"No, don't!" Looking at the big hand pressing on his head, the man with glasses immediately understood what the other party wanted to do, and shouted in horror - some information in the memory of the reincarnation cannot be known by anyone who is not in the Lord God space. Once it is leaked, the leaker will be unconditionally wiped out, and even the immunity rune stone will not work! But Fang Yuan didn't care about these. At this time, he just wanted to figure out the situation as soon as possible. Regardless of the other party's resistance, he directly read all the information he wanted to know from the brain of the man with glasses in the most brutal way.

"Tsk, it's actually the main god space..." A few seconds later, Fang Yuan looked at the corpse in front of him that was gradually wiped out by some invisible force and spat on the ground with dissatisfaction.

What a hell, the props for summoning Taoist gods in the main god space can actually pull him over? Is there a bug with this main god? ! Well, Fang Yuan still doesn't know that the real problem is not the main god space, but the summoning props used by the man with glasses...')545'\u003eChapter 544 Civilization bound by "elves"

However, no matter how annoyed Fang Yuan was, he finally came to this world.

Since he came, he should make the best of it. Now he is no longer the weak chicken in the past. With the divine side that can borrow power at any time as a plug-in, and the Gate of Truth as the ultimate guarantee, he also has the confidence to have a good stroll in this world of demons.

"However, I never expected that it would be the world of "No Game No Life", and it was the era of the great war 6,000 years before the original story... So which race would I be if I walked out now? Human? Phantasma? Or God?" Fang Yuan thought so, and stepped out of the underground cave and came to the barren surface covered with black ash.

Boom boom --! ! ! A thunderous sound came from the other side of the mountain, accompanied by a scorching hot wind, letting Fang Yuan know that the battlefield was not far away.

"Elf and goblin species..." Fang Yuan had already learned relevant information from the memory of the man with glasses, and he couldn't help but feel a little interested in these two races in his heart - this was his first time to come into contact with non-human humanoid intelligent races in the true sense.

Those goblin species are fine, although the technological goblins in this world are completely different from the dirty goblins in traditional Western fantasy, but the "technology" that this race is proud of is just that in Fang Yuan's view.

——Except for the late stage of the war, the "marrow explosion" bombs they made with inactivated divine essence as raw materials were more powerful than the strongest nuclear weapons of modern humans, and were truly killer weapons that could kill gods.

However, judging from the actual battle record, this seemingly awesome marrow explosion did not seem to have successfully killed a single divine spirit.

With Fang Yuan's current technological level, if the gods behind the goblins were not taken into account, his technological strength in the interstellar era was enough to completely crush the goblins in this world.

Therefore, although Fang Yuan was somewhat interested in this race, this interest was really limited, and he paid more attention to another race that developed magic civilization to the extreme - the forest elves.

Well, apart from anything else, the difference in appearance alone was the difference between heaven and earth! Compared with those mechanical uncles who smelled of motor oil, all the members of the forest elves were handsome men and beautiful women, and the women among them were stunning beauties with fair skin, beautiful faces, giant cats and long legs, not to mention the long ears... Just looking at them was pleasing to the eyes! ——From this perspective, Cainas, the God of Nature who created the Elves, is indeed a gentleman! ——In fact, the entire world view of "No Game No Life", including the all-female Flügel and the Seabres that will drain males during mating, are all the result of the gentlemanly spirit of their creators!   Ahem, if we don't talk about these, it may lead to the topic of harmonious beasts.

Fang Yuan did not rely on his own strength to swagger into the battlefield of the two major races.

——After all, this world has a ridiculously strong guy like the God of War Artosh. Unless Fang Yuan can prove his heart barrier, the human side and the divine side will be reunited as one, and truly become a complete true god, otherwise he really can't beat the opponent.

Even if such a "strongest" and extraordinary existence is removed, the other gods who are still alive are not easy to mess with. If they really fight, Fang Yuan doesn't know whether he can win.

In addition, there are also races such as Dragon, Fantasy, Flügel, and Ex-Machina, which can either fight against God or kill God directly, so Fang Yuan really can't do anything.

Of course, facing the Elf and Dwarf, two races that are powerful but not too strong, Fang Yuan is not afraid.

He even hid his body and leisurely wandered around the Dwarf's aerial fortress and the Elf's flower crown battleship, observing these two races up close.

——Don’t be surprised why the technology and magic of these two races did not discover Fang Yuan’s invisible invasion. After all, all the extraordinary power systems in this world are developed based on the "elves" in the atmosphere. Whether it is the detection equipment of the goblins or the detection magic of the forest elves, they are all aimed at individuals with elves in their bodies.

And Fang Yuan’s power, whether it is the magic extracted from the immortal soul or the energy output from the S2 mechanism, all comes from him, and has nothing to do with the elves in this world, so it is naturally impossible to be discovered by this detection method.

After going around, Fang Yuan only felt one thing-the races and civilizations in this world are too dependent on the existence of "elves".

The magic of the forest elves is fine. After all, magic requires elements in the atmosphere or things like ether, which can be said to be common sense in Western fantasy works, but this world has replaced it with "elves" who are essentially some kind of microscopic life.

But the so-called "technology" of the goblins should actually be called "magic technology" in Fang Yuan’s opinion.

Although tanks, chariots, guns, warships, spaceships, mechas and the like look very mechanical, it seems that you can smell the smell of engine oil and fuel oil when you look at the picture.

However, there may be engine oil, but what about fuel oil... These goblin machines actually rely on elves to operate!   Once the elves in the atmosphere are emptied or destroyed, and the elves stored in the machine are exhausted, then these weapons and equipment that look very high-tech will all become useless scrap metal.

In other words, the so-called "technology" of the goblins in this world is only limited to the technology that can only be effective near this planet. Once they are far away from the planet and the elf corridor where the elves are born, their technology will be paralyzed due to the loss of energy supply.

——There is no doubt that this kind of "technology" that can only be limited to the interior of the planet has no future in Fang Yuan's view. Although the goblins can even build science fiction weapons such as floating battleships and humanoid mechas, when it comes to the development prospects after entering the interstellar era, they are definitely not as good as the earth humans who take the pure technology path! In fact, in this world, except for humans, many races are ranked by their adaptability to magic, that is, to elves.

Except for the gods who were born from the concept, the fantasy species that formed their own world, and the mecha species that could adapt to all environments at high speed through group calculation, all other races and civilizations are highly dependent on elves, and it is basically impossible for them to really leave this planet - even the moon chanting species that ran to the moon also need to rely on elves that spread from the planet to the satellite to continue to survive and develop.

In other words, the real future of this world is actually the weak "monkey" ignored by all gods and all races, who can't even use magic and can't detect it - humans! ')546'\u003eChapter 545 The Creator and the Creature - The Template is Human?

Of course, the future is the future, and the potential is the potential, which cannot change the fact that humans are extremely weak at this time.

As intelligent creatures that evolved independently from apes, humans do not have the ability to sense elves, naturally they cannot use magic, and they don't even have any extraordinary power inheritance. Even the foundation for developing technology has been destroyed by endless wars.

At this moment, humans are almost in danger of complete extinction at any time. They don't know when they will be completely destroyed by an inexplicable attack from the sky.

As those superior races despise, humans at this moment are no different from monkeys, at best they are just talking monkeys.

To be honest, if he hadn't read the plot, even Fang Yuan would find it hard to believe that such a weak human being could end this endless war single-handedly - even if the Ex-Machinas made great contributions, the fact that humans could get the Ex-Machinas to help them is already a miracle among miracles.

Of course, Fang Yuan has not really seen the humans of this world yet, and he doesn't know how far the current plot has developed, let alone whether this world will continue to develop along the original plot trajectory.

At this moment, the focus of his actions is still on the Elves and Dwarfs who routinely quarrel with each other at the beginning of the film.

No matter how much he despises the technical limitations of these two races, knowledge is knowledge. There is only a difference in usefulness, but no completely useless existence.

Although the main forces of the two races were not involved in the war, and the database storing the real key information would not be placed in the army, the various magic and technical weapons they used in the war were enough for Fang Yuan to analyze many things.

Moreover, the focus of his research was not on the unique magic and science and technology of the two races, but on the two races themselves!   ——Don't forget that Fang Yuan's divine side is a god who grows with the crystallization of races and civilizations as nourishment. Collecting the racial characteristics of more races is an important means for Him to enrich His own accumulation.

Although Fang Yuan did not dare to contact his divine side rashly because of his unbroken heart barrier, he could still collect the specimens of the races he encountered.

Well, speaking of collecting specimens, Fang Yuan certainly could not soak the living forest elves and goblins in formalin-it's not that he couldn't do it, but it was completely unnecessary.

Let’s not talk about whether this would alarm the two warring races and be attacked by them as enemies. In fact, Fang Yuan didn’t need to use such a primitive method to collect race information at this time.

The three barriers of body, qi and spirit were broken, which not only brought him a higher level of combat power, but also a higher level of vision.

Although it was not as good as the level of time and space when he was a true god, such as reading texts on the palm of your hand and knowing the rules and laws at a glance, Fang Yuan at this time could still use the instinctive talents brought by the god-level body to look down at the physical genes, bloodline talents, energy systems, and even soul structures of non-god-level individuals from the perspectives of matter, energy, time and space dimensions, etc.

It can be said that after visiting the two camps of the goblin species and the forest elves, Fang Yuan could use some simple raw materials to create a batch of two identical races at any time.

Of course, simply copying these two races is meaningless. After all, for the forest elves and goblins, who are not among the six superior races, their knowledge and accumulation in magic and science are the real foundation of their civilization.

However, Fang Yuan did not need to create two identical races, but to try to find traces of their creators from the racial characteristics of these two races.

After all, creation is the most challenging thing for the creator's level.

The race created by a high-level creator must be able to highlight unique excellence on the basis of overall balance, while the race created by a poor creator with insufficient basic knowledge and low level must have various shortcomings, and even the strongest point of the race cannot cover up its defects.

For example, the two existing examples - the goblin species and the forest elf species.

Although due to the strength of the creator, they are not born as superior races like the Flügel species, and need to rely on the power of the group to gain a foothold in this world, but these two races do not have any obvious defects, and they have unique talents in magic and technology respectively, so they can finally stand out in this most severe race elimination competition and become the other two major camps after the God of War and Flügel species camps.

In contrast to these two major races, the Vampires and the Seirens are completely opposite negative examples - one cannot see the sun and will die if exposed to it, and needs to absorb the blood (soul) of other races to reproduce and develop; the other is a species with only females, and is not an immortal species with an infinite lifespan. It can only rely on males of other races to reproduce, and will squeeze the males to death during mating.

These two races cannot exist independently. It is hard to imagine how they can survive after being thrown on a planet without other intelligent races.

If this fatal flaw is not left intentionally by their creator, it means that the gods who created these two races themselves did not pass the creation science, and their strength must be inferior to other God species.

In fact, this is exactly the case. The gods who created the Vampires and Seirens were killed in the previous battle of gods and left the stage early, which is enough to prove that they are indeed relatively weak among the God species.

On the contrary, the race gods of the elves and goblins, "Forest God" Cainas and "Forge God" Okan, faced the God of War, who was known as the killer of gods, and both survived to the end of the war, and even lived until 6,000 years later, which shows the strength of these two gods.

The most exaggerated example is the God of War Artosh. As a god whose main job is war and killing, he is not only invincible in frontal battles, but also has an amazing ability in creation - just the feathers that fell from his wings created the Flügel, a superior race with endless lifespan and even powerful enough to kill gods.

Of course, the correlation between this creation ability and strength can only be used as a reference. Fang Yuan can only roughly estimate the approximate strength of these two gods. To really judge who is better, he has to deal with them in person.

However, Fang Yuan found something interesting from the racial information of these two races - if his judgment is correct, whether it is the forest elves or the goblins, their creation templates are the same! In other words, when the forest god Cainas and the god of forging Okan created their own races, they used another existing race as the initial template, and then modified it according to their own spiritual tendencies and aesthetic preferences, and then became the two seemingly completely unrelated races now - as for which race is the template... This is already obvious, isn't it.

"Could it be that the gods in this world, or at least these two gods, created their own races based on the human race as a template?" This conclusion is very different from the well-known fact that "the gods have never paid attention to humans", which aroused Fang Yuan's strong interest.

The third update is completed')547'\u003eChapter 546 Humans, sacrifice, and lightning that tears the darkness (two in one)

In the gray-white wilderness, gray-white "snow" fell, and the long war and the "black ash" in the sky made the whole world not see a trace of green.

In this hellish place that is even more desolate than a desert, three figures wrapped tightly in animal skins were sneaking cautiously from the shadows of various crevices in the rocks, gradually approaching a meteorite crater in front.

No, to be more precise, their target is the pile of metal in the center of the crater - a steel ship made by the goblins that can sail in the sky, an air battleship! A few weeks ago, a world change called "Small Conflict" occurred in this area, and this is the trace left by that world change.

The purpose of this group of people is to search for "resources" that can be used from there.

They have no wings, no animal ears, no claws, their strength and speed are extremely weak, and there is no trace of any magic on their bodies - there is no doubt that they are the weakest intelligent race in the world, humans! In such a terrible world where the whole world is almost torn apart by war, humans without any power still survive tenaciously, and reproduce with difficulty to continue the existence of the race.

In order to maintain the survival of the race, in this era where there is almost no land to cultivate, humans have to risk being poisoned by black ash, killed by other races, and affected by the aftermath of war, and run to various battlefield ruins to collect everything they can use.

"Riku, how is the reaction of the spirit needle disk? "Among the three, a middle-aged man who was missing one hand asked the youngest person in the team, who was also the leader of their entire tribe.

"No, there are too many 'black ash', and the spirit needle disk is only spinning under the influence of the reaction of the 'black ash' elves."

The boy named "Riku" took out a compass-like object from his arms, but the pointer on the disk was spinning around like a headless fly at this time, unable to provide any help.

The so-called spirit needle disk is a prop made of a pyroxene that can sense the reaction of large elves. It is one of the most useful props for humans to avoid disasters in the wilderness.

Well, for humans, the most terrible disaster is to encounter the existence of other races, and with this small prop that can indicate the reaction of elves, they can detect the approaching danger in advance and respond - whether to wait for death on the spot, or turn around and run away.

Yes, there are only these two options, and resistance is completely non-existent For humans now, even if they are discovered and killed by soldiers of other races, it is much better than angering the other party and bringing revenge to the tribe because of resistance.

——This is the lesson learned by humans after repeated blows and disasters, and it is also the code of conduct deeply engraved in the hearts of all explorers who have the courage to step out of the shelter and come to the outside world.

However, this time, it seems that because of the previous war, too many "elves" died in this area, and even the spirit needle disk has lost its function.

In other words, this group of three people can only rely on their own five senses to detect the surrounding situation.

"... Move forward carefully and don't make too much noise! "The young leader named Riku said so, and the two companions behind him nodded silently, and together they carefully sneaked into the wreckage of the warship.

... A great harvest! The three people, including the leader Riku, were very excited about the harvest of this exploration.

But what they found was not any equipment or supplies that could be taken back, but intelligence! Or to be more precise, a map! A world map drawn by the goblins, with extremely high accuracy and the latest version! There are even attached strategic maps and power distribution maps! ——Now that the terrain of the entire world is changing all the time because of war, for weak humans, this map that can distinguish where it is safer is naturally an invaluable harvest! "Although a code is used, I can understand the goblin language, so it won't be difficult for me..." Riku showed a confident smile on his face, and said to the two companions behind him: "Iwan, Yalei, you will compare and correct the left and right halves with the existing maps respectively, and I will copy the strategic and power distribution maps. "

"Swear to the will!" Upon hearing this order, the other two, Iwan and Yalei, could not hide their excitement and answered in unison.

That was the oath to be made with the dead, and they swore publicly to show their agreement - this was a small custom passed down in this human community.

The three of them took out paper, ink and measuring tools from their backpacks and started working.

Time was tight, but they all knew how important their tasks were, and everyone was very focused, measuring and copying the maps correctly.

During this period, Yalei, who had just become a member of the exploration team not long ago, was the only one besides Riku and the handless uncle Iwan, and suddenly proposed to take the entire map projector away - this entire machine was just like the portable The size of the projector is about the same as that of the map projector, which is indeed very convenient to carry.

However, his suggestion was soon refuted by the leader Riku mercilessly, because the map projector is powered by elves, and any items that cause elves to fluctuate may attract those who are interested in it, bringing disaster to the entire tribe.

In order to emphasize his serious attitude, Riku even threatened the other party with such harsh words as "If you want to die, just say it - I will fulfill your wish."

Yalei saw the undisguised murderous intent in the other party's eyes, and he knew that Riku was serious!   "Sorry..." He said this, lowered his head and continued to draw the map.

However, at this moment, a heavy vibration came from the ground.

"——!" At that moment, the three of them seemed to have made an appointment, and they lowered their postures at the same time and rushed into the dark to hide.

Riku took off his gloves, took out a knife, and cut the tip of his index finger without hesitation.

He pressed the exposed nerves of his fingertips to the ground, used his fingertips to collect information from the floor, and put his other hand behind his ear, listening attentively.

In this way, even if it was just vibrations and sounds, depending on the degree and rhythm, Riku could infer quite specific information.

'——... About 50 meters away, walking on two legs, one, clumsy, slow... about six meters tall...'  Looking at the information transmitted by Riku in sign language, the experienced Ivan interpreted the content first, and the moment he read the content, he broke out in a cold sweat.

With a huge body more than three times that of a human, and slow movements - that means, what is the other party looking for...?  Then, a deafening roar resounded all around.

'Damn, it's a demon species! '  Ivan had already determined it without waiting for Riku's gesture.

It was a monster created by the sudden mutation of the fantasy species - the "Demon King".

Basically, they are monsters with low intelligence, and can be said to be beasts with half wisdom.

That being said, even if it is just the lowest level demon species, humans will turn into pieces of meat as soon as they are touched by them.

——In other words, there is no chance of winning!   Escape, this is their only option.

However, if the three of them escape together, they will definitely not be able to escape the pursuit of the demon species.

In other words, someone needs to stay behind as bait...  Just at this moment, Ivan saw Riku's face turned around, and there was a dead silence without any emotion in his eyes.

——He knew what the other party would say.

"Ivan, this is an order."

Riku said:  "——I order you to die here."

"Swear to the will, leave it to me!"  The middle-aged man with a broken hand showed a knowing smile on his face——He gladly accepted his fate.

Although he was reluctant to leave, and although he had told his daughter before he left that he would definitely go home, he had to make sacrifices for the entire human community in this situation. Especially for Riku, the leader, his mind and decision-making were crucial and could not be lost! Rather than letting three people die here, let the disabled elder die, so that two people can survive! In this cruel era, such cruel choices are commonplace for the human race. "My family - my children, I'll leave it to you! ... I'm sorry, Riku!" After saying his last goodbye, the middle-aged man took off his hood with a look of fearlessness, strode out, and even deliberately made loud noises while running. With his cover, Riku and Yalei quietly escaped in the opposite direction. "Roar--!!!" Hearing the roar of the beast, Ivan kept running, looked back slightly, and immediately realized that his "enemy" was rushing towards him, breaking through a pile of steel debris.

The "enemy" was huge, just as Rick guessed, it was a huge body more than three times the size of a human.

The whole body was covered with black fur, extremely thick muscles, and the bloody mouth that was split to half of the face was full of jagged sharp fangs.

Such a monster was attacking the man without looking around, completely ignoring Riku and the other two who were quietly evacuating behind it, which made Ivan laugh happily-it was indeed a brainless beast!   Of course, just in case, Ivan decided to add fuel to the fire:   "Come on! Demon species! Your prey is here!"   He shouted loudly, as if mocking the monster-no, this was a blatant mockery! He had to do his best to keep the monster's attention on himself, so that it would not notice the other two humans not far away - this was the meaning of Riku's suicide order.

The two people who were running away behind the demon species heard Ivan's shout. The young man named Yalei couldn't help but wipe the tears from the corners of his eyes and continued to run forward without saying a word.

Although Riku looked expressionless and didn't cry, the dead silence in his eyes became more serious - another life disappeared because of his order...

On the other side, Ivan, who was running at high speed, never thought that he could run so fast at this age, and even made the demon species unable to catch up with him for a while.

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