Chapter 605: Differences in destiny, cultivation through false pretenses, the truth of the world

Because of the completely opposite reactions of the Gate of Truth and the Star Grail when it came to proving the true God, Fang Yuan made the decision to bring the Star Grail back to the main world. And when he actually returned to the main world, he realized that his decision was indeed right!

When Fang Yuan tried to unlock the seal again, he no longer felt blocked by the Gate of Truth. On the contrary, the Star Grail in his body was a little restless, as if he was very anxious and uneasy, as if he didn't want to see it. It's normal to do this when you go to Fang Yuan. Out of caution, Fang Yuan did not immediately unlock the seal, but he was also sure that the key to the matter was indeed the "world".

"The main world is special!'

Although Fang Yuan had been aware of this for a long time, it was only when he relied on the supreme vision brought by the Star Cup that he finally saw the special features of the main world.

"Although the space-time structure is similar to other universes. The laws of the universe are also perfect and self-consistent. It looks no different from other universes I have been to, but the size, weight, and even reality of destiny are different from other universes and other worlds. Nothing!"

With the help of connections with incarnations in other universes, Fang Yuan visited many worlds in a short period of time and came to this conclusion. Yes, although the universes and worlds that Fang Yuan has experienced in the past cannot be said to be illusions, the material, energy, time, space, and countless sentient beings and spirits in them are all as real as the main world, but there is a gap between reality and reality. It is also different! There seems to be no difference between them. For Fang Yuan in the past, he could not detect any abnormality. But when he came with Star Cup 3, he reappeared as the Lord of the other universe. When we look at the nature of the universe in many worlds, we immediately discover the differences.

The environmental differences and supernatural ability system differences caused by the subtle differences in the rules of the world are just details. The real key point is actually the difference in "destiny" between the main world and the other world.

Destiny, providence, destiny, plot, world line... call it whatever you want, but essentially they all refer to the same thing, which is a certain trend, some invisible force, that secretly dominates the internal development direction of one universe and another world. The power of this world determines the future of this universe and this world.

In the past, Fang Yuan did not have the ability to look directly at destiny. The Fangfang world he experienced could only roughly grasp the future direction of those worlds based on the information about the relevant works he had seen in the main world, and this direction It will also become more and more out of shape due to various accidents and Fang Yuan's own intervention, and gradually deviate from the original direction. Until now, although he is still half a step away from becoming a true god, his powerful mind, which has broken through the heart barrier, can already understand God's will and spy on destiny. Not to mention that he still has the power of the Star Cup. Even if it is weakened, it can still provide him with a level of vision equivalent to that of the Lord of the Universe. He can truly look directly at the torrent of destiny and see through the past, present and future.

In Fang Yuan's eyes at this time, all the worlds and universes he has experienced in the past can only be regarded as small or large streams and rivers.

There may be forks in the process and destiny may go astray, but after all, the volume is limited and the future is limited. If there is no strong enough external force to interfere, it will eventually end in a few specific endings. But the main world is different. Even if it is just the torrent of destiny related to the earth, its volume has exceeded the sum of all the worlds Fang Yuan has experienced in the past! The future destiny of the entire main world earth has endless possibilities, and it is still there. It keeps increasing. And although some obvious destiny trends can be seen from it, there is no truly irreversible "conclusion point".

In other words, the fate of the main world is not "absolutely inevitable", let alone. In addition to the earth, Fang Yuan can also vaguely see the mighty tributaries of destiny projected from the starry sky. The number is tens of thousands or even thousands. +Thousands and millions of calculations, there are even more hidden in the deeper darkness. Fang Yuan cannot see it due to the limitation of "eyesight". Add up the total destiny of the entire main world universe, and it becomes an endless ocean. No, it should be said to be a sea of ​​stars!

Those mere "streams" and "rivers" have no possibility of comparison!

Seeing this scene, Fang Yuan had a clear understanding. Different from all the worlds he had experienced in the past, the main world universe actually did not have the so-called "protagonist" race or "protagonist" civilization. In other words, in this universe, All civilizations and all creatures are their own protagonists and part of the torrent of destiny, without any preference or inclination. But those other worlds that Fang Yuan had visited were different.

Although those worlds seem to have endless starry skies in the universe, from the perspective of destiny, the places where destiny is shrouded in those universes are only limited to one or a few planets. Other places besides that, It is almost nothing. It can be called a desert of destiny, and it is extremely shabby compared with the main world. In other words, although there may not be extraterrestrial life in those universes, they do not share much of the favor of fate in the entire universe. Whether it is life or death, prosperity or destruction, it does not matter. There is no difference between existence and non-existence. .

This is also the reason why Fang Yuan believes that there is an "authenticity" difference between the main world and the other world - this difference does not lie in mass, energy, time and space, or living creatures, but in the mysterious destiny.

Thinking again of those fantasy works in which different worlds have their corresponding counterparts in the main world, as well as the "foreign objects" that constantly appear in the main world in the form of fantasy monsters, secret realms, etc., Fang Yuan thought thoughtfully.

"Is it past guesses were wrong? Those other worlds did not exist from the beginning, and the relationship between them and related works in the main world is not the so-called information projection, but the other way around.

Although this idea is very baseless, and there are many things that don't make sense in terms of causal logic. For example, the secret realms recorded in history appeared far earlier than the birth of related fantasy works.

But Fang Yuan intuitively believed that this was probably the truth. After all, after reaching a certain height, methods such as reversing cause and effect and reversing cause and effect are actually not so rare. If this is taken into account, those seemingly contradictory causes and effects are not so rare. A loophole is no longer a loophole!

Chapter 606: Become a true god, transcend the universe, and be the source of everything! (season finale)

With this clear understanding in his heart, Fang Yuan also naturally understood what was going on with the reaction between the Gate of Truth and the Star Grail - becoming a true god in the main world. Obviously, it is completely different from becoming a true god in other derivative universes! Star Cup's reaction is easy to understand. If Fang Yuan becomes a true god in the world of "Game Life", it will obviously bring some unspeakable consequences to that universe. the benefits of. But what about the shocks and warnings at the Door of Truth?

To be honest, when Fang Yuan received this kind of warning, he was really flattered. How could a big man like Yog-Sothoth, even if it was just an incarnation of him, show so much favor to Fang Yuan? He was given preferential treatment? He was not Randolph Carter! No, even for Mr. Carter, Yog-Sothoth only gave him a lot of forbidden knowledge, but there was no one like Fang Yuan who gave him constant attention!

In fact, if you think about it carefully, the fact that the Gate of Truth can be attached to Fang Yuan's consciousness is a bit incredible. It can be said that Yog-Sothoth pays more attention to Fang Yuan himself than anything he has done in the past. Dependents! This made Fang Yuan couldn't help but recall an incident a long time ago - when he consciously traveled to the world of "Fullmetal Alchemist" for the first time, and traded the soul of an entire country with the truth of the steel world, and returned When he entered the main world, his memory of the specific transaction with the truth was missing! For Fang Yuan at that time, he thought that his realm was too low and his soul was too fragile, so he took the initiative to remember the scene of contact with the indescribable existence. Forgot about it. But now, he has passed four levels, and his mind, soul, energy, and body have all surpassed the limits of mortal things. He is only half a step away from becoming a true god with the same life level as the old rulers. No matter how indescribable the memory is in theory, They should all be recalled.

What's even more strange is that when Fang Yuan asked the Gate of Truth about this memory, the Gate of Truth, which should have answered all questions once the sacrifice was in place, rarely remained silent.

"There's something wrong with that deal!" Fang Yuan understood. In addition to bringing him back to the main world, the deal he made with the truth must have been something else that was more important, more secretive, and even so secret that it had to be... Delete the contents of his related memories.

"No, I actually already know that!" Fang Yuan sighed. After guessing the causal relationship between the main world and many plot worlds, Fang Yuan had already understood that since those fantasy worlds can turn fake It becomes true, from a false fantasy to a real world. In the end, it can even have various intersections with the main world. Does this mean that it can be assumed that some existences that now seem to have vast magical powers and infinite power are also formed from nihilistic illusions? What about sublimation?

For example

"If this is really the case, then many things are completely different from what I imagined! Fang Yuan sighed, he understood that the only way he wanted to know the answer was to take the last half step and let himself truly become Only then would he be qualified to know certain secrets that should not be known to mortals. Fang Yuan made up his mind without hesitation. He closed his eyes slightly and his consciousness instantly sank into the depths of his soul. .saw the divine side that was divided and sealed by himself.

"Unseal it!" The moment the seal was released, the mental universe hidden deep in the soul emerged from the unknown void. The miniature universe that was born from the same origin as Fang Yuan's soul and body, just in an instant, was with him. The humanoid spiritual bodies merge into one, the universe is absorbed in the spirit, and the soul is absorbed in time and space. On the more pure and nihilistic spiritual level, another Fang Yuan also appeared in front of Fang Yuan's conscious body. The human Fang Yuan was not surprised by this, and he did not talk to this god who had no emotions or desires. Talking about "I've met Taoist friends" is even more stupid than talking to oneself. The two Fang Yuan were seen taking steps forward. In an instant, the two figures merged into one, turning into a figure that was both sacred and majestic, yet also had human emotions.

At this moment, humanity and divinity, sensibility and reason, human personality and non-human divinity, are each other's exterior and interior, transforming into yin and yang, entangled and fused, turning into an indescribable spiritual tai chi, blending into pieces, and finally turning into... An immortal light penetrates the void and fills time and space. This light shines through the void of the soul, and is projected from this space where only pure will can exist. It goes straight into Fang Yuan's soul, body, mental universe, and even every trace of energy circulation. It is broken into pieces and will never be seen again. divide each other.

At this moment, Fang Yuan not only unified his two-part mind and spirit, but also used the transcendental light generated by the fusion of the two aspects of man and spirit to penetrate his heart, body, spirit, and even the mental image universe that was almost completely transformed into reality, so that all his power and all elements were completely unified.

From then on, there was no longer any distinction between mind, spirit, energy, and body in Fang Yuan's body. Even the mental image universe returned to its origin and reunited with his body and mind. All power and existence turned into a pure original light. This light shines through the boundless and penetrates time and space. Whether it is in the space city, on the earth, in the solar system, or even in the endless galaxy and the boundless sea of ​​stars outside the solar system, all are shrouded by this light that transcends matter. At this moment, whether it is humans and aliens on the earth, or alien intelligent life that humans have not yet contacted, or extraterritorial creatures hidden in the secret space. They all instinctively know that this universe has finally appeared a great life that transcends time and space!

Even, this light is not only limited to this universe, but also radiates outward from the main world universe, and follows the obscure connection between the main world and other worlds. It shines through countless empty universes and extends Fang Yuan's existence and influence to endless places. At this moment, Fang Yuan's perspective is finally completely freed from the narrow mortal world. Standing at the same height as the universe, he sees the full picture of the main world's starry sky universe, the endless space dimension hidden under the starry sky, and the countless fantasy universes outside the universe that are approaching the main world.

[This is what Fang Yuan sighed about. He continued to expand his existence and raise his perspective. Finally, he came into contact with another extremely great, yet extremely familiar existence.

It was a door, a majestic portal that spanned endless time and space, covered the boundless universe, and was still expanding and growing.

It has many names, the Silver Key Gate, the Ultimate Gate, the Gate of Time and Space... But the name Fang Yuan was most familiar with was the Gate of Truth! In fact, when Fang Yuan's mind, spirit, and energy were mixed as one, proving the true God who was not faked from the outside, external objects such as the Star Cup and the Gate of Truth had already detached from his body and disappeared. However, he did not expect that the Gate of Truth, which had just disappeared from his body, would appear in front of him in this form at this time.

However, unlike in the past, in front of the tightly packed Gate of Truth, there was a roughly human-shaped white silhouette.

[Long time no see! Well, that's not accurate, after all, I used to see you every day, didn't I?]

The white silhouette, the truth that Fang Yuan had seen before, greeted Fang Yuan, the "newcomer", in a brisk tone.

.... Unexpectedly, it was really like this....

When Fang Yuan "saw" the truth, the memory that he had been looking for emerged, and he finally knew what the deal he had made with the other party had led to.

Just as Fang Yuan guessed, the fact that he brought the Gate of Truth back to the main world was the beginning of all changes!

Originally, Yog-Sothoth was just a virtual character created by a lifelong writer on the main world Earth. Although he was extremely powerful in the setting, his power was only limited to the illusory universe created by fantasy, and he could not even extend his influence to other worlds unrelated to Cthulhu mythology.

However, one day, a soul from the only real main world accidentally fell into a world he was learning to control. And had an intersection with his incarnation.

After coming into contact with this soul, the "real" breath contained in the soul finally made him find the hope of transcending fantasy and achieving reality.

As long as he can completely control this soul, he can find a way to "reality" from it!

At this time, this soul who was stranded in a foreign land took the initiative to make a deal with him, and the content of the deal coincided with his plan, that is,

So, the soul used tens of millions of souls in that fantasy world as a price to let the truth open the door for him to go home, but he didn't know that it was through him that the indescribable existence finally extended its tentacles to the only real universe. However, sublimating from fantasy to reality is also a matter beyond truth or Yog-Sothoth's learning control. As the only real universe, there will naturally be resistance and resistance to this kind of fantasy invasion.

Although the Truth i successfully entered the main world due to the existence of Fang Yuan, it did not expect that due to the instinctive resistance of the main world, Yog-Sothoth had a violent collision with it, not only scattering some of its clones to some originally unrelated fantasy worlds, but also causing fluctuations in the main world's timeline! The originally non-existent supernatural power has appeared since ancient times, and the fantasy world born from the works of later generations has also turned from virtual to real into various secret realms, appearing in various stages of the history of the main world.

Even so, because of the supernatural factors brought from the illusion, some beings in the main world and many individuals of the same origin in the fantasy world actually connected across time and space, and turned into real sacred immortals and Buddhas. In another way, they escaped the universe. Some powerful ones can even compete with beings like Yog-Sothoth! It can be said that the supernatural powers, secret realms, Taoist inheritance, fantasy monsters, and traditional ghosts on the earth, from the source, were all born because Fang Yuan brought back the Gate of Truth, but because this change transcended the constraints of time and cause and effect, it was transformed into past history.

[So that's it... .] Fang Yuan sighed, looking back at the source of his own existence, that even in the endless void, it was at the highest point, the main world universe that covered the infinite universe, and the huge portal that truly achieved the highest over the main world, and his heart was complicated and difficult to understand.

[So that's it! ]

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